19:21 * SKA joined #site19
19:21 ghostchibi bad things would happen
19:21 ghostchibi although RT's fanbase is mostly older
19:22 Jabonicus I found SCP through Markiplier, but god damn are some fans annoying.
19:22 BlackWing http://themindunleashed.org/2014/07/36-realistically-colorized-historical-photos-make-past-seem-incredibly-recent.html
19:23 Bunton Ghost!
19:23 BlackWing There's always something odd about seeing pictures of the past in color
19:23 Djoric RTs fanbase is generally better
19:24 BlackWing Be funny if Krillin Played Containment Breach
19:24 diby I finished reading and the memetic kill agent didn't kill me.
19:24 SKA How is anyone suppose to really enjoy the game when there is a gliche or error every 5 mins. What lame brain tech doesn't know how to do there job. I mean it is a good game if there wasn't so many stupid freaking errors. I would report them but that would take a day or two. I know I have spent 3 to get any where just to fall through the floors in the elevator
19:25 tallfellow well
19:25 tallfellow yeah
19:25 ghostchibi Bunton!
19:25 Vivax SKA: It's an independent game. Why don't you calm your tits.
19:25 tallfellow it's not actually a kill agent
19:25 SKA screen blacks out, or just disconnects the game completely
19:25 Bunton It's been a while! How are you?
19:25 BlackWing The kill agent is life
19:25 Jabonicus Well, it's a completely free game
19:25 tallfellow SKA: we didn't make the game
19:25 Jabonicus That is also independent
19:25 tallfellow some dude made it in his spare time
19:25 ghostchibi SKA why are you telling us
19:25 ghostchibi someone spent time
19:25 ghostchibi to make this game
19:25 ghostchibi on his own goddamn time
19:25 Jabonicus So you can't expect Titanfall quality
19:25 Silber SKA: None of us have anything to do with it, so we can't help you
19:25 Djoric SKA so read the site
19:25 Djoric site don't have those problems
19:26 ghostchibi if you're expecting to play a game with GTAV level goodness you're not gonna find it
19:26 ghostchibi and you shouldn't expect it
19:26 ghostchibi gets a little heated about defending indie developers
19:26 tallfellow or, if you just came here to vent about a game you paid nothing for and that we had no hand in, you can feel free to leave
19:27 Djoric except the ones who are shitty, ghost
19:27 BlackWing GTAV: Fishtailing for everyone!
19:27 Djoric there are a lot a shitty ones out there
19:27 BlackWing Shitting driving mechanics
19:27 tahugamin GTAV: But the graphics look so nice!
19:27 TrennerD What is the best turtle related SCP we have on the site? Anyone have a nominee?
19:27 BlackWing GTAV: For if Saints Row 3 or 4 were too fun
19:28 tahugamin GTAV: Hope you weren't expecting to have freedom in your missions?
19:28 ghostchibi Djoric: well yeah
19:28 Djoric GTAV is a perfectly servicable game
19:28 Djoric it's just that its business practices are abomniable
19:28 BlackWing GTAV: Cause who wants to play a video game?
19:28 TrennerD GTAV: Heist r still comin guyz we promis
19:28 ghostchibi but when people complain about technical issues is when I get unhappy
19:28 tahugamin Then again, that's a thing about sandbox games along that style in general lately it seems, I suppose
19:28 Djoric there's no way you can make up the money spent on it
19:29 SKA tallfellow I vent yes. but is there anyway to get around them. I have had to create a new game 4 times because of errors. I just want to play not have to work.
19:29 tallfellow dude i don't know
19:29 ghostchibi SKA: for god's sake
19:29 TrennerD GTAV: No, srsly, keep playing r game cuz eventually we have 2 add Heists, rite?
19:29 ghostchibi stop complaining to us about it
19:29 tallfellow probably none of us know, since we had /no/ /hand/ in making this game
19:29 * Guy joined #site19
19:29 ghostchibi literally none of us care about complaining about it with you
19:29 tallfellow ^
19:29 ghostchibi and more of us would rather enjoy the game
19:29 ProcyonPing Ffs
19:29 tallfellow this isn't a tech support chatroom, you fuckin' guy
19:29 tallfellow wait
19:29 tahugamin If a game is so bad it's like "work", find another game?
19:29 tallfellow there's someone in here called guy
19:30 ghostchibi than sit here and complain all day about how terribad it is
19:30 tallfellow wasn't directed at you, guy
19:30 Eskobear he just joined, tallfellow
19:30 lurkd http://i.imgur.com/41O8Z1s.jpg
19:30 ghostchibi tallfellow: yeah, just came in
19:30 tallfellow sorry, guy
19:30 TrennerD the other day there was a person with the nick "to". that was annoying
19:30 ProcyonPing Tallfellow: because of course there is
19:30 tallfellow i was talking to the other guy
19:30 SKA ProcyonPing SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:30 tallfellow trennerd: he was in here today, too
19:30 tahugamin <:|
19:30 tallfellow HA
19:30 ghostchibi SKA: congrats
19:30 TrennerD oh
19:30 tallfellow okay bye
19:30 TrennerD oh boy
19:30 tahugamin Well, I'm sure this will end well.
19:30 ghostchibi you sassed an op
19:30 tallfellow go fuck yourself
19:30 ghostchibi bye
19:30 Djoric welp
19:30 * SKA was kicked by Eskobear (Not really useful.)
19:30 TrennerD look at that
19:30 Djoric there's a ban
19:30 Mastersarge heyo
19:30 ProcyonPing Damn it esko
19:30 +++ TombGames set the channel to mode +m
19:30 TombGames ok
19:30 TombGames everyone in here is going to calm their tits
19:30 * SKA joined #site19
19:31 TombGames Yes, people shouldn't complain about the game to us, this is correct. No, we shouldn't dogpile them.
19:31 +++ TombGames set the channel to mode -m
19:31 ProcyonPing New topic.
19:31 * kaktus|mobile joined #site19
19:31 * PeppersGhost quit (Client exited)
19:31 TrennerD I asked a relevant question about turtles earlier, how about that?
19:31 Eskobear someone mentioned knitting
19:31 tahugamin To the kaktus|mobile, We gotta head to a shop to find a new topic! :V
19:31 Eskobear isn't that pleasant
19:31 Mastersarge whoa wait what the hell just happened?
19:32 BlackWing stuff
19:32 ghostchibi TrennerD: what was the question?
19:32 tallfellow knitting is hell of pleasant
19:32 DreadLindwyrm TrennerD: what turtles?
19:32 ghostchibi probably got lost in all the ruckus
19:32 TrennerD What is the best turtle related SCP on the site?
19:32 Mastersarge Knitting is fun
19:32 tahugamin DreadLindwyrm: Turtles all the way down.
19:32 TrennerD in your opinion, of course
19:32 kaktus|mobile Yes. Ride the kaktus mobile to relevancy.
19:32 Eskobear knitting can be mad funs
19:32 DreadLindwyrm There's no ethical justfication for turtles.
19:32 tallfellow i don't know much about the process but the resulting scarves i get are pleasant
19:32 ProcyonPing Knit a turtle blanket
19:32 * Guy quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:32 ghostchibi TrennerD: oh uh
19:32 TrennerD DreadLindwyrm: clarify please
19:32 * Nemi quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
19:32 ghostchibi .sea turtle
19:33 Alexandra ghostchibi: The Turtle Shell(SCP-107, Rating:95), Martian Turtles(SCP-1565, Rating:10), Judgmental Turtle(SCP-698, Rating:110)
19:33 SKA Now Tallfellow I have been getting dropped alot in the elevators to most and it is where I have to go. So what is the best way around it? I even try walking around elevator to try to help prevent falling through. Ideas?
19:33 ghostchibi well we have three turtle SCPs
19:33 TrennerD I assume you are not expressing anti-turtle sentiment, as that would not be pleasant conversation.
19:33 ghostchibi and none of those titles-
19:33 ghostchibi SKA
19:33 ghostchibi stop
19:33 tahugamin Knit a turtle, then knit your knitted turtle a knitted turtle blanket, so you have a knitted knitted turtle blanket.
19:33 Vivax Guys
19:33 ghostchibi we didn't make the game
19:33 Eskobear i cannot emphasize this enough
19:33 Eskobear nobody in here knows shit about the game
19:33 TrennerD ghostchibi, thanks, I supposed I could've searched as well
19:33 ghostchibi we have no idea why the game will glitch
19:33 Vivax Can you see through tuttles?
19:33 ghostchibi stop asking us
19:33 * Nemi joined #site19
19:33 DreadLindwyrm TrennerD: http://www.smbc-comics.com/?id=3447#comic
19:33 TombGames .g SCP containment breach
19:33 Alexandra TombGames: http://www.scpcbgame.com/ — SCP - Containment Breach: "Home; Info · Forum. SCP - Containment Breach is a free survival horror game based on the works of the SCP Foundation community."
19:33 Eskobear how to play, how to win, how to not die, anything
19:33 TombGames SKA
19:33 Vivax Because you can't see through the moon or the earth
19:33 ghostchibi TrennerD: I guess we only have 3 turtle scps
19:34 Vivax So therefore
19:34 TombGames this is the website you are looking for
19:34 Vivax the earth
19:34 Eskobear i'm maybe 14% sure how to even /install/ the game
19:34 TrennerD That's 3 more than I've read
19:34 Vivax is turtles
19:34 TombGames We cannot help you with the game
19:34 * SKA quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:34 ghostchibi thank fucking christ
19:34 * SKA joined #site19
19:34 ghostchibi Vivax: there are some cultures with that idea
19:34 tallfellow jesus
19:34 ghostchibi a turtle oh
19:34 Vivax ghostchibi: I know
19:34 tallfellow why did he think i knew that shit?
19:34 TrennerD DreadLindwyrm, thank you for the context
19:34 ghostchibi *the world rests on a turtle
19:34 Vivax But I'm doing something slightly more insane
19:34 Vivax Like everything is turtles
19:34 Vivax Not a single turtle
19:34 ghostchibi oh
19:34 Vivax but
19:34 Vivax it's turtles all the way down
19:35 Vivax And the blackness of the night is turtles
19:35 BlackWing Vivax: There's only the Turtle
19:35 Vivax The tides are turtles
19:35 BlackWing With four elephants on her back
19:35 Vivax No
19:35 Vivax It's just turtles
19:35 ghostchibi I got a tip guys
19:35 BlackWing No
19:35 ghostchibi five dollars
19:35 ghostchibi huh
19:35 BlackWing It's just A'Tuin
19:35 Vivax turtles all the way up and down.
19:35 tahugamin Vivax: The stars in the night sky are but the reflections of the giant incandescent collection of turtles that is the sun in the eyes of the giant sky turtles
19:35 TrennerD I like this world, Vivax. Keep going.
19:35 ghostchibi it's so hit or miss with foreign tourists
19:35 SKA TallFellow falling through the elevator is where most of my issue is, and I have to go that way. I even move around to try to avoid. Ideas?
19:35 tallfellow dude
19:35 tallfellow i don't have a fucking clue
19:35 ghostchibi they have no idea how to tip so you either get one dollar or ten
19:36 tallfellow go away
19:36 TrennerD Now you're just trolling
19:36 tallfellow leave me alone
19:36 ghostchibi SKA: stop asking for god's sake
19:36 TombGames SKA: how old are you
19:36 TheRaven Here's what you do
19:36 TheRaven Go into your C: drive
19:36 * diby quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:36 BlackWing ghostchibi: Tipping's not a thing over in Europe
19:36 TheRaven Find the Windows install folder
19:36 ghostchibi BlackWing: well yeah
19:36 TheRaven And delete System32
19:36 * TheRaven was kicked by TombGames (don't be an arse)
19:36 * TheRaven joined #site19
19:36 tahugamin Not so much, atleast.
19:36 ghostchibi it's called fair pay
19:36 SKA shit that sucks cause that is the biggest issue I have. And is worse if it has to load next screen.
19:36 * Zyn joined #site19
19:36 +++ ChanServ has given op to Zyn
19:37 TrennerD why is this happening
19:37 TombGames BlackWing: we have heard of it, we just don't have the "don't have to pay people minimum wage in tipping jobs" thing
19:37 ghostchibi SKA: that's great GO ASK THE CONTAINTMENT BREACH FORUMS
19:37 Bunton Zyn!
19:37 tahugamin "Hey you guys get tipped, right? Okay, so imma make that part of your pay."
19:37 Zyn Heyo, 19.
19:37 +++ TombGames set the channel to mode +m
19:37 TombGames oi
19:37 TombGames SKA:
19:37 TombGames I am going to unmute the channel in a second
19:37 TombGames and you are a) going to state your age and b) stop asking people about bugs in the game
19:37 +++ TombGames set the channel to mode -m
19:38 * SKA quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:38 tahugamin Hey Zyn. Wonderful time to drop in.
19:38 BlackWing heh
19:38 ProcyonPing Thought so.
19:38 kaktus|mobile Lol
19:38 TrennerD fun times
19:38 kaktus|mobile of course
19:38 »> SKA was ten.tsewq.xnhp.60313405-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsewq.xnhp.60313405-CRInys|tibbiM http://www.mibbit.com
19:38 »> SKA was ten.tsewq.xnhp.60313405-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsewq.xnhp.60313405-CRInys|tibbiM http://www.mibbit.com
19:38 ghostchibi perfect
19:38 Eskobear probably should have listed the "or get banned" other option
19:38 Zyn TombGames: You wanna log that?
19:38 tahugamin I'm /sure/ it was just a connection issue, guize!
19:38 *** GottaGoFeast quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:38 Eskobear useful to have the added incentive
19:38 - TombGames has banned *!*@synIRC-50431306.phnx.qwest.net
Failure to state age, annoying people about CB to the point of trolling or being five years old