Okay. New rules time.
- Mentioning the password in #site19 is no longer grounds for punishment if people do it accidentally. Don't kick them, don't ban them, just tell them "Hey, don't talk about that in here."
- Operators (and half-operators) are asked to stop kicking people for having the default username for #site19 (which is now "Your_Name_Here", same for 17).
- You can ask people to change their name but wait until they actually start talking.
- EDIT: And please don't dogpile them about it. One or at most two people asking them to change their username is enough.
- If they actively refuse to change their name and act like an idiot, then you can kick them, but cut them slack first. Give them a chance. Make sure you tell them how to change their name if they seem confused. If they aren't understanding what you are asking, don't kick them for that. Only kick them if you are 100% sure they are ignoring you.
- Rule of thumb: No kicks for "change your name" reasons for the first 30 minutes that they've been online.
- Staff are asked to stop kicking non-responsive non-site-members in #site17. Instead, let's just ask that people not specifically mention what the password is. If they accidentally do, that's fine.
- Do not require them to change their name. They'll figure that out on their own, be told once they join 19, or will sign off with no harm done.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the main point. Unless they really cross the line, like going on about rape/creeper shit/etc, try to be more tolerant with newbies as they try to acclimate to chat. Try to avoid kicking them in their first few hours on chat unless they definitely deserve it. If they roleplay a bit, be gentle. If they ask is scp real, don't call them morons. Etc.