14:33 Riemann SCP-426 pls
14:33 weizhong You there, SCP-426?
14:33 SCP-426 Yes
14:33 Slate Someone got really mad for some reason
14:34 weizhong Can you change your nick?
14:34 SCP-426 Sure
14:34 * SCP-426 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
14:34 * SCP-079 joined #site19
14:34 SCP-079 Done
14:34 Slate Tuomey: there's tons of weird "Sci-fi" effects that exist in medication as side effects
14:34 Riemann Arrested Development~
14:34 weizhong Ermm
14:34 Riemann Not quite helpful, SCP-079
14:34 weizhong I meant don't use an SCP as your nick
14:34 weizhong Also
14:34 Tuomey SCP-079: you can use /nick newnickhere to change without quitting
14:34 weizhong You can use "/nick (insertnickname)" to change your nick
14:35 Tuomey also please pick a name that is not an SCP, an O5 or an MTF
14:35 Tuomey Slate: I know
14:35 Tuomey Believe me, I knnow
14:35 SCP-079 Fine
14:35 Soulless ….heh
14:35 Sciurus preferrably not a Site either.
14:35 Slate Magnesium Sulfate causes crazy hallucinations
14:35 * SCP-079 is now known as D-9341
14:35 Strifey Or object class
14:35 Riemann Or D-Class
14:35 D-9341 Is that good?
14:36 Soulless new SCP: a person who is literally a site
14:36 Riemann :14:36 Slate D-9341: Use a name
14:36 Slate As in a username
14:36 Bunton Okay.
14:36 D-9341
14:36 D-9341 Really14:36 Tuomey sighs
14:36 Slate Yeah
14:36 Bunton D-9341: you will get banned by someone if you don't change your name to something more reasonable.
14:36 Bunton Something that isn't to do with the Foundation would be good.
14:36 * D-9341 is now known as Doctor
14:36 Doctor Is that good?
14:36 weizhong Bunton: We got it covered
14:37 Tuomey Sure
14:37 weizhong Doctor: That's fine, yeah
14:37 Slate Sure
14:37 Bunton I just felt he needed it explained to him.
14:37 weizhong Also, the rest of you, we got it covered
14:37 Bunton Sorry.
14:37 weizhong No worrise
14:37 weizhong *worries
14:37 dexandroid Hey bunton
14:37 dexandroid Asking you not do that
14:37 dexandroid Hey Doctor welcome.
14:37 Bunton Sorry.
14:37 * Bunton left #site19
14:37 Insidious_Lars Who's the best Doctor here?
14:37 Insidious_Lars Doctor, clearly.
14:37 dexandroid Anyway
14:37 Doctor No I am not new to SCP
14:38 Doctor Reading them for a while
14:38 dexandroid Doctor doctor, give me the news~
14:38 dexandroid Cool
14:38 Soulless Welcome Doctor make yourself at home
14:38 Riemann doctor doctor doctor beat~
14:38 Doctor I found the 'best' SCP article
14:38 * ImaginaryrFriend quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
14:38 Soulless best according to.. who exactly
14:39 Doctor To his writter
14:39 Doctor No wonder it was decommissioned
14:39 dexandroid Wot
14:40 Doctor The decommissioned SCPs list is the 'wall of shame' scp list
14:40 Soulless .tell djkaktus [TITLE: Kill FM - Riot VIEWS: 147 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 19 UPLOADED: HexMusique ] [TITLE: Kill FM - Riot VIEWS: 147 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 19 UPLOADED: HexMusique ] it just gets sicker and fucking /sicker/
14:40 Riemann Not really
14:40 Alexandra Soulless: I'll pass that along.
14:40 Riemann More of a product of a different era
14:41 Jukse Objectively the best http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-10101-j
14:41 Alexandra Jukse: SCP-10101 (Not A Self-Insert At All, Written by judgedeadd, Rating:+153) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-10101-j
14:41 Soulless .tell drrobwatson [TITLE: Kill FM - Riot VIEWS: 147 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 19 UPLOADED: HexMusique ] [TITLE: Kill FM - Riot VIEWS: 147 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 19 UPLOADED: HexMusique ] this mix just gets sicker and sicker, seriously
14:41 Alexandra Soulless: I'll pass that along.
14:41 Riemann Hardly Jukse
14:41 Doctor Or SCP-048-D
14:41 Riemann SCP-1234-J
14:41 Alexandra Riemann: SCP-1234-J (An SCP, Written by Salman Corbette, Rating:+211) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-1234-j
14:41 Riemann That is the best
14:41 Soulless .tell twistedgears [TITLE: Kill FM - Riot VIEWS: 147 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 19 UPLOADED: HexMusique ] [TITLE: Kill FM - Riot VIEWS: 147 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 19 UPLOADED: HexMusique ] excellent track
14:41 Alexandra Soulless: I'll pass that along.
14:41 Riemann Oh Sal
14:41 Doctor https://www.google.ro/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scp-wiki.net%2Fdecommissioned-scps&ei=xrrPU6qsCO374QSy84HoCQ&usg=AFQjCNHv3xt_a8Byt60B11znXCyQNDYwog&bvm=bv.71667212,d.bGE
14:41 Doctor This one
14:41 Soulless .tell gottagofeast [TITLE: Kill FM - Riot VIEWS: 147 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 19 UPLOADED: HexMusique ] [TITLE: Kill FM - Riot VIEWS: 147 FAVES: 0 RATING: 5 RATERS: 19 UPLOADED: HexMusique ] unf
14:41 Alexandra Soulless: I'll pass that along.
14:41 Insidious_Lars yeaaaaaaaa
14:41 Soulless Doctor: You shouldn't use google links
14:41 Doctor http://www.scp-wiki.net/decomm:scp-048-d <--- <strike> best </strike> SCP
14:42 Riemann That link is so long
14:42 Insidious_Lars google image links
14:42 Insidious_Lars the est
14:42 Doctor I gave better link
14:42 * Silberescher quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
14:42 dexandroid Ohhh
14:42 Soulless I try not to pay much attention to decom'd scps actually
14:42 Soulless I don't think they have a place much
14:42 Doctor So why arent D class names,scp names, O5-1 names or site names allowed
14:43 weizhong Too often it turns into a roleplaying thing
14:43 Soulless Doctor: the reason for this is it turns into roleplaying
14:43 Soulless We don't really need that
14:43 * Doctor is now known as DoctorO5-1
14:43 DoctorO5-1 Oh ok
14:43 Riemann We literally just told you why that
14:43 weizhong We have RP channels and sites
14:44 * DoctorO5-1 is now known as Doctor
14:44 Riemann that's not allowed
14:44 Insidious_Lars erm
14:44 Doctor Fine
14:44 Doctor So which of you wrote a good SCP
14:44 Doctor Preferably not 50 pages long
14:44 Soulless Actually Doctor the vast majority of articles on the site are flash-fiction length
14:44 Soulless :|
14:44 weizhong "Good" is rather nebulous
14:44 Deimos Well I see activity is picking up, so can anyone look at my skip draft?
14:44 Soulless J/s
14:44 Doctor Well
14:45 Soulless Deimos: I can give it a brief read through
14:45 Doctor So when will they choose SCP-0001? I checked months ago and I am still being threatened with a memetic kill agent
14:45 Doctor No idea Doctor
14:45 Deimos It's the first tab: http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/the-vault-of-deimos
14:45 weizhong Doctor: There's a collapsible to open it up
14:45 Soulless Doctor: There will never be, instead it'd been left for other people to suggest them
14:45 weizhong And read the proposals
14:45 weizhong SCP-001 will never be picked though
14:45 Soulless Deimos: reading
14:45 weizhong The whole point is that there are a ton of ideas
14:45 Doctor What about the kill agent
14:46 weizhong It's not real.
14:46 Doctor I know that
14:47 Soulless Deimos: number 1 problem is that th description never says what it is, just its aspects
14:47 weizhong Doctor: There's a collapsible to open it up
14:47 Doctor There is an SCP that failed to be transported for unknown reasons
14:47 weizhong Then just scroll down
14:47 Doctor So where can I find the History of the chat
14:47 weizhong There isn't one.
14:48 weizhong Chat moves so quickly that any history would be huge
14:48 Doctor I mean the history of the site*
14:48 Soulless Deimos: It's the equivalent of saying "it is a thing that changes color, is cold-blooded, with scales, eats bugs, curly tail and two independently rotating eyes" when you could just say "it is a chameleon"
14:48 Athena_Grey … well, we do have a CHat snippet thread
14:48 Tuomey .tale history of the universe
14:48 Deimos Wait what are you reading?
14:48 Doctor site*** <--- history o the site
14:48 Alexandra Tuomey: Page not found
14:48 Tuomey goddammit Alexandra
14:48 Tuomey .sea history of the universe
14:48 Alexandra Tuomey: History Of The Universe: Part Three(Rating:82), History Of The Universe Hub(Rating:22), History Of The Universe: Part Five(Rating:52), With 3 more matches.
14:48 Deimos Oh
14:48 Athena_Grey .sea history of the universe part one
14:48 Deimos Sorry misread
14:48 Alexandra Athena_Grey: History Of The Universe: Part One(Rating:118) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/history-of-the-universe-part-one
14:48 weizhong That one
14:48 Doctor Nvm, I will just [data redacted]
14:48 Tuomey There we go
14:48 Soulless Doctor: http://www.scp-wiki.net/history-of-the-universe-hub
14:48 Alexandra Soulless: History Of The Universe Hub (Rating:+22, Written by Roget) - http://scp-wiki.net/history-of-the-universe-hub
14:48 Doctor Thank yo
14:48 Doctor you*
14:48 Soulless Deimos: Am I not reading the first tab?
14:49 Doctor Not loading
14:49 Deimos I just said I misread
14:49 Soulless oh ok
14:49 Soulless So yeah thst's a problrm
14:49 Doctor You sure this is the good link
14:49 Doctor Yes I am
14:50 Doctor …
14:50 Deimos Soulless, based on what you read, do you think I have sacrificed a large portion of narrative in order to conform to the standards of SCP writing?
14:50 Soulless Deimos: Yes, I believe so, because there isn't much narrative or emotional impact in the article itself
14:51 Soulless I feel that despite having a general backstory of "this used to be a man", there is no real emotion of loss or anything similar to coincide with that
14:51 Soulless This is, of course, the crux of the difficulty in wrting SCPs
14:51 Doctor Link
14:51 * Jabonicus joined #site19
14:51 * Red_M quit (Client exited)
14:52 Doctor What is the maximum size allowed of a chat username
14:52 weizhong Use common sense
14:52 weizhong There's an actual limit
14:52 Doctor Can it be -let's say' 50 letters long
14:52 * BiggerJ quit (Quit: )
14:52 weizhong No
14:52 Sciurus probably 24 or 32 is the technical maximum
14:52 Deimos Although I do have a narrative in my head, it is hard to fit it into the format. Any tips?
14:52 Riemann You shouldn't be anywhere near 24 though.
14:53 weizhong I don't recall off the top of my head
14:53 Tuomey If it takes up more than one line on the side of people's chat clients, we generally ask people to change it
14:53 weizhong But let's not test it
14:53 Soulless Deimos: Can it communicate?
14:53 Deimos Yeah
14:53 Soulless Maybe you can interview one of his co-workers?
14:53 * Darlos9Dayjob joined #site19
14:53 Soulless etc.
14:53 Doctor My Real name is 35 letters long
14:53 * Red_M joined #site19
14:53 Soulless Doctor: We don't want your real name, just a casual pseudonum
14:54 Athena_Grey Doctor would that be your given name by itself, or are you counting surname, middle name(s) etc. as well?
14:54 * Mochizuki quit (Quit: Leaving…)
14:54 Jabonicus My average password for any given website is well over 50 letters long.
14:54 Doctor Yes counting family name, and middle name
14:54 Soulless Doctor: We don't want your real name
14:54 Doctor 40 if I add the nickname 'DOCTOR'
14:54 Soulless I'm not IRL called soulless
14:54 Doctor and 44 if I add the nickname people called me
14:54 Athena_Grey and I am not an Olympian goddess
14:54 Tuomey Doctor: we really don't need your full name
14:55 Tuomey In fact it's recommended that you don't give out your full name
14:55 Doctor I. Know. That. Already.
14:55 Jabonicus Pretty sure my real name isn't Soapicus.
14:55 Doctor I. Never. Said. I. Will.
14:55 Tuomey Doctor: how old are you
14:55 Doctor Why
14:55 Tuomey Because I'm a chat op
14:56 Doctor Reason rejected
14:56 weizhong You must answer to a chatop who asks how old you are.
14:56 * Doctor was kicked by Soulless (no)
14:56 Soulless rejection rejected
14:56 Athena_Grey .seen reject
14:56 Alexandra Athena_Grey: reject was last seen 13 hours, 55 minutes ago saying: Mister Popular, I see
14:56 * Doctor joined #site19
14:56 Tuomey Doctor: state your age.
14:57 weizhong Doctor: You must answer to a chatop who asks how old you are.
14:57 weizhong This is in the Chat Guide.
14:57 * Doctor quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
14:57 Soulless shrugs
14:57 Soulless Some humans, man.
14:58 - Tuomey has banned /ban!*@*
14:58 - weizhong has banned *!*@DFDF1316.8735CFB9.ED37A4CE.IP
14:58 Tuomey oops
14:58 weizhong Tuomey
14:58 - Tuomey has unbanned /ban!*@*
14:58 weizhong :I
14:58 weizhong wurst chop evar
14:58 Deimos Well Soulless, it wasn't a human at some point in its life though, but you may have stirred my cerebrum for some ideas.
14:58 Tuomey I accidentally copypasted "/ban DFDF1316.8735CFB9.ED37A4CE.IP"
14:58 Tuomey instead of just the IP