19:07 * seancrosslinismyname joined #site19
19:07 ghostchibi "Anora of Ferelden is a solitary rose among brambles"
19:08 ghostchibi eyes Empress Celene
19:08 * Deimos quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 30.0/20140605174243])
19:08 seancrosslinismyname hello
19:08 ghostchibi what I wouldn't give to see Anora and Celene get married
19:08 lurkd through the phone
19:08 ghostchibi best lesbian queen and empress in Thedas aw ye
19:08 seancrosslinismyname i love scp 049 i want to know were he is
19:09 ghostchibi they would kick so much ass
19:09 DreadLindwyrm seancrosslinismyname: this isn't an RP channel
19:09 * Euclidian quit (Quit: hewp meh)
19:09 * djkaktus joined #site19
19:09 DreadLindwyrm It's mostly for writing discussion about the site. That and random chat.
19:09 seancrosslinismyname shut up
19:09 DreadLindwyrm Pardon?
19:09 Tombstone seancrosslinismyname: state your age, please
19:10 Hexi|Aspire hooo boy
19:10 ghostchibi seancrosslinismyname: are you kidding me
19:10 seancrosslinismyname 23
19:10 djkaktus Here we go
Whois seancrosslinismyname?
Nickname: seancrosslinismyname
Username: Mibbit
Hostname: synIRC-537735DB.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net
Real name: http://www.mibbit.com
Server: avarice.wa.us.synirc.net
Server info: Greed is Good
Channels: #site19
[Remove from chat]
19:10 Tombstone seancrosslinismyname: Then try and act it
19:10 seancrosslinismyname shut the fuck p
19:10 Hexi|Aspire Tombstone: you gonna take that?
19:10 djkaktus Dude
19:10 Tombstone Yeah, 24 hour ban
19:10 ghostchibi lolbye
19:10 - Tombstone has banned *!*@synIRC-537735DB.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net
19:10 * seancrosslinismyname was kicked by Tombstone (Tombstone)
It's worth noting that the first time he joined was before he joined 19 and the rest was all after 19
19:02 * scp049 joined #site17
19:02 scp049 hello
19:03 Tombstone Hello scp049, do you have a question for staff?
19:04 scp049 i would like to know were the containment breach is
19:05 Tombstone This isn't a roleplaying thing
19:06 ProcyonLotor Are you asking about the game?
19:06 * DreadLindwyrm joined #site17
19:06 * Zyn joined #site17
19:06 + ChanServ has given op to Zyn
19:06 Vince SCP: Containment Breach is hosted elsewhere, and staff here have basically nothing to do with the game, scp049
19:06 * scp049 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:07 Zyn …whaaat did I just walk in on.
19:07 Vince always the damn plague doctor
19:07 Tombstone Zyn: 19:04 scp049 i would like to know were the containment breach is
19:07 Vince that's literally all you missed, Zyn
19:07 Tombstone Well
19:07 Tombstone He did say one other thing
19:07 Vince that and "hello"
19:07 Tombstone > 19:02 scp049 hello
19:08 Zyn huh/
19:08 Sophos If he didn't say anything
19:08 Tombstone Dammit Vince
19:08 Sophos would it count as RP'ing?
19:08 Zyn only if someone went "the breach is right here" and then tranquilized the guy.
19:08 Tombstone Sophos: eeh, eventually we'd ask him to change nick, but we're supposed to wait for people to speak first
19:09 Zyn it just seemed like a poor attempt to make conversation to me.
19:09 Tombstone It's more of a problem if it happens in 19 because everyone would be all "AHURR DURR AN SCP WOW"
19:09 Tombstone oh hey
19:09 Tombstone speak of the devil
19:11 * ghostchibi joined #site17
19:11 * tapewormchild joined #site17
19:11 Sophos Hi Sean Crosslin
19:11 DreadLindwyrm He's back.
19:12 tapewormchild hello
19:12 ProcyonLotor Are you here to appeal your ban?
19:12 tapewormchild who is sean
19:12 ProcyonLotor You are.
19:12 ProcyonLotor Please, don't patronize us.
19:12 tapewormchild know im jacob
19:12 ProcyonLotor This will go a whole lot easier if you drop the "that wasn't me" act.
19:13 Hexi|Aspire you can change your nick, but your unique hostmask is the same
19:13 Vince hexi, staff has this
19:13 ProcyonLotor * seancrosslinismyname (ten.labolgcbs.xtnscr.deepsthgil.BD537735-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.xtnscr.deepsthgil.BD537735-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
19:13 Tombstone tapewormchild: state your /real/ age this time, please
19:13 ProcyonLotor * tapewormchild (ten.labolgcbs.xtnscr.deepsthgil.BD537735-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.xtnscr.deepsthgil.BD537735-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
19:13 ProcyonLotor Please notice how those numbers match.
19:14 tapewormchild what do you mean i just want to know were the foundation is
19:14 Tombstone It's not a real thing
19:14 Tombstone Also, state your age
19:14 tapewormchild liar
19:14 ghostchibi oh man
19:14 DreadLindwyrm :roll:
19:14 Tombstone tapewormchild: it is a writing website
19:14 Tombstone DreadLindwyrm, ghostchibi, we got this
19:14 Tombstone tapewormchild: the organisation itself is fictional
19:15 tapewormchild i want to talk to the staff
19:15 ProcyonLotor We are the staff.
19:15 Tombstone Yeah, that's us
19:15 ProcyonLotor Well, most of us.
19:15 ProcyonLotor I'm staff, and tuomey is staff.
19:15 Zyn tapewormchild, Anyone with a symbol near their name is a staff member.
19:15 Tombstone We're staff on a writing website about a fictional organisation called the SCP Foundation
19:16 Wogglebug Except Sophos
19:16 Wogglebug Silly Sophos
19:16 Zyn ^
19:16 Zyn True.
19:16 Sophos ;_;
19:16 tapewormchild who is really
19:16 Zyn tapewormchild: You're going to need to be a bit more coherent if you want to be taken seriously.
19:16 tapewormchild say i
19:16 Zyn who is really what?
19:16 Vince anyone with a symbol by their name is some form of staff.
19:17 tapewormchild staff
19:17 Wogglebug (Except Sophos)
19:17 Zyn tapewormchild: Have you read the mainsite?
19:17 Zyn http://www.scp-wiki.net/guide-to-newbies
19:17 Alexandra Zyn: Guide to Newbies (Rating:+12, Written by DrClef) - http://scp-wiki.net/guide-to-newbies
19:17 Sophos Stop saying my name
19:17 Zyn There's a tab at the end that says "Senior Staff".
19:17 tapewormchild yes i love scps
19:17 Sophos He keeps PM'ing me every time you do
19:18 Wogglebug Pm me logs, Sophos
19:18 Sophos He's just asking if I'm staff
19:18 Sophos ….and if I'm a girl
19:18 Wogglebug Lemme see
19:18 Wogglebug pws
19:18 ProcyonLotor Well, SCPs aren't real.
19:19 ProcyonLotor Neither is the Foundation.
19:19 ProcyonLotor We're a creative writing website. Some of the folks in here have probably written ones you've read.
19:20 tapewormchild what about youtube.com
19:20 Wogglebug The SCP videos on youtube are based on the site.
19:20 Zyn tapewormchild: What about it?
19:20 ProcyonLotor Well, none of us are Google staff, if that's what you're asking?
19:20 Wogglebug Or on things that are themselves based ont he site.
19:20 Vince tapewormchild: how old are you?
19:20 Zyn I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, tapewormchild.
19:21 tapewormchild are yall the makers
19:21 Zyn We are authors.
19:21 tapewormchild i,m 25
19:21 Wogglebug Nah, that's a different short fiction series.
19:21 Wogglebug When were you born?
19:21 Zyn tapewormchild: Real age, please.
19:21 Tombstone You were 23 a few minutes ago
19:21 tapewormchild im 25
19:22 Zyn Which is it?
19:22 Tombstone tapewormchild: no, your real age.
19:22 tapewormchild im not sean im his cousin
19:22 ProcyonLotor Wogglebug: you're thinking of the Holders.
19:22 ProcyonLotor Most of the people in here have written at least one work for the site, yes.
19:22 ProcyonLotor <tapewormchild> who is sean
19:22 Zyn tapewormchild: How old are you?
19:22 Wogglebug Really? What a bunch of nerds.
19:22 ProcyonLotor Then why did you say you didn't know who he was.
19:23 tapewormchild im really 25
19:23 Wogglebug What about now.
19:23 ProcyonLotor tapewormchild: explain why you didn't know who sean was a few minutes ago, but now you're his cousin.
19:23 tapewormchild i just figured out his cousin my mom told me she is 46
19:24 ProcyonLotor What?
19:24 Sophos floats away
19:24 ProcyonLotor You are going to have to start making a lot more sense.
19:24 tapewormchild ok
19:25 * tapewormchild quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:25 * EdAWACS joined #site17
19:25 Zyn …someone want to log that?
19:26 * spyro joined #site17
19:26 spyro hi
19:26 Tombstone Hello again, spyro/sean/tapewormchild
19:26 ProcyonLotor Hello there again sean/tapeworm/scp049/spyro.
19:26 Zyn Welcome back.
19:26 spyro what
19:26 Tombstone spyro: Listen
19:26 Zyn We can see your hostmask. It's sort of like an IP.
19:26 Tombstone If you don't stop pretending that wasn't you, you're banned
19:27 spyro this is my first time
19:27 Tombstone Suuuure
19:27 Tombstone And how old are you this time?
19:27 Zyn Tombstone: I got this one.
19:27 spyro i live in tennese
19:27 Tombstone Zyn: O7
19:27 Zyn spyro: We can see your hostmask. We know you're using the same connection, same computer, etc.
19:27 Zyn It's not worthwhile to lie to the chat ops here.
19:28 Zyn That's the fastest way to be considered an untrustworthy member of the SCP community.
19:28 spyro im not lying
19:28 Zyn If you're here to just chat about SCP stuff, that's fine. But you're going to need to follow the rules that everyone else does.
19:28 spyro bitches
19:28 - Wogglebug has banned *!*@synIRC-537735DB.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net
19:28 Zyn There we go. Thanks, Woggle.
19:28 * spyro was kicked by Wogglebug (Yeah no.)
So, what's the sentence? Indefinite due to incoherence and magically growing 2 years older in a few minutes indicating a probably underage person trying to sneak in?