01:30 Devereaux How old are you skymines?
01:31 Pincier http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Waifu
01:31 skymines no comment
01:31 Devereaux I'm an op.
01:31 Devereaux *hop
01:31 Devereaux You have to answer
01:31 DrYucatan You must answer, skymines, when someone asks that question.
01:31 Devereaux (Only a hop/op yucatan)
01:31 FlameShirt When a chat operator asks though, not just anyone.
01:31 skymines your an p
01:31 skymines op
01:31 Devereaux I'm a half-op.
01:31 DrYucatan Yes, sorry, only an OP or H/OP.
01:32 Reach FlameShirt is a fully developed OP, though.
01:32 weitoobusy skymines: Answer, or you will be kicked/banned.
01:32 Pincier We have age requirements.
01:32 Reach Weitoobusy is here. Ultimatums are issued. Lines are drawn.
01:32 FlameShirt emerges from his chrysalis, a full op.
01:32 tahunu FlameShirt ha-
01:33 Reach was waiting for that to happen.
01:33 tahunu Goddamnit, I was gonna do that joke
01:33 tahunu :'(
01:33 Reach patpats tahunu.
01:33 DrYucatan skymines, answer the nice OPs.
01:33 Devereaux skymines: You have 1 minute to answer or I will kick you.
01:33 weitoobusy DrYucatan: Please stop backseat opping
01:33 DrYucatan Sure.
01:33 weitoobusy There are literally 3 chops right here, dealing with it.
01:33 DrYucatan Yep. Got it.
01:34 Reach weitoobusy: Sorry to interrupt, but since you're here… how are you doing? Tests still?
01:34 weitoobusy Reach: I finish school tomorrow
01:34 * ProcyonGone is now known as ProcyonLotor
01:34 weitoobusy But I have the SAT II on saturday.
01:35 Gamerkid2345 aww
01:35 Gamerkid2345 that sucks for you
01:35 * skymines was kicked by Devereaux (When you come back, you should be ready to answer that question.)
01:35 Reach weitoobusy: go get them!
01:35 * skymines joined #site19
01:35 weitoobusy Are you ready to answer, skymines?
01:35 Devereaux How old are you skymines?
01:36 Reach "Team Name: Isinglass Members: thedeadlymoose (Captain), Dexanote, Vivax, Zyn" Dear Lord this contest is increasing even MORE in difficulty…
01:36 skymines hello?
01:36 Dexanote boots in the door
01:36 Devereaux Yes.
01:36 weitoobusy We're here
01:36 Tuomey skymines: state your age
01:36 * Echo joined #site19
01:36 skymines 13
01:36 - Tuomey has banned *!*@97082B2D.3C3656B8.AF729590.IP
01:36 * skymines was kicked by Tuomey (Tuomey)