Earlier this week, Darkangelsmg3 does not match any existing user name cold-posted two truly bad humanoids suffering from X-man syndrome within a few minutes of each other, both of which were deleted after 24 hours. They just reposted on of them, unchanged, in the same slot and, per the comments, apparently didn't even read the feedback they got on the first go round.
I don't think that they're trolling, but rather earnest and clueless. But they also don't seem to really get the whole "get feedback before posting" thing. I don't think that this is severe enough to call for a tempban, but I think an official warning is in order. Thoughts?
Edit: …huh. The latest article has been deleted for several hours, but you can still access the comments via the link above. That's… special.
Giving bearhugs to the unsuspecting since 1872.