Hey y'all, today is February, and you know what this means. The GOOD NOODLES are being announced for the month!
Uncle Nicolini have both been fantastic additions to Community Outreach. In addition to being the biggest contributors to Site News behind only
Varaxous and working on the Site Survey, they've assisted in a myriad of other ways: TSAT keeps us in the loop about various other staff goings-on and offers a ton of useful advice, while Nicolini has written several useful guides and can be generally counted on to do anything we ask of him.
UraniumEmpire has been one of the most prominent and public faces of the site through her work on Introductions. She can be counted on to consistently orient new users with all the resources they might need. She's been a great mentor to other members of Junior Staff on Introductions, and she's quietly helped CO with behind-the-scenes activities such as tabulating the Community Survey results and more.
Forum Crit:
Uncle Nicolini has shouldered an incredible amount of work lately, from running the ClicheCon, basically creating the Butterfly Squad Roster coding on their own, and still managing to be active on the chat and picking up threads in the forums. They're very pleasant to interact with and really get stuff done on the site!
RockTeethMothEyes is one of our prolific reviewers who is constantly keeping an eye on the forums and providing quality critique with a smile. I've been pleased to watch their reviewing skills develop and I believe they've really developed well in terms of time management and focused critique!
stormbreath has really taken charge during the completion of our third and final wikiwalk list. Not only have they essentially been one of my go to people for bouncing link ideas off, but have also been responsible for linking about a quarter of the total list. All in all a fantastic staff member.
For my and M_E's Good Noodle spotlight, we're going to be nominating
TSAT has continued to be instrumental in keeping our reddit running smoothly, and helped overhaul a lot of aspects of it that make it easier to manage. The fact that people assume he's a bot is a testament to his dedication and efficiency in helping people.
Congratulations to
Uncle Nicolini,
RockTeethMothEyes, and
UraniumEmpire! Thank you for all of your work!
If I've missed anyone or some Good Noodles still need to be noted, reply here or PM me!