<Squid117> why does everyone call SCPs skips
<Squid117> that sounds so stupid
<MorgiePie> It's basically, in my head, this alternative dimension that leaks out into the real world at certain spots.
<Squid117> hey hey hey
<gumbal1> it's a shorthand way of saying it
<MorgiePie> And it's leakage creates what humans, at least in the Foundation-verse, know as 'ghosts'
<Squid117> someone had that idea yesterday
<Squid117> -.- are you stealing ideas??
<Squid117> HMMMM
<Dr_Leonard> Squid117: Dude, no they're not
<AndarielHalo> dood
<AndarielHalo> SCP-2084
<Alexandra> AndarielHalo: SCP-2084 (Anabasis, Written by AndarielHalo, Rating:+52) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-2084
<AndarielHalo> that's what I have
<Squid117> ik that its just that i heard someone with the exact same idea yesterday
- Devereaux has quit (Write error: Connection reset by peer)
- Devereaux (~moc.gnirpsdnim.elbac.2F55AF2D-CRInys|veD#moc.gnirpsdnim.elbac.2F55AF2D-CRInys|veD) has joined #site19
<Jabonicus> Maybe it was them?
<Insidious_Lars> it was them, the aliens, all along
<Insidious_Lars> oh no
<MorgiePie> Wait, who's 'stealing' ideas?
- Devereaux_ (~moc.gnirpsdnim.elbac.2F55AF2D-CRInys|veD#moc.gnirpsdnim.elbac.2F55AF2D-CRInys|veD) has joined #site19
<Dr_Leonard> Squid117 is accusing you of stealing ideas.
<Dr_Leonard> Squid117: Nobody.
<Dr_Leonard> Well
<Djoric> Squid117: very few
<Dr_Leonard> A few people
<MorgiePie> Me?
<Dr_Leonard> But most of us don't
<Insidious_Lars> Squid117, is it cool if I ask you what your age is?
<MrRonin> Seeing an SCP with a good twist at the end http://i.imgur.com/zqlZhyI.gif
<Dr_Leonard> Cuz it's shit
<MorgiePie> I don't steal.
<MorgiePie> I borrow.
<Squid117> 16
<Insidious_Lars> Oh, cool.
<Squid117> i know some one was talking about that idea yesterday on here
<Djoric> someone was talking about ghosts, but not necessarily that particular idea
<MorgiePie> I wasn't even here yesterday.
<Squid117> alternate dimmensions that leak into the real world causing odd anomalies
<Squid117> he said that would explain ghosts
<Dr_Leonard> Maybe
<Dr_Leonard> That wasn't actually an SCP idea
<Squid117> not maybe
<Dr_Leonard> And he was just talking about his personal beliefs.
<Squid117> deffinately
<Dr_Leonard> Dude
<Squid117> yes it was
<Dr_Leonard> Ugh
- Devereaux has quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
- Devereaux_ is now known as Devereaux
<Jabonicus> I want to write an SCP about how dinosaurs probably looked stupid now.
<Djoric> Squid you aren't really endearing yourself to people
- ImQ009 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Djoric> just saying
<Squid117> uh what?
- ImQ009 (~lp.mm.wozrog.F3E59CED-CRInys|900QmI#lp.mm.wozrog.F3E59CED-CRInys|900QmI) has joined #site19
<Djoric> It means you're being an annoying twit and it's making people not like you
<Squid117> sorry im not familiar with that word
<Squid117> .def endear
<Alexandra> Squid117: endear: verb: To make dear or precious.
<Squid117> darn it
<Squid117> oh it worked
<Squid117> cool i like bots
<Squid117> I do nto care how people think of me
<Squid117> I know im right so…
<Squid117> who cares
<Insidious_Lars> wow
- DrMullikin (~ten.tenreitnorf.ro.ntvb.AFEEE687-CRInys|nikilluMG#ten.tenreitnorf.ro.ntvb.AFEEE687-CRInys|nikilluMG) has joined #site19
<Squid117> now back to my question
<Dr_Leonard> Squid117: I don't mean to be rude
<gumbal1> I did once
<Dr_Leonard> But Djoric is right, you're being really annoying here
<Dr_Leonard> To answer your question
<Djoric> I played for 15 minutes
<Squid117> nope
<DrMullikin> SCP CB is good. If you can take the jumpscares.
<gumbal1> I got killed by 173 almost immediatley
<Djoric> it wasn't fun
<Djoric> so I stopped
<Dr_Leonard> Only a few of us play CB
<Jabonicus> I did like, once. I didn't like it.
<Squid117> say what -.-
<Squid117> how
<Djoric> The game projects a horribly inaccurate view of the site
- Bryx (I.am.@bout.five.seconds.away.from.shooting.this.thing) has joined #site19
<AndarielHalo> it was 301spoopy6me
<MorgiePie> I played CB twice
<Dr_Leonard> Yeah
<Squid117> no not exactly
<MorgiePie> Once when it was in Alpha
<AndarielHalo> I played a few seconds of it
- Scantron has quit (Quit: <censored> THE POLICE)
<MorgiePie> And once when 1.0 came out.
<AndarielHalo> got locked in a closet, blinking
<DrMullikin> That and the place is randomly generated.
<Squid117> everyone listen for a moment
<Dr_Leonard> And causes a whole wave of newbs who post their shit without receiving critique first
<Dr_Leonard> which is why we've had some many shitty articles this last while.
<Djoric> Squid117 if you're trying to sing the praises of CB
<MrRonin> the coldpost era
<Squid117> other than the fact that all the SCPs in game are on different sites there is nothing wrong witht he game
<Djoric> you are not likely to find many listening ears
- SoundChaserAway is now known as SoundChaser
<Squid117> a containment breach is possible
<Djoric> Uh, no
<Djoric> have you read the site
<Insidious_Lars> >SCP's in the game are on different sites
<Insidious_Lars> oh my god
<Jabonicus> Squid117: Nine Tailed Fox is just nine people
<Jabonicus> That's it
<Insidious_Lars> seriously???????????/
- Boss300 (moc.sulplartnectb.481-68egnar.02A397B8-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sulplartnectb.481-68egnar.02A397B8-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Dr_Leonard> Dude
<Boss300> Hey
<Squid117> i just said that
<Dr_Leonard> No
<Djoric> you are aware that the Foundationverse consists of more than grimy, poorly lit hallways and DA SCIPS R OUT
<Dr_Leonard> No no no
<SoundChaser> …what did I come back to?
<Squid117> that the only problem witht he game
<Eskobear> Squid. Calm down.
<Djoric> Squid117: that's not the issue
<DrMullikin> Welcome to what I am thinking.
<Jabonicus> Squid117: And there are more issues than that.
<Djoric> and it is not the only problem
<Boss300> What's going on?
<DrMullikin> I came in at one of those times Sound.
<Djoric> we are talking about major issues in theme and imagery
<SoundChaser> Boss300: No idea
<Squid117> no you ass holes miss understood and made me seem like i was stupid!!!
<Devereaux> Squid117: This is not a CB chatroom. Please don't try to steer conversation towards the game. Nothing good comes of it.
- Soulless (sniahc.lanrete.ti.htiw.dna.semalf.eht.dezis.evah.ew.sdog.n|ehtemorP#sniahc.lanrete.ti.htiw.dna.semalf.eht.dezis.evah.ew.sdog.n|ehtemorP) has joined #site19
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Soulless
<Insidious_Lars> Boss300, shit is the haps
<SoundChaser> Also, who divided you by ten?
<Dr_Leonard> Boss3000: Shit's going down. Put on your seatbelt, kiddo!
<Squid117> fine then
<DrMullikin> Its an argurment over SCP Cb.
<Dr_Leonard> Why were you not pinged there?
<Dr_Leonard> Hmm. Never mind.
<Roget> Squid117: hey, how old are you?
<Boss300> Maybe I'll get an umbrella, in that case.
<Djoric> Squid117: no, see, we're saying something completely different
<Djoric> or at least I am
<DrMullikin> And something else.
<SoundChaser> Dr_Leonard: He's only 300, for some reason
<Dr_Leonard> SoundChaser: Hmm?
<Squid117> everyone calm down and each of you give me one problem with the game
- Scantron (tfel.tnarelot.eht.rof.hcum.os|wow#tfel.tnarelot.eht.rof.hcum.os|wow) has joined #site19
<Dr_Leonard> SoundChaser: Oh
<Eskobear> Squid, you were asked a question by an op.
<Insidious_Lars> it's too dark
<gumbal1> It's too randomized
<Squid117> what
<Dr_Leonard> Well, a while ago, he wasnt'.
<Eskobear> What's your age?
<Squid117> ehat was the question
<Roget> Squid117: I asked yer age
<Squid117> oh 16
<gumbal1> You can get put in a situation you literally can't get out of by the first minute
<Squid117> why
<Boss300> Dr_leonard, if shit really is going down! get an umbrella.
<Bryx> Squid117: Several SCP's behave significantly different to their articles
<Roget> You're not acting it
<Eskobear> You're screaming in all caps and calling people "ass holes". It doesn't come off as 16-year-old behavior.
<Dr_Leonard> Boss300: Not really.
<Djoric> I find that CB portrays an inaccurate and limited version of the Foundation universe, cutting it down to merely "spoopy monstarrs that kill you in dark cramped corridors." The amount of attention that the articles in CB get skews the outside view of the site, to the detriment of everything that doesn't read like it was written in 2008.
<gumbal1> The 939 is used uncreatively
- Soulless has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Squid117> everyone stop talking and let me answer questions about the game!!!
<Djoric> There is so much /more/ to the Foundationverse than grimy, poorly lit hallways and LPers screeching
<AndarielHalo> I'd like to see 2288 in CB
<Dr_Leonard> Seconding Djoric.
<gumbal1> IThe games mere existence skews the voting system in favor of those represented by the game
<Boss300> Squid117, ur delicious.
<MorgiePie> CB ain't kawaii enough.
<SoundChaser> So, how about them kittens?
<clone> that's true unfortunately
<Roget> Squid117: please calm down
<Dr_Leonard> Yeah, the Foundationverse has spawned so much fiction, not just, in Djoric's words, "spoopy monsters"
<Vince> Boss300: how's that draft coming?
<Squid117> yes there are SCP errors in game but they cant perfectl recreate the scps
<Boss300> I love steamed squid!
<clone> https://40.media.tumblr.com/9b01cdbb1d32ad747ea1c9f9393c4d3b/tumblr_mqt208v5tV1qe0wclo1_500.jpg
<Djoric> Monstarrs, Leonard
<Dr_Leonard> Apologies
<Dr_Leonard> Monstarrs :P
<Djoric> Squid117: I don't think you're getting what we're saying
<Eskobear> Squid, you aren't a representative for the game, we aren't the chatroom for the game, and nobody else seems interested in having a conversation /about/ the game.
<Insidious_Lars> i cant keep up
<Boss300> Vince, got more advice. Decided to start over.
<gumbal1> Nine-Tailed-Fox is not a MTF, but a rapid response force
<Djoric> we are talking about tone and theme
<tahunu> I say what Djoric said pretty much :P
<Insidious_Lars> i am drowning
<gumbal1> I think
<Insidious_Lars> aaaaaa
<gumbal1> Corretc me if I'm wrong
<Djoric> you are aware of what tone and theme are
<Djoric> yeah?
<MrRonin> We are the website that INSPIRED the game.
<Vince> Boss300: cool. let me know how it goes.
- SoundChaser uses Insidious_Lars as a liferaft
<Squid117> ok thats it can all of you stop talking for 5 fucking minutes and just LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Roget> Squid117: I don't think anyone else is really interested in talking about the game. So I'm going to do an op order, to move on from discussing it.
<Dr_Leonard> Yeah, we came first.
<gumbal1> You asked me to say something wrong with the game
<Boss300> Kiki, viince
<Djoric> S
saha salvagebar Sax Scantron Sciurus Seisatsu Servbot Sgeo ShaRose Silber Smaugnolia Snore Sophos SoundChaser Squid117 Strife
<Djoric> I like scips
<MorgiePie> I enjoying scips
<DrMullikin> Woah there Squid. Calm down.//
<gumbal1> This is a pbulic chatroom
<SoundChaser> Scips are nice
<MorgiePie> *enjoy, not enjoying
<Roget> DrMullikin: we got this
<Insidious_Lars> i love skipping you guys
<MrRonin> SPCs are the way to go
<Pixeltasim> Squid117: You do not get to call stops to chat, conversation can and will continue whether you like it or not.
<gumbal1> SCPs are fun
<Roget> I wrote an SCP once
<DrMullikin> Alright….
<tahunu> Djoric: I skip all the skips
<Insidious_Lars> its sucha good excercise
<Djoric> I should write one
<Roget> Pixeltasim: we're moving on bro
<Djoric> I haven't in some time
<Jabonicus> How about them sports teams.
<DrMullikin> Backign away from the op's job.
<Djoric> someone give me a challenge
<gumbal1> I wrote three skips
<Squid117> you all are so god damn stubborn arnt yoy
<gumbal1> One failed
<Djoric> give me a scip challenge
- djkaktus has kicked Squid117 from #site19 (You need to take a second and calm down.)
<Dr_Leonard> Djoric: Oh
<Dr_Leonard> Okay
<Insidious_Lars> Djoric, I challenge you
<Roget> Djoric write an SCP that's only supplementary information
<tahunu> Djoric: My usual :V
<Jabonicus> Djoric: Something about feathery dinosaurs.
<Insidious_Lars> To write something about something
<DrMullikin> Darn. Mispelled backing.
<gumbal1> Djoric: Write the Prince of Whales, who also happens to be the princ eof Wales
<Dr_Leonard> Djoric: Write a skip involving no less than three GOIs
<MrRonin> Djoric write a scip about a generic magic object held by a humanoid that has a memetic effect that crazies you to death
<SoundChaser> Djoric: Go on Wikipedia, click Random and make an article based on the first page you see
- Squid117 (ten.dshqrabme.nyd.AADB8CFD-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.dshqrabme.nyd.AADB8CFD-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Roget> the SCP itself is missing because of itself, we have to figure it out from the supplements
<Dr_Leonard> Djoric: Pick any random two skips, and write a tale involving them
<Squid117> wait uh where is Sax
<Djoric> MrRonin: oh, you cad
<djkaktus> Djoric write a skip about pluto the planet actually being pluto the dog
<Djoric> I like Roget's though
<tahunu> Write a skip involving literally every single GOI and POI based off of moonsharks :V
<MrRonin> humanoid…I meant X-Man
<Squid117> i just got something from alexandra saying Sax wanted to talk to me
<Boss300> Another insult squid117, and I swear to god. I will track you down, kill you, boil you, and have you with a side of cod!
<DrMullikin> Well. That went quickly.
<Roget> Djoric It's an idea I had a couple days ago, but I figure if I can pas it on to someone it might be cool
<DrMullikin> So many ideas.
<SoundChaser> Squid117: PM him
<Djoric> yes many ideas
<Squid117> good luck witht hat now where is Sax
<Squid117> how
- Riemann has kicked Boss300 from #site19 (You need to calm down too)
<Djoric> maybe I'll just write Adventures in Capitalism 4 instead
<MrRonin> Djoric or just find a cool scip fuel image and write based on that
<MorgiePie> Write a scip about skipping
<Squid117> how do i PM do I need to amek an account
<djkaktus> Squid117 type /msg sax (message goes here)
<Insidious_Lars> Djoric yeah just do that
<Djoric> An image would be good
<SoundChaser> Squid117: Go in to the Idlers part of the chatroom, click on his name then PM
- Boss300 (moc.sulplartnectb.481-68egnar.02A397B8-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sulplartnectb.481-68egnar.02A397B8-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Dr_Leonard> Djoric: Write an Indian themed skip. :P
<MrRonin> Write an scp where personnel have to aggressively tap-dance to contain it.
<Djoric> oh
<Djoric> wait
<Boss300> Drank some honey, calm now.
<Djoric> I don't want to have to bother with CC images
<Djoric> because fuck the hopps
<Djoric> *hoops
<MrRonin> djoric visual wiki
<MorgiePie> Take a picture of something, anything, and write a scip using it.
<Pixeltasim> >:| djoric
<Pixeltasim> :P
<djkaktus> hehehe
<Boss300> Where did squid go?
<tahunu> hop through the hoops, Djoric :P
<DrMullikin> How does honey calm you down Boss?
<DrMullikin> It seems illogical.
<Boss300> I'd does
<DrMullikin> I now sound like Spock.
<Squid117> why cant i talk about CB
<DrMullikin> I'd does. Well done.
<Boss300> I like honey.
<AndarielHalo> ey
<Squid117> this is an SCP chat rooom
<AndarielHalo> I'm the logical asperg one
<Dr_Leonard> Dude, because nobody else wants to talk about it
<Roget> Squid117: we did an op order to move on
<Insidious_Lars> eyyyyyy lmao
<DrMullikin> 20 points for grammar.
<AndarielHalo> You can't argue in here; this is site 19
- ImQ009 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Roget> because the topic was disruptive and nobody wants to talk about it
<Djoric> Squid117: because there isn't a single other fucking person in this chat who wants to talk about it, AND ops said move on
- SoundChaser facepalms
<Pixeltasim> .bannedinrussia
<Alexandra> Pixeltasim: Sex Ed
- ProcyonLotor (taerG.sI.nnameiR|ycorP#taerG.sI.nnameiR|ycorP) has joined #site19
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to ProcyonLotor
- ImQ009 (~lp.mm.wozrog.F3E59CED-CRInys|900QmI#lp.mm.wozrog.F3E59CED-CRInys|900QmI) has joined #site19
<Squid117> everyone clearly wanted to give an insult to the game
<djkaktus> Squid117 next time you break an op order, its going to be a ban.
- Boss300 facepalms also
<djkaktus> So move /on/
<Squid117> so its not true that no one wanted to talk about
- MrRonin facekeyboards
<Insidious_Lars> .bannedinrussia
- SoundChaser palms Boss300's face
<Alexandra> Insidious_Lars: Pork from Europe
<Insidious_Lars> ahahahahahhaha
- Dr_Leonard facenukes
<Insidious_Lars> hahahhaha
- tahunu starts stealin faces again
<djkaktus> Squid117 the next words out of your mouth had better be something different.
<Boss300> Thanks, Soundchaser, I think.
<SoundChaser> Boss300: ;)
<DrMullikin> …
- MrRonin has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<DrMullikin> Erm.
<SoundChaser> Um.
<tahunu> Brain matter and blood, perhaps?
<Jabonicus> Squid117: …What?
<Dr_Leonard> Holy lord Jesus
<DrMullikin> That meant nothing to me.
<tahunu> Brains are grey, right?
<Boss300> Dat eyebrow lift from sound chaser!
<Squid117> all this narritive crap why does it appear??!!
<Dr_Leonard> Squid117: Perhaps you spilled your brains over the keyboard?
<Djoric> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cT_Ulmcrys
<Alexandra> Djoric: Ain't Nobody Got Time For That - length 1m 57s - rated 4.88/5.0 (23115) - 4 514 079 views - acianetmedia on
<Insidious_Lars> guys
<SoundChaser> Boss300: They're attack eyebrows
<DrMullikin> I consider that bad.
<djkaktus> Squid117, ok, so
<Jabonicus> Those are called words?
<Insidious_Lars> brains aren't gray
<Djoric> Squid117: because we are a writing website
<Boss300> Wow!
<Djoric> we are in the business of narrative
<Insidious_Lars> this is fact
<DrMullikin> Attack eyebrows! Killing with eyebrows!
<Boss300> Yeah… Ithink
<Boss300> Incredible
<Riemann> And business is doing ok
<djkaktus> Riemann business is /booming/
<Boss300> Screw dogs. We got eyebrows!
(Got disconnected)
- Eskobear has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Djoric> Ain't nobody got time for eyebrows
<Roget> My dog has eyebrows
<Squid117> what are the red and grey narritive things all over the chat
<Riemann> Roget's dog is an eyebrow
<SoundChaser> Squid117: /me does thing
<Boss300> Djoric, there is always time for eyebrows.
<Dr_Leonard> Brother, calm down
- SoundChaser does thing
- Squid117 does thing
- Eskobar (~PI.CBF16B9A.1EA75F45.EC2FEB6|raboksE#PI.CBF16B9A.1EA75F45.EC2FEB6|raboksE) has joined #site19
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Eskobar
<Squid117> oohhhhh
<Djoric> wait
<Squid117> YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Djoric> here's a scip idea I had
- Nea (~moc.retrahc.im.ycyb.pchd.A301213B-CRInys|eipoeN#moc.retrahc.im.ycyb.pchd.A301213B-CRInys|eipoeN) has joined #site19
<Djoric> what if we had the three sons of noah
<Djoric> up on top of a mountain
<Squid117> time to get my revenge on the ops
<Djoric> being Ornstein & Smough
<tahunu> Djoric: What if bees were moonsharks
<Dr_Leonard> Djoric: Do it. /Just/ /do/ /it/. :3
<Riemann> Real cunning, Squid117
- Squid117 punches Roget
<Riemann> Announce those plans
<salvagebar> .g Ornstein & Smough
<Alexandra> salvagebar: http://darksouls.wikidot.com/dragon-slayer-ornstein-executioner-smough — Dragon Slayer Ornstein &
Executioner Smough - Dark Souls Wiki: "5 days ago … If you defeated Smough first, Ornstein will pray and absorbs Smough's power,
becoming twice his size while retaining his lightning power and…"
<Dr_Leonard> Oh!
<Boss300> Djoric, who's Noah?
<SoundChaser> Oh, hell,
<DrMullikin> Attack the enemy eyebrows!
<DrMullikin> We sound like idiots.
<DrMullikin> Eh. Screw it.
- Squid117 chokes Roget
<Djoric> Boss300: Not sure if kidding or what
<Pixeltasim> Boss300: Noah's Ark? ring a bell? :P
- Eskobar sets ban on *!*Mibbit@*.dyn.embarqhsd.net
<Dr_Leonard> Boss300: A figure from Christian mythology
<SoundChaser> I'm never referencing Doctor Who again
<djkaktus> Squid117 I am banning you now.
<Boss300> No.
- Eskobar has kicked Squid117 from #site19 (24 hour ban. Take that time to learn the differences between the wiki and the game.)
- djkaktus sets ban on *!*@synIRC-BBD467C2.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net)
- Roget sets ban on *!*@synIRC-DFC8BDAA.dyn.embarqhsd.net
<Riemann> :I
<Roget> fffff
<djkaktus> oop.
<Djoric> what a maroons
<Eskobar> what the fuck ban is that
<DrMullikin> That was a Doctor Who reference Sound?
<Djoric> *maroon
<Insidious_Lars> T-T-T-T-Triple ban!
<DrMullikin> Huh. I didn't get that.
- Riemann removes ban on *!*@synIRC-DFC8BDAA.dyn.embarqhsd.net
- Eskobar removes ban on *!*Mibbit@*.dyn.embarqhsd.net
- Riemann removes ban on *!*@synIRC-BBD467C2.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net)
And then in PMs
<djkaktus> You were threatening the ops.
<djkaktus> If you want to appeal your ban, you may do it in #site17
<Squid117> dude i never talked about the game bitch
<djkaktus> If you would like to appear your ban, you may do so in #site17
<Squid117> i was just joking about punching Roget using the /me
<Squid117> how is that in ANY WAY related to wiki or game
<Squid117> huh answer that
<djkaktus> We had a long string of activity from you that we deemed disruptive
<Squid117> your ban thing said that i needed to learn the difference between wiki and game
<djkaktus> several times you had been asked by the ops to calm down.
<djkaktus> You broke an op order by continuing on with a conversation that we had stopped.
<Squid117> using /me is not related to the game dumass
<Squid117> conversation!!??
<djkaktus> If you would like to appear your ban, you may so do in #site17
<Squid117> it was /me
<Squid117> fake punches roget
<Squid117> how is that a game conversation
<djkaktus> Squid117. Bro. We told you several times to cut it out, and when you didnt, we followed protocol and initiated a ban.
<djkaktus> If you would like to appeal the ban, you may do so in #site17
Then to Site17!
13:55 * Squid117 joined #site17
13:55 Dr_Shorts If you would be so inclined
13:55 Eskobar Dr_Shorts, can you head to #area14 with your draft? We're about to do some other staff work in here.
13:56 Dr_Shorts Sure
13:56 * Eskobar is now known as Eskobear
13:56 Dr_Shorts Thanks!
13:56 Roget Actually it'd probably be better if you just waited
13:56 Squid117 oh great roget is here
13:56 Roget area14 is pretty inactive
13:56 Eskobear roget, i'm in there, i'll handle the draft, you handle squid
13:56 Squid117 uh djkaktus said i can put a ban appeal here
13:56 Roget okay
13:56 Roget Yes, you can. Why do you feel your ban was unjust?
13:57 Squid117 i was just using the /me to pretend punch you in the face but thats what everyone does in that server
13:57 Squid117 then
13:57 Squid117 he banned me for a conversation about SCP CB
13:57 Squid117 witch i stops 3 minutes before hand
13:57 Squid117 i wasnt talking about it anymore
13:57 Roget No, you were saying you were going to strangle me. And the operators had repeatedly told you to stop, but you continued to make immature conversation that was disruptive and obnoxious.
13:58 * gumbal1 joined #site17
13:58 Squid117 dont you see what everyone does with /me
13:58 Squid117 i stopped the conversation
13:58 Roget I do. I've been in this channel for years. What you did was inappropriate.
13:58 Squid117 go look at the chat
13:58 Squid117 fuck this
13:58 * Squid117 left #site17
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!