Permaban for bad trolling.
[16:26:46] <TrueAndFalse> What's you guys's opinion on this btw
[16:27:10] <mayoculpa> exactly runepage. like if I think I'm being helpful but I'm actually invalidating someone else's feelings because I think I know how they "should" feel, my intentions aren't worth squat
[16:27:15] <@Lily> TrueAndFalse: my opinion is "why are you linking that do you want banned"
[16:27:31] <KleptocracyNow> Lily: dammit why'd you have to point it out
[16:27:31] <TrueAndFalse> no
[16:27:41] <TrueAndFalse> im just trying to show opinions on it
[16:27:44] <TrueAndFalse> I'm not troll
[16:27:44] <@Lily> TrueAndFalse: see the last point
[16:27:51] <TrueAndFalse> oh
[16:27:55] <ghostchibi> but lack of awareness is not an evil. to continue being unaware is then also greed, because it's a lack of effort put forth by the fact that you only care about yourself
[16:28:02] <@ProcyonLotor> Funny, #50 tells you to link this
[16:28:03] Kakroom (~ude.ogewso.31FCDB25-CRInys|tibbiM#ude.ogewso.31FCDB25-CRInys|tibbiM) left IRC. (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[16:28:03] <TrueAndFalse> what's a hyperlink?
[16:28:03] <runepage> mayoculpa: bingo
[16:28:27] <@Lily> :| you're either the shittiest troll yet or like. 12.
[16:28:35] <mayoculpa> figuring that out about myself was ah. oof. that was a bad few months
[16:28:46] <ghostchibi> anyway that's my hot take of the day, all human evil is fueled by greed and self-centeredness and we all need to learn to look at other people as real beings and not just things we see
[16:29:00] <Calpatus> Lily Or someone who doesn't know what a hyperlink is
[16:29:04] <mayoculpa> hear hear, well said ghostchibi
[16:29:04] <runepage> still p sure being self-centered isn't inherently bad but
[16:29:13] <TrueAndFalse>
[16:29:16] <TrueAndFalse> fuck
[16:29:16] <@Lily> Calpatus: y'know I could have been talking to you as well tbh
[16:29:18] <TrueAndFalse> this is so sick
[16:29:24] <@ProcyonLotor> If you don't know what a motherfucking hyperlink is you shouldn't be in this chat
[16:29:24] <mayoculpa> being self centered to the exclusion of considering other tho
[16:29:31] <TrueAndFalse> and ok
[16:29:31] Lily kicked TrueAndFalse from the channel. (enough)
[16:29:31] <Calpatus> Lily Okay then
[16:29:34] TrueAndFalse (PI.54EC8AB8.4A3C0723.046E2CA3|tibbiM#PI.54EC8AB8.4A3C0723.046E2CA3|tibbiM) joined the channel.
[16:29:41] <@Lily> Don't… do that
[16:29:48] <TrueAndFalse> do which 1?
[16:29:51] <@Lily> Especially not when being told off for being an idiot
[16:29:53] <@ProcyonLotor> Hey, TrueAndFalse. Give me a reason not to ban you.
[16:29:54] <ghostchibi> do none of you read the chat rules these days or
[16:29:56] <@Lily> Link shit like that
[16:30:01] Calpatus rolls away
[16:30:01] <@Lily> ghostchibi: "these days"
[16:30:09] <ghostchibi> Lily: all days
[16:30:14] <runepage> mayoculpa: eh? I care about myself above others but that also means I can't fuck over other people or I'll be fucked
[16:30:44] <KleptocracyNow> what even is this convo
[16:30:46] <KleptocracyNow> drama?
[16:30:59] <mayoculpa> I was more thinking of, not recognizing other people as having their own separate existence and motivations
[16:31:01] <runepage> Fundamentally leaving others out of your view of the world will end up with your head parted from your neck so
[16:31:09] <mayoculpa> true true
[16:31:26] <mayoculpa> caring about oneself is heckin necessary
[16:31:30] Sax (ylf.dn|tuo.raos#ylf.dn|tuo.raos) left IRC. (No route to host)
[16:31:50] TrueAndFalse is now known as AFKTruth
[16:32:04] <ghostchibi> ah I meant existing as if you are th eonly thing that actual is real and that all others are fake
[16:32:10] <ghostchibi> and thus can be treated as if fake
[16:32:13] Sax (ylf.dn|tuo.raos#ylf.dn|tuo.raos) joined the channel.
[16:32:19] <@Lily> AFKTruth: it's best not to just piss off when ops are talking to you but ok
[16:32:26] <mayoculpa> but lots of people ime get away with what I call "lying when they say hello", ie, seeing other people as mostly cardboard cutouts and not ever wanting to look past that to the person inside
[16:32:30] <taylor_hw> ping
[16:32:33] AFKTruth is now known as Dolia_the_Slave_Rape_Toy
[16:32:38] Dolia_the_Slave_Rape_Toy is now known as Dolia_the_Slave_Rape_Toy_boy
[16:32:39] <Calpatus> Not fun
[16:32:40] <&Bouncl> LMAO
[16:32:41] <runepage> ghostchibi: so like the new altright "everyone who doesn't conform with my worldview is a NPC" thing lol
[16:32:42] <%Jazstar> taylor_hw: shush
[16:32:44] <&Bouncl> jfc
[16:32:45] <taylor_hw> fucking wow
[16:32:46] Lily kicked Dolia_the_Slave_Rape_Toy_boy from the channel. (Lily)
[16:32:46] Lily sets mode +b Dolia_the_Slave_Rape_Toy_boy!*@*
[16:32:49] <@Lily> iconic
[16:33:04] <ghostchibi> our inability to perceive reality is no excuse to act like it's all fake
[16:33:05] Calpatus rolls back in
[16:33:06] mayoculpa facepalms extravagantly
[16:33:06] Lily sets mode +b *!*@3AC2E640.3270C3A4.8BA8CE45.IP
[16:33:07] <ghostchibi> that's our own failure
[16:33:09] <War_> well then
[16:33:12] <ghostchibi> runepage: yeah basically lol
[16:33:12] Lily sets mode -b Dolia_the_Slave_Rape_Toy_boy!*@*