- Your_okNameok_Here (moc.rr.ser.olaffub.4A0D595A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.olaffub.4A0D595A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Deimos> .seen reimann
<Alexandra> Deimos: I've never seen reimann
<Vorcha> is when you realize it has alttext
- Randomini (edagirb.dawkcud.eht.fo.tnemtraped|eewwow#edagirb.dawkcud.eht.fo.tnemtraped|eewwow) has joined
<Vorcha> and you must go back to the start
<Insidious_Lars> Randomini.
- [Your_okNameok_Here] (moc.rr.ser.olaffub.4A0D595A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.olaffub.4A0D595A-CRInys|tibbiM): http://www.mibbit.com
- [Your_okNameok_Here] #site19
- [Your_okNameok_Here] avarice.wa.us.synirc.net :Greed is Good
- [Your_okNameok_Here] idle 00:00:20, signon: Sat Aug 02 07:34:14
- [Your_okNameok_Here] End of WHOIS list.
- Insidious_Lars tips cup.
<Smapti> Insidious_Lars; I've played its BRAINS out.
<Your_okNameok_Here> is ben a scp
- Randomini cups tip
<Abyss> Ben is not a SCP
<Bennings> …What?
<Vorcha> yes he is
- TheGreekOwl has quit (Ping timeout: 187 seconds)
- Abyss has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Vorcha> markiplier refers to 173 as Ben
<Your_okNameok_Here> y not can we find this palce
<Vorcha> if I remember right
- Abyss (PI.B04E496F.691FA27.741433E9|tibbiM#PI.B04E496F.691FA27.741433E9|tibbiM) has joined
<Vorcha> Your_okNameok_Here how old are you
<Abyss> Which ben are we talking about here
<Athena_Grey> Your_okNameok_Here I'm not sure I understand what you're saying…?
<Sax> Everyone, stop.
<Vorcha> Abyss because you keep dc'ing
<Your_okNameok_Here> 24
- Sax has kicked Your_okNameok_Here from #site19 (Bullshit)
- Randomini sits, munches popcorn
<Abyss> Dc'ing?
<Vorcha> disconnecting
<Vorcha> plebian
<Sax> … god damn it, why do I have to be the only op online at this time…
<Randomini> the opposite of Marvel'ing
<Vorcha> Sax because you boasted about how capable you were at running for 22+ hours
<Randomini> Sax, I think you need to deputise someone
<Athena_Grey> pfft Image-ing is the bestest, guys
<Abyss> yeah i do. is that a problem
<Sax> Abyss, it means your internet connection may be unstable.
- TheGreekOwl (rg.tenhtrof.nyd.lsd.0A890E2C-CRInys|tibbiM#rg.tenhtrof.nyd.lsd.0A890E2C-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Sax> Or that your IRC connection is unstable.
<Athena_Grey> Sax pfft if you ever need to deputise someone
<Vorcha> just like you
<TheGreekOwl> Oh hye, theres a game callled Athena for the NES
<TheGreekOwl> Nic
- Vorcha sickest burn
<TheGreekOwl> Nice
<Abyss> It seems that is the case
<Athena_Grey> I'm a defender of justice and patron of heroes
<tahugamin> noh ur not
<Athena_Grey> just for the record
<tahugamin> ur an owl :U
- scp0001 (moc.rr.ser.olaffub.4A0D595A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.olaffub.4A0D595A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<scp0001> hi
<Abyss> ive experienced this on many chats
<Bennings> Oh hai.
<Athena_Grey> hi scp0001 are you new?
- Sax sets ban on *!*Mibbit@*.buffalo.res.rr.com
- Sax has kicked scp0001 from #site19 (Sax)
<Athena_Grey> welcome to 19
<tahugamin> Well that was speedy.
<Sax> Same dipshit.
- Sax sets ban on *!*@synIRC-A595D0A4.buffalo.res.rr.com
<Abyss> Thats justice for you
<Athena_Grey> welcome to 19 here's a boot to the face for ya
<Randomini> A++ good job
- Sax removes ban on *!*Mibbit@*.buffalo.res.rr.com