DrKaiju has been on a streak of bad behavior, including insulting users for downvoting, trying to deflect blame onto others, and trying to be the center of attention. Pretty much everything he says is bad to some degree, but I'm going to put the main incident:
<+Nala> DrKaiju: DrKaiju has written 1 article and 0 tales with +7 net upvotes (average +7.00) and 4 revisions, including: SCP-2901 (+7)
<@Photosynthetic> SCP-2901
<+Nala> Photosynthetic: Intoxicated (rating: +7, 4 revisions) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2901
<microdemon> Hi GUys
<Tara> Hello
<Vivax> Downvoted.
<@Photosynthetic> Hello there, microdemon.
<@Photosynthetic> Are you new?
<@Photosynthetic> Or have I just been away so much that I'm missing people?
- DrYucatan (ten.enilnotpo.nyd.F1F9E542-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.F1F9E542-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Vivax> He's been around.
<DrYucatan> Lies.
<DrYucatan> You're a *liar*, Vivax.
<@Photosynthetic> Well, hello then, and sorry for flaking on you. ;)
<DrKaiju> Why would you just say "Downvoted" without providing a reason, on chat no less?
<DrKaiju> Are you a dick?
<Killane> okay, now to see if my 99% match potential for a position at Valve is high enough to get me a call-back
<DrKaiju> You seem like a dick
<Bennings> .nala
- Nala is a version 2.34 AnnaBot created by Aelanna (last updated 2014-03-05), currently indexing 2,304 articles, 209 supplementary pages, 873 unused slots, 1,316 tales, 30 guides, and 31 essays by 710 authors as of 2014-05-16 12:50:00 PDT (15 m 23 s ago).
<microdemon> Killane: are you working for valve?
<@Tuomey> hey
<@Tuomey> DrKaiju
<@Photosynthetic> DrKaiju, what the hell.
<@Tuomey> if you can't take a downvote, you shouldn't be writing
<Killane> microdemon: not yet, but hopefully that will change soon
<microdemon> DrKaiju: please don't be rude…….
<DrYucatan> Tuomey: ^^^
<@Tuomey> Don't call people a dick for responding to your article
<microdemon> DrKaiju: if you continue along this path we can call a mod
<@Tuomey> They're not obligated to provide an essay on why they do so - they are encouraged to give a reason but not required
<ProcyonLotor> microdemon, the people talking to him /are/ mods. let them handle it.
<@Tuomey> microdemon: we're handling it
<Killane> microdemon: Tuomey is already in the conversation
<DrYucatan> "Downvoted", DrKaiju, means that someone doesn't like it. And sometimes that's all the feedback you get.
<DrYucatan> We're not obligated, like Tuomey said, to go point-by-point.
<microdemon> sorry, was just trying to take some responsibility
<@Tuomey> We're also handling the telling people we're handling it >.>
<@Tuomey> Layers
<microdemon> I like to take responsibility for making the places I communicate in friendly positive
- Killane handles cheese
<@Photosynthetic> Microdemon, regardless, you are not a mod or an op. When people who /are/ mods and/or ops are /actively handling the situation,/ your butting in is counterproductive.
<Vivax> DrKaiju: I'm not obligated to tell you why I downvoted.
<@Photosynthetic> For example, it has now tidily distracted us from the actual issue at hand: namely, DrKaiju's namecalling.
<Vivax> And now that you've gone and resorted to ad-hominim I'm not going to.
<@Photosynthetic> Downvoting does not make someone a dick. Neither does announcing it, calmly and sensibly.
<ProcyonLotor> What Vivax said. I downvoted as well.
<@Photosynthetic> If you're disappointed that someone downvoted your work, you can always ask them — *politely* — why they did so. If they are feeling gracious, they may explain to you what it is that lost their interest or made them feel the work was not up to snuff, and you can then take that critique and work to improve.
<DrYucatan> If anything, someone stating their vote status is a handy reminder of what sort of score your work will get if/when you decide to post.
<@Photosynthetic> However, they are not obligated to do so, and demanding critique — much less demanding positive reception — is rude at /best/.
<microdemon> Photosynthetic: understood
<@Photosynthetic> Thank you, microdemon. Feel free to PM me if you have further questions.
<@Photosynthetic> DrKaiju, do you understand?
<microdemon> should i buy bitcoin
<DrKaiju> No
- salvagebar has quit (Quit: )
<DrYucatan> No. Bitcoin sucks.
<ProcyonLotor> ^
- Bryx (I.am.@bout.five.seconds.away.from.shooting.this.thing) has joined #site19
<Devereaux> I have to agree.
<@Quikngruvn> Kaiju, which part did you not understand?
<DrYucatan> And is circlejerked over by libertarians and wealthy douches.
<DrYucatan> It's a prerogative of the rich, if anything.
<@Photosynthetic> A moment please, everyone.
<@Photosynthetic> DrKaiju: please clarify.
<DrKaiju> Am I obligated to?
<@Quikngruvn> An op asked you, so yes.
<Vivax> If you want to understand? Yes.
<DrKaiju> I understand fully. I was responding to microdemon's question regarding bitcoin.
<DrKaiju> I don't agree with it in any capacity, but I understand.
<@Photosynthetic> Then please answer my earlier questio — I see.
<Annalea> If you want people to respect your work and opinion, then you're going to have to be civil.
<Annalea> If you do not want to be civil or respectful, then you can show yourself the door. :|
- Wogglebug (ainavlyselggoW.ellivselggoW.grebelggoW|gubelggoW#ainavlyselggoW.ellivselggoW.grebelggoW|gubelggoW) has joined #site19
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Wogglebug
<@Photosynthetic> If you disagree with what I told you, we have something of a problem. I'm literally outlining the basics of this community's criticism policy.
<DrKaiju> "Your posts must contain some kind of content: "Meh" on its own does not count as content, because it does not help the author improve their work and is no more informative than a downvote. An emoticon, an insulting macro, or "lol" is not content; it's spam. Stating "I agree with what so-and-so said" is sufficient because it gives support to existing feedback
<DrKaiju> Meh = Just saying "Downvoted"
<Annalea> This isn't the forums.
<Annalea> This is chat.
<@Quikngruvn> This is not the forum.
<Annalea> You could have asked for clarification, instead of being passive-aggressive.
<ProcyonLotor> Civility, just to clarify, is the rule across everything.
<Annalea> Instead you opted to take the immature path.
<Annalea> I don't see why you expect sympathy.
<@Photosynthetic> Furthermore, DrKaiju, even if this /was/ the forums, it is inappropriate to answer someone else's rule-breaking by breaking an arguably more important rule.
<Annalea> If you wanted to be treated like an adult, you will have to behave like one.
<@Quikngruvn> Let me get something straight, Kaiju: does this mean that you're going to accuse anyone who downvotes your articles without explanation of being dicks?
<DrKaiju> Not necessarily.
<ProcyonLotor> The correct answer is "no".
<Vivax> Look.
<@Quikngruvn> I gotta hear this… under what circumstances, Kaiju, do you think it would be okay for you to call someone a dick?
<DrKaiju> If they deserve it.
<Vivax> I as the aforementioned "downvoter" am in /literally/ 5 conversations right now.
<Annalea> :|
<Annalea> Yeah, no.
- Quikngruvn has kicked DrKaiju from #site19 (You fail at life.)
<Vivax> In separate channels.
- DrKaiju (ten.tsacmoc.vw.1dsh.7BF60522-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.vw.1dsh.7BF60522-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<DrKaiju> I just answered his question
<@Quikngruvn> Last chance, Kaiju.
<@Photosynthetic> DrKaiju: Name-calling is quite explicitly against the rules here.
<Annalea> This isn't the wild west, and it's not eye-for-an-eye.
<Vivax> So /excuse me/ for not responding immediately.
<Annalea> Either grow the fuck up or get out and leave us adults in peace.
<@Photosynthetic> It is, therefore, not okay to call anyone a dick. Desert has nothing to do with it.
<MC_Kejml> Sorry to cram in, if someone called somebody else an "IQ Vampire" is that name calling too? Neutral question.
<@Photosynthetic> So if you cannot stop with the name-calling, you're on the fast track to kicks and bans. Are we clear?
<DrKaiju> We are clear.
<Annalea> MC_Kejml: This is not the channel to be asking.
<DrKaiju> Which channel should that be asked in?
<ProcyonLotor> "#site17"
Conversation then transferred to 17 (although that was not my intention, but it happened)
- DrKaiju (ten.tsacmoc.vw.1dsh.7BF60522-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.vw.1dsh.7BF60522-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
<DrKaiju> "Who wants to read something painfully stupid, heavy with idiocy in a manner that physically presses upon one's chest, strangling the intelligence from the reader's brain as if it were some IQ vampire" - Echo1
<+ProcyonLotor> the IQ vampire is in direct reference to the work in that comment
<+ProcyonLotor> Vehement?
<+ProcyonLotor> Yes
<+ProcyonLotor> But it is attacking the work, not the author.
- SCP-guest has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<&Photosynthetic> That's a crucial distinction.
<+ProcyonLotor> Arguably, the most.
<+ProcyonLotor> Within the bounds of reason and taste, you can say anything you like about an article.
<+ProcyonLotor> The same does not hold for people.
<DrKaiju> /That's// within the bounds of reason and taste?
<%Wogglebug> Ehh
<%Wogglebug> I'd say the latter part is, the former isn't.
<DrKaiju> I beg to differ
<&Quikngruvn> You're entitled to your opinion.
<+ProcyonLotor> The reason and taste part is my extrapolation, not the letter of the law.
<%Wogglebug> I agree with you to an extent, Kaiju.
<%Wogglebug> The implications of reflection on the author of the work are insulting to a degree.
- Wogglebug doesn't know what the conversation is about
- Wogglebug just saw the one paste
<&Photosynthetic> Not having been here when the statement in question was made, I can't judge the context — but I do have to say, if I had been, I probably would've told Echo to be more civil.
<&Quikngruvn> There is no implication about the author. Just that the author wrote something subjectively stupid.
<&Photosynthetic> He hasn't really broken any rules, but he's pushing the bounds of politeness.
<%Wogglebug> I'd say Photo's summation is accurate.
<&Photosynthetic> That said, Echo is not the one we've been discussing here, is he?
<@Annalea> May I interject for a moment?
<&Photosynthetic> What you said earlier /did/ explicitly break rules.
<&Photosynthetic> And that's not even entirely the point, when you get down to it.
- Vince (doG.neknurD.ehT.fO.hcruhC|tseirP#doG.neknurD.ehT.fO.hcruhC|tseirP) has joined #site17
<&Photosynthetic> The point is that you don't seem to understand the nature of critique in this community, and unless you can learn and accept it, you're not going to fit in here very well or for long.
- Devereaux is now known as Devstudies
<&Photosynthetic> That's not a threat. Misunderstanding is not, ceteris paribus, a bannable offense. But if you keep getting your hackles up at /completely legitimate critique/ and lashing out at other users because of it, then yes, we will be forced to take disciplinary action
<&Photosynthetic> .
<DrKaiju> I understand
<&Photosynthetic> Good.
Having seen him yesterday in a side channel, he acted very similarly, and was kicked and banned from that channel.
I believe Quik said 24 hour next time, but he'll have to confirm.