With this system, there's no real way for newer users to gain criticism practice in chat, unless we decide to allow other people in 17 to just review while staff itself is only allowed to respond to the newbie questions that come in.
This isn't really an issue, azzle. Currently, any site member may lurk in 17, participate in the occasional side conversations, and defer to staff on Official Matters. There's already a population of non-staff and non-veterans in there.
Also, while I'm thinking about it, it's not like we'd completely ban draft review or idea feedback from 19. Anyone can and still would ask for feedback in 19. It's just that if 17 were also declared the official critique channel, (a) people can go there and expect critique from people who (ostensibly) want to offer critique; (b) if someone in 19 wants to get feedback, but there's like four different conversations going on already, that person can be directed to 17 where it's much, much quieter (plus see (a) above); (c) whenever there is draft review in 17, someone in 19 can say "Hey guys, there a drat review in 17 if you're interested", at which time whoever is interested will mosey on over to 17, while everyone's conversations continue uninterrupted.
Attempts at rebranding and/or creating new rooms would just overcomplicate things. 19 is the General Chatter room. 17 is already set up, currently has a limited role that takes up a small percentage of time, and already has a population of both staff and non-staff who would likely be willing to help (I mean, they are in the Official Help channel). Really, I'm not seeing a good reason to not make 17 the Official Critique channel as well.