User Chilliam recently made a post on a low-rated coldpost SCP, here:
Formally I'll just say you have a huge problem with the format, multiverse, everything, seriously: 'SCP-Douche-Nozzle-MicFarthington' (I will admit, after the long attempt of reading and I see this? Oh I died). It's like a quote from my mind…aside from that, how dare you sir'ee…'WOWWEE- G0 KILL URSELF' would be a relatable response as I really hate being trolled in the middle of the damn night, after forcing myself to read such a careless written work in an attempt to help the author (You dammit!). You get a -1. + 1/3:9000ths tank rounds, gimme' a break. Either that's a super misinterpreted and rushed SCP based completely off a site work's addendum, or this is some huge troll, not only are there errors in all the cliché places, and the constant silliness—there is a lack of value or care put into the work, you may want to refer to the sandbox site and practice quite a bit.
Accelerando staffposted with the breach of criticism policy, I followed up with an official warning.
If this happens again, I say straight to 24-hour ban.