18:31 - Zyn has banned *!*@synIRC-79526237.ok.shawcable.net
18:31 *** Annabell was kicked by Zyn (Zyn)
Came in, didn't know how they got there, was incoherent.
18:12 * Annie joined #site19
18:12 Zyn Feels like it should be a Dark move
18:12 Annie Hi
18:12 Zyn In Japanese, the "Dark" type is "Evil" type
18:12 Positron a ball of shadow
18:12 Zyn translated
18:13 Zyn I think
18:13 Zyn Hello, Annie.
18:13 Zyn Are you new here?
18:13 Silberescher project m lucario is weird as hell
18:13 Positron do you know why psychic gets beat by dark and ghost
18:13 Riemann I like Project M Lucario
18:13 Positron and bug
18:13 Annie Yes
18:13 Zyn How did you get to this chatroom?
18:13 Riemann If you can see him used properly, it's really impressive
18:13 Zyn There's a short list of rules you should follow.
18:13 * Galacticfunk49 joined #site19
18:13 Zyn (pretty simple, really)
18:13 Annie I don't know
18:13 Annie Ok
18:14 Positron why doesn't anyone like toon link
18:14 * metalthrasher joined #site19
18:14 tahugamin You… don't know how you got here?
18:14 * metalthrasher quit (Quit: metalthrasher)
18:14 Positron Wormhole.
18:14 * Galacticfunk49 quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:14 Zyn Annie: What did you come here to discuss?
18:14 Voct Annie, do you know about the SCP Foundation narrative project? about containment breach, about SCPs, that sort of thing?
18:15 * Galacticfunk49 joined #site19
18:15 * Galacticfunk49 quit (Quit: Galacticfunk49)
18:16 * Galacticfunk49 joined #site19
18:16 tahugamin In, out, in, out, shake it all about…
18:17 * ProcyonLotor is now known as ProcyonPing
18:17 * Nach0z quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
18:18 * thedeadlymoose joined #site19
18:18 + ChanServ has given owner to thedeadlymoose
18:18 + ChanServ has given op to thedeadlymoose
18:19 * Annie quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
18:19 * Nach0z joined #site19
18:19 * Vince joined #site19
18:20 * Annabell joined #site19
18:20 Vince evening
18:20 Annabell Hi
18:20 »> Annie was ten.elbacwahs.ko.73262597-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.elbacwahs.ko.73262597-CRInys|tibbiM http://www.mibbit.com
18:20 * Doulos quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
18:20 »> Is (~ten.labolgcbs.xtnscr.deepsthgil.DA92F6F7-CRInys|taehw.nai#ten.labolgcbs.xtnscr.deepsthgil.DA92F6F7-CRInys|taehw.nai Ian Wheat) avarice.wa.us.synirc.net (0 hops) * Hr
18:20 Annabell
18:20 Zyn Annie, is that you?
18:20 Riemann Hello Annabell
18:21 Annabell Yes
18:21 Annabell Mine is not working
18:21 Annabell And I know you think it's funny
18:21 thedeadlymoose Er…
18:21 Galacticfunk49 Hello to all.
18:21 thedeadlymoose What did I walk in on? XD
18:21 Zyn Hello, Galacticfunk49.
18:22 Zyn thedeadlymoose: Not sure.
18:22 Zyn Annabell: Why would we think it's funny?
18:22 Galacticfunk49 It has been quite a while since i have used irc.
18:22 Annabell I have no idea
18:22 Zyn Galacticfunk49: What brings you here today?
18:22 * djkaktus quit (Connection reset by peer)
18:23 Galacticfunk49 I discovered the SCP
18:23 Athena_Grey ooh Galacticfunk49 congratulation
18:23 Athena_Grey and welcome to 19
18:23 Galacticfunk49 spent the last three days reading and thought I would join
18:23 Annabell Zyn: why did I say that it is funny
18:23 tahugamin You know, there's more than one SCP
18:23 Annabell Yes I sure do
18:23 Zyn Annabell: 18:21 Annabell And I know you think it's funny
18:23 Zyn Also, tahugamin was talking to Galacticfunk49.
18:23 * Annabell quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
18:24 tahugamin I… was talkin to Galacticfunk49 there.
18:24 Zyn bets, 12.
18:24 tahugamin Jinx, Zyn?
18:24 Zyn totally.
18:24 * Dexanote joined #site19
18:24 Zyn I owe you a soda.
18:24 * Djoric joined #site19
18:24 * Annabell joined #site19
18:24 Annabell I am back
18:25 Zyn Hello.
18:25 Cliensviep So I just finished my first draft of my first SCP, and I was hoping someone would be interested in reviewing it for me
18:25 Positron I'm back
18:25 Annabell Did you join
18:25 Zyn Oh, Annabell, standard chat question.
18:25 tahugamin Zyn: And both of us were too slo- ah
18:25 Zyn How old are you?
18:25 Positron oh I would love to ruin your dreams.
18:25 Positron
18:25 Zyn Positron: Not cool, man.
18:25 Annabell On what the say my age
18:25 Zyn Also, unless you've got successful articles on the site, I'd ease off on giving feedback.
18:26 Zyn Annabell: Yeah, it's something all people get asked here.
18:26 Zyn Standard procedures.
18:26 Annabell And what I said was not the right thing
18:26 Zyn Huh?
18:26 Positron Joking
18:26 Zyn Annabell: Just state how old you are.
18:26 tahugamin I feel like I'm missing like half of this conversation
18:26 thedeadlymoose Annabell: You need to get a little bit more coherent, here
18:26 Annabell My iPad working
18:26 Annabell Why
18:26 Zyn Positron: Not funny, sorry. A lot of people sometimes get really upset over tough crit.
18:27 Zyn Annabell: People are having trouble understanding what you're talking about.
18:27 Annabell It's okay
18:27 Annabell Oh they are
18:27 Cliensviep http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/cliensviep
18:27 Zyn Annabell: Please state your age.
18:28 Annabell Many years old do I have to be in this chat box
18:28 Zyn If you don't or can't type it out, staff might kick you from the chatroom.
18:28 Zyn Annabell: Tell us your age.
18:28 Annabell Fine 10
18:28 Voct Annabell - sorry
18:28 Zyn Did you read the rules?
18:28 Zyn The chat rules on the SCP site?
18:28 Voct Annabell - this chat room is minimum 15 years old. You have to go.
18:28 Voct Annabell - really sorry.
18:28 Zyn Voct, backseat modding.
18:28 * Voct was kicked by thedeadlymoose (thedeadlymoose)
18:29 thedeadlymoose Zyn: You've got this?
18:29 * Voct joined #site19
18:29 Zyn Yeah.
18:29 thedeadlymoose Voct: You know better.
18:29 Annabell No
18:29 thedeadlymoose Cool.
18:29 Voct force of habit.
18:29 Zyn Annabell, I'd like to speak with you in PM.
18:29 thedeadlymoose nods
18:29 Zyn Is that alright?
18:29 CheeseofBorg Damn it
18:29 * rumetzen joined #site19
18:29 CheeseofBorg i cant find that link to the guide for sandbox formatting
18:29 Zyn .g how to write scp guide
18:29 Alexandra Zyn: http://www.scp-wiki.net/how-to-write-an-scp — How To Write An SCP - SCP Foundation: "Jul 25, 2014 … Guide Hub » How To Write An SCP. Writing an SCP; Developing Thoughts; Containment; Writing Style; Humanoids; Crosslinks; Formatting …"
18:30 * Salabasama quit (Connection reset by peer)
18:30 Zyn Formatting should be in "templates".
18:30 * Salabasama joined #site19
18:30 Annabell No
18:30 Galacticfunk49 Chris Hansen just stepped into the room with a plate of cookies.
18:30 Athena_Grey Cliensviep: " under the gues of construction workers." - typo here
18:30 * Pincier quit (Quit: Leaving)
18:30 * Pincier joined #site19
18:30 Zyn Annabell: Sorry, but you need to follow rules.
18:31 Athena_Grey unless you did meant "under the Geas of construction workers"
18:31 Zyn You may return when you're of age.
18:31 —- Zyn has banned *!*@synIRC-79526237.ok.shawcable.net
18:31 * Annabell was kicked by Zyn (Zyn)