This is a sandbox page.
It is not approved or active policy. It is a draft, and as such, may be incomplete.
This thread was created as per the request of AriadnesThread as Disciplinary Team co-captain. She is recusing as Captain of the Discord team.
Fish^12 has a history of being aggressive, rude, and generally misbehaving in 19cord. Due to having received a significant number of complaints regarding this pattern of behavior,
Fish^12 is being investigated by the Disciplinary Team for demotion as per the Site Charter's demotion policy. This should not be taken to mean that a demotion will occur, only that the policy is being followed.
Attached below are a series of screenshots illustrating said pattern of behavior, separated into 5 incidents.
The Disciplinary team has determined that a pattern of abusive behavior exists. Per the site charter, we are requesting votes from JS, OS, and Admins regarding the user's guilt or innocence, as well as recommended outcomes upon the closing of this thread.
Fish^12 has the right to respond to this thread and any posts within it, and their position on site staff is considered in abeyance for policy votes until discussion ends. However, they will not be removed from 19cord's crit or general spaces at the current time.
This thread is open to all JS and above per section B.3 of the charter:
Once a post has been made on O5, it may be responded to by both the peers of the user and all members of the disciplinary team.
Please keep responses on-topic and limited to this particular case. This discussion will remain open for one week.
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