Someone with an identical IP to user Kidd ( repeatedly joined SSSC on and off before joining #site19 and revealing the channel name.
- Your_Name_Here (||tibbiM) has joined #site19
- GeneticAmp (~PI.29C40133.B1844E18.26E4AED6|mAciteneG#PI.29C40133.B1844E18.26E4AED6|mAciteneG) has joined #site19
<Bennings> Apart from Calhoun suddenly going mental, any other problems?
<Darktooth> I wouldn't say you should make a mental breakdown feel "natural".
<Your_Name_Here> [REDACTED] is staffchat
- Riemann has kicked Your_Name_Here from #site19 (Riemann)
- Silber has quit (Ping timeout)
- Riemann sets ban on *!*
- Kidd (||tibbiM) has left #site19
Kicked and banned.
Crosslinking Worth noting that this is the same IP, not just ISP wide ban