Posting for Piefish. Doofy trolling from a user originally named SCP-106. Probably underage.
- SCP-106 (sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM#sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- %Piefish sighs
«%Piefish» SCP-106, can you change the nickname please?
«Niight» Oh, SCP- name.
«SCP-106» I will devour your soul…
«manster» sigh
- Niight sighs.
«%Piefish» SCP-106, change the nick and stop roleplaying
«%Piefish» last warning
«manster» what piefish said
«SCP-106» huehuehue
- SCP-106 was kicked by Piefish (huehuehue)
«Jhay» oh look
«Jhay» my friend 106
«Jhay» how ya doin 106
«Niight» Oh yeah sure
«Fluke» He'd eat ya.
«Jhay» yeah…i know him…were brothers
«Jhay» like him, i too have my own pocket dimension
- SCP-173 (sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM#sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- SCP-173 (sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM#sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
«Niight» Self-Insert Brother for SCP-106.
- SCP-173 (sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM#sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
«%Piefish» SCP-173, last chance
«SCP-173» Don't blink.
«%Piefish» change the nick or get banned
«SCP-173» ok
«SCP-173» D:
«manster» sigh
- SCP-173 is now known as aisdjaosid
«%Piefish» Thank you
- teaflower (~moc.rr.ser.eniam.E8CE42DE-CRInys|nonnahS#moc.rr.ser.eniam.E8CE42DE-CRInys|nonnahS) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
- Niight sighs thrice.
«Jhay» although i cant walk thru walls, i can fly in the form of a poisonous black smoke then deposit back to solid form when landing
«Roth» What
«manster» jhay are you trolling?
«Jhay» no
«%Piefish» Jhay, stop roleplaying
«Jhay» but
«Jhay» but but but
- Cain (ten.nozirev.soif.lfpmat.FCB3293-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.lfpmat.FCB3293-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
«aisdjaosid» why is roleplaying wrong im new to the site
«Jhay» Piefish then dont a pie fish
«%Piefish» Cause you're not allowed to here
«manster» sigh
«%Piefish» aisdjaosid, did you read the chat guide?
«aisdjaosid» nope
«Athena_Grey» aisdjaosid we have rooms for roleplaying
«manster» bye
«Athena_Grey» this is a chatroom for, among other things
«aisdjaosid» oooh
- aisdjaosid was kicked by Piefish (Go read it then)
«Athena_Grey» story discussion
«Jhay» im 17, you cant expect to memorize all the guides
«manster» piefish he's not gonna read it
«%Piefish» When they're on a few sentences long we expect you to
«Athena_Grey» it'd be a real bother if every time I want to discuss something
«Jhay» it says "to read as long as you can physically tolerate"
«Athena_Grey» » "Hey guys, I have a draft for this new SCP"
«%Alexandra» Athena_Grey has a draft guys!
- ydffdhfd (sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM#sr.mokelet.psi.cimanyd.1F6CCC2E-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
«%Piefish» lol
«%Piefish» LOL
«Jhay» okay thats enough
«ydffdhfd» I read it
«Jhay» remember wil wheaton's law
«%Piefish» That was quick
«Niight» Great quick reading there.
«%Piefish» how old are you ydffdhfd?
«Athena_Grey» » "Don't you mean /Researcher Grey/ has discovered a SCP?"
«Niight» You should submit that for a record, or something.
«ydffdhfd» yeah ya
«Fluke» Wil Wheaton's a massive hypocrite though.
«%Piefish» ydffdhfd, how old are you?
«ydffdhfd» no creepyness blah blah blah
«Athena_Grey» » "No I mean I want you guys to read a draft I just wrote"
«Jhay» 8…..8 months old
«manster» bye
«%Piefish» jhay, stop
«%Piefish» ydffdhfd, How old are you?
«Jhay» stahp
«Roth» Doctor Athena Grey be dead tho
«ydffdhfd» i was born five minutes ago
«Jhay» seriously ydffdhfd, how old r u?
«ydffdhfd» im a demon infant
- ydffdhfd was kicked by Piefish (Wrong answer)
- Piefish sets mode: +b *!*