* discopig @Bright FauxDeBaux ProcyonGone Cane esalaka RenaKunisaki MisterFlames ShaRose @TroyL Lumberjack WildRaubtier Hidenozuke Sophos +Nala @FlameShirt Huitzil neliaverunt Dettorer Cranium JaneRand Seisatsu
<EdAWACS> I'm snippeting by tehe wat
<PixelWarrior> just gonna say halo
<PixelWarrior> CP-XXXX are to be housed in the storage area of Site-XX and contained within a box.
* Channel created on Sun Dec 21 12:23:08 2008
<Tuomey> Riemann: that's ok, you're not my real student
- Gargus burns down the schoolhouse
<Tuomey> ameertg: mark it and return it
<PixelWarrior> contained within a box is just about as vague as it gets
<Tuomey> Now, AndarielHalo has a draft
<AndarielHalo> you put it in a big box and keep it in storage area of site thing
<Tuomey> Vince: you fail this class unless you hand up your own work :|
<EdAWACS> I excelled in myu novel study of 1984
<EdAWACS> but no one cared
<EdAWACS> :<PixelWarrior> yeah…
<PixelWarrior> putting stuff in a box is not great containment procedures
<Vince> Tuomey: no seriously, read that essay
<Vince> xD
<AndarielHalo> would you prefer a room filled with honey requiring 2 level three personnel keys?
<Vince> or at least the abstract
* DrUnderwood [~ti.orutufni.ecivres.492FBB75-CRInys|criordna#ti.orutufni.ecivres.492FBB75-CRInys|criordna] has quit [Client exited]
<Vince> AndarielHalo: link?
* DrUnderwood [~ti.orutufni.ecivres.492FBB75-CRInys|criordna#ti.orutufni.ecivres.492FBB75-CRInys|criordna] has joined #site19
<AndarielHalo> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/andarielhalo tab 3 Single-use Door
<ameertg> AndarielHalo: I feel like using SCP-XXXX causing anxiety etc. is a bit of a cliche. But then again I'm new here and so my word is not law.
<PixelWarrior> halo: You need to be clear about how it disappears
<AndarielHalo> it disappears
<AndarielHalo> as in, it was there, then suddenly it's not
<PixelWarrior> yeah that's very un-scientific
<PixelWarrior> that tells me nothing
<AndarielHalo> how do you put that scientifically?
* thedeadlymoose [ten.srerednaw|sire#ten.srerednaw|sire] has joined #site19
* mode/#site19 [+qo thedeadlymoose thedeadlymoose] by ChanServ
<PixelWarrior> you be clear about what you mean by disappear
<AndarielHalo> It disappears
<AndarielHalo> It's there, thens uddenly it's gone
<PixelWarrior> disappear is visual, A., and does it leave the content of the barrier behind, B.
<AndarielHalo> No
<AndarielHalo> It was there, blink, no trace of it remains
<PixelWarrior> be clear about that because disappear means you can't see it
<ameertg> I don't think "drug bust" is a professional term.
* Widths [PI.32735173.D0B9E404.D2DF323C|tibbiM#PI.32735173.D0B9E404.D2DF323C|tibbiM] has joined #site19
<AndarielHalo> how do I be clear about it?
<AndarielHalo> Seriously, how do I put it "scientifically"?
<ameertg> How you said it above
* qptain_Nemo [~gro.ypeelsdnayzal|Nq#gro.ypeelsdnayzal|Nq] has quit [Client exited]
<PixelWarrior> "The after closing, all physical components of the door instantaneously vanish, with no evidence of its existence left behind, the material the door was installed into remains normal and reverts to a state prior to installation."
<PixelWarrior> Or something like that
* dexandroid [~moc.sulet.sseleriw.20EE7987-CRInys|kcufaxed#moc.sulet.sseleriw.20EE7987-CRInys|kcufaxed] has joined #site19
* mode/#site19 [+o dexandroid] by ChanServ
<AndarielHalo> just the first time, I hope?
<PixelWarrior> which is basically the same thing, except "disappear" leaves lot's of room for extremely different interpretations
<ameertg> Once closed a second time the door instantly dematerializes, leaving no trace of its existence.
<dexandroid> Guys
<ameertg> yes?
<AndarielHalo> I seriously don't see how "disappear" would be considered "unscientific"
<ameertg> Disappear means invisible
<AndarielHalo> I'm pretty sure actual scientific documents would use "disappear" in the same context
<Eskaway> disappear is literally "you can't see"
<Eskaway> not "you can't touch"
<PixelWarrior> ^
<Eskaway> "it was visible, now it isn't"
<Eskaway> "become intangible"?
<ameertg> appear, disappear
* Magnolia [PI.32735173.A88CB518.C0C70ABE|tibbiM#PI.32735173.A88CB518.C0C70ABE|tibbiM] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
<AndarielHalo> •cease to exist or be in use.
<ameertg> be in use?
<Eskaway> which letter defitinion is that?
<AndarielHalo> http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/disappear
<AndarielHalo> to stop being visible, to stop existing, to become lost
<AndarielHalo> to cease to be
<Eskaway> the first one is correct, the others are colloquial
<Bream> I think the concern is that there are multiple meanings, some of which are not what you intend.
<AndarielHalo> It's fucking…
<ameertg> http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/disappear
<AndarielHalo> this is becoming hyper-semantic
<PixelWarrior> it's not
<AndarielHalo> It is
<Eskaway> it's correctly semantic
<Eskaway> these are things that are taken into consideration when using clinical tone
<ameertg> ^
<AndarielHalo> this is ridiculous
<ameertg> Its not that big of a deal. Just change the word
<Eskaway> semantics isn't a curse word, it's a legitimate concern, especially in a document written in a specific tone
* Widths is now known as Magnolia
<ameertg> No need to have a debate about it
<AndarielHalo> it's hyper-semantic
<AndarielHalo> "Disappear" means several related things, it's not just automatically wrong and out of place
<AndarielHalo> it's not like I'm saying "gone, yo. Went poof"
*** Deimosaurus [rorret.etamitlu.eht|ylamonied#rorret.etamitlu.eht|ylamonied] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 28.0/20140314220517]]
<ameertg> Its not that big of a deal just change the word
<Eskaway> okay, who wrote the things that says "disappear" in it?
<ameertg> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/andarielhalo