Following his interaction in chat, PixelGames556's Wikidot profile indicated that he had made several edits to sandboxes created by other individuals, in one case blanking out the other user's sandbox entirely. When asked about this in chat, he denied having made the edits and refused to discuss the matter further. I marked the user as abusive on his Wikidot page, removed him as a member from the Sandbox II wiki, blocked him from the site, and PM'd him:
You have been blocked from the SCP Sandbox II wiki due to suspicions of vandalism. In particular, you have made edits to the following pages created by other users:
Page URL Creator 1beforethevoid 1beforethevoid
SCP-1619 09Unbreakable24
You will need to reply to this message with evidence that you have received permission from these users to edit their sandboxes before the moderator team will consider lifting this block.
Thank you for your cooperation,
— Eskobar
Moderator, SCP Foundation Wiki
He responded several minutes later with
Leave me alone.
I have interpreted this as an insistence that I cease contact as per the Harassment Policy and would request that other staff members contact this user regarding further developments. I am continuing an investigation into several other users who may have also been vandalizing the sandbox and will document those when I have more information.