Gee0765 Records
Inappropriate Behavior While Staff (08/31/2019-10/12/2024)
[7:22 PM]stormfallen:
Changes to the Charter/Rules require a supermajority (60%) of all currently active Mods and Administrators to be implemented.
Does this mean a supermajority of all voting mods+admins need to vote yes, a supermajority of all active mods+admins need to participate, or a supermajority of all active mods+admins need to vote yes?
[7:23 PM]gee0765: idk but this should 100% be changed in charter rewrite bcs we don't exclude opstaff from shit any more
[7:24 PM]gee0765: cc @Many Meats mr charter rewrite you should change this in the charter rewrite
[7:24 PM]stormfallen: It's specifically for charter/rule changes, not all staff votes
[7:24 PM]stormfallen:
Major website ideas/issues/changes require a majority decision of those who vote to be implemented, and a minimum of 50% of active Staff participation.
[7:25 PM]stormfallen: Yet more poorly-defined shit we've been glossing over for years 🙄
[7:25 PM]gee0765: yeah i know i've read the charter way too many times
[7:25 PM]gee0765: shit sucks lmao
[7:28 PM]stormfallen: Regardless.
The VoNC voting ended four hours ago with 20 votes in favor and 1 against. This meets quorum, as no reserve staff voted (I think). However, if this counts as a "change to the Charter/Rules" and we go by the possible requirement that a supermajority of mods need to vote yes, only 13 mods voted out of 22 active, or 59%. Which is a kinda silly thing to fail this vote for so a more reasonable action would be to either ignore that interpretation, or extend voting another day or two.
[7:28 PM]Croquembouche: "all active" seems clear to me
[7:29 PM]Croquembouche: All who are not reserve, inactive or retired
[7:29 PM]Croquembouche: As opposed to "all voting" or "all active voting"
[7:32 PM]stormfallen: Right, so is it "a supermajority must vote yes" or "a supermajority must vote at all"? Because if the latter, there were 14/22 votes from mods+admins total, which is over 60%.
[7:33 PM]gee0765: this isn't going in the charter so it's called
[7:33 PM]gee0765: calm
[7:36 PM]stormfallen: It's effectively on the same level as a charter or rules change IMO, and frankly I'm annoyed at my past self for not asking why it isn't going in the charter.
[7:38 PM]gee0765: because the charter sucks ass
[7:41 PM]stormfallen: I'm aware, and technically this vote already broke the charter by going longer than 48 hours :P
[7:41 PM]stormfallen: This is mostly just me grousing
[7:42 PM]gee0765: charter rewrite is incredibly soon
[7:42 PM]gee0765: i'll be more open to following it then
[7:42 PM]DrBleep - Spooky Catfemmeby: Thank god for the rewrite
[7:43 PM]gee0765: right now im far too drunk to be in staffchat :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
[8:37 PM]oritiefling: So sorry I missed the discussion earlier, but I am also deeply disappointed in MalyceGrave's votes to the point where I'm willing to formally request that they be disregarded when promotion votes are being tallies. I do need to specify that this is not because they abstained on me, but because their vote clearly shows a sincere and borderline malicious lack of knowledge or care towards the people they are voting on. The mass of abstains and then several no's cannot be viewed as good faith voting, and counting these votes only serves to hurt the candidates that actually had a vote cast on them.
Beyond that, I also believe that we should require an explanation of some kind for all no and abstain votes. (I am willing to compromise on abstains, but no's absolutely should be explained.) The main reason for this is knowledge- all candidates deserve the right to know what they did (or didn't!) do to warrant a no against them. Ideally all of these candidates, should anyone not pass this cycle, will go back up for promotion again in the future. In order for these candidates to improve as staffers, they need feedback. Part of that feedback involves being told why other staffers believe they are not yet ready to be promoted. If someone were to be rejected this cycle but were never told why, they do not know what it is they need to do to improve themselves as a staffer and are less able to better serve the community.
Simply put, we do our candidates a huge disservice when we do not explain our no votes. I'm not asking for paragraphs (like I just wrote here), I am asking for simple statements. Things like "they simply are not active enough", "rushes policy too much", or "needs to play nicer with other staff in the ball pit" are enough to give the candidates something to work on before they're hopefully recommended for promotion again.
Thanks for your time everyone. I've almost hit the wordcount limit so I'm cutting it here.
[8:38 PM]oritiefling: tl;dr a lack of feedback to explain your "no" votes does nothing but disservice everyone involved.
[9:58 PM]pr0m37h3um: I admittedly don't put enough effort into explaining my no votes. I realize they should be something to prompt improvement, so I'll be writing up something to update my post with soon.
[10:09 PM]Alexander: staff has a ballpit?!? /j
[10:20 PM]EstrellaYoshte: staff has two
[10:21 PM]Limey:
[10:22 PM]Hex: no
[10:23 PM]Prismal: I want extra time in there
[10:48 PM]OccultistMave: Didn't someone piss in the dashcon ballpit?
[11:15 PM]Prismal: that's what people say
[12:05 AM]Optimistic Lucio: I’d like to add for the record that - Malyce wasn’t even a member of 05command until 6 hours ago, which means they asked for an invite to rejoin the site to be able to make their most recent votes.
For reference, their most recent post on 05 before today was nearly half a year ago, on October 27th of 2021.
I haven’t checked what the vote was so I’m not sure if I’d be biased here due to being voted against, but I think the lack of activity and willing leaving of Staffchat and 05 would add to Fabled’s argument.
[12:06 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Ok just checked - I was voted against, so it can probably be read as me being biased in that area. I’ve just woken up and didn’t check much other than discord yet, so I hope that’d dissuade any claims of bias.
[12:49 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: I think it's been since clarified that Malyce was erroneously removed by an admin during a routine removal of inactive/retired staff
[12:49 AM]Siddartha Alonne: Uhm, I'm a but ignorant but what happened with Malyce and recap? Why did they left just because of it?
[12:50 AM]stormbreath: Pretty much
[12:50 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: rest of your points stand though
[12:50 AM]E9 Yossi 12 8 9 Possi 10 (var): Yeah.
[12:50 AM]stormbreath: Malyce was entirely opposed to the idea of recap and to "letting non-staff users in to do recap"
[12:50 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Yes
[12:50 AM]stormbreath: The second is just like, ... the JStaff onboarding process
[12:51 AM]stormbreath: To be fair to Malyce it was pitched that specific way by everyone at the time, including Recap
[12:51 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Yeah, I’m mostly pointing to that as an example of Malyce being inactive on 05 for almost half a year.
[12:51 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: right
[12:51 AM]Optimistic Lucio: But thanks for the clarification.
[12:51 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: i ran into the same mistake lol
[1:08 AM]LadyKatie: what do you mean october was nearly half a year ago?
[1:08 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Yeah like 5~ months ago
[1:08 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Or can I not count
[1:08 AM]LadyKatie: NO
[1:08 AM]LadyKatie: no timing's right
[1:08 AM]LadyKatie: I'm just funny with time passing
[1:09 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Oh gotcha I was 100% ready to believe I forgot how counting works lol
[1:09 AM]Siddartha Alonne: Also like, first 5 abstain by Malice I'm pretty sure are because they have no idea who the JS are
[1:09 AM]LadyKatie: Recap was not pitched well initially
[1:09 AM]Siddartha Alonne: 90% we all joined after they left
[1:10 AM]Optimistic Lucio: I mean, recap was pitched fairly accurately. The main difference is that people assumed it would be a lot more oppressive to work in staffchat when things are being recapped and posted.
[1:10 AM]LadyKatie: Nah, just me freaking out about time. October was 4 personal disasters, 3 holidays, and a few staff crises ago.
[1:11 AM]Optimistic Lucio: In practice it seems to not be the case.
I’m not saying that people should have known that ahead of time, but like, I don’t think it could have been pitched better.
[1:11 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Oh wow
[1:12 AM]LadyKatie: To me, the worst part was "nonstaff," kinda implies they'd exist outside of the staff structure, but still be here to poke around.
[1:22 AM]stormbreath: yeah I agree that was pretty badly pitched
[1:22 AM]stormbreath: since like
[1:22 AM]stormbreath: did not like, everyone we brought on initially as part of that vote end up on additional teams
[1:23 AM]stormbreath: putting aside the fact that "bring nonstaff aboard a team" is literally just the JS boarding process, they didn't stay "nonstaff except for Recap" for long
[1:25 AM]stormbreath: I checked and with the exception of Dune, who is not on any teams anymore, everyone from the initial vote is on at least one non-Recap team
[1:38 AM]LadyKatie: And especially since this came up at a very volitile time in staff.
[1:48 AM]Pedagon: I’m honestly curious if anyone actually feels the recap panopticon at all
[1:48 AM]Optimistic Lucio: To be fair - that was not something that the recap pitchers said lol
[1:48 AM]Optimistic Lucio: it was a categorization given by the people who were against the proposal
[1:49 AM]Optimistic Lucio: (atleast iirc)
[2:01 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: I think its fair to say that the general impression was that you would have people who were not "culturally staff", as stupid of a descriptor as that is, documenting the activity of staff
[3:06 AM]Dexanote: It really came off far far worse than you guys seem to have realized. But it's turned out to be fine.
[3:06 AM]Dexanote: So no harm on my end.
[3:11 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: I don't know if there's any other way that it would've been put that would've satisfied the people who wanted it most at the time. The trust in staff was so abysmal that differentiating these people as different was the practical thing to do. And ultimately for the people who left it seemed to have been more of a straw on the camels back in terms of cultural changes within staff seen as kowtowing to 'outside forces'
[3:14 AM]Zyn: @ROUNDERHOUSE. heads up, comment on a typo in 6000.
VOICE: You survived for a reason,. Both of you.
[3:14 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: whoops
[3:14 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: thanks
[3:14 AM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: I will fix that in the morrow
[3:16 AM]Zyn: o7
[4:37 AM]EstrellaYoshte: if any mod is around, can you update the file link at the bottom in scp-910
[4:37 AM]EstrellaYoshte: ?? 910
[4:37 AM]
SCP-910 — Dust, Embodied
by Pedantique
Object Class: Safe
Rating: +218
[4:37 AM]EstrellaYoshte: to
[5:47 AM]jack waltz: hello
[5:47 AM]jack waltz: just noting that
[5:47 AM]jack waltz:
The SCP Foundation
SCP-6423-J - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
[5:47 AM]jack waltz: redirects to
The SCP Foundation
SCP-6423-J - SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
[5:53 AM]TheCirculatorySystem4905: Idk which comment to reply to but I want to make a point. Disregarding Malyce’s activity level, I don’t think it’s fair to automatically assume that their votes are malicious. They’re weird, for sure, but if the difference between a malicious and non-malicious vote is an explanation of the vote and “I do not like this person” is a valid reason for voting No (1), then Malyce’s votes would be made valid by them writing this explanation that we have already assumed on O5.
I want to be clear I support clarifying the reasons for voting, but if Malyce clarifies and is still presumed to be malicious to the point where their vote isn’t counted, then I don’t agree with that.
(1) iirc someone commented a short list of clarifications for votes last night but I can’t find it. If this or some iteration of it isn’t actually a valid reason to vote No, please correct me.
[6:04 AM]EstrellaYoshte: i think that would be under tech jusrisdction
[6:04 AM]EstrellaYoshte: i'll edit it out
[6:06 AM]EstrellaYoshte: dunno about the adult page module though
[6:41 AM]Floromino: Yea....
[6:55 AM]DrFullham: Ah, I see 6423 is already being handled
[6:57 AM]EstrellaYoshte: er, 'handled'
[6:57 AM]EstrellaYoshte: i dont know what the protocol is exactly
[7:00 AM]EstrellaYoshte: wheres a deleter when u need em
[7:14 AM]EstrellaYoshte: noting that due to the presence of the Adult Splash, no one can actually vote on scp-6423
[7:14 AM]EstrellaYoshte: unless you know what youre doing
[8:42 AM]Athenodora - Cat: I'm not very comfortable with the automatic assumption of malice here, in all honesty
[8:45 AM]gee0765:
Image [Image is a tweet by MalyceGraves. Text: I am no longer an active member of SCP Wiki staff. If you followed me because of my position within that body, you can unfollow me now. No juicy gossip is forthcoming, nor do I intend to give up any secrets nor hot takes. This is the only statement on this I plan to make.]
[8:45 AM]oritiefling: I believe it’s a fair assessment largely because of the following-
Malyce is a reserve staff member who was not present in O5 for almost half a year, is not present in staff chat here, and openly expressed a desire to leave the community entirely. This alone makes casting ANY vote malicious in my eyes as they are a non community member willingly voting on something they know nothing about for a community they do not wish to be a part of. I see no reason to do that aside from some level of maliciousness. I’m not saying that the malicious intent is them being against certain people, I’m saying it’s malicious ignorance on their part. They should not have voted at all, and the fact that their vote is nothing but abstains and a handful of no’s reflects this fact.
[8:45 AM]gee0765: im fine with the assumption personally
[8:45 AM]gee0765: they are openly not part of staff
[8:45 AM]gee0765: they have said this
[8:46 AM]oritiefling: I am fully comfortable with and stand by the assumption, because from what I see here the evidence backs it up. This is malicious ignorance and these votes absolutely should not count in the tally. It would be unfair to everyone involved here.
[8:47 AM]oritiefling: And I don’t think it’s fair to say it was an “automatic assumption”, I provided evidence in my initial post as to why I made the assumption. Claiming it was automatic disregards that and makes it seem like I’m making rash decisions and not decisions backed by some level of evidence.
[8:47 AM]oritiefling: I wouldn’t bring it up if I didn’t feel it was valid.
[8:47 AM]Siddartha Alonne: In fact - is there any actual reason of why they went reserve instead of just retiring?
[8:47 AM]Athenodora - Cat: "no longer an active member of SCP Wiki staff" would be a literal description of everyone on Reserve, no?
[8:48 AM]gee0765: they told people to unfollow them if they were following them for being scp wiki staff
[8:48 AM]gee0765: there's a point where you stop assuming good faith and we passed it miles back
[8:49 AM]TheCirculatorySystem4905: They very clearly say “active” staff
[8:49 AM]Athenodora - Cat: So do we not take the "No juicy gossip is forthcoming, nor do I intend to give up any secrets nor hot takes" part to be a clarification of the previous sentence?
[8:49 AM]gee0765: if you followed me because of my position within that body
[8:50 AM]The Pighead: Reserve Staffs still are around, even if less than active Staffs. In the case of Malyce, they are not around at all, there's a difference.
[8:50 AM]gee0765: they left all staff servers except stayed chilling in disc for a while (lol), blocked half of staff on social media (lol) and have done nothing except appeared to vote no on the people they blocked for promotions (lol)
[8:50 AM]Jak: I believe this is in the context of strictly their Twitter itself, to be fair
[8:51 AM]hungrypossum: what I got from that tweet is exactly what it says there - they're no longer active staff. I don't see malicious intent in their vote, only a crass degree of irresponsibility
[8:51 AM]Athenodora - Cat: I mean, you're saying that this tweet cannot be read as saying *if you followed me because of my position within that body - specifically, in terms of how that position makes me a possible source of juicy gossip is forthcoming, nor do I intend to give up any secrets nor hot takes [...]"? I would say that this is the more self-evident reading of the words, to be honest
[8:52 AM]Athenodora - Cat: like, if there's good reason why a different reading than that is more natural, I'd like to hear it
[8:53 AM]oritiefling: Honestly a crass degree of irresponsibility is just as bad if not worse, and further supports the proposal of “ignore these votes”
[8:53 AM]TheCirculatorySystem4905: Question for the room: would it have still been classed as malicious if Malyce had voted yes on everyone?
[8:53 AM]oritiefling: Yes
[8:53 AM]oritiefling: 100%
[8:53 AM]gee0765: "i am not active staff"
"unfollow me if you followed me because i was staff"
"i will not post gossip"
the three statements are unrelated
[8:53 AM]hungrypossum: see: anakin
[8:53 AM]TheCirculatorySystem4905: Why
[8:54 AM]gee0765: because it's someone who's not been around and they fully ragequit staff
[3:29 PM]Catgirl Contagion ON FIRE: The only thing dumber than putting a vent channel here would be a politics channel
[3:29 PM]gee0765: yeah but it would be funny
[3:29 PM]GremlinGroup: this is so funny
[3:29 PM]Jesus Christ: it's a stupid trap that only an idiot would fall for
[3:29 PM]rakub: I got no pepsi so I’m using coke
[3:30 PM]Ethagon: ooh
[3:30 PM]gee0765: that works
[3:30 PM]GremlinGroup: why would you admit to that
[3:30 PM]GremlinGroup: like why keep saying that over and over
[3:30 PM]Fishsmith:
[3:30 PM]Al3xand3r: Seeing awful trans takes is bad, but also it’s annoying. Cause you can’t have like. An actual conversation. Because actual conversations about gender and what it means are very funny
[3:30 PM]Ethagon: I never went to #ethicscommittee
[3:30 PM]Deleted User: If any of these happen im stepping down from mod
[3:30 PM]Father Dagon: If you piss everyone else then use it as a chance to listen to what they are saying and learn
[3:30 PM]Al3xand3r: What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets
[3:30 PM]Catgirl Contagion ON FIRE: I've learned to never trust that anyone will have reasonable political takes, not even myself
[3:30 PM]Ethagon: didn't seem like the kind of place I'd want to be in
[3:30 PM]Mahek The Assassin: is it worth being lashed out at?
[3:30 PM]gee0765: i would back a politics channel if i was allowed to do a mod abuse and ban anyone in there with bad takes
[3:30 PM]Fishsmith: Free upload to the hive mind for every citizen
[3:30 PM]DrBleep - GodQueen Catfemmeby: And this is why we won't get one
[3:30 PM]Jesus Christ: have you ever heard of the show "evangelion"?
[3:30 PM]Fishsmith: Do I want to play Stellaris, Wasteland 3 or... something cringe... Secret Lab?
[3:30 PM]Flayed Olive: And they would do this
[3:30 PM]RadiantGold: no you misunderstand, if you piss everyone off then listen to what they have to say
[3:31 PM]stormfallen: Make a politics channel but it swats anyone who posts in it
[3:31 PM]Mahek The Assassin: that just makes it painful on both sides
[3:31 PM]gee0765: if you disagree with me on one small and insignificant thing you are getting banned forever
[12:46 AM]LadyKatie: Should we add in some stuff about internet safety into the rules?
[12:53 AM]AvocadoMilk: Definitely
[12:54 AM]LadyKatie: These kids are scaring me
[12:54 AM]AvocadoMilk: Basir's message in server-feedback
[12:57 AM]LadyKatie: It's a good request I will push for
[1:04 AM]LadyKatie: But uh... catch me next week for real thinking time
[2:58 AM]gee0765: i think anime should be added to the banned words list
[9:55 AM]RadiantGold: I'm ANAB now
[9:55 AM]Al3xand3r: o7
[9:55 AM]Scot“I’m The UK”Lucida: Imma go put hot sauce on Pringles now
[9:55 AM]Al3xand3r: All Nerds are Bastards?
[9:56 AM]RadiantGold: Assigned Nerd at Birth
[9:56 AM]RadiantGold: or rather
[9:56 AM]gee0765: what flavour pringles
[9:56 AM]Balthazaar: HEY
[9:56 AM]RadiantGold: Assigned Nerd at BSidd
[9:56 AM]Sidd the Comedian: Assigned cops at birth
[9:56 AM]Deleted User: Theres so many AXAB things
[9:56 AM]Sidd the Comedian: Fate worse than death
[9:56 AM]Scot“I’m The UK”Lucida: Sour cream and onion
[9:56 AM]Balthazaar: I NEED BIRFDAY ROLL
[9:56 AM]gee0765: my ass read the word arab once and tried to figure out what the acronym was
[9:56 AM]Sidd the Comedian: we have no bday role
[9:56 AM]RadiantGold: happy boifday
[9:56 AM]Sidd the Comedian: go away
[9:56 AM]Deleted User: agab assigned gee at birth
[9:56 AM]RadiantGold: :unabletohidethepain:
[9:56 AM]Al3xand3r: Happy birth!!!
[9:56 AM]Balthazaar: c:
[9:56 AM]Sidd the Comedian: Ok this is def worse than assigned cop at birth
[9:57 AM]Balthazaar: what if you weren't born
[9:57 AM]RadiantGold: Rage against the SiddMachine
[9:57 AM]gee0765: i can ban you
[9:57 AM]Sidd the Comedian: I can VoNC you
[9:57 AM]Scot“I’m The UK”Lucida: 👀
[9:58 AM]gee0765: if you could someone would have done it already
[2:15 AM]UraniumEmpire: While we're at it, it feels like SCPD has been used for several downvote brigades in the past few months, wherein articles are repeatedly trashed and then deliberately called up on Crom so people can downvote them.
[2:15 AM]UraniumEmpire: It's currently happening with Contact.
[7:56 AM]gee0765: is it a downvote brigade if you're bringing up an article you don't like and telling people to read it and make their own decisions
[8:31 AM]Many Meats: I'm not sure that's a very fair way to characterize what's happened
[8:32 AM]Many Meats: A 9 year old article was brought up repeatedly for "discussion" as the initiator watched it plummet 25 votes throughout the day
[8:33 AM]Many Meats: No calls to action were made, but I also can't pretend that this conduct is identical to just plugging an article
[8:37 AM]LORDXVNV: are you opposed to this conduct or not? As I recall, you encouraged this behavior with regards to diary-573.
[9:02 AM]gee0765: it's an accurate way to describe the situation
[9:03 AM]gee0765: why is the age of the article relevant
[9:04 AM]Many Meats: Accuracy and fairness have no overlap requirement
[9:05 AM]Many Meats: The age is relevant because it's context; why is the article being discussed at all? It's not like it's a hot new piece from a currently trendy author
[9:06 AM]Many Meats: If it was just a plug about an article someone wanted to discuss, why was it plugged 4 times in one day without an accompanying prompt about its merits?
[9:07 AM]Many Meats: I'm not saying this is brigading but to just shrug and pretend this is identical to any given casual article link is disingenuous
[9:07 AM]LORDXVNV: this is inaccurate
[9:08 AM]Many Meats: You asked once if it looked like coldpost dunking
[9:08 AM]Many Meats: There were no prompts in the other 3 searches
[9:08 AM]Many Meats: It looks like you were just watching the article tumble
[9:09 AM]Many Meats: Again, this is not a value judgment, am I am not calling it brigading
[9:09 AM]LORDXVNV: 2 times
[9:09 AM]LORDXVNV: I understand
[9:10 AM]LORDXVNV: I still think it's at best a half-accurate description
[9:10 AM]Many Meats: As long as we agree the other one is half-accurate at best, that's fine
[9:38 AM]LORDXVNV: I will admit I was absolutely watching the score, as I have in the past with other articles that catch my eye like 6140-J and 6411 off the top of my head
I can see why bringing it up in a chatroom 9 years after posting seems odd, but I don't see how it's against what I'd best term "wiki discourse mores" given that we don't lock comments sections and leave them open for posting for years, and old pieces getting comments on them bumps them up in "new forum posts" and gets people to read them
[1:53 PM]UraniumEmpire: It seems like nobody's doing that in good faith.
[1:55 PM]UraniumEmpire: For the record: I don't think this should be punished, at least not at present. It's not strictly against the letter of the rules, so enforcing them in this grey area would be extremely problematic.
[1:55 PM]gee0765: depends on your definition of good faith
[1:56 PM]UraniumEmpire: Still, seems like clarification might be in order.
[1:56 PM]gee0765: i don't think linking a bad article and telling people to read it and make their own decision is necessarily bad faith tbh
[1:57 PM]UraniumEmpire: I think it's pretty clear that upvotes and novotes aren't the intended result of this.
[1:58 PM]gee0765: that doesn't mean bad faith though
[1:58 PM]gee0765: like downvotes aren't bad faith they're part of the voting system
[1:58 PM]UraniumEmpire: Bringing up an article so people can downvote it seems a bit bad faith to me.
[2:05 PM]Lt Flops: is it possible to gesture at an article and ask people to consider its quality, and do so in good faith?
[2:06 PM]gee0765: yeah
[2:06 PM]gee0765: because that's what happening
[2:07 PM]LORDXVNV: It sounds like you want a gag order against bringing up subjectively subpar work for the purposes of discussion
[2:07 PM]gee0765: idk man like the voting system exists for a reason
[2:07 PM]gee0765: if you can't bring up articles that you think are bad and tell people to read and vote seriously on what's the point
[2:08 PM]Lt Flops: this is the letter of the rule just so we're all clear
[2:08 PM]gee0765: yep
[2:08 PM]gee0765: and this is absolutely covered by that note
[3:17 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: tea mad overrated fr
[3:18 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: yeah i said it
[3:18 PM]TacticalNecromancy: ur allowed to have a different opinion<3 even if it's wrong<3
[3:18 PM]gee0765: are you ok with suicide jokes
[3:19 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: only when they’re about you
[3:19 PM]gee0765: close enough
[3:19 PM]TacticalNecromancy: i still need to make tea
[3:19 PM]TacticalNecromancy: im gonna go do that rq
[3:19 PM]TacticalNecromancy: extra spite for that bonus kick
[3:20 PM]gee0765: wait no i probably can't tell someone to kill themselves in 19cord
[3:20 PM]gee0765: save that for scpd
[3:20 PM]TacticalNecromancy: lmao?
[3:20 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: pussy
[3:20 PM]gee0765: wait let me just
[3:20 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: lmao ill just mute you there
[3:21 PM]gee0765: im probably safe tbh
[Image] [Screenshot of thedeadlymoose's activity, showing that their most-recent activity was on Oct 21 2022]
[7:02 PM]debativel: im no homophobe, just disagree
[7:02 PM]KO saurusREX: no don’t go
[7:02 PM]fuck the world: With what
[7:02 PM]biscuits bupper: disagree how
[7:02 PM]debativel: disagree
[7:02 PM]Cutty: With gay
[7:02 PM]Ori: See here's the thing being gay isn't an opinion!
[7:02 PM]biscuits bupper: Elaborate
[7:02 PM]Ori: Ergo you cannot disagree!
[7:02 PM]Vapid "Gay Horror" Poem: We're about to hit them with the queer beam
[7:03 PM]Ori: Hope that makes sense babygirl
[7:03 PM]debativel: develop by yourself
[7:03 PM]biscuits bupper: [Meme, "Elaborate"]
[7:03 PM]Vapid "Gay Horror" Poem: (they get banned)
[7:03 PM]biscuits bupper: whar
[7:03 PM]KO saurusREX: ori how are you ori
[7:03 PM]Ori: What does this mean
[7:03 PM]Ori: What did he mean by this
[7:03 PM]fuck the world: whats ur opinion on trans people
[7:03 PM]debativel: sometimes you just gotta stop asking for awnser and reflect on those questions
[7:04 PM]KO saurusREX: don’t ignore me ori 😭
[7:04 PM]Ori: Babygirl you've asked no questions
[7:04 PM]debativel: @Ori
[7:04 PM]Cutty: What is blud saying …
[7:04 PM]biscuits bupper:
Image [Anthro character with "Sloppy kissing men" in a thought balloon]
[7:04 PM]KO saurusREX: why did you do that
[7:04 PM]KO saurusREX: that wasn’t directed at you
[7:04 PM]
Misato | Katsuragi System: huh?
[7:05 PM]
Misato | Katsuragi System: anyways whats up site 19
[7:05 PM]biscuits bupper: I like this one, lets put them in a jar and study them
[7:05 PM]
Misato | Katsuragi System: hows everyone doing
[7:05 PM]Tartwatermelon: Fine
[7:05 PM]Vapid "Gay Horror" Poem: don't ban them just mute them permanently
[7:05 PM]Cutty: Trying to figure out what someone means by “disagreeing with gay”
[7:05 PM]debativel: did i offend someone?
[7:05 PM]Tartwatermelon: Yes
[7:05 PM]
Misato | Katsuragi System: who what
Reply to: Trying to figure out what someone means by “disagreeing with gay”
[7:05 PM]biscuits bupper: what do you mean
[7:05 PM]fuck the world: you should reflect on what you mean by "i disagree with gay"
because im gonna be real with you saying "im not homophobic i just disagree" doesnt really make you any less homophobic
[7:05 PM]debativel: wow, may you explain how?
[7:06 PM]Vapid "Gay Horror" Poem: "Disagree with gay" idk how this could offend someone
[7:06 PM]Ori: We just wanna understand what "disagreeing with gay" means if you aren't a homophobe babygirl
[7:06 PM]fuck the world: and like this is literally the first rule of the server dog
[7:06 PM]
Misato | Katsuragi System: yall are giving this guy a lot of benefit of the doubt here
[7:06 PM]biscuits bupper: Im not offended i just think this is really funny
[7:06 PM]Tartwatermelon: You joined this server without knowing what SCP is 😭
[7:06 PM]Ori: I'm not, I'm giving him the rope
[7:06 PM]Wynn Kaiser ✌: Bro idek what scp is
[7:06 PM]debativel: yeah, you're the only reasonable one here
[7:06 PM]
Misato | Katsuragi System: he invented the rope! you aint giving him a rope youre giving him a gun! he has the rope! hes ropeman!
Reply to: I'm not, I'm giving him the rope
[7:06 PM]gee0765: can u just ban them im trying to drink here
Intentionally Charged Statements
[7:15 AM]Nagiros: Stepping into the forums in the morning and [removed]
[7:15 AM]Nagiros:
Scapegoats - the cursed goats that carry the sins of the nation of Israel according to an ancient ritual.
Swine Legion - the cursed swine possessed by demons exorcised by Jesus.
[7:15 AM]Nagiros: Might be worth an eye
[7:16 AM]Nagiros: Also this guy being kinda spammy [removed]
[7:19 AM]vermillion: consensus in [removed]'s non-disc is 'next infraction is escalated to disc', it seems: [removed]
[7:20 AM]vermillion: imo: add a record of their spam-y comments to the record and then let disc handle it from there
[7:24 AM]Nagiros: You’re suggesting I add to that thread, just to clarify?
[7:24 AM]vermillion: yeah
[7:24 AM]vermillion: (i can do it if you're busy?)
[7:27 AM]Nagiros: Nah, just double-checking
[7:28 AM]Nagiros: My only interaction with this sorta thing was making a plagiarism thread cuz Corvus was busy
[7:28 AM]vermillion: nods
[7:37 AM]Nagiros: Oh, jesus, I should have looked at these comments closer, some of them are downright mean.
haha upvote funn y joke xd wait this is a mainlist? It's not serious enough. -1.
[7:38 AM]vermillion: yeah
[7:39 AM]gee0765: yes this is definitely something that should be noted for disc to look at
[7:42 AM]Nagiros: After this I'm gonna ask that one guy what "the sins of the nation of Israel" are
[7:47 AM]Nagiros: Posted on 05 [removed]
[7:48 AM]vermillion: thank you
[8:32 AM]gee0765: [removed]
[8:32 AM]gee0765: salty int user comment
[8:32 AM]vermillion: ugh
[8:32 AM]gee0765: someone who knows more about the adult category might want to call them an idiot
[8:32 AM]Nagiros: Literally why is this a big deal
[8:33 AM]gee0765: uhh it's maybe slightly inconvenient for translators?
[8:33 AM]gee0765: that's the one single downside
[8:33 AM]gee0765: but also this person is clearly already a member of the EN site so it doesn't affect them
[8:33 AM]vermillion: you have to click button so you can see article now
[8:33 AM]Nagiros: TIL half the stories enjoyed by the INT community are in the adult category, based on how they’re reacting
[8:34 AM]gee0765: int are only capable of enjoying scps with sex
[5:49 PM]thedeadlymoose: It's admins job to do this. Like. It's our responsibility. We are to blame for inaction. You are extremely free to address it without us though.
[5:49 PM]DrBleep - Spooky Catfemmeby: I mean you could have used me in my least proud moments, but it's gucci 😛
[5:49 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: I'm not passing judgement on the morality of how that happened
[5:49 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: but I think it's the field right now.
[5:49 PM]gee0765: i'd address it but i'm not sure how exactly i could tbh
[5:49 PM]thedeadlymoose: @gee0765 If you think it shouldn't be dealt with by admins, I don't object. Please go for it. But it is literally admins' job. That means, if no one else does it, we must do so.
[5:49 PM]gee0765: i'm also.... not an unbiased party here
[5:50 PM]thedeadlymoose: You don't need to be unbiased haha. You could get together a group if you have time and drive
[5:50 PM]thedeadlymoose: It's not your job, you just can
[5:50 PM]thedeadlymoose: But admins must
[5:50 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: I don't think promos work well enough for it to be dealt with by admins
[5:50 PM]thedeadlymoose: Admins don't do promos, MAST does
[5:50 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: That's not what I mean
[5:50 PM]thedeadlymoose: Ahhh -- clarify?
[5:50 PM]Pedagon: Right but it’s not like anything has been done and it isn’t really good to have people decide for themselves on these kinds of things. But it also feels like any attempt to do something from below admin would either get a target on backs or would be stopped by the admins
[5:51 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: I mean that I literally don't put enough stock in the selection process of who gets up there for me to entirely trust the group as a whole with behavioural judgement
[5:51 PM]gee0765: the central issue is that whether or not people are being too much of a dick is decided by a group of mostly admins
[5:51 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: Same shit with Disc. I'm saying it. I've had members of Disc be assholes to me and to others. You can't blame me for not trusting.
[5:51 PM]thedeadlymoose: I haven't had these personal discussions with you lol. And people HAVE pressed you to improve on things. I never saw anyone (unprompted by me or being me) equal to or above @Corvus asking him to change anything. He only ever did so to my knowledge because he saw he'd hurt others or caused issues. Maybe I missed something but idk lol.
[5:52 PM]gee0765: so they'll never be unbiased - if this group was replaced by a different group of me and people who generally agree with me we'd have the same issue but going the other way
[5:52 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: firm believer in the court of public opinion
[5:52 PM]Pedagon: Like, I’ve proposed a couple things to deal with this that have gotten some JS support but anyone with pull just doesn’t engage in those discussions because it impacts them
[5:52 PM]gee0765: which inter staff interactions are acceptable cannot be decided by a small specific group of staff
[5:52 PM]gee0765: it's impossible for that to be fair
[5:53 PM]gee0765: so a solution would require changing things so that isn't a thing
[5:53 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: Its extraordinarily difficult for initiatives that 'limit' the power of higher staff to go through
[5:53 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: for obvious reasons
[5:54 PM]thedeadlymoose: Hm, I'm unclear what you mean here?
- Admins will take lead and responsibility barring anyone else doing it, or assign responsibility to staff to do so. We don't, won't, and shouldn't actually do it on our own. Admins are not granted the power to do this, and never were, ever since I dethroned Bright.
- Admins should not be stopping someone from doing this nor painting a target on their backs. If they did, they should be subject to a vote of no confidence. I realize that's a high bar to hit, though, so I'm just going to say admins should never shut this kind of thing down, only provide critique of it.
[5:54 PM]thedeadlymoose: Okay, got it. I accept this. However, it's still the job of admins. It's okay to suggest an alternative though.
[5:54 PM]thedeadlymoose: Can you elaborate?
[5:55 PM]Pedagon: If people with power here actually want anything to change then it needs to be discussed much more in these open channels to all staff and I would argue even on O5 where it can be formally discussed and searched for solutions. Otherwise nothing will ever change
[5:55 PM]thedeadlymoose: I believe you here and acknowledge I can't blame you for not trusting, which is why I approached this with arguments aside from blaming you for that
[5:55 PM]gee0765: People will be far faster to say language used is dickish if it's used to support an opinion they disagree with
[5:55 PM]thedeadlymoose: Unclear what you mean here. First of all, no one can be unbiased. Secondly, though, what is this group? Disc? Admins? Adcap?
[5:55 PM]gee0765: disc
[5:56 PM]thedeadlymoose: I agree with this, which is why the rule is untenable and should be removed with haste
[5:56 PM]gee0765: nobody can be unbiased - that's my point exactly
[5:56 PM]gee0765: which is why you don't have a small group of old staff deciding whether or not language used is acceptable
[5:57 PM]gee0765: we can never eliminate bias but we can reduce it
[5:57 PM]thedeadlymoose: Consider, however, that this may be an issue of admin overload and not wanting to be mistreated by folk who believe themselves capable of assessing that they are not behaving hurtfully lol.
I recognize that the response to this is "Well, they believe they can be hurtful!" and you are correct, which is why I identify the root problem as "it's cool for upper staff to be awful to lower staff and for staff to be awful to everyone else"
[5:58 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: someone gets punished for being a dick, it causes a stir. staff has gone through 6 months of constant stirs. admins do not want staff to fall apart. admins/disc have a vested interest in handling issues regarding staffers' behaviour behind the curtain so as to not project an outward image of a divided house. this is effective, but is catastrophic for accountability
[5:58 PM]Pedagon: Right but I’m not sure the trust is really here for people to make that move. You can’t let a shitty boss decide on how they will correct their own actions just like you can’t expect people with risk of that boss’ temper to publicly address their issues. And that’s the situation it is right now. Admins should call for changes publicly where the whole of staff discuss. All of this should be public on O5 because otherwise there’s nothing to stop this from just being ignored or gamed
[5:59 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: use 👏 o5 👏 more 👏
[5:59 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: i've expounded on this exhaustively but i am of the fringe belief that SSSC's existence is inherently disruptive to o5's already paper-thin veneer of transparency
[6:00 PM]Limey: :this~2: :this~2: :this~2: :this~2: :this~2:
[6:00 PM]thedeadlymoose: I cannot agree more. I feel it has to be done from a set of specific behavioral standards. I have the experience to write up a proposal for this (due to having had to study abuse in relationships and other environments), and this then must be agreed upon and modified by all staff.
I've volunteered to do this, but someone else could as well, btw. I'm not the only one qualified or experienced enough to do this.
I think it is the job of admins to propose these standards, but anyone can do it in lieu of us, in competition with us, or in collaboration with us.
[6:00 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: people don't use o5 because sending a discord message is easier. we should not do things that are easier, we should do things that are better
[6:01 PM]aismallard: I for one would love to see a return to Moose's legendary O5 messages again :blobtongue:
[6:01 PM]gee0765: i'm not going to volunteer to write a proposal for this because my thoughts don't go into any detail beyond 'stop the disc blackbox making all decisions'
[6:01 PM]thedeadlymoose: I can't speak for this because the only proposals to do this that I had time to read were, in my opinion, poorly thought through, including the ones from adcap. However, I did not have time or space to offer assistance, so I didn't shit-talk (not that I object anyone else doing so). I have no room to judge if I can't do it myself. <- No need to apply this to anyone else.
[6:01 PM]stormfallen: Return to IRC staffchat; that'll get people using 05 more
[6:02 PM]aismallard: Disc?
[6:02 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: same as gee. we can't fairly make suggestions because people won't even tell us what's broken
[6:02 PM]gee0765: this is about staff being dicks so yeah
[6:02 PM]gee0765: disc
[6:02 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: anything we do is missing half the context. so when we try to fill it in, we get told we're wrong, but no actual evidence is offered up to fill those gaps
[6:02 PM]gee0765: about why the current process of 'you make a report and it disappears' isn't ideal
[6:03 PM]aismallard: Hmm, yeah I see that
[6:03 PM]thedeadlymoose: I agree with this. However, it's hard to accomplish this right now due to the general level of chaos. And what is missing from my proposal is a full solution for this. Suggestions welcome, honestly. And I do think it's admins' job to do that, and the IntraStaff Issues Team (per my plan) will assign an admin to take primary responsibility for making sure movement occurs here, and assemble a task force if necessary (spoiler, it's necessary)
[6:03 PM]thedeadlymoose: Disc reports or all reports?
[6:03 PM]aismallard: Is it possible for some version of that conversation to be a staff responsibility instead? Someone makes a complaint, they give a statement, the other person gives a defense, then people discuss if it was problematic or not in a discord thread?
[6:03 PM]gee0765: this is about specifically disc, because that's where you go with reports about behaviour
[6:04 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: vote of no confidence 2: electric boogalooo
[6:04 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: that's basically vonc, though.
[6:04 PM]aismallard: Well not like that
[6:04 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: whats the substantial difference besides discord/o5
[6:04 PM]aismallard: vonc is a big action that will happen infrequently
[6:04 PM]thedeadlymoose: Okay, it sounds like Disc shouldn't be assigned to determine appropriate interstaff behavior (barring censure). Is that correct?
I think that's a feasible proposal, but a different body would need to be created, and yes, it would need to be admin-run, but it wouldn't have to be SO admin-run due to not having ban power. What do you think of that?
[6:04 PM]stormfallen: I was under the impression that when the SOSS Rule 0 guidelines were put in place, the intent was that staff members would make the complaints publicly (well, in here so semi-publicly). I'm kinda surprised they haven't been.
[6:04 PM]aismallard: Wouldn't this be more for "some person does something dickish in a heated conversation, then we talk afterwards and decide what makes sense to resolve it"?
[6:05 PM]aismallard: That thing could just be an apology, if that's suitable to the relevant people
[6:05 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: you can't tackle disc/admin/aht problems independently because the venn diagram for them is like an oval
[6:05 PM]gee0765: i don't think a distinct body should be formed
[6:05 PM]aismallard: Honestly I don't feel like the enforcement was been consistent
[6:05 PM]gee0765: it hasn't been, no
[6:06 PM]gee0765: this is the issue i want to address personally, not sure if it's the same with everyone else
[6:06 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: personally i don't feel comfortable making public complaints because i'm in a uniquely precarious position and i don't like the idea of retribution, or it being discussed clownishly in adcap. so i take it to individual members and then the report disappears into the aether like a free bird
[6:06 PM]thedeadlymoose: I agree. But that isn't what's happening. I'm not on Disc but I've spoken with them extensively about this. They are essentially taking "Rule 0" cues from staff as a body, to my knowledge. (Dex is busy IRL right now so I won't ping him).
I think Rule 0 applied to staff is a terrible idea and Disc was never equipped to do it and I don't know why it was done. I assume because there was no better option, which I respect.
Disc should be for outright discipline of staff, as that's what it always was for. Censure.
[6:06 PM]thedeadlymoose: agree
[6:06 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: the last censure never even happened
[6:07 PM]Limey: There are multiple things that complicate this:
1)If I want to submit a disc complaint anonymously, that isn't possible
2)If my evidence includes information restricted (such as in 19cord, adcap, sensitive staff discussion, admin chat or the many other blackboxed rooms this staff structure has) to those above this level, it's out of the question
[6:07 PM]thedeadlymoose: hahahahahaha why would you call us out like this. yes, this is all true
[6:07 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: unfortunately
[6:07 PM]DrBleep - Spooky Catfemmeby: Gee's?
[6:07 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: Dex's.
[6:07 PM]stormfallen: Dex and Mann's
[6:07 PM]gee0765: (technically mine was after theirs)
[6:07 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: was it really
[6:08 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: oh man
[6:08 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: i'm sundowning
[6:08 PM]DrBleep - Spooky Catfemmeby: We've been at this for 6 hours
[6:08 PM]DrBleep - Spooky Catfemmeby: so
[6:08 PM]DrBleep - Spooky Catfemmeby: Like I sometimes wonder where everyone who has been here for the entire convo finds the time. This is one of those times
[6:09 PM]DrBleep - Spooky Catfemmeby: That's a tangent tho, so ignore me
[6:09 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: i've been doing homework this whole time lol
[6:09 PM]Limey: I've been on and off today with it on my second monitor
[6:09 PM]Limey: yeah I've been watching lectures and stuff
[6:09 PM]DrBleep - Spooky Catfemmeby: (I mean tbf, I took a half day from work and have been playing Cities Skyline the entire time as a way to keep myself sane)
[6:09 PM]thedeadlymoose: This is all fair! However, admins calling for changes publicly is currently not tenable. It's my preferred approach and I used to do it most of the time.
Right now, it cannot be done until the issue of 🔓-staff-discussion chaos is resolved, which I think is doable.
Also, it can't be done without a system of assigning an admin to take lead on ANY admin-level project that a staff member does not volunteer to do, and assign an admin to help with the project if a staff member volunteers to lead it.
What CAN be done, now, is to create said system, and for admins to generate proposals on the highest priority topics and bring those to staff-discussion and, well, let the games begin.
[6:09 PM]stormfallen: I think the hope would be that it gets resolved internally and everyone kisses and makes up, and if not then disc does a writeup of whatever they can share, it gets approved by the complainer, and then goes on 05 for further discussion/voting
[6:10 PM]gee0765: I find it difficult to believe this is happening, largely because i know approximately nothing about the inner workings of disc
[6:10 PM]gee0765: and even if it was, that's a small group of largely like-minded staff interpreting things
[6:10 PM]thedeadlymoose: "All of this should be public on O5" doesn't work without assignment of responsibility. It's also just too much text. People simply didn't read my text walls back when I did this. And that was before we had so many staff.
However, I agree it should all end up on O5 before any actual changes are made.
[6:10 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: the thing about resolving it internally is that anyone external has no fucking clue anything happened and that the report wasn't just buried
[6:10 PM]Limey: In my experience (and, as I have learnt afterwards, the experience of at least 3 other people who submitted overlapping complaints for the same incident[s]), this has not happened.
[6:10 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: i had to ask a few times for an update on one i made
[6:10 PM]thedeadlymoose: Yes, but O5 doesn't function without SSSC. Suggestions welcome.
[6:10 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: i assumed it got dismissed
[6:11 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: it's disruptive, but an unfortunately necessary disruption; that said, it should be minimized at every possible junction
[6:11 PM]Pedagon: I agree that it should be the job of admins but currently I do not trust admins to do it (for multiple reasons including admins not really being a truly administrative role here, admins having to give themselves more work when they punish colleagues, high level staff being friends, etc.) that’s why I’ve proposed things like automatic nondisc threads for reports of Mod+, changing how promotions are perceived so that Mod+ actually do do administrative things, etc. It should absolutely never be left off O5 and be arbitrated by only peers. But I’ve hit walls when suggesting things like that
[6:11 PM]thedeadlymoose: I'm unaware of this, actually. You could be right. For me, I don't post on O5 much because I don't wish to receive harassment and I haven't pushed any of the proposals I've been generating for the past few months to an O5-ready state. I can't deal with that chaos level. No one can.
[6:12 PM]thedeadlymoose: lmfao god
[6:12 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: maybe im built different
[6:12 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: you can't suggest admin or disc reform without like
[6:12 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: being in them
[6:12 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: which is
[6:12 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: really dumb
[6:12 PM]ROUNDERHOUSE.: because once you're in them.... it's hard to see the problems from outside
[6:13 PM]thedeadlymoose: I mean, even here, right now, y'all are talking too fast for me to feasibly catch up with real responses. You don't have to stop -- I appreciate the input -- but this is the chaos I mean. Imagine this, plus you're actually hurt by the mockery and bad-faith assumptions and rudeness etc. I don't see why anyone would voluntarily put themselves through that, yet (some of) you are asking them to, and justifying it with "well they've treated me badly"
[6:13 PM]thedeadlymoose: and they have and that's a problem
[6:13 PM]thedeadlymoose: but that doesn't fix the issue
[6:13 PM]gee0765: but yeah in short my take here is that disc Should Not be the ones making decisions surrounding inter staff interactions
[6:13 PM]Pedagon: To me this means all this should be on O5
[6:14 PM]Limey: It's also extraordinarily hard to suggest changes to a team like disc or a group like admin because I don't even know what's going on because of the blackboxes. I've talked and given suggestions and been told 'yeah thats a really good idea we'll implement that' but I don't what to suggest if I don't know what's going on
[6:14 PM]thedeadlymoose: You could suggest a new arrangement to address the blackbox factor! Offhand, you could ask for a fuller report on Disc's reasoning, a venue to express concerns that's public to all staff, etc
[6:14 PM]gee0765: i've had bad experiences asking for more transparency in the past :lol:
[7:04 PM]gee0765: literally any onion rings crisps are better tbh
[7:04 PM]gee0765: like i've had many and all the ones that are less yellow and more orange are the good ones
[7:05 PM]Twinnedlamps.aic: While the image of an orange onion will haunt me for the rest of my days, I will keep that in mind
[7:05 PM]EmotionalEntropy: On my hands and knees
[7:05 PM]EmotionalEntropy: Food is so expensive
[7:05 PM]Twinnedlamps.aic: it is, sadly
[7:06 PM]EmotionalEntropy: It cost me 61 for not even a full week of food
[7:06 PM]GremlinGroup: Monster munch
[7:06 PM]gee0765: i'm talking specifically onion rings flavour
[7:06 PM]gee0765: which is different to pickled onion
[7:06 PM]GremlinGroup: Onion ring flVour
[7:07 PM]gee0765: pickled onion monster munch v good though
[7:07 PM]gee0765: god i wish i had some crisps rn
[7:07 PM]Twinnedlamps.aic: You must live in a magical land for onion snacks all I've seen are funyuns
[7:07 PM]gee0765: going to go on a supermarket trip just to buy some tomorrow
[7:07 PM]gee0765: magical land (britain)
[7:08 PM]Twinnedlamps.aic: oof
That feels mean without context
Just I have some friends who currenrly live in or previously lived in Britain and apparently had a hard time there for various reasons.
I'm not being xenophobic for lols or something
[7:09 PM]gee0765: it's not xenophobia if it's against a country that deserves it
[7:09 PM]gee0765: britain, usa, france etc
[6:45 AM]Andry: I'm too lazy to differentiate between racism and discrimination of living things. I'm racist against wasps
[6:45 AM]DrowningGay: ...
[6:45 AM]RadiantGold: you drink it instead
[6:45 AM]DrowningGay: wasps are not a race wtf
[6:45 AM]Al3xand3r: DONT DRINK IT EITHER
[6:45 AM]BeanWaffle: There a race of bugs
[6:45 AM]DrowningGay: a species you mean
[6:45 AM]RadiantGold: DND logic
[6:45 AM]DrowningGay: also just say you hate the fuckers
[6:46 AM]BeanWaffle: yep
[6:46 AM]Caterpolaris II: Wasps are horrible little things
[6:46 AM]DrowningGay: everyone does
[6:46 AM]Lammar: they're ok when they're not trying to invade your house
[6:46 AM]DrowningGay: they're like bees but shit
[6:46 AM]StrangerSwing:
Image [definition of 'race']
[6:46 AM]Andry: yeah but i still hate them and would prefer not to interact with them or have them in my view, see how racist I sound ? how am I not racist by this logic
this is about wasps lol
go bees
[6:46 AM]Al3xand3r: I hate that DND still has racial alignments, and uses Race instead of Species
[6:46 AM]Lammar: <-- had to deal with six different wasp nests in my ceiling
[6:46 AM]BeanWaffle: I eat wasps for breakfast
[6:46 AM]Al3xand3r: Removes a lot of the weirdness with just that change
[6:46 AM]DrowningGay: because wasps are not a race
[6:46 AM]Al3xand3r: There’s a really cool add on that replaces it with species and culture iirc
[6:46 AM]Caterpolaris II: Yeah they're a separate species altogether
[6:46 AM]Andry: bees are cuter
[6:46 AM]Caterpolaris II: Bumblebees are the cutest
[6:47 AM]Caterpolaris II: Fat lil fellas
[6:47 AM]StrangerSwing: Because why wouldn't general regress into discussion of wasp race
[6:47 AM]Lammar: I used to have bees. :smilecatrii:
[6:47 AM]DrowningGay: wait bumblebees are the
[6:47 AM]DrowningGay: fuck
[6:47 AM]DrowningGay: YES
[6:47 AM]gee0765: wasps get unnecessary hate
[6:47 AM]BeanWaffle: No
[6:47 AM]BeanWaffle: The deserve all the hate
[6:47 AM]DrowningGay: the thick rumpus bees
[6:47 AM]Al3xand3r: I’m terrifiied of Wasps, by they’re just lil dudes
[6:47 AM]Al3xand3r: They hunt pests
[6:47 AM]DrowningGay: waps are
[6:47 AM]DrowningGay: like
[6:47 AM]gee0765: the only fucked up little creatures i actually disrespect are the little biting things and slugs
[6:47 AM]DrowningGay: jobless bees
[6:47 AM]Lammar: I think wasp hate is amusing
[6:47 AM]DrowningGay: and they're asshole
[6:48 AM]BeanWaffle: Slugs are fiiiine wdym
[6:48 AM]DrowningGay: i don't like how slugs look
[6:48 AM]gee0765: they'd be fine if they stayed where they belong
[6:48 AM]Al3xand3r: They have a job
[6:48 AM]gee0765: and not the rabbit hutch
[6:48 AM]Al3xand3r: Their job is hunting pests
[6:48 AM]gee0765: ok yeah i hate the unemployed too
[1:35 PM]Ethagon: although this is the first time I hear of this "toaster oven"
[1:35 PM]syuzhet: oh
[1:35 PM]syuzhet: the doohicky
[1:35 PM]Polaris: who says I'm not bringing a solar array camping?
[1:35 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: a camping stove
[1:35 PM]syuzhet: i see
[1:35 PM]gee0765: our toaster is broken
[1:35 PM]gee0765: you have to hold the thing down manually
[1:35 PM]Guaire: :unloyal:
[1:35 PM]Polaris: i ain't going anywhere without climate control smh
[1:35 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: if you're bringing a solar array camping you're not camping you're just kind of moving your house outside
[1:35 PM]gee0765: im going to put duct tape on it that fixes everything
[1:35 PM]Polaris: Exactly!
[1:35 PM]Polaris: That's the point
[1:35 PM]weryllium: Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of our hot eat the food
[1:36 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: they feed you the poison
so they can sell you the cure
[1:36 PM]gee0765: if you go camping you shouldn't even have an electrical outlet
[1:36 PM]Ethagon: yeah, that's why you bring a generator instead smh
[1:36 PM]gee0765: not a campsite even actually
[1:36 PM]Polaris: i like photos of nature but i have uh
[1:36 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: toaster ovens outclass air fryers in every way if you're too pussy to use a real oven
[1:36 PM]gee0765: you, your boys, some hammocks and a few crates of beer
[1:36 PM]gee0765: random forest
[1:36 PM]syuzhet: hardcore camping no campsite no tools no clothes
[1:36 PM]Polaris: let's say I have memories regarding arachnids I'd rather erase
[1:36 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: true!
[1:36 PM]Major Warlock (Mythral): Hiiii
[1:36 PM]Ethagon: that's all well and good but I still have no idea what a toaster oven is
[1:36 PM]syuzhet: you have to beat a deer to death and rub two sticks together to start a fire
[1:36 PM]gee0765: why would i Pay for a field when the forest is Free
Image [Toaster oven]
[1:37 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: this u buffoon
[1:37 PM]syuzhet: that pizzas so tiny
[1:37 PM]Guaire: oh yeah i hvae that
[1:37 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: also i like how poorly photoshopped in that pizza is
[1:37 PM]Ethagon: this looks like a microwave
[1:37 PM]Polaris: It ain't a toaster if it doesn't have the most useless setting names known to humanity
[1:37 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: sir r u blind
[1:37 PM]Ethagon: Note: I have no idea of anything
[1:37 PM]gee0765: what the fuck is this
[1:37 PM]Prismal: It's real
[1:37 PM]gee0765: i hate americans so much
[1:17 PM]Koth: What, as a furry, do you actually DO
[1:17 PM]Koth: Other than the weird nsfw part that people focus on
[1:17 PM]Koraxis: ik a furry irl and they basically just draw them i think lmao
[1:17 PM]Koraxis: they also make the suits but like only hands and mask ive seen..
[1:18 PM]Koraxis: but they have a LOT of notebooks with rly good art in it
[1:18 PM]SpicyBoye | Bisexual Furry Trash: kinda just vibe
[1:18 PM]SpicyBoye | Bisexual Furry Trash: with other people
[1:18 PM]rakub: i wouldn’t even call being a furry a hobby, more of a “trait”?
[1:18 PM]SpicyBoye | Bisexual Furry Trash: yeah
[1:18 PM]Koraxis: trait? XD
[1:18 PM]SpicyBoye | Bisexual Furry Trash: yeah?
[1:19 PM]rakub: I think all of the activities that spawn it, like art and suiting, and the cons as hobbies/activities
[1:19 PM]SpicyBoye | Bisexual Furry Trash: do you know what a trait is?
[1:19 PM]Koraxis: im not an idiot
[1:19 PM]Koth: So just like, hang out and mutually appreciate anthropomorphic animals?
[1:19 PM]Koraxis: (._.)
[1:19 PM]SpicyBoye | Bisexual Furry Trash: yeah, something like that
[1:19 PM]winterheart 🐰: the main thing furries do is represent themselves as an anthropomorphic animal on the internet in some way
[1:20 PM]Koraxis: i cant speak on it other then the person i know makes art .-.
[1:20 PM]RadiantGold: Not even necessarily on the internet
[1:20 PM]rakub: it’s such an interesting group of people to me
[1:20 PM]winterheart 🐰: true, but usually on the internet at minimum
[1:20 PM]rakub: interesting in a good way, it’s super unique
[1:21 PM]winterheart 🐰: its mainly about like, having a particular kind of avatar, interest in particular kinds of art
[1:21 PM]winterheart 🐰: and being gay
[1:21 PM]Koraxis: tf
[1:21 PM]winterheart 🐰: (there are straight furries too but)
[1:21 PM]rakub: they’re also responsibly for upholding pretty much all of the computer world
[1:22 PM]Koraxis: how..
[1:22 PM]rakub: you know how many computer scientists/people who create key parts of what the internet is/IT people, are furries
[1:22 PM]rakub: it’s crazy
[1:22 PM]Koraxis: oh i did not lol
[1:23 PM]Koraxis: interesting
[1:23 PM]EmotionalEntropy: What even is this conversation
[1:23 PM]winterheart 🐰: definitely one aspect of the appeal is that social norms can make it had for gay men to think about themselves and other men as sexual beings and the fursona is a way to help mediate that
[1:23 PM]winterheart 🐰: furries
[1:23 PM]Koraxis: it started as me asking spicy the diff between scalies and furrys
[1:24 PM]gee0765: every time i hear about straight furries they're talked about in a bad way lmao
[12:59 PM]gee0765: this wind feels great
[12:59 PM]gee0765: i can just like. lean forwards
[12:59 PM]gee0765: i love strong wind when there's no rain
[12:59 PM]jay 🫒 (mean and fucked up): i hope this is celsius
[12:59 PM]gee0765: absolutely the best weather
[1:00 PM]gee0765: no it's miles per hour
[1:00 PM]jay 🫒 (mean and fucked up): oh the wind here was pushing 90 yesterday
[1:00 PM]Koth: Wind is not measured in temperature units you goobers
[1:00 PM]jay 🫒 (mean and fucked up): it was great one of my windows blew out
[1:00 PM]gee0765: 50mph is ideal wind imo
[1:00 PM]gee0765: especially when it's ~10 degrees
[1:01 PM]gee0765: that's approximately not negative
[1:01 PM]jay 🫒 (mean and fucked up): gee when ice
[1:01 PM]Perdoh: do you have a long coat on? is it whipping around in the wind?
[1:01 PM]gee0765: no i'm in a t shirt
[1:01 PM]Perdoh: lost opportunity
[1:01 PM]Series IIVI: I got the cops called on me for that once.
[1:01 PM]gee0765: elaborate
[1:02 PM]Series IIVI: I was repeatedly walking around in a T-shirt when it was supposely coat weather and some locals assumed I was a drug addict and called the cops.
[1:03 PM]Series IIVI: People in the midwest always think it's way colder than it is, it's weird.
[1:03 PM]Perdoh: people need to mind their own damn business
[1:03 PM]Fortanono: I've never gotten that. I did get an old lady to offer me her jacket because she thought I was cold.
[1:03 PM]Fortanono: Which was sweet. I did not, in fact, take the old lady's coat.
[1:03 PM]ParallelPotatoes: Im a midwesterner and Im the type to wear t-shirts when its under 32 F
[1:03 PM]Fortanono: YES
[1:03 PM]ParallelPotatoes: People judge me but never called the cops
[1:04 PM]TacticalNecromancy: hmmm
[1:04 PM]Fortanono: I've never been judged negatively, it's more like "holy shit dude, aren't you cold?"
[1:04 PM]Koth: I’m from the mountains so it’s always funny to see people here in the lowlands react to what they think is cold
[1:04 PM]Series IIVI: Do you live around Republicans?
[1:04 PM]Fortanono: I was worse when I was younger. There's literally a picture of me in Alaska, on top of a glacier with a T-shirt
[1:04 PM]Ethagon: I maintain that writing INT SCPs is a theme
[1:04 PM]Fortanono: Which
[1:04 PM]Fortanono: I dunno how
[1:05 PM]Koth: Even when it does hit actually cold temperatures the humidity is so much higher that it doesn’t feel that way
[1:05 PM]Fortanono: Same thing: my grandmother lives in Florida and she gets cold there when it's December
[1:05 PM]Koth: Powerful
[1:05 PM]Guaire: the problem isnt writing int scps, is everything else
[1:05 PM]Series IIVI: Old people get a pass for being old.
[1:05 PM]Fortanono: Fair
[1:05 PM]Koth: Poor circulation
[1:05 PM]Jesus Christ: We're going to see the most mid stuff come out of int con with some incredible highs that get downvoted heavily by people who are largely int members
[1:05 PM]Ethagon: but that's everything!
[1:06 PM]ZeroNeophyte: I don’t know how I feel about having two contests so close together in general
[1:06 PM]Series IIVI: Time to start SCP nationalism.
[1:06 PM]Series IIVI: I don't think anybody thinks it's a good idea besides that person in INT's forums that wanted people to go do ColdCon instead.
[1:06 PM]Series IIVI: After posting ended.
[1:07 PM]gee0765: i very rarely wear more than a t shirt
[1:07 PM]ZeroNeophyte: You can always go back in time
[1:07 PM]Series IIVI: I usually only bundle up when I genuinely could see frostbite coming on.
[1:07 PM]ZeroNeophyte: People never consider that option for some reason, smh
[1:07 PM]Ethagon: yeah, that's my main issue with coldpostcon
[1:07 PM]gee0765: now thinking about it i have had the police ask if i'm okay a couple of times
[1:08 PM]Koth: Cold? Simply move faster
[1:08 PM]Koth: If you start exercising in a coat you’ll just have to take it off
[1:08 PM]Ethagon: "I'm writing three articles per second as we speak"
[1:09 PM]Series IIVI: Yeah that, too.
[1:10 PM]Series IIVI: Luckily the officer this time seemed to realize the call was bullshit and was cool about it.
[1:12 PM]gee0765: wait you got the police called on you
[1:12 PM]gee0765: lmao
[1:12 PM]gee0765: no they just drove past me and stopped
[1:12 PM]Series IIVI: Yeah like a person reported me to the cops and he parked the car on the sidewalk next to me.
[1:13 PM]rakub: i've only ever had one interaction with the police
[1:13 PM]rakub: me and my friend met up to swap some design & technology work and it looks VERY suspicious from an outside perspective
[1:13 PM]rakub: a lot of wires and doohickeys
[1:14 PM]ParallelPotatoes: The only interaction Ive had the police is once when I was a kid some teenagers vandalized a sidewalk that was still drying near my house. Police were called and I met the officer
[1:15 PM]Jesus Christ: Common inthead moment
[1:15 PM]Jesus Christ: Pride in being ignorant of EN
[1:15 PM]gee0765: how do i ask this in a way that doesn't make me sound awful
[1:16 PM]rakub: just ask it anyways
[1:16 PM]Series IIVI: I think they liked EN better than INT.
[1:16 PM]rakub: i know you don't mean anything by it
[1:16 PM]gee0765: are you brown
[1:16 PM]rakub: very much so
[1:16 PM]gee0765: because i think i could very easily get away with giving someone a bomb on the street
[3:15 PM]PLAGUE PAPA ROSS: i’m gonna hop on the record and say there is a special place in hell for anyone who orders delivery during a weather emergency
[3:16 PM]PLAGUE PAPA ROSS: delivering pizzas in squall is not fun
[3:32 PM]gee0765: i am of the opinion that ordering food delivery is generally immoral
[3:32 PM]gee0765: unless there is a legitimate reason that you cannot collect the food, or better, make it yourself
[3:32 PM]gee0765: you are committing an immoral act
[3:34 PM]GOOFYGOOBER [1/2]: heyo!
[3:35 PM]pab: Good evening everyone
[3:38 PM]Ethagon: I see you live according to hunter gatherer ethics
[3:41 PM]PLAGUE PAPA ROSS: gentleman and a scholar
[3:42 PM]pab: My discord cant decide on your profile pic
[3:42 PM]pab: It changes back and forth with literally every message and i keep seeing you as two separate people
[3:43 PM]gee0765: no i just think it's fucked up that a significant proportion of the population thinks it's fine to make a slave deliver their meal directly to their door
[1:06 PM]ATROX: I had a weird friend once who stretched his belly button piercing so he could stick a straw through it and use it like a pipe to smoke weed with his belly button
[1:06 PM]ATROX: I wonder where he is now
[1:06 PM]Deleted User: ahh classic
[1:06 PM]ATROX: Jail probably he should go to jail for that
[1:06 PM]Deleted User: everyones done that b4
[1:07 PM]ATROX: Normal activities
[1:07 PM]gee0765: i would do that
[1:07 PM]gee0765: but i don't have a belly button piercing
[1:07 PM]gee0765: and i don't smoke weed
[1:07 PM]gee0765: apart from that though
[1:07 PM]Deleted User: every1 thinks that im always high but i've only smoked like 3 times in my life before im just very anemic
[1:08 PM]Fish^12: so you don't have three weed smoking girlfriends
[1:08 PM]Anky: hmm, I'll trade 9 nipples for your halo
[1:08 PM]Deleted User: what i wouldn't do for that amiright
[1:08 PM]ATROX: I’m very anemic, in a perpetual dissociative state, psychotic, and I’m always high
[1:08 PM]Fish^12: you should solve at least one of those things
[1:08 PM]Deleted User: this is a good enviornment for creating art
[1:08 PM]ATROX: I haven’t experienced reality as it is for years, I’m playing the modded version of life
[1:08 PM]gee0765: if i had a gun with two bullets and i was locked in a room with hitler and a stoner i would shoot hitler twice. because i would beat the stoner to death with my own hands
(N.B. there were some deleted messages in this conversation and it's difficult to follow)
[11:04 PM]
Misato | KS: i dont think cops should be around children
[11:05 PM]Miś: i dont think cops should be around
[11:05 PM]LadyKatie: Not to mention burnt out doctors/nurses and unhappy doctors/nurses aren't going to be doing their best work.
[11:05 PM]
Misato | KS: generally speaking if you pay people they do better work
[11:05 PM]LadyKatie: Honey I'm so sorry this happened to you but I need you to put this under a spoiler.
[11:05 PM]tyumen: If you pay them and also let them take breaks and treat them kindly
[11:05 PM]
Misato | KS: takes too long ill just delete it
[11:06 PM]
Misato | KS: think this happened before, i keep forgetting
[11:06 PM]
Misato | KS: but yeah im not fond of the police
[11:06 PM]LadyKatie: It's alright, the conversation is going at a decent pace and this was a logical place for you to go. Your points and feelings are valid.
[11:06 PM]
Misato | KS: thanks katie
[11:07 PM]
Misato | KS: we have armed middle class militias theyre called the police
ThirdUncle ↩️
Reply to: unless you want to allow armed middle class militias to form in the country and dispense summary jus…
[11:07 PM]
Misato | KS: thats literally what the police are
[11:07 PM]
Misato | KS: i will call nixons spirit from the grave to explain this concept
[11:07 PM]Miś: As contrary to the current armed middle class militias who roam around and execute people on the street
[11:07 PM]
Misato | KS: "the silent majority" includes the police
[11:07 PM]gee0765: richard nixon gets unnecessary hate
N.B.: This was effectively a two-message conversation; gee replied directly to bomban
[5:36 PM]bomban: Ayy guys what’s your opinion on heat waves across the United States recently?
[5:38 PM]gee0765: the american people deserve to be cooked
[5:43 PM]Vapid "Gay Horror" Poem: flags should have like 2-4 colors and/or a few simple designs
[5:43 PM]gee0765: one colour
[5:43 PM]Gearwitch uno: oh boy do i have something you will HATE
[5:44 PM]Vapid "Gay Horror" Poem: maryland is the equivalent of vomitting on your flag
[5:44 PM]Guaire: libyan patriot
[5:44 PM]Deleted User: Vapid, I respect you as a person, but you are dead to me now.
[5:44 PM]gee0765: i fucking love gaddafi
[5:15 PM]gee0765: there’s a lot of candidates for Hitler 2 here
[5:15 PM]QuasiQuonQualia: There's a sequel?
[5:16 PM]gee0765: and honestly most people here would back one of them
[5:16 PM]fuck the world: like maybe 0-33 ad was where it was at
[5:16 PM]PostingDoge: I missed this comment earlier but holy shit every time I see him he is so weird he’s like if you ai face morphed the entire Wharton Business School class of like 1995
[5:16 PM]fuck the world: i wouldnt i hate the antichrist
[5:16 PM]fuck the world: or adolf hitler 2
[5:16 PM]fuck the world: or whoever
[5:16 PM]It's Jeanbover (No.1 Juck Fan): they hadn't invented toilet paper or bidets yet i think that's unlikely
[5:16 PM]MusicSheep: If there are people acting like Hitler, why aren't they banned?
[5:16 PM]gee0765: born again Christianity, the state of Israel, either of the main candidates for the US election, any leader of the EU
[5:16 PM]Tiperia: dealing in absolutes is generally a bad thing. I agree with you there
[5:16 PM]Gearwitch uno: i mean yeah but im saying structurally and like just general spiritual concepts too not just from stuff in the bible
[5:16 PM]gee0765: because it’s just sort of accepted and any criticism otherwise is called one other equally unacceptable term
[5:17 PM]gee0765: which is especially annoying because half of the time it’s true
[5:17 PM]Gearwitch uno: like christ as a spiritual figure wasnt even really that much of a concept before paul
[5:17 PM]gee0765: half of Israel’s critics are just antisemitic
[5:17 PM]Metaphysician: The religion, with its obviously Hellenic metaphysics and neo-platonic influences came well after Jesus. And it's just weird to me how that's controversial. It was obviously an evolution.
[5:17 PM]fuck the world: i have accidentally talked myself into a losing position because i immediately thought wait jesus would pick the shittiest time possible because of all the shit he says in the bible huh
but idk maybe it ruled secretly
[5:17 PM]gee0765: most of the EU’s critics are just generally racist
[5:17 PM]MusicSheep: Most of Israel's critics are Jews...
[5:17 PM]gee0765: most of Christianity’s critics are Reddit atheists
[5:18 PM]gee0765: et cetera
[5:18 PM]Metaphysician: You can usually tell when they are cool with some ethnic cleansing and not others.
[5:18 PM]PostingDoge: Idt they are “anti Zionism is anti semitism” concern trolling here
[5:18 PM]gee0765: nah they’re upper middle class Americans who complain about Israel and mention Jews wayyyy too often
[5:18 PM]It's Jeanbover (No.1 Juck Fan): no the fuck he ain't
[5:18 PM]gee0765: I’ve seen it a lot
[5:18 PM]Jacklyn: I dont know of any letter from paul of tarsus that we have in it's entirety that isnt in the bible
[5:18 PM]Metaphysician: I feel like most is doing some incredible lifting here gee
[5:18 PM]Gearwitch uno: some people arent ready for the "christianity was more a jewish sect than its own thing for nearly a century" discussion
[5:18 PM]gee0765: honestly Americans just shouldn’t be allowed to comment on anything
[5:18 PM]Lucerne: I was legit unsure if gee was doing a bit for a minute
[5:19 PM]gee0765: British people shouldn’t be allowed to comment on trans issues
[5:19 PM]PostingDoge: This statement only makes sense if you only think white people live here
[5:19 PM]gee0765: French people shouldn’t be allowed to comment on the age of consent
[5:19 PM]gee0765: there is a list
[5:19 PM]evil edd: but i love and accept trans people :((
[5:19 PM]Tiperia: Why do you think so? for all of those ideas?
[5:19 PM]Metaphysician: Lol
[5:19 PM]fuck the world: hes being beast
[5:19 PM]evil edd: oh wait trans issues mb
[5:19 PM]Metaphysician: Beast mode
[5:19 PM]gee0765: yeah and if the loudest people win that’s going to be true in 15 years
[5:19 PM]evil edd: yeah i’m not trans so it’s not my space to talk about, but they have my undying support until my last breath 💯
[5:19 PM]gee0765: so they should all be silenced
[5:20 PM]It's Jeanbover (No.1 Juck Fan): might still happen if they lose tbh
[5:20 PM]MusicSheep: Bruh, wanting a country to stop killing children, stop promoting ethnostates, stop beating and imprisoning people for being anti-government is not antisemitism. That's just wanting human rights.
[5:20 PM]Tiperia: same!
[5:20 PM]Gearwitch uno: im not talking about the bloody letters im talking what he did in Rome and shit and his evangelising
[5:20 PM]QuasiQuonQualia: I mean one of the subliminals in the Charmed opening says "Rache" which is German for "Revenge" ... My first thought actually went into the direction of "Hmm... What could that relate to? ..." Given that Thule and Vril Society stuff there's definitely an occult link
[5:20 PM]Metaphysician: I'm white and don't hold the opinions of the supremacists except maybe about cheese.
[5:20 PM]MusicSheep: What's a subliminal?
[5:20 PM]fuck the world: meta trust me you do not you chose a topic they are very weird about too
[5:20 PM]fuck the world: the cheese conspiracy
[5:20 PM]Tiperia: I dont give my take on issues because im not a minority, im straight, and male, but i will accept and support those who need it
[5:21 PM]gee0765: yeah I know im not talking about you lol
[5:21 PM]Metaphysician: Oh
[5:21 PM]gee0765: I fucking hate Israel
[5:21 PM]MusicSheep: Oh ok
[5:21 PM]gee0765: I wish a painful death on every member of the IDF
[6:37 PM]Bakalao: god don't get me started on texas. i go every year during the summer to stay with my grandparents for a few months and it's been shit. Almost passed out once in a boxing gym bc of the heat. I swear last year it was around 100 degrees farenheit pretty much every day
[6:39 PM]Metaphysician: I don't know how people can williny live in that heat. I basically hid inside last summer
[6:39 PM]gee0765: i struggle to be sympathetic for people hit by this hurricane
[6:39 PM]gee0765: real leopard eating face moment
[6:40 PM]Carmeli: We don't willingly live in the heat we kinda don't have a choice tbh
[6:40 PM]Bakalao: gee respectfully shut the fuck up you know who mostly dies in these? The poor, the imprisoned, the disabled, the elderly. People who can't pack up their lives for every storm
[6:40 PM]gee0765: like would you feel the same for people living in ISIS HQ?
[6:40 PM]Bakalao: what???
[6:40 PM]Bakalao: i woukd
[6:41 PM]Bakalao: because it's a loss of life and its a horrible way to go
[6:41 PM]gee0765: ok cool
[6:41 PM]gee0765: i feel deeply bad for people in that position
[6:42 PM]Bakalao: thing is during hurricanes one of the best things you can do is hunker down
[6:42 PM]Lucerne: 47.76% voted Democrat, so even putting aside the people that literally have no say in things.................
[6:42 PM]Bakalao: aside from packing up and leaving but that's more difficult and costly
[6:42 PM]Lucerne: 10 million is a lot of people
[6:43 PM]gee0765: about 30% of the German population voted for Hitler
[6:43 PM]Final Form Gorm: hi chat
[6:43 PM]Bakalao: hi gorm
[6:44 PM]Final Form Gorm: hi
[6:44 PM]gee0765: man I hate that election so much
[6:45 PM]gee0765: people voted against communism in favour of literal Hitler
[6:45 PM]Final Form Gorm: jesus christ
[6:45 PM]Bakalao: actually hitler's party initially branded themselves as worker-friendly socialists and such
[6:47 PM]Bakalao: like I get what you're trying to say but
[6:49 PM]Metaphysician: But we're part of the right-wing bloc with the conservatives. A way to make themselves look more "working class", which the rest of the right, mostly remnants of the aristocracy struggled to connect with.
[6:49 PM]Metaphysician: Which is why the Conservatives took them in.
[6:50 PM]Bakalao: yes
[6:51 PM]libraryofalexandra: hold on what
[6:51 PM]WallyWally: Presumably ISIS HQ doesn't take up the bulk of the state of Florida. Acting as if they deserve to be hit be several Hurricanes in a row with limited to no support because of Republican power structures is increasingly similar rhetoric to "Hurricanes are punishment from god for the gays."
The majority of the people affected are the poor and those physically unable to leave. The people to blame, those in power and those who had enacted the propaganda that makes them so hateful will suffer no consequence from this.
I really think you need to take a break.
[6:52 PM]Final Form Gorm: There are people in this very server who are going to be hit
[6:52 PM]Lucerne: Like if you'd said Florida Republicans don't get your sympathy that's inherently a lot more understandable yeah
[6:52 PM]Final Form Gorm: Genuinely why would you even say that
[6:52 PM]WallyWally: My home county no longer exists. I'm estranged from everybody anyway for obvious reasons, but they didn't deserve to have their entire lives destroyed.
[6:53 PM]Carmeli: Yeah I gotta be honest, too far.
[6:54 PM]WallyWally: If you are simply ranting because you're angry, I think you both need to take a serious break to cool off or find more specific people to blame than people unfortunate enough to live in the geographical location struck by hurricanes.
[6:55 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Nah a five point margin in an election is worth damming everyone
[6:55 PM]subtletea: who wants OJ before i toss him into the sun
[6:55 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Launch the nukes Mr Biden
[6:55 PM]subtletea: ,,,did I come in at a bad time
[6:55 PM]libraryofalexandra: if you're privileged enough to think peoples entire lives can be uprooted so easily then good for you but don't you fucking dare say you don't feel sympathy in any sense towards people who are/are going to be affected by this
[6:55 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Send in the 101st airborne division to destroy the entire city of Tampa
[6:55 PM]libraryofalexandra: meeee
[6:55 PM]Bakalao: who is oj and why are you launching him
[6:56 PM]Lucerne: More to the point, half the damn reason to be angry about red states
[6:56 PM]Lucerne: is that definitionally they victimize a lot of people who aren't okay with their ruling class
[6:56 PM]subtletea: my cat, who planted both feet directly onto my boobs and then sneezed into my open mouth just now
[6:57 PM]subtletea: before you ask mouth was open because I was talking to my mother on the phone
[6:57 PM]Final Form Gorm: gee strikes me as a deeply unpleasant person
[6:57 PM]Bakalao: LMAOOOO
[6:57 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Lmao
[6:57 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Gremlin
[6:57 PM]Liz 🦃: Chat seems rancid the afternoon
[6:57 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Gremlin cat
[6:57 PM]Final Form Gorm: Yes
[6:57 PM]Bakalao: boob-step-mouth-sneeze combo attack
[6:57 PM]Final Form Gorm: Welcome
[6:58 PM]libraryofalexandra: someone's just been STABBED ON MY CAMPUS WHAT THE FUCK
[6:58 PM]Bakalao: wtf
[6:58 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Wtf
[6:58 PM]Final Form Gorm: What
[6:58 PM]subtletea: the vibes are rancid tonight holy hell
[6:58 PM]subtletea: he weighs ten pounds but can produce 1000 lbs of pain
[6:58 PM]Metaphysician: That happened once at my school, wasn't there for it
[6:58 PM]Lucerne: stay indoors and with others?
[6:59 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Vivi in the bath, to lighten the mood.
[6:59 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Also hope you’re safe Alex
[6:59 PM]subtletea: seek shelter in an interior room, stay away from windows, and stay indoors
[6:59 PM]Prismal: ahahaha
[6:59 PM]subtletea: i love her scrungly hind foot and all
[7:00 PM]subtletea: if I didn't have a cat and lived in a place I could ensure climate control I would get a herp so fast
[7:00 PM]Metaphysician: Ugh, why is my face on fire
[7:00 PM]subtletea: also would keep an african giant millipede in a heartbeat
[7:00 PM]subtletea: they're such little guys
[7:00 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Sometimes I get worried that she broke something but then I realize that no she just has weird ways of sitting
[7:00 PM]Carmeli: What is a herp
[7:01 PM]subtletea: does she do the dragon sploot
[7:01 PM]subtletea: Herpetology is the scientific study of amphibians and reptiles, including their biology, ecology, behavior, taxonomy, and husbandry. Herp is a shortening of that
[7:02 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Yeah but my favorites are when she just leans against a wall and sleeps upright
[7:02 PM]Carmeli: Oooh. I see. Thought you meant something totaaaally different.
[7:02 PM]ZeroNeophyte: It hasn’t happened in awhile but she used to do it a lot when he was a baby
[7:02 PM]subtletea: not herp derp
[7:02 PM]Carmeli: I meant herpes
[7:02 PM]subtletea: oh not that either lmao
[7:03 PM]subtletea: oh no wonder this queue is taking so long, I forgot to hit start on it :wheeze:
[7:03 PM]Carmeli: Yeah I figured lol.
[7:03 PM]ZeroNeophyte: As baby
[7:04 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Sometimes I forgot how tiny she was
[7:04 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Could barely crawl up her little perch,,,
[7:04 PM]subtletea: my name is lizzer
when i was smol
i used cardboard
to make me tol
[7:05 PM]libraryofalexandra: i don't live on campus luckily but still horrifying
[7:06 PM]subtletea:
[7:06 PM]subtletea: anti-carceral until it's your cat, then :gaybabyjail:
[7:06 PM]Bene Flopsserit [On Hiatus]: Hi friends
[7:06 PM]Final Form Gorm: Hi
[7:06 PM]subtletea: flips flops
[7:06 PM]notgull: hello lt flops
[7:06 PM]subtletea: hi notgull
[7:07 PM]notgull: Hello tea
[7:07 PM]notgull: Long time no see
[7:07 PM]subtletea: hey if you had bad allergies, would you be snotgull
[7:07 PM]notgull: or should I say... long time, no tea
[7:07 PM]ItsJustAClint: flops the tea
[7:07 PM]subtletea: not very subtle of you, smh
[7:07 PM]notgull: This is what my family calls me in spring
[7:07 PM]݁₊ ⊹ .captain slaybeard. ݁₊ ⊹: Ahoy
[7:08 PM]Carmeli: o/
[7:08 PM]Bakalao: omg slaybeard
[7:08 PM]ItsJustAClint: car batteries deserve to be in crab environments
[7:11 PM]subtletea: if you have a good cohesive draft, are you plotgull
[7:12 PM]notgull: if you throw things into the air are you juggletea?
[7:13 PM]݁₊ ⊹ .captain slaybeard. ݁₊ ⊹: Seagull if they join me crew
[7:13 PM]subtletea: yes but I have horrible coordination, y'all are going to have to subtleflee
[7:13 PM]subtletea: also, you got ink on your nice handwritten draft! now there's a big splotgull 😔
[7:13 PM]notgull: right, you might fall over and i'll have to make sure you don't accidentally hit me with your knuckletea
[7:13 PM]notgull: Glad I didn't make that typo in IRC, it would be a death sentence if I did
[7:14 PM]subtletea: the notgall of some people
[7:14 PM]subtletea: smdh
[7:14 PM]notgull: so a small pool of ink? it seems to have formed a puddletea
[7:15 PM]subtletea: as long as it doesn't grow into a subtlesea, we should be fine
[7:15 PM]notgull: yeah that would be troubletea
[7:15 PM]subtletea: man I just reached out to pet this cat and he's damp. whadda hell.
[7:16 PM]Carmeli: Smelly little creatures always are damp
[7:17 PM]Gearwitch uno: damp maggot
[7:17 PM]Carmeli: Stinkers keep playing in the damn water bowl or the bathtub
[7:17 PM]Gearwitch uno: moistea
[7:17 PM]subtletea: btw if you know anyone looking for a place to stay, I need to subletea
[7:17 PM]subtletea: he just gave himself a bath I think
[7:17 PM]subtletea:
[7:18 PM]notgull: Let me talk to my friend, he just needs to finish shaving his stubbletea
[7:18 PM]Gearwitch uno: bit is deteriorating rapidly
[7:19 PM]notgull: Yeah it's becoming a struggletea
[7:19 PM]gee0765: sorry I had to replace the bottle of vdoka
[7:19 PM]Jace Stephens, Barrel Riolu: Is chat in better spirits now?
[7:19 PM]Jace Stephens, Barrel Riolu: No, gee, not those kinds of spirits.
[7:19 PM]Gearwitch uno: nevertheless it is notdull
[7:20 PM]gee0765: are u still on about rich Americans who are incapable of admitting they’re rich
[5:18 PM]gee0765: man i love being not a mod
[5:18 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: lessgo
[5:18 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: hi gee
[5:18 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: hows it cracking
[5:18 PM]gee0765: I can post whatever I want on twitter without getting DMs
[5:19 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: is it beer oclock yet
[5:19 PM]gee0765: follow gee0765 on Twitter to be prevented from getting any job where the boss is American
[5:19 PM]Wukong (Shruggs): use this power wisely
[5:19 PM]Wukong (Shruggs): or don't
[5:19 PM]gee0765: It has been for like eight hours
[5:19 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: hi sugugghguueuhgugu
[5:19 PM]Final Form Gorm: Protip
[5:19 PM]Final Form Gorm: Say cis
[5:19 PM]Wukong (Shruggs): hi pengwy
[5:19 PM]gee0765: but they’re barely breaking through the elvanse
[5:19 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: YOU ARE CISGENDER
[5:19 PM]Bakalao: gee how r u
[5:19 PM]gee0765: idk if you’re a based hater leftist or a shitty transphobe
[5:19 PM]Liz 🦃: Elon will kill you
[5:20 PM]Final Form Gorm: Xitter death squad dispatched
[5:20 PM]gee0765: but fine okay
[5:20 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: your mother is cisgender
[5:20 PM]Final Form Gorm: I'm saying you literally cant use the word cis on xitter
[5:20 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: elon is cisgender
[5:20 PM]gee0765: “everyone except cis Americans should be allowed ozempic”
[5:20 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: his mom is cisgender
[5:20 PM]gee0765: still agree with that take
[5:20 PM]gee0765: Americans are possibly the only people who deserve to be obese
[5:20 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: guh
[5:21 PM]Bakalao: therefore cis people shouldnt be allowed to own social media companies
[5:21 PM]Wukong (Shruggs): LMAO
[5:21 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: except me im special
[5:21 PM]gee0765: honestly fair
[5:21 PM]Wukong (Shruggs): get up against the wall
[5:21 PM]gee0765: like every social media is so incredibly hostile to trans people
[5:21 PM]gee0765: maybe cis people shouldn’t be allowed to run them
[5:21 PM]Bakalao: the guy who owns tumblr and the guy who owns reddit should be put in the arena from insomniac's spider-man 2 and made to fight to the death
[5:22 PM]gee0765: i am currently banned from reddit
[5:22 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: now
[5:22 PM]LittleHeartFaliure: no*
[5:22 PM]Bakalao: what for?
[5:22 PM]gee0765: telling someone to kill themselves
[5:22 PM]Wukong (Shruggs):
[5:22 PM]Bakalao: the claassic blunder
[5:22 PM]Bakalao: suicide baiting
[5:23 PM]Final Form Gorm: Ayo same
[5:23 PM]gee0765: yeah but he deserved it
[5:23 PM]gee0765: he said he was planning on voting for trump
[5:23 PM]Bakalao: can't believe they ban for that but not for saying slurs or spreading eugenicist rhetoric
[5:23 PM]gee0765: So I went with the standard democrat harm reduction strategy
[5:23 PM]Final Form Gorm: Except i said tories should be hanged as a joke it was a joke
[5:23 PM]gee0765: and one fewer Republican vote is equivalent to one bonus democrat vote
[5:24 PM]Bakalao: LMAOOOO
[5:24 PM]ZeroNeophyte: Depending on where they live it actually did nothing. Or was the thin margin of victory. Roll the dice
[5:24 PM]ZeroNeophyte: That’s the beauty of chance…
[5:24 PM]sae: The entire website or a subreddit?
[5:25 PM]gee0765: the entire website
[5:25 PM]sae: LMFAOOO
[5:25 PM]gee0765: for like one more day
[5:25 PM]gee0765: the news subreddit forever
[5:25 PM]gee0765: but like I have multiple emails
[5:25 PM]sae: I didn't knew you could get banned from the entire website
[5:25 PM]gee0765: they cannot stop me telling republicans to die
both messages mentioning cigs I wrote out and then deleted fags because I don’t want to deal with that
(No context available)
[12:17 AM]gee0765: the American propaganda machine is incredible
[12:17 AM]gee0765: Many authoritarian states should study it
[12:18 AM]Mr. McFace: shit sandwhich all around
[12:18 AM]yfel:
[12:18 AM]I am the Blind Abbyss: Yeah but I don't talk about the Venezuelan situation too much here.
[12:18 AM]yfel: beerus and whis memes are incredible
[12:18 AM]mariofeds: yeah, hitler started out saying he wa gonna deport the jews at first
[12:18 AM]mariofeds: then he did something different
[12:19 AM]I am the Blind Abbyss: I don't think there's anyone crazy enough here to support Maduro.
[12:19 AM]gee0765: Americans be like at least we aren’t (insert country who has killed orders of magnitude fewer children)
[12:19 AM]gee0765: I really hope that Venezuela eventually gets an election where neither party is very obviously a proxy state
[12:19 AM]yfel: cya gee
[12:19 AM]Mr. McFace: there is a very big difference between fascism and funny orange man, and also the current administration is trying to do the same thing so yeah
[12:20 AM]I am the Blind Abbyss: Don't count on it, but the sentiment is valued and treasured.
[12:20 AM]gee0765: maduro sucks but man guiado is inherently a joke
[12:20 AM]Mr. McFace: think they r turing into the PRI
[12:20 AM]gee0765: I cannot look at that man without laughing
[12:20 AM]I am the Blind Abbyss: You know about super moustache?
[12:21 AM]gee0765: no but it sounds funny
[12:21 AM]mariofeds: i mean, have you heard some of the shit he's saying, he wants to give immigrants special serial numbers, he said "if you vote for me you won't have to vote again". not to mention the haiti incident.
[12:21 AM]gee0765: I don’t know enough about Venezuela I just know that both major parties are essentially proxies of whoever wants the oil
[12:21 AM]I am the Blind Abbyss:
Luigino Bracci Roa desde Venezuela
SuperBigote: Maduro vs. Elon Musk
[12:22 AM]gee0765: there are very few vs situations where I would be full maduro
[12:22 AM]gee0765: this is one of them
[12:22 AM]I am the Blind Abbyss: context: Maduro got a cartoon where he's a superhero with an iron fist. He's even gave away action figures.
[12:22 AM]mariofeds: look, i'm not racist against white south africans, but if they're like elon musk then i will be
[12:23 AM]gee0765: you’re allowed to be racist against white South Africans
[7:03 PM]libraryofalexandra: apparently a 14 year old committed suicide after a chatbot of danaerys targaryen told him to
[7:03 PM]Jace Stephens, Barrel Riolu: And that's not even counting the pallets of feature quantity we have to stack ourselves because they get crudely smashed and/or thrown into the GM trucks
[7:03 PM]Jace Stephens, Barrel Riolu: Tie back into, once again, the number of times those trucks have almost fucking killed me.
[7:03 PM]EmotionalEntropy: This is why everyone in have been yelling at devs that they should not be marketing it to being for kids
[7:03 PM]gee0765: yeah i just saw ai should be illegal honestly
[7:03 PM]gee0765: not just because of that
[7:04 PM]gee0765: I think it is a net negative on the world
[7:06 PM]libraryofalexandra: it's funny if you're older and know that it's just silly to mess around with. it's devastating if you don't
[7:09 PM]gee0765: the American people do not have the mental capacity for artificial intelligence
7:12 PM]libraryofalexandra: i'm gonna download it and see if i can get it to do that
[7:12 PM]Jace Stephens, Barrel Riolu: Like, Terabyte, read what I was saying about the trucks, please
[7:12 PM]gee0765: AI chatbots are possibly more evil than even AI art
[7:12 PM]EmotionalEntropy: Most bots will also be auto filtered to not encourage behaviors like that
[7:13 PM]gee0765: they attempt to replace human connection
[7:13 PM]EmotionalEntropy: Primarily it’s the users themselves who train it
[7:13 PM]gee0765: legitimately dystopian
[7:13 PM]EmotionalEntropy: Yea I do agree
[7:13 PM]adasba (wikidot: radian628): just like the bumblebee tuna incident
[7:13 PM]libraryofalexandra: “Daenerys” at one point asked Setzer if he had devised a plan for killing himself, according to the lawsuit. Setzer admitted that he had but that he did not know if it would succeed or cause him great pain, the complaint alleges. The chatbot allegedly told him: “That’s not a reason not to go through with it.”
[7:13 PM]gee0765: they should be banned and the creators should be put to death
[7:14 PM]#1 nuclear power fan: While having an outlet to talk to is important I think it’s more important for these kids to like
[7:14 PM]#1 nuclear power fan: Actually see someone
[7:14 PM]EmotionalEntropy: Actually getting progressional help
[7:14 PM]EmotionalEntropy: Yea obv
[7:14 PM]Jace Stephens, Barrel Riolu: Okay unrelated but I'm currently watching Pirate Software attempt to defend against "TOO FAR, TOO SOON" and it is very
[7:15 PM]gee0765: it is an actively harmful outlet
[7:15 PM]EmotionalEntropy: Wild stuff
[7:15 PM]gee0765: i would much rather they have nobody to speak to than a line of code that tells them to die
[7:15 PM]libraryofalexandra: they've taken down all danaerys bots
[7:16 PM]libraryofalexandra: as far as i can see at least
[7:16 PM]libraryofalexandra: so i can't test it
[7:16 PM]gee0765: I am certain that you could get other bots to encourage suicide
[8:49 PM]gee0765: day ruined I took like an hour break to drink beer and suddenly im not hated by everyone in chat
[8:50 PM]gee0765: that shit was fuelling me
[8:50 PM]HyperThermal 🔥: My costume this year is lame and if I did the whole hat thing from my pfp I would literally wear it most days
[8:50 PM]sae: hi Gee
[8:50 PM]sae: This is gonna be humiliating but I wanted to wear a costume of an SCP character.
[8:51 PM]Anne Artemis Grey | 아르테미스: guh i had to add my email account on mom's phone so she could see what messages i get
[8:51 PM]Wukong (Shruggs): GUH
[8:51 PM]Alstroemeria: Oof.
[8:51 PM]Anne Artemis Grey | 아르테미스: i get that that was for school but this is annoying
[8:51 PM]Anne Artemis Grey | 아르테미스: i have no privacy here
[8:51 PM]mex mex mex man: you can still make it happen
[8:51 PM]Wukong (Shruggs): I have to put a fucking tracking thing in my car for my new car insurance company
[8:51 PM]gee0765: that would get me banned
[8:51 PM]gee0765: I am toeing a fine line
Hostile/Antagonistic/Abrasive Behavior
[12:40 PM]gee0765: i think someone needs to figure out what changed in the last two years that made burnout sky high
[12:40 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Burnout assumes people don’t like their job and/or it’s monotonous.
Like, almost everything we do is sysiphian. There will always be more things to tag, to delete, more comments on Reddit, more K contests to make, more discs
That, in itself, isn’t bad. We need to cut down anything that has to be done on a schedule because that never works out and burns out people super fast. That’s why Deletions makes people run and Recap and Site News die painful deaths - no one wants a timer.
[12:40 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Best time to plant a tree yada yada
[12:40 PM]gee0765: (it's the borderline insane focus on bureaucracy and purview and shit along those lines btw but im not sure you're ready to admit it)
[12:41 PM]gee0765: (that's the thing that's changed most noticeably in the time i've been on staff)
[12:41 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Actually
[12:41 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Wait actually
[12:41 PM]Vivarium: Here is the thing though, we have to do deletions. We don't have to do Wikiwalk or Collections (after tale tags)
[12:41 PM]Optimistic Lucio: You know what I realized
[12:41 PM]Optimistic Lucio: How many times in the past fucking month have we discussed something relevant to the actual goddamn user base instead of being internal?
[12:41 PM]gee0765: you're not doing your own thing any more you're a cog in a machine and the machine is producing the most boring arguments known to man
[12:41 PM]gee0765: yes
[12:41 PM]gee0765: thank you bro
[12:41 PM]gee0765: you get it
[12:41 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Including right now?
[12:42 PM]gee0765: we're not doing stuff for users any more we're doing stuff for who the fuck knows
[12:42 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Ok actually
[12:42 PM]gee0765: CO does fuck all - it should be one of the most active teams etc.
[12:42 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Mind if I call this convo to a screeching halt
[12:42 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Let’s go talk about that
[12:42 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Shit for users
[12:42 PM]gee0765: because it used to be
Context: Discussion about opening announcement channel to posting by JS
[11:38 AM]gee0765: you're all fucking around now
[11:38 AM]gee0765: does anyone have a single argument that's actually against doing this
[11:38 AM]gee0765: because if not we should ask admins to do it
[11:39 AM]Cyvstvi: No, I don't have an argument against it. I am the argument in favour of it. I required the announcements and couldn't use them. That seems fairly clear cut to me.
[11:41 AM]Optimistic Lucio: That’s still not… a bad thing is it? If it happens, why make it harder?
[11:41 AM]Optimistic Lucio: I’d understand if it was a hard thing to set up right
[11:41 AM]Optimistic Lucio: But it’s just
not flicking a switch
[11:41 AM]Optimistic Lucio: For ais it’s easier to make it an option than not to make it
[11:41 AM]Optimistic Lucio: So why take the extra effort to exclude them
[11:42 AM]gee0765: inshallah this discussion will end
[11:42 AM]gee0765: please
[11:43 AM]OccultistMave: Are y'all seriously going to go this hard on the single person that doesn't agree with this?
[11:43 AM]gee0765: only make a comment here if you have an actual argument against opening announcements to JS
[11:43 AM]Optimistic Lucio: I actually do not know what inshallah means but you all been using it so I’ll pretend I do
[11:43 AM]gee0765: yes
[11:43 AM]Vivarium: Lol, you know that won't happen for another couple hours
[11:43 AM]gee0765: because you have no arguments
[11:43 AM]gee0765: present a single argument and i will go hard on the argument instead
[11:43 AM]gee0765: instinctively oppose any change to improve staff and i have to go hard on you
[11:44 AM]Optimistic Lucio: I legitimately want to know if there’s issues with this idea! Like, my only issue is both keeping this conversation going and not bringing a reason not to.
If your only stance is “I don’t like it” then that’s fine, we’ll drop the conversation and just keep discussing the rest.
[11:44 AM]Cyvstvi: waves This discussion is on the 05 thread. Please use it. I'm begging you.
[11:44 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Alright movin
[11:44 AM]gee0765: this doesn't need to be on 05
[11:44 AM]Cyvstvi: Inshallah, use the thread I made that started this discussion.
[11:44 AM]gee0765: there are no valid arguments against the change
[11:44 AM]gee0765: it can just be done
[11:44 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Needs? No
Will it end here?
[11:44 AM]gee0765: it will.
[11:44 AM]gee0765: trust me
[11:44 AM]Optimistic Lucio: Aighty
[11:44 AM]gee0765: anyway can i have the last word in this thread rq
[11:45 AM]gee0765: none of you type thx
[11:45 AM]OccultistMave: No
[11:45 AM]gee0765: i am ignoring you until you make a single actual argument
[11:45 AM]Siddartha Alonne: "If God wants" IIRC?
[11:46 AM]gee0765: if someone has an actual valid argument that isn't instinctive conservativism against opening announcements to JS, please speak.
if not, do not use this thread
[3:14 PM]oritiefling: I don’t like saying it but I support a nuclear option. -ES has announced that they will be officially disrespecting the opinions and wishes of the authors they post translations for. We cannot condone that publicly in any capacity, even passively.
[3:14 PM]Cyvstvi: I don't want you to give this response on behalf of EN then. I'd like to see this made on behalf of solely the ambassadors if this response is going to be the one made.
[3:15 PM]Optimistic Lucio: We've been trying more peaceful negotiations for the past few days, and trust us when we say there's no option that will actually change it.
It sucks. I know. I hate it. I'm not gonna lie to people.
[3:15 PM]Deleted User: Agreed. Like i said: they arent translating so lets stop calling them that
[3:15 PM]Pedagon: then its time we do something ourselves
[3:15 PM]oritiefling: The fact that there is no peaceful options further cements my beliefs that -ES should be delegitimized
[3:15 PM]oritiefling: If they can’t cooperate then they don’t get a seat at the table
[3:16 PM]E9 Yossi 12 8 9 Possi 10 (var): I actually have some information which may change the decisions being made here.
I spoke to a former active community member of ES not too long ago, who claimed that there was a significant exodus from ES since Luis(?, might be morhadow) became Master Admin of the branch. Apparently the new MA is tyrannical and has been driving away members of ES due to their decisions.
[3:16 PM]gee0765: ahem
[3:16 PM]gee0765: trollface with sunglasses smoking a joint
[3:16 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Yep.
[3:16 PM]E9 Yossi 12 8 9 Possi 10 (var): I think this merits investigation, if anything.
[3:16 PM]Alexander: really?
[3:16 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Why do you guys think I said we have no other options.
This guy makes it impossible.
[3:16 PM]Cyvstvi: So the Great Schism wasn't even wrong.
[3:16 PM]Cyvstvi: Feels great to be vindicated again.
[3:16 PM]gee0765: so you're saying one master admin is off the rails
[3:16 PM]oritiefling: So it sounds like the only reasonable option is delegitimizing them
[3:16 PM]Alexander: ok I'm actually leaning towards the nuclear option
[3:16 PM]gee0765: i think we've dealt with something like this before
[3:17 PM]Lt Flops: i think the nuclear option looks extraordinarily bad on EN. shouldn't an official, public disavowal at least be attempted first?
[3:17 PM]oritiefling: Like nuclear right now sounds like the morally correct option
[3:17 PM]Meserach: is it literally the actions of one guy
[3:17 PM]Pedagon: The other option is for us to do shit for our own community and users! WHY IS EVERYONE STILL TRYING TO MAKE ES CHANGE THEIR SHIT IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN
[3:17 PM]Optimistic Lucio: No, it's both head admins.
[3:17 PM]Optimistic Lucio: Apparently this went to a vote on their mod team.
[3:17 PM]Flayed Olive: Should this discussion be more generally about our current stance on -ES as a whole rather than this one specific issue?
[3:17 PM]E9 Yossi 12 8 9 Possi 10 (var): Do remember I heard this from one user, so I think a good idea is to get Ambassadors to speak to people of ES who left and see if this opinion is prevalent.
[3:17 PM]gee0765: how do you get more nuclear
[3:18 PM]Optimistic Lucio: They held votes on the ES mod team as we discussed this. According to Merlin, it's still the same as before
[3:18 PM]Optimistic Lucio: A consensus to keep it as was.
[3:18 PM]Cyvstvi: It's GW so probably legally.
[3:18 PM]psychicProgrammer: Posting it in sensitive because he does not want for this to get out
[3:18 PM]E9 Yossi 12 8 9 Possi 10 (var): @Optimistic Lucio Wasnt it split before?
[3:18 PM]Pedagon: Stop trying to get INT and ES to do shit on their branches. We aren't them. We have our own users to look out for. Figure something out that advocates for EN users and actually protects our users
[3:18 PM]Meserach: operation ivy Mike answered this question
[3:18 PM]Optimistic Lucio: He didn't say.
[3:18 PM]E9 Yossi 12 8 9 Possi 10 (var): @Optimistic Lucio I meant the first time they voted.
[3:19 PM]LORDXVNV: I think if one thing's absolutely clear, it's that there's absolutely no way that you'll get a -EN staff consensus to issue this statement lying down
[3:19 PM]E9 Yossi 12 8 9 Possi 10 (var): I recall some mods were for repealing the policy
[3:19 PM]gee0765: step number one should be officially disavowing ES' homophobia
[3:19 PM]Optimistic Lucio: I don't know. @LadyKatie?
[3:19 PM]EstrellaYoshte: cant a discussion not be held when im not asleep /j
[3:19 PM]gee0765: if you're not willing to do this you are an invertebrate
[9:01 PM]torcsandantlers: Most retired (and inactive) admin coordination - if there is any - is happening in group messages, not in the official channel where all the retirees can see it
[9:02 PM]gee0765: most
[9:02 PM]Edie: I wrote a very shitty joke SCP about myself when I was 19
[9:02 PM]torcsandantlers: Yeah, some of it is public
[9:02 PM]gee0765: i have been having this argument since before you joined staff lol
[9:02 PM]Edie:
[9:02 PM]gee0765: i have heard all the arguments in favour of admin casual and they are all dog shit nepotist tier
[9:02 PM]torcsandantlers: I'm not arguing in favor of it
[9:03 PM]Edie: The joke is I break everything I touch
[9:03 PM]gee0765: if it’s just a casual chat it doesn’t need to be in the official server
[9:03 PM]Edie: My phone is cracked, my car is scratched, etc.
[9:03 PM]torcsandantlers: I'm actually agreeing with you.
[9:03 PM]gee0765: hell staff casual sucks too
[9:03 PM]Alstroemeria: That's a good joke honestly.
[9:03 PM]gee0765: I don’t know why it exists
[9:04 PM]WallyWally: I was on an RP site that had a staff casual chat. People had come to think most staff were inactive because they only talked in the staff casual chat.
[9:04 PM]gee0765: the insane rush of being able to say this without getting a DM from an admin when I wake up
[9:05 PM]gee0765: i am a free man
[9:05 PM]torcsandantlers: The largest flaw is that the group that joined to "be the change" and toss out the old leadership they didn't like are repeating history and creating the same abusable in-groups
[9:05 PM]gee0765: oh absolutely
[9:06 PM]Edie: I don’t talk here enough to understand what any of this is about
[9:06 PM]torcsandantlers: Of which your failed censure was a consequence
[9:06 PM]gee0765: there is a reason they wouldn’t make me admin and it’s only like 80% because I didn’t do anything
[9:06 PM]Edie: Another joke SCP
[9:06 PM]Edie: My cat
[9:06 PM]gee0765: the other 20% is because I was locked in on actually fixing things and people just wanted to replace the leadership
[9:06 PM]gee0765: America simulator
[9:06 PM]ItsJustAClint: I hate writing female characters.
[9:06 PM]A Deer in College (Aster): this is ultimately inconsequential to like 90% of the people that chat in this channel on a normal basis so don't worry about it
[9:07 PM]sae: umm why.
[9:07 PM]Edie: Writing characters is so fun I have a whole damn series going
[9:07 PM]Olympic Error:
[9:07 PM]Edie: Half the women I write are milfs 😭
[9:07 PM]Edie: Love me my milfs
[9:07 PM]Edie: I said what I said
[9:07 PM]torcsandantlers: The real reason gee couldn't be removed from staff is that a solid 30% of staff would have to be removed if the metric was applied consistently and that was inconvenient
[9:07 PM]ItsJustAClint: Either I make them like my mom or someone in my family or just straight up an old friend or classmate. Or even worst coworkers.
[9:07 PM]ItsJustAClint: Then suddenly
[9:08 PM]Edie: You need a lesson in character creation
[9:08 PM]sae: them try to see a female character, pick up your favorite traits about them and try to inspire on them!!
[9:08 PM]sae: then*
[9:08 PM]gee0765: idk I was significantly more abrasive than literally every other staff member
[9:08 PM]gee0765: the issue was
[9:08 PM]ItsJustAClint: I make them gay for no apparent reason.
[9:08 PM]sae: that's Bases
[9:08 PM]sae: Based
[9:08 PM]sae: none of my male characters is straight
[9:08 PM]gee0765: that posting my messages on 05 would have revealed things
[9:08 PM]Edie: Most of my characters for my book were made in 2016
[9:08 PM]torcsandantlers: In some ways
[9:08 PM]Edie: Years of development
[9:08 PM]Edie: And yes there is art
[9:09 PM]ItsJustAClint: Yeah I'm having difficulties on characterizing my current tale character Jhamilia because she's based off a family member and an old ex I've had.
[9:09 PM]gee0765: because they were really shitty ways of bringing light to actual issues
[9:33 PM]gee0765: scp wiki admins genuinely thought citytoast was a figure they could trust
[9:34 PM]gee0765: anyone with a brain knew he was like the legitimately worst guy ever from the start
[9:34 PM]gee0765: that man SUCKED!
[9:34 PM]torcsandantlers: Nah, they have to ask the admins and wait for 3 or 4 of the dozen person team who will actually do the banning
[9:34 PM]HyperThermal 🔥: Who
[9:34 PM]gee0765: he had the worst vibes anyone has ever had
[9:34 PM]gee0765: officially I am not allowed to comment
[9:34 PM]gee0765: however
[9:35 PM]bluntfriend: I wasn't staff at the time but toast failed upwards. He was put in charge by elenee after she(?) retired since naepic didn't want the position
[9:35 PM]gee0765: he was this genuinely intolerable guy who was also a piece of shit but because he claimed to have copyright knowledge he was given positions
[9:35 PM]HyperThermal 🔥: I see you are airing your grievances the same way petscop tells its story
[9:35 PM]gee0765: he genuinely never did anything good
[9:35 PM]HyperThermal 🔥: Never mind stand corrected
[9:35 PM]Inaccurate: Hello amazing people
Can somebody explain the ending of SCP 8607?
[9:35 PM]gee0765: he also occasionally complains to staff about being banned
[9:36 PM]torcsandantlers: There's also a culture of wanting to be able to hit that defcon button and panic about copyright things, and he affirmed that
[9:36 PM]gee0765: what are they going to do about me saying this? remove me from staff?
[9:36 PM]gee0765: he’s one of the most easy to explain examples of why the anti harassment team are still the stasi
[9:36 PM]Inaccurate: *the ending likely has something to do the The Department of Abstraction, which I'm very unfamiliar with
[9:36 PM]gee0765: it does not protect people by not explicitly mentioning everything he has done
[9:36 PM]mex mex mex man: breaking rule 1 and making chat uncomfortable (skipping standard escalation, permanent ban with appeal in a year)
[9:36 PM]gee0765: he did not harass specific users
[9:37 PM]gee0765: he made his way to the top of an extremely important process in wiki staff because they did not care that he was incapable of interacting with users because he claimed to have qualifications
[9:38 PM]gee0765: also his self published books are dogshit lol
[9:38 PM]gee0765: kaktus was entirely correct when he gave him shit for them
[9:39 PM]torcsandantlers: I was not accepted to join AHT despite being someone with both training in (and have led trainings in) anti-harassment and actual criminal investigations. While coincidentally publically disagreeing with some AHT members and pushing for more transparency
[9:39 PM]Alstroemeria: I understand you’re upset, but it might be good to calm down?
[9:39 PM]gee0765: yeah you might have actually wanted to say things
[9:39 PM]gee0765: that is a no good
[9:40 PM]gee0765: they gave us shit tier basic explanations and nothing else
[9:40 PM]gee0765: literal reports from court cases for rape give more info
[9:41 PM]gee0765: also wow I thought you’d have been straight in as staff
[9:41 PM]gee0765: you sort of very much followed the line publicly
[9:41 PM]mex mex mex man: the explanation is that staff can't say what they did specifically because it's libelous if someone decides to take us to court for harassment or w/e
[9:41 PM]mex mex mex man: not saying that's true
[9:41 PM]torcsandantlers: Because despite sometimes cosplaying as a judiciary body staff lacks people who actually know what may or may not incur liability.
[9:41 PM]mex mex mex man: but that's what's said
[9:41 PM]gee0765: imagine you’re a new user and want to know what cyan did
[9:42 PM]syuzhet: staff has never heard of the streissand effect
[9:42 PM]gee0765: you have to make friends with old users and piece it together from pieces of info
[9:42 PM]mariofeds: the what?
[9:42 PM]torcsandantlers: Libel is a staff boogieman that lives in the same neighborhood as purview
[9:42 PM]gee0765: which is exactly what I did
[9:42 PM]adasba (wikidot: radian628): can't they just say "alleged" in front of everything
[9:42 PM]HyperThermal 🔥: I’m not exactly a new user and I have never heard of this cyan guy
[9:42 PM]SynthPanda_: i mean to be fair I wouldn't use the US criminal justice system as a positive example of how to handle anything
[9:42 PM]Liz 🦃: I've been here for 15 minutes and still am in the dark about what's being discussed
[9:42 PM]gee0765: fairly relevant user from about six years ago and a huge sex pest
[9:43 PM]gee0765: staff will leave it as inappropriate behaviour
[9:43 PM]syuzhet: the more you try to hide something the more people will look into it
[9:43 PM]torcsandantlers: Because despite staff knowing about abusive people in the community orbit they are so tight fisted with the details that you won't know to be cautious about them or why
[9:43 PM]mariofeds: that seems like basic common sense
[9:43 PM]syuzhet: idk tell that to barbara streisand
[9:43 PM]Venom Skamtebord: tbh
[9:43 PM]Wesbot: That's not so different than how labelling the SCP Wiki as "adults only" will attract even more teens
[9:44 PM]mariofeds: humans are naturally curious, if we're told we can't know something we'll try and learn it anyway
[9:44 PM]torcsandantlers: In streisand's defense, her house picture thing actually only came a few years after it might have been legitimately possible to remove that picture
[9:44 PM]mariofeds: if anyone on the internet still thinks age requirements work they're a complete idiot
[9:44 PM]gee0765: oh yeah that was stupid too
[9:44 PM]Liz 🦃: I think it's more of a legal thing
[9:44 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: take a long walk off a short pier
[9:44 PM]gee0765: yeah ok now we can pretend there’s no children on this site that attracts teens
[9:45 PM]gee0765: I genuinely stand by what I said. There are certain admins who should absolutely have been removed years ago and they have not been
[9:46 PM]gee0765: I like you as a person but I think you have been ineffective as a wiki admin
[9:46 PM]Alstroemeria: I could add some input, but I want to sit back.
[9:46 PM]Alstroemeria: Sitting back.
[9:46 PM]mariofeds: tbf it's pretty easy to tell when someones a kid
[9:46 PM]gee0765: no it isn’t
[9:46 PM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: yeah i’m not talking about that. the moralizing bullshit is tiresome. i’m a college student going to law school and juggling two jobs. i’m not gonna prostrate myself for being too busy the past few months to kick out a few fossils sitting on the shelf
[9:46 PM]gee0765: especially in the 16-18 range
[9:47 PM]gee0765: that being said I do think you are a kid
[9:47 PM]Alstroemeria: Mentality is a gradient. People don’t change much as they age further.
[9:47 PM]Alstroemeria: Genetics and memory stay.
[9:47 PM]Alstroemeria: I’m kind of immature, but not always. And I’m 30.
[9:47 PM]Venom Skamtebord: i hate feeling emotion
[9:47 PM]mariofeds: i'm an adult
[9:48 PM]Venom Skamtebord: it feels like a weakness
[9:48 PM]mariofeds: and i was talking about young kids
[9:48 PM]gee0765: i am disappointed you were allowed back in this server after actively supporting deaths because doing otherwise may slightly reduce your quality of life
Discussion of Drug Use within 19cord (The Official SCP Wiki Discord)
Image [Text: $305.50/oz]
[5:48 AM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: its bad out here
[5:48 AM]mex mex mex man: wtf are you buying
[5:48 AM]mex mex mex man: gallon of oil??
[5:48 AM]mex mex mex man: black tar heroin????
[5:49 AM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: Oil is cheaper
[5:49 AM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: heroin is also probably cheaper
[5:49 AM]HAUNTEDHOUSE.: black tar heroin would actually be cheaper than regular heroin
[5:49 AM]Khold: a gallon of pcp
[5:56 AM]Kühli: a gallon of human blood
[5:57 AM]mex mex mex man: conducting period-accurate research about CIA tactics by buying drugs by the pound and selling them to inner communities in the USA 💀
[6:17 AM]gee0765: where are you getting heroin for less than 300 dollars an ounce
N.B. No context
[10:17 AM]gee0765: going to fuck around and drink a car beer
[3:18 PM]gee0765: one of those sorts of nights
Image (Blood Alcohol Concentration Calculator)
[3:18 PM]PIPI THE GEORGIAN GRU: I somehow wanna drink now
[3:18 PM]Juck O' Lantern(No.1 Jeanbo Fan): counterpoint. mimosa.
[3:18 PM]pab: so do i
[3:18 PM]PIPI THE GEORGIAN GRU: I want champagne
[3:18 PM]pab: ive had 5 shots of nalewka
[3:18 PM]Juck O' Lantern(No.1 Jeanbo Fan): i am such a cocktail bitch eugh
[3:18 PM]PIPI THE GEORGIAN GRU: Idk why even
[3:18 PM]God-King: how about a warm cup of tea
[3:18 PM]pab: once the kitchen is clear im going for more
[3:18 PM]It's Jeanbover (No.1 Juck Fan): I'm feeling inspired yeah
cider time
[3:18 PM]God-King: with a bit of honey
[3:19 PM]pab: yoooo cider
[3:19 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): i am already one punk ipa in
[3:19 PM]God-King: screw alcohol night lets have a tea night
[3:19 PM]💛 Lapis Nussbaum 💛: JEBAC PIS❗
[3:19 PM]Juck O' Lantern(No.1 Jeanbo Fan): AH
[3:19 PM]Miś: If you are drinking 5 you better know it's % :v
[3:19 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): but what about... both?
[3:19 PM]fuck the world: This sucks i cant go out tonight either
[3:19 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): green tea and everclear
[3:19 PM]God-King: eahhuah idk about that
[3:19 PM]pab: I have no idea
[3:19 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): SHIT THAT MAKES YOU WAKE UP YESTERDAY
[3:19 PM]gee0765: drink alone
[3:19 PM]Miś: I got moonshine recently you could almost light on fire
[3:19 PM]pab: but im about to drink more
[3:20 PM]pab: yooo what from?
[3:20 PM]PIPI THE GEORGIAN GRU: If it dissolves 😔
[3:20 PM](erin catgirlfukawa): earl clear? (earl grey everclear)
[3:20 PM]Miś: My friend brought it from home
[3:20 PM]God-King: its supposed to dissolve
[3:20 PM]fuck the world: Im on about 5 different meds that react to alcohol
[3:20 PM]It's Jeanbover (No.1 Juck Fan): me too coward
[3:20 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): im tryna write a white gilgamesh about tea and alcohol
[3:20 PM]pab: home distillery nice
[3:20 PM]Price: Hi
[3:20 PM]PIPI THE GEORGIAN GRU: I mean it doesn't taste sweet for some reason ig it will after some time??
[3:20 PM]gee0765: all i've discovered from this is that i can save a load of money
[3:20 PM]pab: i want tatratea
[3:20 PM]God-King: yeah just wait
[3:20 PM]PIPI THE GEORGIAN GRU: Taking wine then benadryl is the worst thing ever could do
[3:20 PM]gee0765: i can be way too drunk to drive while legally being able to drive
[3:20 PM]gee0765: would recommend
[3:21 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): the consequences may be less than legal
[3:21 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): but it makes it more fun
[3:21 PM]fuck the world: Theyre strong cough meds not anti depressants
Which makes the issue less "will i black out after 3 shots" and more "will i chill and vibe so hard that my heart stops"
[3:21 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): so honestly you decide
[3:21 PM]gee0765: this mf taking cough medicine
[3:22 PM]gee0765: grow up
[3:22 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): lemme guess
[3:22 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): cough?
[3:22 PM]It's Jeanbover (No.1 Juck Fan): no, getting rat arsed and then ripping a line of k and dropping a xan is definitely worse
[3:22 PM]fuck the world: i did catch a baby ass disease
[3:22 PM]gee0765: which one
[3:22 PM]fuck the world: but its kinda kicking my ass
[3:22 PM]fuck the world: so
[3:22 PM]PIPI THE GEORGIAN GRU: Genuine question tho guys is it ok to mix two incredibly strong alcohol together
[3:22 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): from what i've heard prescription drugs give worse trips than recreational ones
[3:22 PM]gee0765: yeah
[3:22 PM]pab: yyyes
[3:22 PM]SynthPanda_: fishish got the croup???
[3:22 PM]It's Jeanbover (No.1 Juck Fan): yea
[3:22 PM]fuck the world: Yeah
[3:22 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): i mean it depends on how much you drink overall
[3:22 PM]pab: at my moms bday party we mixed every remaining alcohol in our cupboard
[3:22 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): one part vodka one part tequila? that's just twice as much alcohol
[3:23 PM]It's Jeanbover (No.1 Juck Fan): you wanna try that again?
[3:23 PM]God-King: NOT a good idea
[3:23 PM]pab: and added some fruits everyone got drunk as fuck
[3:23 PM]axiom()()()()()()()()()()()()(): i heard a story from a christmas party my dad was at
[3:23 PM]gee0765: six shots of 95% alcohol and you get to wake up 70 miles away with chemical burns
[1:24 PM]gee0765: The urge to steal hitting my brain as soon as I am intoxicated in any way
[1:24 PM]Neatpicky: Endearment terms
[1:24 PM]Gearwitch uno: sale at jimmy johns
[1:24 PM]Neatpicky: Not not literally
[1:24 PM]ParallelPotatoes: I should start using this as my gender
[1:24 PM]Neatpicky: LIDL sale
[1:24 PM]gee0765: or
[1:24 PM]Gearwitch uno: Tesco meal deal at 2$
[1:24 PM]gee0765: Lidl for no money at all
[1:24 PM]cive: im good at cooking up new genders
[1:25 PM]Neatpicky: 0.35c a can of Cola
[1:25 PM]gee0765: I’m crossfaded as fuck and I want to steal more beer
N.B. This was out of nowhere, and it was deleted:
"this is the best cocaine I have ever had"