So. Um. So.
Guy came into #site19, asked if anyone had seen Tox's SSSC logs, Procyon kicked him and said not to talk about it. The guy linked them and was banned. Procyon then talked to him in PMs for a bit, someone noticed that he had the same IP as an old ban (Tarpsocks, and said he knew Horsedick/Bitcheval/etc.). He joined SSSC and posted the logs, was banned from there, and did the same in #site17. He then changed host and nick and rejoined #site19, where he posted the logs again. Everyone seemed to get a good laugh out of it, at least.
[2014-05-27 17:55:38] -->| munki (~hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum#hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum) has joined [SSSC]
[2014-05-27 17:55:43] <munki> hi all
[2014-05-27 17:55:57] <munki> am i not supposed to be here :o
[2014-05-27 17:55:57] <—| munki has left [SSSC]
[18:55] -->| munki (~hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum#hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum) has joined #site19
[18:56] munki lol, have you guys seen this "confidential" zip file of logs
[18:56] munki i lol'd pretty hard at that
[18:56] EyeScream oh crap, I'm back
[18:56] baygull I was thinking more about my industrial complex where lost people go thing. I ran into a problem. How does the Foundation study a place that they can only get to by chance?
[18:56] TwistedGears Okay so that /was/ his name
[18:57] TwistedGears That sounds really vague baygull. What kind of "by chance" ?
[18:57] =-= munki was booted from #site19 by ProcyonLotor (Yeah, don't talk about those.)
[18:57] —>| munki (~hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum#hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum) has joined #site19
[18:57] munki my bad
[18:57] —>| Roth (~moc.5019sa.lsd.cimanyd.95092ACC-CRInys|alliztahc#moc.5019sa.lsd.cimanyd.95092ACC-CRInys|alliztahc) has joined #site19
[18:57] munki didn't know htat it was private
[18:58] Ithlei its easy to get lost.
[18:58] baygull Like if the only way to find it is by getting lost, how do you contain and conduct research on it?
[18:58] Faminepulse handwaves
[18:58] ProcyonLotor Spreading them any further will result in a permanent ban, capiche?
[18:58] Ithlei send hundreds of d-class personall into the amazon, wait for them to come out.
[18:59] MidnightManiac haha
[18:59] baygull Hmm
[18:59] baygull that could work
[18:59] MidnightManiac what could go wrong?
[18:59] Moohab Maybe even robots or drones could do the trick
[18:59] baygull Hundreds of convicted felons running around the jungle
[18:59] baygull probably
[18:59] Ithlei no, researchers. because they would definitly return to the foundation.
[18:59] Ithlei No felons.
[18:59] munki [megaupload link removed from logs]
[18:59] =-= Faminepulse is now known as Famine|FNV
[19:00] munki ^ for more info on secret confidential backhanded dealings of ops here
[19:00] TwistedGears Moohab: Really not a fan of the second anomalous effect, and that last addendum doesn't really do anything
[19:00] baygull But the conditions for "being lost" would have to be somewhat definable.
[19:00] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!*munki@* by ProcyonLotor
[19:00] =-= munki was booted from #site19 by ProcyonLotor (bye)
[19:00] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by Wogglebug
[19:00] =-= Mode #site19 -b *!*munki@* by ProcyonLotor
[19:50] —>| munki (~hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum#hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum) has joined [SSSC]
[19:50] munki [megaupload link removed from logs]
[19:50] Tuomey Riemann: probably help
[19:50] munki :D:D:D:D
[19:50] Tuomey munki: logs of here
[19:50] Tuomey in here
[19:50] =-= Mode [SSSC] +b *!* by Wogglebug
[He was later kicked, after everyone laughed about his posting the logs in there.]
[19:50] —>| munki (~hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum#hc.ethtnys.A2DF8F02-CRInys|iknum) has joined #site17
[19:50] munki [megaupload link removed from logs]
[19:51] =-= Mode #site17 +b *!* by Wogglebug
[19:51] Wogglebug Man all the people in here already have those.
[19:51] Wogglebug Mostly, anyway.
[19:51] =-= munki was booted from #site17 by FlameShirt (fuck off mate)
[19:53] -->| m00nki (~ten.labolgcbs.xtnans.deepsthgil.EC1B59A7-CRInys|iknum#ten.labolgcbs.xtnans.deepsthgil.EC1B59A7-CRInys|iknum) has joined #site19
[19:53] |<— Nioki has left (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
[19:54] m00nki [megaupload link removed from logs]
[19:54] m00nki don't let them suppress this information
[19:54] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!* by Wogglebug
[19:54] =-= Nioki_ is now known as Nioki
[19:54] =-= m00nki was booted from #site19 by FlameShirt (FlameShirt)
[19:54] =-= Mode #site19 +b *!~munki@* by Tuomey
[19:54] FlameShirt guys
[19:54] Tuomey oops
If anyone (read: Ops) wants Procyon's PM logs, just ask around. They were pretty civil, on the whole.
I think that's everything. Probably. Hopefully.