<TroyL> Everyone who has Moose's number?
<TroyL> Send him text condolences on his loss.
<Vince|Mobile> Pfft.
- TroyL lives for trolling Moose. ;-;
<Gaffsey> "tbh I don't understand how you could have come in dead last…"
<CryogenChaos> "jeez moose, did you even try at all"
<Roget> TroyL, ok
<Roget> are we actually doing this tho cos I don't want to be the only one
<Gaffsey> troy expertly double-trolls roget
<Vince|Mobile> I don't know anyone's contact info off site, beyond Blaroth and Roget over on FB xD
<Riemann> Trolls within trolls
<TroyL> Roget, I just sent them.
<Gaffsey> like telling one guy that everyone's going to moon the audience at their graduation
<Vince|Mobile> Trolls all the way down
- Dexanote (~ten.elbacogc.emoh.00353766-CRInys|etonaxeD#ten.elbacogc.emoh.00353766-CRInys|etonaxeD) has joined #supersecretstaffchat
<TroyL> I told him "You all didn't score as high as I expected."
<Gaffsey> roget just say "it's the effort that counts"
<Roget> "good try on the contest, its the effort that counts"
<TroyL> That's perfect.
<Riemann> "Hey, you did your best. That's worth something, right?"
<Roget> sent
<Tuomey> Vince|Mobile: I thought you added me on facebook?
<Gaffsey> ahahahaha
<TroyL> Dexanote: Do you have Moose's number?
<TroyL> We're all texting him condolences.
<Vince|Mobile> Tuomey, I didn't. Go add me lol
<Riemann> TroyL: sent moose condolences
<CryogenChaos> "You didn't do /too/ bad, which is good"
Some time later…
- ChanServ sets mode +a #supersecretstaffchat thedeadlymoose
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to thedeadlymoose
<ProcyonLotor> Might have left it running
<ProcyonLotor> Some people never close tabs or programs
<Tuomey> Aye
<Tuomey> Oi, Antlers, I unbanned le fedora king
<Gaffsey> sso sorry abouyt the results, moose
<Riemann> You tried your hardest :)
<ProcyonLotor> Condolences, Moose
<Riemann> That's all that matters
<Eskobear> Good on you, tuomey. Your forgiveness will definitely not be your undoing.
<Tuomey> Eskobear: look, I basically just want to troll him
- Rogaway steeples fingers, leans in
<Rogaway> did somebody say trolling someone
<Tuomey> Rogaway: blackbuntu
<Tuomey> I'm planning on flirting with him and pretending that I am in need of a truly nice classy guy
<Tuomey> Then I will reveal to le fedora king that I am in fact a guy
<Rogaway> That's a solid plan of action tuomey
<Vince> "Oh you have a katana, that's soooo fascinating"
<Rogaway> do you have any pics ready in case he asks for them
<Gaffsey> "drink this, it will put hair on your neck"
<thedeadlymoose> Lmao. Sorry, I'm halfway still waking up. Couldn't get to sleep last night
<thedeadlymoose> .showtells
<thedeadlymoose> Wait, what
<thedeadlymoose> …
<Tuomey> Rogaway: nah, but google should be helpful
<Vince> is that for my question, moose?
<thedeadlymoose> Why is someone sending me congratulat…
<Gaffsey> haha
<Eskobear> I think someone's being cruel to you. Seriously, though, condolences.
<Rogaway> thedeadlymoose, did you see ur texts
<thedeadlymoose> Yes. Y'all are like 'sorry your baby died' >:P
<thedeadlymoose> Like, are you sending these out to everyone who didn't make it? Surely we weren't last place :P
<thedeadlymoose> Jesus. Lmao.
<Gaffsey> have you checked the site?
<thedeadlymoose> no
<Gaffsey> then do that thing
<Eskobear> it's okay, though
<Vince> thedeadlymoose: go check the results. you placed pretty badly
<Eskobear> don't worry about it
<Eskobear> vince, come on, now
<Vince> it's kinda sad
<Rogaway> hue
<Eskobear> don't be crass about it
<thedeadlymoose> wut
<Gaffsey> it's not ones /across/ the board
<Gaffsey> I'll say that much
<thedeadlymoose> this is suddenly sounding oddly suspicious
<Eskobear> and some of the judges, i dunno about them
<Vince> Eskobear: I suck at not being blunt
<Gaffsey> http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/forum/t-866618/goi-contest-2014#post-2068072 try to be graceful in defeat, moose
<thedeadlymoose> WAIT
<thedeadlymoose> WAIT WAHT
<thedeadlymoose> "The Serpent's Hand in first place!"
<thedeadlymoose> THE FFFFFFFFFFF
<thedeadlymoose> … WHAT
<Gaffsey> shit, that must have been a typo on troy's part
<Riemann> Probably, yeah
<thedeadlymoose> >:|
<Eskobear> dammit, he meant "last"
<thedeadlymoose> LMFAO I HATE ALL OF YOU.
<Eskobear> it ends the same way