Due to weird circumstances, I had to copy each message of the log one at a time while drunk, so a lot of stuff was not copied into the logs, most of which was other people telling him to stop saying the things he was saying.
Let's add ban evasion and bump it up to perma.
[22:12:26] * Jazstar sets ban on *!*@ng.e
[22:12:26] <Prohohoasek> Type of formatting block
[22:12:40] * Jazstar has kicked Viridilucens from #site19 (Month long ban. Do not say that to a minor. You may appeal in #site17 if you like.)
[22:13:17] * weryllium (ksam.tsoh.loohcs.hgih.n|ruo#ksam.tsoh.loohcs.hgih.n|ruo) has joined
[22:13:27] <Prohohoasek> Eyup Wery, how is?
[22:13:54] <SantaCaws> Everybody congratulate baby Jazstar on her first ban
[22:14:01] <SantaCaws> IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE
[22:14:03] <Jazstar> \o/
[22:14:03] <ghostpage> MrGoomba: it's a bit like <p> tags but doesn't necessarily block it off into its own thing
[22:14:09] <Jazstar> weryllium: You missed it D:
[22:14:14] <ghostpage> basically just a tag you use to apply shit to
[22:14:47] <MrGoomba> I'm gonna be blunt: i don't know what you're talking about.
[22:14:50] <MobileMagnus> Hey nerds.
[22:14:58] <MobileMagnus> Our shit was in judge dredd.
[22:15:01] <MobileMagnus> http://imgur.com/iKvGDSD
[22:15:19] <Jazstar> lol
[22:15:21] <MobileMagnus> 173 is a dickless freak, in SCP. The original statue isn't. So that's def, 173.
[22:15:37] <MrGoomba> Holy shit, it did.
[22:15:48] <XilasCrowe> 173 will always have a dick to me
[22:15:51] <MrGoomba> Are we that popular?
[22:15:56] <Organic_Panic> Was Viridilucens banned because the prompted me to have Oral sex?
[22:15:59] <MobileMagnus> We are, actually.
[22:16:12] <nulldiehard> Scp.reaches pretty far now
[22:16:13] <MobileMagnus> We're the largest independent curated writing community on the internet.
[22:16:18] <aismallard> .lc
[22:16:19] <Secretary_Helen> aismallard: SCP-4831: The Forever Festive Tree (Written A few seconds ago By: albanytuber) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4831
[22:16:20] <Secretary_Helen> aismallard: SCP-4128: SCP 4128 (Written 54 minutes ago By: AreaForce) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4128
[22:16:21] <Secretary_Helen> aismallard: 25/12/2047 (Written 9 hours ago By: 9Volt) - http://scp-wiki.net/25-12-2047
[22:16:22] <Jazstar> MobileMagnus: *in english
[22:16:27] <MobileMagnus> ^
[22:16:30] <MobileMagnus> This is true.
[22:16:34] <Jazstar> No clue about other languages
[22:16:42] <MobileMagnus> But the internet is America.
[22:16:46] <MobileMagnus> #trollface
[22:16:51] <Jazstar> D:
[22:17:01] * fieldstone (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.DA138591-CRInys|189942diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.DA138591-CRInys|189942diu) has joined
[22:17:01] * ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to fieldstone
[22:17:06] <Quikngruvn> More precisely, English is the lingua franca of the Internet. For better or worse.
[22:17:11] <ghostpage> MrGoomba: you might want to just ask someone to do it for you if you don't already know html lol
[22:17:15] <SantaCaws> MobileMagnus: my official position as licensing captain, even drunk licensing captain, is freed of SCP trappings it's kato's problem
[22:17:38] <MrGoomba> I really don't know htlm.
[22:17:39] <MobileMagnus> I figured.
[22:18:03] <Prohohoasek> Eyup Quik
[22:18:05] <Prohohoasek> How is?
[22:18:12] <MobileMagnus> We could try and say it's 173 and start shit, but I'd rather just get the gimme advertising, and let Kato deal with it.
[22:18:14] <weryllium> Hi Prohohoasek
[22:18:17] <weryllium> Doin good
[22:18:27] <Quikngruvn> Hi Pro, all right, I reckon.
[22:18:34] <Prohohoasek> Peak on two counts.
[22:18:37] <ghostpage> hi quik!
[22:18:41] <nulldiehard> Hi quik
[22:18:41] <Quikngruvn> Hi ghost.
[22:18:52] <nulldiehard> You enjoy your holidays?
[22:20:27] <Quikngruvn> Survived another year.
[22:21:10] <Prohohoasek> Ey so; does anyone know of any skips that use HMFSCP formatting?
[22:21:23] * NataKilar (~ten.tsacmoc.im.1dsh.A0332988-CRInys|raliKataN#ten.tsacmoc.im.1dsh.A0332988-CRInys|raliKataN) has joined
[22:23:48] <Bunting> https://youtu.be/60hfR6r6hMw
[22:23:55] <SantaCaws> MobileMagnus: don't get me wrong I'm basically kato's gimp
[22:24:03] <SantaCaws> If Kato tells us to deal with it I will
[22:24:09] <SantaCaws> But otherwise, naaaaaaah
[22:24:27] <MrGoomba> What's that? Prohohoasek
[22:24:47] <Prohohoasek> Her Majesty's Foundation for the Secure Containment of the Paranormal
[22:24:57] <Prohohoasek> One of the SCP Foundation's predecessors
[22:25:17] * Bunting is now known as Bunton
[22:25:18] <MobileMagnus> Same.
[22:25:21] * vezaz (moc.duolccri.gnilae.D8D025EB-CRInys|579151diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.D8D025EB-CRInys|579151diu) has joined
[22:25:26] <MobileMagnus> Also, be back later practicing guitar.
[22:25:33] <Prohohoasek> In a bit, Magnus
[22:25:36] <Prohohoasek> Good strumming
[22:25:45] <MrGoomba> I've once read one about one that RAISA archived.
[22:26:10] <Prohohoasek> I know there's an ASCI one archived
[22:26:17] <Prohohoasek> Er, the American Secure Containment Initiative
[22:27:52] <MrGoomba> http://www.scp-wiki.net/raisa-6147
[22:27:52] <Secretary_Helen> MrGoomba: RAISA-6147 (PENDING ASSIGNMENT) (Rating: +42. Written 40 days ago By: Uncle Nicolini) - http://scp-wiki.net/raisa-6147
[22:28:00] <MrGoomba> That's the closest i've known of.
[22:28:15] * unclenicolini rises from his grave
[22:28:19] <unclenicolini> WHO FUCKING SUMMONS ME
[22:28:29] <MrGoomba> I think no one did…
[22:28:34] * VinylS (PI.1182C218.5CB400CF.F86B4BB1|tibbiM#PI.1182C218.5CB400CF.F86B4BB1|tibbiM) has joined
[22:28:39] <unclenicolini> You just did.
[22:28:39] <Prohohoasek> That's perfect, cheers Goomba
[22:28:41] * Viridilucens (~moc.rr.ser.eniam.0C8CC0B9-CRInys|leM#moc.rr.ser.eniam.0C8CC0B9-CRInys|leM) has joined
[22:28:41] <taylor_iOStkin> MrGoomba: you did lol
[22:28:45] <Prohohoasek> And you've summoned the beast
[22:28:51] <unclenicolini> howdy proasek
[22:28:54] * taylor_iOStkin kick Viridilucens
[22:28:54] <MrGoomba> Owhhh.
[22:28:54] <unclenicolini> merry christmas
[22:28:55] <unclenicolini> cheers
[22:28:56] <Prohohoasek> Eyup Nico
[22:28:59] <Prohohoasek> How is?
[22:28:59] * taylor_iOStkin has kicked Viridilucens from #site19 (taylor_iOStkin)
[22:29:00] <MrGoomba> The Author thingy.
[22:29:01] <taylor_iOStkin> Wow
[22:29:04] <unclenicolini> it is how it be how it do
[22:29:05] <unclenicolini> howdy tay tay
[22:29:08] <unclenicolini> my handsome boy
[22:29:12] <unclenicolini> grats on the album drop
[22:29:16] * taylor_iOStkin smooch unclenicolini
[22:29:20] <unclenicolini> <3
[22:29:29] <taylor_iOStkin> <3
[22:29:37] <Organic_Panic> Hey
[22:29:39] <Prohohoasek> Happy fucking festag to you, Nico.
[22:29:40] <Prohohoasek> And I hear you're now the one to turn to for HMFSCP format articles
[22:29:48] <Prohohoasek> Which doesn't surprise me much
[22:29:53] <unclenicolini> seeing as i've made the only one
[22:29:56] <unclenicolini> i guess so
[22:30:08] <Prohohoasek> I'm doing another of my weird things, you see.
[22:30:31] <unclenicolini> ah i love weird things
[22:30:46] <Organic_Panic> I just quit that BGO thing.
[22:30:59] * Rimple dances anxiously
[22:31:05] <Prohohoasek> The concept is essentially a group of entities that change hands regularly, and their exact nature is dependent on the documentation kept by the previous owner
[22:31:11] <Rimple> can't wait for the art exchange to be handed out tomorrow
[22:31:14] <Prohohoasek> It's Chinese Whispers personified.
[22:31:17] <thewalkindude368> What's the HMFSCP article?
[22:31:19] <Prohohoasek> Rimple: Same mate
[22:31:28] <Prohohoasek> thewalkindude368: http://www.scp-wiki.net/raisa-6147
[22:31:44] <Organic_Panic> I dont get t.
[22:31:55] <Quikngruvn> .updatebans
[22:31:57] <Secretary_Helen> Ban List successfully updated.
[22:32:04] <Rimple> I'm excited to recieve something, obv, but this is the most I've ever been excited to also see how my giftee would like it
[22:32:49] <Organic_Panic> I just had a great idea
[22:33:02] <Prohohoasek> unclenicolini: Do you much mind if I nick all your style and source code then?
[22:33:05] <Prohohoasek> I take it no?
[22:33:11] <Rimple> obviously I cared before but I SUPER care this time round
[22:33:29] <unclenicolini> proasek do as you want my fellow friend
[22:33:30] <Prohohoasek> Rimple: Whomever you received is in for a treat, by the sounds
[22:33:39] <Prohohoasek> Grazie, Nico
[22:33:41] <unclenicolini> im super excited for gift exchange
[22:33:46] <taylor_iOStkin> Same
[22:34:01] <Organic_Panic> what if we take a bunch of over-redacted scp articles…
[22:34:03] <Rimple> well, I don't know, is the thing
[22:34:23] <Rimple> I took a liberty with what they requested in pursuit of creating something bigger and werider
[22:34:38] <MrGoomba> I'm still having a problem with the collapsibles and the one 4500 has isn't the one i want.
[22:34:44] <taylor_iOStkin> .l
[22:34:44] <Secretary_Helen> taylor_iOStkin: SCP-4831: The Forever Festive Tree (Written 9 minutes ago By: albanytuber) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4831
[22:34:45] <Secretary_Helen> taylor_iOStkin: SCP-4128 (Written 1 hour ago By: AreaForce) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4128
[22:34:46] <Secretary_Helen> taylor_iOStkin: 25/12/2047 (Written 9 hours ago By: 9Volt) - http://scp-wiki.net/25-12-2047
[22:34:52] <thewalkindude368> unclenicolini: You gave me an idea for clichecon with that. Take a tired outdated SCP concept and write it in a new format
[22:34:53] <Organic_Panic> … and compile them into a "Mad Libs style" fill in the blanks book
[22:34:58] <ihp> .l
[22:35:00] <Secretary_Helen> ihp: I can't do that yet.
[22:35:27] <unclenicolini> thewalkindude368: as long as youre meeting the criteria
[22:35:57] * humboldt-squid (~moc.rr.ser.eniam.0C8CC0B9-CRInys|rbitrevni#moc.rr.ser.eniam.0C8CC0B9-CRInys|rbitrevni) has joined
[22:36:15] <Prohohoasek> Organic_Panic: pretty sure someone in universe was punished for doing just that
[22:36:33] <Organic_Panic> Really?
[22:36:38] * taylor_iOStkin has kicked humboldt-squid from #site19 (and now it’s perma because we aren’t stupid)
[22:36:54] <NataKilar> There was the "Keter for Kids" book or whatever it was called
[22:36:56] * humboldt-squid (~moc.rr.ser.eniam.0C8CC0B9-CRInys|rbitrevni#moc.rr.ser.eniam.0C8CC0B9-CRInys|rbitrevni) has joined
[22:37:01] <humboldt-squid> What's all this about?
[22:37:10] <taylor_iOStkin> humboldt-squid: it’s about us not being dumb
[22:37:15] <humboldt-squid> i'm confused
[22:37:21] <Jazstar> taylor_iOStkin: That's not virid
[22:37:24] <Organic_Panic> So am I
[22:37:25] <humboldt-squid> I just came here because someone told me about this
[22:37:31] <humboldt-squid> Why am I getting kicked?
[22:37:34] <humboldt-squid> Did I do something wrong?
[22:37:38] <humboldt-squid> Am I not supposed to be here?
[22:37:57] <humboldt-squid> Is this exclusive to members or something?
[22:37:58] <SantaCaws> mailto:Mel@synIRC-9B0CC8C0.maine.res.rr.com
[22:38:05] * Laneous (~PI.633C1818.F4B1080D.2BEA99BE|tibbiM#PI.633C1818.F4B1080D.2BEA99BE|tibbiM) has joined
[22:38:09] <SantaCaws> mailto:invertibr@synIRC-9B0CC8C0.maine.res.rr.com
[22:38:26] * Bennings has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[22:38:29] * Athenodora (ua.ten.tenii.nyd.600624DF-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.ten.tenii.nyd.600624DF-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
[22:38:29] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Athenodora
[22:38:36] <SantaCaws> I'm not drunk enough to be that stupid and I haven't even stopped drinking
[22:38:43] <humboldt-squid> could someone please explain to me what's going on?
[22:38:44] <SantaCaws> It was a month. It is now permanent.
[22:38:47] <SantaCaws> Enjoy.
[22:38:50] <taylor_iOStkin> Suffice it to say it’s like 99.9999% impossible to have the same hostmask as someone like that
[22:38:51] <Jazstar> humboldt-squid: Virid, we can see your hostmask
[22:38:53] * taylor_iOStkin has kicked humboldt-squid from #site19 (bye)
[22:39:03] * humboldt-squid (~moc.rr.ser.eniam.0C8CC0B9-CRInys|rbitrevni#moc.rr.ser.eniam.0C8CC0B9-CRInys|rbitrevni) has joined
[22:39:05] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to SantaCaws
[22:39:09] <Rimple> god dude
[22:39:12] <humboldt-squid> please stop kicking me and tell me what's happening
[22:39:17] <humboldt-squid> who is virid?
[22:39:21] * taylor_iOStkin sets ban on *!*@synIRC-9B0CC8C0.maine.res.rr.com
[22:39:21] <Laneous> I'm coming into this without context
[22:39:25] <ghostpage> bruh lmao
[22:39:26] <Laneous> what is happening
[22:39:28] * taylor_iOStkin has kicked humboldt-squid from #site19 (taylor_iOStkin)
[22:39:35] <ghostpage> Laneous: someone trying to ban evade
[22:39:37] <ghostpage> weakly
[22:39:39] * Jazstar sets ban on humboldt-squid!*@*
[22:39:40] <taylor_iOStkin> Jesus.
Added synIRC-9B0CC8C0.maine.res.rr.com to the list of banned hostmasks.
Just wanted to confirm the ban evasion, the registered email essentially matches on both (a highly uncommon string with a 2 for Viridilucens at the end, and 3 for humboldt-squid).
Additionally they attempted to initially reconnect via TOR and the humboldt-squid username, but was G:Lined by the open proxy scanner.
A person using Virid's hostmask came into 17 (after hitting the banwall in 19) claiming to be the parent of a kid who claimed to them that they had been bullied in Site19, asking to know why and how their child was bullied and then banned. They were provided a link to this thread and to the log of the incident, at which point they said they would have a discussion with their kid about their behavior. Logging here that the conversation occurred, but I didn't want to log the actual conversation here. Logs of the conversation in 17 are available to chat staff (ask me or bluesoul).