Likely underage. Asked to be kicked.
TheDustMan was ten.labolgcbs.iwnsdm.deepsthgil.7EE70E32-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.iwnsdm.deepsthgil.7EE70E32-CRInys|tibbiM
12:23 * SCP-[REDICATED] joined #site19
12:23 demahi hello from bulgaria
12:23 SCP-[REDICATED] hello
12:24 SCP-[REDICATED] im here
12:24 Vince THEPIGPANDA: letting people on the site get to know eachother, seek advice on their writing, etc
12:24 Wogglebug You should pick a better nickname.
12:24 AndarielHalo Trenner I don't get it. Are you implying Paasio was a pedophile?
12:24 SCP-[REDICATED] true
12:24 Jukse Hey there. Whazza.
12:24 THEPIGPANDA wazzzuppp
12:24 demahi wjazaaaaaa
12:24 Wogglebug You can change it using /nick (name)
12:24 SCP-[REDICATED] wazzzzuppp
12:24 Wogglebug THEPIGPANDA, you should make your name not caps
12:25 THEPIGPANDA okay
12:25 SCP-[REDICATED] why?
12:25 Wogglebug Because caps are lame.
12:25 * THEPIGPANDA is now known as thebigpanda
12:25 SCP-[REDICATED] wait a minute
12:25 Zyn THEPIGPANDA: This chat is for people who write for the site.
12:25 Wogglebug Well.
12:25 * homes quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
12:25 Wogglebug And people involved int he site in general.
12:25 Wogglebug And some others.
12:25 Wogglebug Pretty broad, really.
12:25 Zyn SCP site members.
12:25 Zyn Yep.
12:25 BlackWing
12:25 Zyn SCP-[REDICATED]: you should change your name. It looks silly.
12:25 * GottaGoFeast quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
12:25 * Wogglebug quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 31.0/20140716183446])
12:25 thebigpanda lol
12:26 TrennerD AndarielHalo no, he's innocent
12:26 demahi lol gannam style
12:26 * qntm joined #site19
12:26 thebigpanda im fascinated in this stuff on the site I think is cool
12:26 Jukse Well, now you know why they had to bomb the entire first floor.
12:26 AndarielHalo It all reads fine and good, I just don't get it
12:26 * SCP-[REDICATED] is now known as to
12:27 TrennerD AndarielHalo What do think was happening?
12:27 AndarielHalo like there's a mystery and I've completely misunderstood some of the clues
12:27 BlackWing
12:27 demahi me to
12:27 to TheDustMan
12:27 AndarielHalo it was made by an anomalous boogin to terrorize pedophiles?
12:27 to hello
12:27 * thebigpanda quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
12:27 * Dr_Leonard joined #site19
12:27 Dr_Leonard Hello.
12:27 TrennerD AndarielHalo you've got it backwards
12:27 TrennerD well sorta
12:27 AndarielHalo it was made by a pedophile boogin to terrorize children?
12:27 TrennerD haha no
12:27 TrennerD sorry
12:28 Dr_Leonard .seen reach
12:28 Alexandra Dr_Leonard: reach was last seen 5 days, 4 hours ago saying: Have a nice one, people. :3
12:28 Dr_Leonard .seen pincier
12:28 Alexandra Dr_Leonard: pincier was last seen 20 hours, 57 minutes ago saying: Anyone know where I could grab a perl diceroller script for IRC?
12:28 Jukse b..
12:28 TrennerD It was made to protect children
12:28 Jukse *BlackWing: That kinda made my day, gotta say.
12:28 * to quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
12:28 TrennerD to detect pedophiles near them
12:28 demahi for those people who like music [TITLE: Johnny Fiasco - Conduction (Santiago & Bushido Remix) VIEWS: 39251 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 618 UPLOADED: IAmDefalt ] [TITLE: Johnny Fiasco - Conduction (Santiago & Bushido Remix) VIEWS: 39251 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 618 UPLOADED: IAmDefalt ]
12:29 * TheDustMan joined #site19
12:29 TheDustMan hello
12:29 AndarielHalo so Bjerre is the pedophile?
12:29 TheDustMan hello?
12:29 * Bunting quit (Client exited)
12:29 Zyn Hello, TheDustMan.
12:29 TheDustMan wat?
12:29 Jukse Hey there, Dust. How's it going.
12:29 TrennerD Yeah, Agent Bjerre is not a nice person.
12:29 AndarielHalo =12:30 ProcyonBRB Welcome back, SCP-REDICATED
12:30 AndarielHalo I'm not nice, but I'm not a pedophile
12:30 TheDustMan wat r u guys talking about
12:30 BlackWing Stuff
12:30 TheDustMan i just joined
12:30 AndarielHalo what's that mean?
12:30 Zyn Someone has an SCP draft.
12:30 * homes joined #site19
12:30 Zyn Also TheDustMan, we can see hostmasks.
12:30 TheDustMan wat?
12:30 TrennerD LOL well I wasn't insinuating anything about not nice people
12:30 Zyn We can tell when the same person just switched names.
12:30 BlackWing
12:30 BlackWing This is what we're talking about
12:30 * Wogglebug joined #site19
12:30 + ChanServ has given op to Wogglebug
12:30 »> SCP-[REDICATED] was ten.labolgcbs.iwnsdm.deepsthgil.7EE70E32-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.iwnsdm.deepsthgil.7EE70E32-CRInys|tibbiM
12:31 ProcyonBRB Please don't patronize us. We're not stupid.
12:31 TheDustMan do you guys know scp 092
12:31 Zyn !scp-092
12:31 Alexandra Zyn: SCP-092 ("The Best of The 5th Dimension", Originally written by far2, rewritten by Voct, Rating:+121) -
12:31 Zyn SCP-092
12:31 Alexandra Zyn: SCP-092 ("The Best of The 5th Dimension", Originally written by far2, rewritten by Voct, Rating:+121) -
12:31 BlackWing TheDustMan: Do you know the Muffin Man?
12:31 TheDustMan yes
12:31 BlackWing Then where is he?
12:31 ProcyonBRB Actually, TheDustMan, how old are you?
12:32 Dr_Leonard Oh
12:32 Dr_Leonard Yees
12:32 Dr_Leonard I know that one
12:32 Dr_Leonard Why?
12:32 TheDustMan i dunno
12:32 Dr_Leonard BlackWing: Drewry Lane, dude
12:32 TheDustMan im a random
12:32 Jukse Hm, yeah.
12:32 Zyn I thought it was "Drury"
12:32 TheDustMan ya
12:32 Dr_Leonard *Druary
12:32 BlackWing ties Dr_Leonard to a chair
12:32 BlackWing WHERE'S THE RABBIT?!
12:32 Wogglebug Well, what year were you born?
12:32 ProcyonBRB No. Answer the question: how old are you?
12:32 Dr_Leonard patpats BlackWing
12:32 AndarielHalo why'd th eresearcher commit suicide?
12:32 Zyn It's a routine staff thing, TheDustMan.
12:32 Dr_Leonard There there
12:32 Dr_Leonard You'll get by without your rabbit pie
12:32 Zyn Question everyone gets asked.
12:32 TrennerD He's 77
12:32 TrennerD in dog years
12:33 TheDustMan r u guys hacking me????
12:33 Dr_Leonard So he's 11?
12:33 TheDustMan plz
12:33 * demahi quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
12:33 Zyn TheDustMan: Just answer the question.
12:33 TheDustMan dont
12:33 TheDustMan k
12:33 * Nemi quit (Quit: )
12:33 Zyn Like I said, it's a routine thing that everyone gets asked.
12:33 Zyn No big deal.
12:33 TheDustMan immmmm…
12:33 * ProcyonBRB quit (Quit: to comp)
12:33 * Dr_Leonard quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
12:33 TheDustMan drum roll plz
12:34 Zyn Dude, like, the longer you hold off, the stranger you look.
12:34 * fred joined #site19
12:34 ProcyonLotor Not a question that requires thinking about.
12:34 ProcyonLotor Just tell us.
12:34 * Dr_Leonard joined #site19
12:34 BlackWing Not makin' yourself look good here dude
12:34 TheDustMan wat?
12:34 TrennerD Just state your age.
12:34 TheDustMan …
12:34 DrUnderwood quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
12:34 ProcyonLotor How old are you? If you don't get it out in a timely fashion, you will be kicked.
12:34 TheDustMan why?
12:34 TheDustMan k kick me
12:34 Zyn Chat protocol.
12:34 ProcyonLotor Standard procedure, which you are making difficult.
12:34 TheDustMan i sont cafe
12:34—- Zyn has banned *!*
12:34 Dr_Leonard Oh
12:34 TheDustMan was kicked by Zyn (Zyn)