This is a sandbox page.
It is not approved or active policy. It is a draft, and as such, may be incomplete.
These are the list of tags that collections has generated from keywords, and cataloguing of about 20% of the onsite tale body. The defintions below are a work-in-progress, and aim to make it clear the kind of work each tag refers to. This list may not be comprehensive, and may be subject to change as the trends of literature, and writing evolve and shift on the wiki. We may add or remove tags depending on frequency of use.
Definitions for the Tag Manifest and Tale Tag Hubs
Genre and Theme
When tagging for genre and themes, the aim is to apply the most relevant tags for describing the work, not necessarily everything that could apply. Subtags require the parent tag, but do not supercede it, so tales will be tagged with both horror and body horror when appropriate.
- absurdist-fiction depicts events lacking any rational explanation or meaning, for the purpose of shock or comedy.
- action focuses on exciting events and spectacular violence.
- adventure focuses on the exploration of unfamiliar environments
- bittersweet intended to evoke both positive and negative emotions. For tales that mix elements of both the bleak and heartwarming tags.
- bleak intended to evoke negative emotions, focusing on anguish, distress and suffering. (replaces depressing/tragedy)
- comedy intended to be funny.
- black-comedy depicts shocking or unpleasant situations for the purpose of humour.
- chase focuses on pursuit or escape.
- crime-fiction focuses on criminals and law enforcement.
- fantasy depicts magic and the supernatural, inspired by mythology and folklore.
- heartwarming intended to evoke positive emotions, focusing on pleasant experiences and supportive relationships.
- horror intended to evoke fear, shock or disgust in the reader.
- body-horror focuses on physical mutilation or transformation.
- cosmic-horror focuses on human insignificance and irrelevance, with emphasis on the unknowable and incomprehensible.
- psychological-horror focuses on psychological distress and emotional vulnerability.
- lgbtq article features LGBTQ+ themes, culture or history as a major focus of the work. Possible examples include portrayal of gay and lesbian relationships, depiction of asexuality and bisexuality, and exploration of trans, queer and agender identities.
- military-fiction focuses on soldiers, field agents or mercenaries.
- mystery focuses on investigation of unanswered questions.
- mythological-fiction depicts creatures, events and practices drawn from mythology and folklore of a specific culture, outside of structured religious practice. (Possibly redundant with fantasy, especially if we define religious-fiction as a seperate category)
- religious-fiction focuses on religion, faith and belief. Includes depictions of real-world religions, as well as worship of anomalous entities.
- romance focuses on romantic relationships between characters
- science-fiction depicts advanced science and technology. May feature scientific analysis of phenomena currently thought to be impossible.
- slice-of-life offers a look into the everyday lives of characters, with a focus on the mundane.
- spy-fiction focuses on espionage and counter-intelligence.
- surrealist-fiction creates a dream-like story by juxtoposing the mundane with the impossible and irrational, with emphasis on subconscious associations between them.
The following tags describe settings assocated with particular genres. It's likely that additional genre tags from the list above will apply as well.
- alternate-history depicts historical events that diverge from how they happened in real life. Does not apply to future events, or to anomalous reinterpretations of events that did happen (e.g. the 7th Occult War).
- dystopian imagines a non-existent society or culture, portrayed as being much worse than our current one.
- otherworldly set in another world, reality or universe. Includes works that are specifically set somewhere other than Earth, as well as portal fantasy fiction featuring travel to another world.
- period-piece set during a specific period in the past.
- post-apocalyptic takes place after a catastrophic event.
- space-opera depicts a futuristic society in outer space or on other planets, focusing on dramatic events and adventures.
- western set in the American Frontier, during the time period known as the Wild West.
- utopian imagines a non-existent society or culture, portrayed as being much better than our current one.
(These are a subset of the genre tags, separated out to avoid having a single really long list)
The following tags describe how the tale is conveyed.
- creepypasta story in the style of short, old-school Internet horror.
- first-person told from a first-person perspective ("I did").
- second-person told from a second-person perspective ("you did").
- no-dialogue contains no spoken dialogue.
- worldbuilding focuses on conveying information about the setting, often taking the form of an in-universe document.
_genreless: No tags apply to this tale
- Thriller unclear overlap between action, mystery, crime and espionage.
- Farce defined as "tries to capture the general feel of an era or time period in history", seems redundant with a broadly defined "period piece". Potentially confusing tag name, could also refer to a particular form of comedy.
- Isolationist Psychological horror
- Historical Fantasy
- Hard Sci-fi
- Soft Sci-Fi
- Drama
- Asian
- African
- Hispanic/Latin American
- Middle Eastern
- Short
- Long
- realism focuses on mundane events and experiences. Doesn't usually include the supernatural, although it may appear in the background, or be left ambiguous whether anything anomalous actually occured. (unsure on this tag and the definition in the SCP context, likely overlaps with slice-of-life)