13:57 Thedor https://voiceofgodyeshua.blogspot.com/2016/03/lukisan-lukisan-dari-neraka-lukisan.html
14:03 Thedor So I just went through hel
14:04 Thedor hell
14:04 *** Conwell quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
14:04 mayoculpa hell is empty, they sent us all their memes
14:04 BoogeyMan23 hallo site19
14:04 *** ch00bakka joined #site19
14:04 mayoculpa howdy
14:04 icefisher hey hey
14:05 mayoculpa glad you made it out in one piece Thedor
14:05 not_a_seagull Was the Holy Roman Empire really Roman?
14:05 *** Balthazaar quit (Quit: Leavin in search of burgers and tacos)
14:05 mayoculpa anytime I come across a grievously misnamed thing I saw "it's like the holy roman empire"
14:05 mayoculpa assuming the other person knows that means "neither holy nor roman nor an empire"
14:05 *** lurkd quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
14:05 mayoculpa say*
14:06 Ensophos What is hell like, Thedor?
14:07 XilasCrowe basically the same as here but theres no ice cream
14:07 XilasCrowe cause everythign is on fire so the ice cream all melted
14:07 XilasCrowe it's quite tragic
14:07 Ensophos True.
14:07 Ensophos I've never thought of that.
14:07 XilasCrowe that's why ice-cream golems all go to heaven
14:07 Thedor Listen, I want you all to know that I've been appointed by Jesus to personally preach people about. the danger of not listening to him. From what I gathered is that those who watch TV, even children will be sent to hell for watching satantic shows
14:07 BoogeyMan23 ew, sticky melted ice cream all over the place. that's probably, like, the worst
14:07 XilasCrowe so they can be delicious for eternity
14:08 Thedor Do not watch any TV show that doesn't relate to god
14:08 minmin man idk if this is a troll or very flavourful rp
14:08 Ensophos So what you're saying is, stop watching Netflix and start watching PureFlix.
14:08 *** Krydderi quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
14:08 Thedor You must abstain from sex or any satanic programs
14:08 Kakroom Thedor so I can watch Devilman Crybaby but not Monk
14:08 XilasCrowe (they like being eaten you see, and they regenerate quickly so it's ok)
14:08 Thedor only watch shows that involves Jesus
14:08 Thedor and god
14:08 Thedor
14:08 minmin i guess from a mystical perspective all worldly things are the creation of an incomprehensibly benevolent god
14:09 Kakroom ensophos You reminded me that Pureflix is a thing
14:09 minmin so to truly follow in the divine way is to broaden the scope of ones experience as much as possible
14:09 Thedor Those popular singers like Taylor Swift will be tortured in hell, however. I want to help you guys to not go to hell
14:09 minmin by doing crack off a dead porpoise's ass
14:09 Thedor Only focus on Jesus
14:09 Ensophos Kakroom: Blame Thedor. I didn't want to remember.
14:09 Thedor everything else is satanic
14:09 Kakroom I feel like this is edging past rp
14:10 Thedor they're earthy pleasures
14:10 BoogeyMan23 edging indeed
14:10 minmin Thedor: cool shit my dude
14:10 Ensophos > Edging
14:10 Ensophos Stop it, BoogeyMan23.
14:10 minmin where do i sign up
14:10 Thedor
14:11 icefisher holy vore, batman
14:11 Thedor ^
14:11 Ensophos Not gonna lie, I did not need to see that image.
14:11 icefisher like so much focus on the flesh of the sinners
14:12 Thedor Well, this will happen to you if you keep entertaining yourself with Earthy stuff
14:12 Thedor and disregard Jesus and the Bible
14:13 minmin damn he didnt even give a doodle poll to register
14:13 XilasCrowe icefisher: "holy vore"
14:13 minmin anyone else find this boring already
14:13 XilasCrowe ice cream golums you mean
14:13 mayoculpa thedor I've just tabbed back but all that stuff made me feel like a kid again, wow
14:13 Ensophos Thedor: Did you say you were Muslim?
14:14 Thedor http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/uLqclquw3WC01cGsfW9icO48Vw57ZdXkGv1odgI8iahrrkz7EG1Feg4z6IHemxN9yO5sy9TCYWtXRicoTfWw3ol4g/0?wx_fmt=png This is a prostitute who's in hell
14:14 mayoculpa wanna write more neo sarkic stuff, this tale series is whetting my whistle
14:14 icefisher which jesus and which bible, tho. what about the copts, or the eastern orhodoxy
14:14 mayoculpa a great way to work through some religion feeellls
14:14 Thedor Jesus told me to convert to christianity
14:14 RockTeethMothEyes .lc
14:14 Secretary_Helen RockTeethMothEyes: Scp 4228: SCP-4228 (Written A few seconds ago By: EeeWee) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4228
14:14 Secretary_Helen RockTeethMothEyes: SCP-4047 (Written 2 hours ago By: Rankai) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4047
14:14 Secretary_Helen RockTeethMothEyes: SCP-4031 (Written 3 hours ago By: FuzeDaCuze) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4031
14:14 RockTeethMothEyes .au
14:14 Secretary_Helen RockTeethMothEyes: RockTeethMothEyes - (http://www.scp-wiki.net/researcher-mathias-s-colleague-protocol) has 5 pages. (5 SCP articles, 0 Tales). They have 224 net upvotes with an average of 44. Their latest page is SCP-3709: Intended Purpose at 46.
14:14 Ensophos Damn, Jesus is good.
14:14 Ensophos Convinced you in less than an hour.
14:14 RockTeethMothEyes \o/
14:14 minmin see im like
14:14 minmin huge EH on the shock art?
14:14 mayoculpa "convinced" *eyes Jesus and his spiky crowbar*
14:15 Ensophos MinMin: Same.
14:15 minmin so if anyone here doesnt wanna see it
14:15 minmin k
14:15 *** Sax quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
14:15 Thedor http://mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbiz_png/uLqclquw3WC01cGsfW9icO48Vw57ZdXkGwfzJBzbZzR6LvGX2xj0OoWAAzOON2Zykic3cqlMib4wUMU9Zibo7zgkkA/0?wx_fmt=png Children can go to hell too, did you know? For not listening to their parents
14:15 *** Thedor was kicked by minmin (come back when youre less edgy)
14:15 *** Thedor joined #site19
14:15 Kakroom Thanks minmin
14:15 XilasCrowe I'm making pizza while blasting les mis and watching anime
Whois thedor?
Nickname: thedor
Username: Mibbit
Hostname: 3AC2E640.3270C3A4.8BA8CE45.IP
Identified: yes
Real name: http://www.mibbit.com
Server: wolf.wa.us.synirc.net
Server info: Seattle, WA, USA
Channels: #site19
[Remove from chat]
14:15 Ensophos \o/
14:15 mayoculpa winning
14:15 RockTeethMothEyes XilasCrowe: Whatcha watching?
14:15 Need more params: 461: | [0] minmin, [1] MODE, [2] Not enough parameters
14:15 mibbit help: No such nickname online.
14:16 Ensophos Thedor was trolling, right?
14:16 minmin pretty much
14:16 mayoculpa could not tell if trolling or just trying to be funny
14:16 Thedor What I'm saying is the truth
14:16 Thedor though
14:16 XilasCrowe RockTeethMothEyes: my sister got into anime recently after hating it for years so now I'm going through all my old shows so I know what to emotionally scar her with
14:16 minmin its getting boring tho
14:16 mayoculpa lol I'd be inteo PMing about it
14:16 XilasCrowe RockTeethMothEyes: currently rewatching re:zero to decide
14:16 mayoculpa cracks knucles
14:17 RockTeethMothEyes XilasCrowe: Re:Zero is alright. I never finished it.
14:17 RockTeethMothEyes Probably should someday.
14:17 XilasCrowe ending isn't bad, but isn't the best eithert
14:17 minmin yeah feel free to PM thedor if u wanna get more of this fire and brimstone flavour for your next skip
14:17 --- minmin has banned *!*@3AC2E640.3270C3A4.8BA8CE45.IP
14:17 *** Thedor was kicked by minmin (minmin)
note: pretty sure we have had this person here before? Feel free to merge with another thread if anyone has an idea as to whom.