[Thursday 00:26:53am] Lunardiviner VERY CUTE
[Thursday 00:27:29am] Riemann Kalinin: It hurt to read "maximum volume"
[Thursday 00:27:39am] Lunardiviner so cute you call my SCP bad, but no feeback what so ever, its like get peer review. Yet, when you post something in the forums, nobody reads it.
[Thursday 00:27:52am] Lunardiviner cute indeed
[Thursday 00:28:01am] Riemann Lunardiviner, I gave you feedback on your original post.
[Thursday 00:28:51am] Lunardiviner So then you make download IRC so I can come at you in real time.
[Thursday 00:28:52am] Excraylibur Lunardiviner, I'm reading Social Murder thing.
[Thursday 00:28:56am] Lunardiviner not mine
[Thursday 00:29:02am] Excraylibur Yes.
[Thursday 00:29:16am] Lunardiviner Social Murder Network isnt mine.
[Thursday 00:29:38am] Kalinin what's going on here, exactly?
[Thursday 00:29:43am] Randomini Lunardiviner, gonna be honest, it just wasn't that good, conceptually or in execution
[Thursday 00:30:02am] Randomini it didn't do anything for me
[Thursday 00:30:03am] Dr_Kens ?
[Thursday 00:30:25am] Randomini Lunardiviner's SCP, http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2060
[Thursday 00:30:26am] Nala Randomini: SCP-2060 - "The Backseat Driver" [Article] (rating: -5, 5 revisions, 2 comments) - tags: (none)
[Thursday 00:31:09am] Lunardiviner so let me ask you this. Do you think it is salavagable? If it isnt, then say so (I see a lot of the "if you wrote better bullshit alot". I really do not want the false hope.
[Thursday 00:31:18am] Randomini I don't.
[Thursday 00:31:56am] Randomini sorry, but it's just not an interesting concept.
[Thursday 00:32:06am] Randomini to me, at least; others might tell you differently.
[Thursday 00:32:50am] Lunardiviner very well
[Thursday 00:32:55am] Randomini I mean, there are a lot of writers on the site who I could say are not great writers
[Thursday 00:33:03am] Randomini but come up with interesting ideas
[Thursday 00:33:33am] AdmiralKew http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/a75mW02_460sa.gif
[Thursday 00:33:35am] AdmiralKew ahahahahah
[Thursday 00:33:46am] Randomini and because of their ideas, their articles go quite well
[Thursday 00:34:14am] Randomini on the other hand, you have some great writers who pull off comparatively blander ideas with great execution
[Thursday 00:35:19am] Randomini SCP-2060 has neither of these
[Thursday 00:35:47am] Randomini I get what you're trying to do, I think, with regards to "spooky dude in the back seat"
[Thursday 00:36:05am] Riemann Don't we have something very similar, Random?
[Thursday 00:36:25am] Lunardiviner Not that I have seen Riemann
[Thursday 00:36:30am] Randomini also, Lunardiviner, in my opinion this one phrase sums up the whole problem with your article
[Thursday 00:36:32am] Randomini "I have been watching you for quiet some time sitting here in this seat and the things you do are quiet interesting. Quiet, interesting indeed."
[Thursday 00:36:53am] Riemann Something about a dead girl
[Thursday 00:36:55am] Riemann Backroads
[Thursday 00:36:57am] Riemann Cars
[Thursday 00:36:58am] Randomini this makes me thing either english is not your first language, or you're not super great with it
[Thursday 00:37:06am] Randomini because you've mixed up the word quiet and quite
[Thursday 00:37:13am] Randomini 3 times.
[Thursday 00:37:33am] Lunardiviner I mixed up one word, and English suddenly is not my first language?
[Thursday 00:37:39am] Lunardiviner You must be joking.
[Thursday 00:37:45am] Randomini you mixed up one word three times.
[Thursday 00:37:48am] Aelanna .tell Zyn http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-854072/super-secret-staff-comic#post-2023280 What have you done? :(
[Thursday 00:37:49am] Nala Aelanna: Gotcha.
[Thursday 00:37:56am] Randomini your sentence structuring is awkward
[Thursday 00:38:09am] Randomini and I wasn't saying that was necessarily the case
[Thursday 00:38:15am] |<— ihp has left irc.synirc.net (Ping timeout: 187 seconds)
[Thursday 00:38:16am] Randomini simply saying that was my impression.
[Thursday 00:38:19am] Randomini is it?
[Thursday 00:38:54am] Lunardiviner Dialogue is not my forte I will admit that. The rest of the piece I feel is written solidly by a scientific standpoint though.
[Thursday 00:39:28am] Dr_Kens By what metric?
[Thursday 00:39:35am] Randomini I strongly disagree.
[Thursday 00:39:46am] Dr_Kens It's not really so well written.
[Thursday 00:40:11am] |<— Faminepulse has left irc.synirc.net (Connection reset by peer)
[Thursday 00:40:15am] Randomini Lunardiviner, I don't mean to sound like an asshole here
[Thursday 00:40:22am] Riemann There isn't that much science for it to be written solidly by
[Thursday 00:40:56am] Lunardiviner It is a statement of the facts. That is all science is. You cannot test this thing in a lab since it will not coperate with you.
[Thursday 00:41:03am] Randomini No.
[Thursday 00:41:04am] Riemann :|
[Thursday 00:41:08am] Randomini let me explain a thing to you
[Thursday 00:41:21am] Dr_Kens Uh.
[Thursday 00:41:23am] Dr_Kens No.
[Thursday 00:41:34am] Randomini "We went to take the hydrogen, stuck it in a balloon with oxygen, sparkificated it, and made water."
[Thursday 00:41:50am] Randomini this phrase is a "statement of facts".
[Thursday 00:41:56am] Randomini what it lacks is a scientific tone.
[Thursday 00:42:21am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: also, personal/personnel
[Thursday 00:42:35am] Dr_Kens Lunardiviner: Science is not a statement of facts. And this writing is not even close to having scientific accuracy. I write scientific papers for my major and research. Tone is important, as well as grammar, and your SCP does not have it.
[Thursday 00:43:13am] Dr_Kens The trick to scientific writing isn't using technobabble or pseudoscience. It's using clinical, concise terminology for the most part.
[Thursday 00:44:13am] Lunardiviner Examples?
[Thursday 00:44:22am] Randomini "Due to subjects losing all body functions including the movement of the subject's head"
[Thursday 00:44:23am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: Read other SCPs
[Thursday 00:44:27am] |<— ZombieRaptor has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: ZombieRaptor)
[Thursday 00:44:29am] Randomini now, see
[Thursday 00:44:36am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: Honest question, how many SCPs have you read?
[Thursday 00:44:38am] Randomini did it occur to you that thought is a bodily function?
[Thursday 00:44:49am] Lunardiviner @Tox: over 90% of them
[Thursday 00:44:55am] Dr_Kens Lunardiviner: Do you want other SCPs, or actual scientific literature? Because most SCPs have a reasonable verisimilitude of scientific writing.
[Thursday 00:45:04am] Tox|Work Well ok
[Thursday 00:45:13am] Kalinin "An autopsy showed that cause of death was from his cut throat"
[Thursday 00:45:15am] Kalinin poor tone
[Thursday 00:45:59am] Lunardiviner Honestly, I have lurked on the site for over a year.
[Thursday 00:46:05am] Lunardiviner Just reading them on my spare time.
[Thursday 00:46:16am] Kalinin "SCP-2060 has been described to talk rather slowly"
[Thursday 00:46:20am] Kalinin poor tone
[Thursday 00:46:25am] Excraylibur scp2060
[Thursday 00:46:25am] Nala Excraylibur: The Backseat Driver (rating: -5, 5 revisions) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2060
[Thursday 00:46:27am] Randomini Being able to read and being able to write are very, very different things.
[Thursday 00:46:50am] Lunardiviner I agree Randomini, I enjoyed your Cool War. It was one of the reasons why I wanted to come out of the dark.
[Thursday 00:47:18am] Tox|Work well
[Thursday 00:47:41am] Tox|Work No offense to Randomini who's a good author, but the Cool War is not expressly indicative of the tone we want in SCP articles.
[Thursday 00:47:43am] Randomini >liking cool war
[Thursday 00:47:45am] Tox|Work In tales, go nuts
[Thursday 00:47:53am] Lunardiviner I realize this
[Thursday 00:47:56am] Lunardiviner it is a tale
[Thursday 00:47:57am] Tox|Work (within reason)
[Thursday 00:47:59am] Lunardiviner you can do what you want
[Thursday 00:48:05am] Lunardiviner And I want to right tales
[Thursday 00:48:19am] Lunardiviner but I need an SCP to do that. My own SCP. Hence 2060
[Thursday 00:48:23am] Lunardiviner write*
[Thursday 00:48:24am] Dr_Kens Who says?
[Thursday 00:48:27am] Randomini I can say this, at least from personal experience
[Thursday 00:48:28am] Dr_Kens You can go ahead and write tales.
[Thursday 00:48:30am] Riemann You don't need an SCP
[Thursday 00:48:31am] Dr_Kens :]
[Thursday 00:48:38am] Dr_Kens I got my start writing tales. They're still there.
[Thursday 00:48:40am] Xiao wrote tales from other SCPs, and even from nothingness.
[Thursday 00:48:41am] Randomini 1. writing tales is a hell of a lot easier than writing SCPs
[Thursday 00:48:47am] Riemann What is it, the acquistion log from SCP-blackbox?
[Thursday 00:49:01am] Randomini 2. None of the SCPs in Cool War were my own
[Thursday 00:49:18am] Lunardiviner This is what I wanted to do
[Thursday 00:49:23am] Lunardiviner I wanted to create an SCP
[Thursday 00:49:32am] Lunardiviner something the Foundation knows very little about
[Thursday 00:49:41am] Tox|Work do you want to write an SCP or do you want to write tales
[Thursday 00:49:44am] Lunardiviner Tell a few tales about that SCP in arc.
[Thursday 00:49:59am] Lunardiviner Have that SCP be contained by the foundation.
[Thursday 00:50:10am] Lunardiviner Suddenly the Foundation learns a shit ton about that SCP
[Thursday 00:50:12am] Tox|Work that's what an SCP is, man. Contained.
[Thursday 00:50:25am] Randomini That's not how it works.
[Thursday 00:50:26am] Lunardiviner That SCP page is fundamental changed
[Thursday 00:50:30am] Tox|Work also
[Thursday 00:50:31am] Randomini SCPs are /finished/.
[Thursday 00:50:37am] Tox|Work oh no yeah
[Thursday 00:50:50am] Tox|Work SCP articles don't get updated as you put tales up
[Thursday 00:50:55am] Tox|Work you toss it up and you're done
[Thursday 00:50:56am] Randomini Writing a "mysterious SCP" and then fleshing it out in tales, then changing the SCP article itself?
[Thursday 00:50:57am] Tox|Work also
[Thursday 00:50:57am] Randomini No,
[Thursday 00:51:01am] Randomini no, no no no, no.
[Thursday 00:51:03am] Riemann The idea of an updating SCP file has been around for a while, but fundamentally, it doesn't work
[Thursday 00:51:05am] Tox|Work it's "amnestics"
[Thursday 00:51:08am] Lunardiviner just because it has not been done
[Thursday 00:51:09am] Tox|Work /not/ "amnesiaxs"
[Thursday 00:51:15am] Lunardiviner does not mean it cannot be attempted
[Thursday 00:51:21am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: It's not going to work.
[Thursday 00:51:22am] Randomini Lunar, you are free to attempt it.
[Thursday 00:51:27am] Milly You CAN write tales about SCPs that aren't on the mainlist.
[Thursday 00:51:32am] Lunardiviner a living story
[Thursday 00:51:33am] Tox|Work You're free to try, but be warned.
[Thursday 00:51:39am] Milly You can also write an SCP article that progresses.
[Thursday 00:51:41am] Riemann Go ahead, we won't stop you
[Thursday 00:51:52am] Dr_Kens Lunardiviner: I'll be honest, it's intriguing.
[Thursday 00:51:55am] Dr_Kens Give it a shot.
[Thursday 00:51:58am] Lunardiviner All I am asking
[Thursday 00:52:05am] Lunardiviner is do you think that it is an interesting concept
[Thursday 00:52:09am] Randomini No.
[Thursday 00:52:10am] Tox|Work no
[Thursday 00:52:12am] Randomini Very much no.
[Thursday 00:52:14am] Excraylibur Nah.
[Thursday 00:52:19am] Xiao Not really.
[Thursday 00:52:43am] Tox|Work because here's what I think is gonna happen
[Thursday 00:52:59am] Tox|Work you're going to post up Revision 1 of your SCP, right, the pre-tale stuff
[Thursday 00:53:00am] Lunardiviner The Foundation captures anomalies, but what happens if due to an event that anomaly suddenly changes. The page for the SCP itself has to be update to reflect those changes.
[Thursday 00:53:07am] Tox|Work people are going to downvote it and not care to go back
[Thursday 00:53:23am] Lunardiviner Right
[Thursday 00:53:28am] Lunardiviner which is why I need to make an SCP
[Thursday 00:53:29am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: Express that in the article
[Thursday 00:53:30am] Randomini Lunardiviner, there is one reason that this is A Very Very Bad Idea:
[Thursday 00:53:34am] Lunardiviner that stats upvoted
[Thursday 00:53:35am] Randomini It is deceptive.
[Thursday 00:53:40am] Lunardiviner starts*
[Thursday 00:53:42am] Randomini People who upvote before the changes occur?
[Thursday 00:53:44am] Kalinin cart's going before the horse here. you need something that's actually good before you start messing with format
[Thursday 00:53:45am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: it's not GOING to starrt upvoted
[Thursday 00:53:50am] Randomini That's dishonest to them.
[Thursday 00:54:03am] Randomini We are voting on final work, when it is submitted to the wiki.
[Thursday 00:54:05am] Milly There are two methods to do so, I feel. You can have addendums to each field like people tend to do, or a progression of an article within one page like the one that involved the meme-dudes and that signal.
[Thursday 00:54:22am] Randomini You are allowed minor changes, for sure
[Thursday 00:54:25am] Excraylibur Or, you know.
[Thursday 00:54:28am] Excraylibur Test logs.
[Thursday 00:54:50am] Excraylibur Like what that vending machine SCP did.
[Thursday 00:54:59am] Tox|Work Ehhh.
[Thursday 00:55:01am] Randomini But rewrites and expansions of the scale I'm thinking that you intend would probably fall outside those bounds.
[Thursday 00:55:02am] Milly That too, yes.
[Thursday 00:55:06am] Dr_Kens .sea black hole
[Thursday 00:55:07am] Riemann Excraylibur, we don't do that too much anymore
[Thursday 00:55:08am] Kalinin ugh. don't encourage more of that.
[Thursday 00:55:09am] Nala Dr_Kens: Contained Miniature Black Hole (rating: +86, 18 revisions) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-123
[Thursday 00:55:17am] Tox|Work That worked in Series I….but I'm not sure a modern SCP can stand up that way.
[Thursday 00:55:19am] Excraylibur Riemann, doesn't mean you can't do it!
[Thursday 00:55:28am] Lunardiviner basically the first SCP would start. As you right tales, that SCP changes fundamentally. The page needs changing right? The first page can be ARC-ed or whatever you want to do (not saying that is the correct thing, IDK that part). Then the new page for that SCP comes out.
[Thursday 00:55:34am] Lunardiviner It is like having a HUB.
[Thursday 00:55:40am] Lunardiviner Except some of the pages for the story.
[Thursday 00:55:44am] Randomini Lunardiviner: Like, I could rewrite SCP-1314 to be a wondertainment nerf gun
[Thursday 00:55:46am] Lunardiviner Are actual pages for SCPs.
[Thursday 00:55:52am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: what
[Thursday 00:55:53am] Tox|Work no
[Thursday 00:55:59am] Randomini but that's not what the original SCP was
[Thursday 00:56:08am] Tox|Work this whole "living article" thing isn't gonna work
[Thursday 00:56:09am] Randomini and the people who previously voted on it?
[Thursday 00:56:17am] Randomini they didn't vote on a wondertainment nerf gun
[Thursday 00:56:19am] Riemann And that's not what -ARC is either
[Thursday 00:56:21am] Lunardiviner that page is saved
[Thursday 00:56:27am] Lunardiviner I know that isnt what ARC is
[Thursday 00:56:33am] Randomini also, yes, that's not what -ARC is used for, at all.
[Thursday 00:56:34am] Lunardiviner but it is the closest thing to it
[Thursday 00:56:47am] Lunardiviner the page is saved, but the page is moved
[Thursday 00:56:53am] Randomini Lunar, we are all telling you, This Is A Very Very Bad Idea.
[Thursday 00:57:01am] Randomini If you attempt to do this, it will not work.
[Thursday 00:57:06am] Lunardiviner It is what the original SCP was. It just the Foundation did not know these properities at the time.
[Thursday 00:57:12am] Tox|Work no
[Thursday 00:57:19am] Tox|Work you're changing the article substantively
[Thursday 00:57:21am] Randomini You are free to do so, but it seems to be unanimous that it will not work.
[Thursday 00:57:25am] Lunardiviner The Foundation is not all knowing.
[Thursday 00:57:28am] Tox|Work it's a different article than what it was before
[Thursday 00:57:34am] Riemann ex post facto updates of SCPs are not ok
[Thursday 00:57:36am] Randomini And we are the ones who will vote on your article
[Thursday 00:57:54am] Randomini so honestly, our opinion on the matter matters more than your opinion as the author.
[Thursday 00:57:57am] Lunardiviner The articles are merely reflections on what the Foundation knows about the object
[Thursday 00:58:02am] Randomini Writing for the SCP wiki is writing for an audience.
[Thursday 00:58:09am] Randomini We are a representative sample of that audience.
[Thursday 00:58:21am] |<— Excraylibur has left irc.synirc.net (Connection reset by peer)
[Thursday 00:58:38am] —>| Insidious_Lars (~PI.33493723.BEF09763.209C7FFC|sraL#PI.33493723.BEF09763.209C7FFC|sraL) has joined #site19
[Thursday 00:58:39am] Lunardiviner Maybe, 173 has hidden proprities. But unless it exihibts those proprities, the Foundation will never know them, and thus never be reflected in the article.
[Thursday 00:58:43am] Riemann And we are all asking you not to do this
[Thursday 00:58:47am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: …so?
[Thursday 00:58:55am] Lunardiviner Thus we as readers will never know them.
[Thursday 00:59:03am] Tox|Work you can assume that it doesn't
[Thursday 00:59:05am] Lunardiviner But what happens if a few years after containment
[Thursday 00:59:06am] Randomini …okay, I'm now realising you're just plain not listening
[Thursday 00:59:21am] Randomini ceases engaging
[Thursday 00:59:30am] Lunardiviner those proprities manifest, then the article itself would have to be changed. right?
[Thursday 00:59:33am] Lunardiviner I am listening to you
[Thursday 00:59:35am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: no
[Thursday 00:59:47am] Tox|Work the article would have been, from the start, written to reflect that
[Thursday 00:59:59am] Tox|Work articles are self-contained, self-supporting pieces of work
[Thursday 01:00:03am] Lunardiviner see here is the thing
[Thursday 01:00:04am] Randomini Lunardiviner, take a look at http://www.scp-wiki.net/empty.
[Thursday 01:00:24am] Randomini There is a sentence in front of you every time you create a page.
[Thursday 01:00:25am] Lunardiviner you think the Foundation takes place sometime in the future? But what happens when we hit that future and go past it?
[Thursday 01:00:26am] Randomini "Remember: The main site is for summary judgment of final work, not feedback and critique on unfinished work."
[Thursday 01:00:45am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: ????
[Thursday 01:00:46am] Randomini What you are describing is posting unfinished work to the website.
[Thursday 01:00:56am] Randomini This is not what the site is for.
[Thursday 01:01:02am] Lunardiviner My point is this. Nothing in canon can ever be "finished."
[Thursday 01:01:05am] Tox|Work Words form sentences but I have /no/ idea what you just said
[Thursday 01:01:05am] Insidious_Lars ^^
[Thursday 01:01:10am] Insidious_Lars What Rando said.
[Thursday 01:01:16am] Randomini Yes. It can though.
[Thursday 01:01:19am] Insidious_Lars Post the SCP in the sandbox.
[Thursday 01:01:22am] Kalinin this strikes me as an unproductive conversation
[Thursday 01:01:25am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: when you post your SCP to the main site
[Thursday 01:01:26am] Tox|Work you're done
[Thursday 01:01:28am] Tox|Work full stop
[Thursday 01:01:30am] Tox|Work drop curtain
[Thursday 01:01:34am] Randomini The SCP articles are the Final Versions of them.
[Thursday 01:01:37am] Riemann take a bow
[Thursday 01:01:38am] Kalinin do what you like, Lunardiviner.
[Thursday 01:01:40am] Riemann Exit stage left
[Thursday 01:01:47am] Kalinin but accept the outcomes that result
[Thursday 01:01:48am] Randomini You are welcome to write an article of after your plotline occurs.
[Thursday 01:01:49am] Tox|Work If you do this, It. Will. Not. Work.
[Thursday 01:01:53am] Tox|Work and yeah
[Thursday 01:01:55am] Randomini You can then write the history of said item.
[Thursday 01:01:56am] Insidious_Lars What happens if I exit stage right?
[Thursday 01:02:03am] Randomini That is how you would execute this.
[Thursday 01:02:08am] Kalinin also, don't come after people in the chat because they said your article was bad
[Thursday 01:02:11am] Lunardiviner But Tox, the only reason that is the case, is because that is how the community sees it. That is how it has been established over the years.
[Thursday 01:02:14am] Tox|Work if you're set on this, write up the entire thing, all at once, and say "subsequent to the events on blah blah"
[Thursday 01:02:18am] Lunardiviner But why not try something new?
[Thursday 01:02:20am] Riemann There's a bear waiting for you, Insidious_Lars.
[Thursday 01:02:21am] Randomini You do /not/ write an unfinished article and adjust it as a plotline continues.
[Thursday 01:02:25am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: Because it won't work.
[Thursday 01:02:31am] Tox|Work Nobody's going to go for it.
[Thursday 01:02:35am] Randomini Lunardiviner, you are welcome to do so.
[Thursday 01:02:37am] Insidious_Lars Tell him I've an interview in a minute.
[Thursday 01:02:38am] —>| anqxyr (~PI.B705DF86.F9B75919.AFBA8B2F|ryxqna#PI.B705DF86.F9B75919.AFBA8B2F|ryxqna) has joined #site19
[Thursday 01:02:41am] Randomini But we get to vote on it.
[Thursday 01:02:45am] Lunardiviner because people are stuck in their ways
[Thursday 01:02:48am] Tox|Work Format screws only work if the audience is receptive to it
[Thursday 01:02:55am] Tox|Work and this is a shitty format screw
[Thursday 01:03:00am] Lunardiviner I want to see that change. I think it would be a cool idea.
[Thursday 01:03:08am] Randomini We don't.
[Thursday 01:03:10am] Randomini None of us do.
[Thursday 01:03:11am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: That's great. That doesn't matter.
[Thursday 01:03:13am] Kalinin go for it. but don't get pissed when it gets deleted.
[Thursday 01:03:22am] Randomini And your opinion as an author is irrelevant compared to our opinion as an audience.
[Thursday 01:03:47am] Randomini Literally, whether you think your article or tale is good is utterly irrelevant to the audience that will be voting on it.
[Thursday 01:04:00am] Sophos Lunardiviner: If you want to revolutionise SCPs, at least start with some acceptable SCPs
[Thursday 01:05:36am] Lunardiviner But if the auidence is set in their ways because that is all they know, it is a poor audience indeed. I just would like to see an open mind. The same old gets boring. All of you should know that by now.
[Thursday 01:05:52am] Randomini Okay.
[Thursday 01:06:00am] Randomini Lunar, as someone who has
[Thursday 01:06:15am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: It's not the mark of a poor audience to not be receptive to every single format screw.
[Thursday 01:06:18am] Randomini 1. turned up last year and wrote a 23 tale long series about a GOI most people had lost interest in
[Thursday 01:06:23am] Tox|Work The community has responded /well/ to format screws
[Thursday 01:06:26am] Tox|Work .s toaster
[Thursday 01:06:28am] Nala Tox|Work: I am a Toaster (rating: +592, 19 revisions) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-426
[Thursday 01:06:32am] Tox|Work .s rice
[Thursday 01:06:34am] Nala Tox|Work: Thrice, SCP-1013 (Cockatrice), SCP-931 (A Rice Bowl), The Price We Pay, Obsession's Price, plus 2 more.
[Thursday 01:06:36am] Tox|Work .sm 3
[Thursday 01:06:37am] Nala Tox|Work: A Rice Bowl (rating: +178, 11 revisions) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-931
[Thursday 01:06:42am] Randomini 2. put together a big long collaborative tale thing and kicked it off literally today
[Thursday 01:06:43am] Sophos "It's the audience's fault they don't like the SCP."
[Thursday 01:06:57am] Randomini I can tell you that people are /very much interested/ in change.
[Thursday 01:07:15am] Randomini But we, again, speaking as an audience, are telling you that this is NOT the kind of change we wish to see.
[Thursday 01:07:52am] Lunardiviner I dislike the idea of Cavalcade sorry
[Thursday 01:08:19am] Randomini that's fine man
[Thursday 01:08:20am] Lunardiviner And 4/5 opinions
[Thursday 01:08:28am] Lunardiviner doesnt represent the auidence as a whole
[Thursday 01:08:58am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: are you this dead facking set on ignoring the warnings of people in chat
[Thursday 01:09:06am] Lunardiviner No
[Thursday 01:09:08am] Lunardiviner im not
[Thursday 01:09:09am] Tox|Work we've been around the block more than once
[Thursday 01:09:11am] Dr_Kens Tox|Work: Simmer down.
[Thursday 01:09:14am] Dr_Kens Alright.
[Thursday 01:09:20am] Lunardiviner Im just throwing out an idea
[Thursday 01:09:22am] Randomini TOPIC CHANGE
[Thursday 01:09:26am] Randomini PLZ
[Thursday 01:09:30am] Dr_Kens Randomini: Hold up.
[Thursday 01:09:31am] Lunardiviner anyways
[Thursday 01:09:32am] Dr_Kens One second.
[Thursday 01:09:36am] anqxyr hi 19
[Thursday 01:09:44am] Riemann Hi anqxyr
[Thursday 01:09:48am] Riemann How are you
[Thursday 01:09:53am] anqxyr I dreamed the next episode of Hannibal tonight
[Thursday 01:09:59am] anqxyr that was really weird
[Thursday 01:10:00am] Dr_Kens Lunardiviner: We can't stop you from writing this SCP. We just give you the feedback. If you choose to ignore it, on your head be it. IN anycase this topic is now dropped and the new topic is to be about food.
[Thursday 01:10:09am] Lunardiviner wait
[Thursday 01:10:10am] Insidious_Lars anqxyr, really?
[Thursday 01:10:13am] Dr_Kens Everyone else online right now, please take a step back.
[Thursday 01:10:20am] Riemann Dr_Kens darn it no I'm so hungry
[Thursday 01:10:27am] Randomini Oh man, tonight I'm eating swedish meatballs
[Thursday 01:10:35am] —>| ZombieRaptor (~moc.rr.ser.xtas.E0381A08-CRInys|paReibmoZ#moc.rr.ser.xtas.E0381A08-CRInys|paReibmoZ) has joined #site19
[Thursday 01:10:40am] Lunardiviner Can we actually go back to my SCP that I post (note as a format screw, but as a standalone) I would like some honest help with it.
[Thursday 01:10:43am] Insidious_Lars Dude.
[Thursday 01:10:46am] Randomini No.
[Thursday 01:10:46am] Lunardiviner posted*
[Thursday 01:10:48am] Randomini Stop order.
[Thursday 01:10:49am] Insidious_Lars Instant noodles isn't so bad.
[Thursday 01:10:51am] Dr_Kens Lunardiviner: No.
[Thursday 01:10:54am] anqxyr it started with a nice old lady standing at some peer, looking at the water, holding flowers, and then she sees Hannibal and freaks out
[Thursday 01:10:59am] Dr_Kens You've had your chance.
[Thursday 01:11:05am] Dr_Kens For the past 20-30 minutes
[Thursday 01:11:07am] Tox|Work latches onto Dr_Kens
[Thursday 01:11:10am] Tox|Work noms on his face
[Thursday 01:11:15am] Randomini We're playing a game of Shadowrun
[Thursday 01:11:16am] Dr_Kens The topic is dropped.
[Thursday 01:11:17am] Dr_Kens Much like Tox.
[Thursday 01:11:22am] Lunardiviner It is a different topic though
[Thursday 01:11:23am] Dr_Kens boots Tox|Work off into the sun.
[Thursday 01:11:24am] Tox|Work o snap
[Thursday 01:11:28am] Dr_Kens Lunar.
[Thursday 01:11:31am] Dr_Kens It's drooped.
[Thursday 01:33:21am] Lunardiviner sigh
[Thursday 01:34:20am] Lunardiviner Anyone else hate when you come up with the perfect counter-argument, and then the person just leaves before you can throw it at them?
[Thursday 01:35:29am] Kalinin I would advise not starting again.
[Thursday 01:36:36am] |<— Milly has left irc.synirc.net (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[Thursday 01:37:03am] Lunardiviner I won't. But all I am wondering is who is going to change 315's page now that he has the abilitiy to start a XK-class scenario and is potentially Keter. That is all.
[Thursday 01:37:33am] Pig_catapult SCP-315
[Thursday 01:37:34am] Nala Pig_catapult: The Recorded Man (rating: +196, 12 revisions) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-315
[Thursday 01:37:45am] Lunardiviner http://www.scp-wiki.net/cav-001
[Thursday 01:37:46am] Nala Lunardiviner: A Defection [Tale] (rating: +19, 3 revisions, 11 comments) - tags: tale, chaos-insurgency
[Thursday 01:38:16am] Kalinin No one's going to change anything because there's no canon and we don't revise stuff to match the latest posted tale
[Thursday 01:38:33am] Xiao Tales are not considered mainline canon
[Thursday 01:38:57am] Pig_catapult There is no continuity
[Thursday 01:39:10am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: scp-315 cannot start an XK-class scenario
[Thursday 01:39:12am] Pig_catapult That's why people are allowed to write tales about any skip they want
[Thursday 01:39:16am] Tox|Work and the Safe-class designation is correct
[Thursday 01:39:32am] Lunardiviner did you read the story posted today Tox?
[Thursday 01:39:41am] Pig_catapult Because Tales do not and CANNOT affect the articles they reference.
[Thursday 01:40:42am] Pig_catapult The story posted today is irrelevant
[Thursday 01:40:44am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: I'm reading it now, am confused, and it has no bearing
[Thursday 01:41:31am] Pig_catapult e.g. I have someone getting to the bottom of SCP-087 in the tale Six Little Mice, but that doesn't make what I put there canon.
[Thursday 01:41:40am] Tox|Work Nobody is going to update 315.
[Thursday 01:41:45am] Tox|Work Because there's nothing to update.
[Thursday 01:41:49am] Pig_catapult ^
[Thursday 01:42:28am] Tox|Work Do you know how much of a messpile it would make of the site if everything had to be constantly cross-checked and validated?
[Thursday 01:42:37am] Tox|Work And what if a tale gets deleted?
[Thursday 01:42:42am] Tox|Work You have to cross-check and validate /again./
[Thursday 01:42:48am] Pig_catapult That's why we say "there is no canon".
[Thursday 01:43:18am] Lunardiviner You have to get permission from the creater of an SCP to write about that SCP correct?
[Thursday 01:43:25am] Pig_catapult Any article or tale can ignore any other article or tale, and articles ignore tales about them by default
[Thursday 01:43:31am] Pig_catapult No
[Thursday 01:43:52am] Lunardiviner I remember reading that in a guide
[Thursday 01:43:58am] Pig_catapult You can write tales about any SCP you want.
[Thursday 01:44:19am] Pig_catapult You can't change the contents of the SCP article itself without author approval
[Thursday 01:44:24am] Tox|Work Lunardiviner: you have to get permission to make substantive edits to the article dammit piffy
[Thursday 01:44:38am] Pig_catapult ish a ninja
[Thursday 01:45:49am] |<— Kalinin has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[Thursday 01:46:20am] Tox|Work On an unrelated note I managed to lock myself out of my office tonight, so I had to stuff my arm through the mail slot and open it from the other side :D
[Thursday 01:46:29am] Tox|Work it kinda hurt and I don't recommend it
[Thursday 01:46:45am] Pig_catapult Sounds… joyful
[Thursday 01:46:49am] Lunardiviner I could have sworen there was rule that you had to a least attempt to get premission from the author of an SCP to write about it.
[Thursday 01:47:03am] Pig_catapult Well, there isn't.
[Thursday 01:47:08am] Lunardiviner But was there?
[Thursday 01:47:10am] Tox|Work Pig_catapult: better than being locked out of the office for the next 5.5 hours :D
[Thursday 01:48:07am] anqxyr did wikidot update its appearance, or am I seeing things?
[Thursday 01:48:27am] Tox|Work you migth be seeing things
[Thursday 01:48:32am] Pig_catapult I can't fathom why there would have been. Most of the articles that get used in the oldest tales are so old we don't know who wrote them anymore
[Thursday 01:48:37am] Tox|Work and/or Wikidot might be shitting a brick
[Thursday 01:49:23am] Xiao Lunardiviner,
[Thursday 01:49:32am] Xiao Pulled right from FAQa
[Thursday 01:49:34am] Xiao Do we have to ask permission to use other authors' characters and SCPs in our stories? No, you don't. But it's better to ask, especially if you want to get their SCPs or characters right.