Seven year old wanting to know is SCP real, banned
[14:00] -->| thewealthyraccoon (ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.47E01BB3-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.47E01BB3-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[14:00] TrennerD thedeadlymoose yeah, you gave me one of my favorite comments on SCP-1048
[14:00] thedeadlymoose TrennerD: I'm not gonna be too judgmental of people; it's not even the 5-10 minutes of searching, it's that people double down and insist it's real
[14:00] thedeadlymoose SCP-1048
[14:00] Alexandra thedeadlymoose: SCP-1048 (Builder Bear, Written by Researcher Dios, Rating:+389) -
[14:00] thedeadlymoose Wait, you're Dios?
[14:00] djkaktus Lol
[14:00] DavidByrne that sounds like a gay porn ^
[14:00] thewealthyraccoon hi
[14:00] thedeadlymoose DavidByrne: Not that kind of bear.
[14:00] Vorcha has anyone else here stepped on a small dog
[14:01] TrennerD thedeadlymoose oh i see what you're saying. there's definitely no excuse for that kind of denial, definitely
[14:01] CogitoErgoSpud i don't see how anyone could insist it's real
[14:01] thedeadlymoose DavidByrne: Though, we /do/ have an administrator who /is/ that kind of bear. :|
[14:01] CryogenChaos thewealthyraccoon, is it
[14:01] |<-- Darlos9Dayjob has left (Quit: Leaving.)
[14:01] thewealthyraccoon so your all scp mebers
[14:01] TrennerD thedeadlymoose yeah i'm researcher dios on the site
[14:01] thedeadlymoose Cool. :)
[14:01] CryogenChaos Yes
[14:01] Bennings Most are.
[14:01] djkaktus thedeadlymoose ooooooh who is it?
[14:01] Smapti I'm not a meber, scp or otherwise.
[14:01] thewealthyraccoon are scps real
[14:01] CogitoErgoSpud i just think it's unfair to be met with derision if you didn't take a moment to figure out what the site was and just went directly to chat to speak with others
[14:01] TrennerD no
[14:01] TrennerD no
[14:01] Bennings No.
[14:01] TrennerD no
[14:01] tahunu SCPs are not real.
[14:01] djkaktus No
[14:01] CogitoErgoSpud see
[14:01] TrennerD super duper fake
[14:01] AndarielHalo no
[14:02] tahunu They're fakey internet stories :V
[14:02] thedeadlymoose thewealthyraccoon: literally this entire conversation is about how they're not real >:P
[14:02] djkaktus Definitely no
[14:02] thedeadlymoose lmao
[14:02] TrennerD creative writing
[14:02] CogitoErgoSpud this is a thing that happens often isn't it
[14:02] Smapti totes fake 5evr
[14:02] ProcyonLotor Thewealthyraccoon: No. The entire site is fictional.
[14:02] DavidByrne wtf cleverbot is jeff the killer
[14:02] === thewealthyraccoon <ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.47E01BB3-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.47E01BB3-CRInys|tibbiM> “”
[14:02] === thewealthyraccoon: member of #site19
[14:02] === thewealthyraccoon: attached to “Ride the pony!”
[14:02] —- End of WHOIS information for thewealthyraccoon.
[14:02] tahunu Smapti: Hey, that's my line! :V
[14:02] CogitoErgoSpud why the hell isn't there like a giant freakin scrollbar at the top saying this lol
[14:02] thewealthyraccoon you said ur scp mebers right
[14:02] AndarielHalo jeff the skeltal
[14:02] djkaktus Yes
[14:02] djkaktus The wiki
[14:02] CryogenChaos We're members of the SCP communal writing site, yes
[14:02] djkaktus The creative writing site
[14:02] Bennings Jeff the Killer is shit.
[14:02] Smapti CogitoErgoSpud, the message you get when you join the chat SAYS that SCP is fictional.
[14:02] tahunu "mebers"
[14:02] ProcyonLotor Members of the website
[14:02] djkaktus not a secret paragovernment group
[14:02] CogitoErgoSpud wait now Smapti
[14:02] DavidByrne But what if its not fictional
[14:03] Devereaux It is DavidByrne.
[14:03] Bennings It is though.
[14:03] DavidByrne ooooooooooooo
[14:03] djkaktus Then we're fucked
[14:03] CogitoErgoSpud that shit scrolls so fast and i was trying to read the damn convo lol
[14:03] TrennerD CogitoErgoSpud I don't get why people jump into chat so quickly, personally. you can figure most things out quickly on your own if you browse a bit
[14:03] tahunu But what if the sun explodes yesterday!? :V
[14:03] Smapti I don't know how much more obvious we could make it besides posting a non-skippable video that preloads over every page in which Neil deGrasse Tyson himself says "This shit be fake, and you be stupid if you think it ain't".
[14:03] ProcyonLotor DavidByrne: Then we'd be fucked. But it is
[14:03] thewealthyraccoon wtf
[14:03] djkaktus Lol
[14:03] TrennerD Smapti I would be okay with that happening
[14:03] djkaktus you ok, dude?
[14:04] CogitoErgoSpud yea but some people like talking to others
[14:04] ProcyonLotor Just gonna get this out of the way
[14:04] thewealthyraccoon if scps arent real then why is there a, wiki
[14:04] Smapti (Is it wrong that I'm now thinking of shipping a deadly moose with a wealthy raccoon?)
[14:04] DavidByrne What about that show that ran for a couple episodes with a rusty iron door at the end of each episode with screaming children voices that was shutdown and after a few years was found and opened, and the entire room was filled with torture devices and a tiny microphone at the top of the room.
[14:04] thedeadlymoose Smapti: Very, very wrong. And yet… so right.
[14:04] tahunu thewealthyraccoon: Same reason there are films and books. People make things up. :I
[14:04] djkaktus thewealthyraccoon because it's fun to write about
[14:04] Smapti thewealthyraccoon; because we enjoy creative writing.
[14:04] ProcyonLotor Thewealthyraccoon : It is a creative writing website
[14:04] TrennerD thewealthyraccoon because people like to write stories
[14:04] thedeadlymoose DavidByrne: …you aren't seriously quoting made-up internet creepypasta, are yoyu
[14:04] thedeadlymoose *you
[14:04] |<-- djkaktus has left (Quit: Bye)
[14:04] -->| chubert (||trebuhc) has joined #site19
[14:04] ProcyonLotor Thewealthyraccoon, how old are you.
[14:04] ProcyonLotor *?
[14:04] DavidByrne But.. but.. Pictures..
[14:04] thewealthyraccoon I habe
[14:04] thedeadlymoose DavidByrne: Literally everything that you just said is an internet creepypasta cliche :|
[14:05] Smapti FACT: In general, top secret government organizations do not host their classified files on publicly accessible wikis.
[14:05] CogitoErgoSpud Smapti how can you say totes fake 5evr but everyone got on that guys ass earlier for sayin the same type thing?
[14:05] thedeadlymoose Yes. There's this thing called /digital artwork/
[14:05] thewealthyraccoon lol
[14:05] CogitoErgoSpud everyone should just loosen the fuck up man
[14:05] DavidByrne I can dream harold!
[14:05] thedeadlymoose CogitoErgoSpud: what are you even talking about :P
[14:05] G4ce ProcyonLotor: Probably not old enough.
[14:06] Devereaux thewealthyraccoon: If you don't answer ProcyonLotor's question in the next 60 seconds, I will kick you.
[14:06] TrennerD CogitoErgoSpud you say that now, but you stick around long enough and you'll be acting just like us
[14:06] Smapti Cogito: Because I am doing intentionally what that person was doing out of ignorance.
[14:06] DavidByrne oooooooo
[14:06] thewealthyraccoon did you know the scp facility used to be real
[14:06] ProcyonLotor Thewealthyraccoon: How old are you? You are obligated to answer me.
[14:06] G4ce It wasn't.
[14:06] DavidByrne You know that i have a pet rake.
[14:06] tahunu thewealthyraccoon: No it didn't.
[14:06] thewealthyraccoon 7
[14:06] Smapti …Yeah, I'm calling troll on this dude.
[14:06] DavidByrne Its kind of cute
[14:06] TrennerD yep
[14:06] G4ce This is a site that contains works of fiction.
[14:06] tahunu SCP is fake, it's not real, it's never been rea- Heh.
[14:06] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by thedeadlymoose
[14:06] =-= thewealthyraccoon was booted from #site19 by YOU (Come back when you're older.)