A few weeks ago, I got a PM from a member asking about a project he wanted to do that could possibly bring in money for the site. Details were scarce, so I noted it to other admins and asked him for more information. Here's his pitch (personal info removed):
Thanks for getting back to me! I had thought that there was no reply to my original message, because I never received a notification. I'm glad that I checked back into my account on this wiki!
Here's my idea:
I'd like to create a comic book of the SCP. I have past experience with editing comics, writing for them and also the business/logistics side. As well, I still have my contacts in the industry. I'm pretty confident that I could set a SCP comic up at a major publisher.
My idea would be to create an SCP comic book that showcases the depth of quality of this universe, presenting it to an audience that probably hasn't been exposed to it. I'd also like the comic to redirect people back to the original online source via information and URLs. I haven't thought much about storyline or premise, or if it's anthology/stand-alone or some sort of ongoing cast of characters. That part won't matter if the SCP admins/owners/whatever you prefer to be called don't come onboard this idea.
Perhaps the closest approximation of what this comic would look like would be one of the many licensed comics out there today. There are comics based on movies (Star Trek), tv shows (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), games (Halo) and so on. The DNA of this SCP comic would be the same, but this would also have the cool distinction of being the first (that I know of) transmedia property to be converted into a comic.
OK, so let's suppose that everything I propose so far gets executed respectfully and properly creatively. Besides more exposure to a wider audience, what other benefits would the SCP, the stories' creators and the community get?
1. Creative material that can be used to further enhance the wiki. I love the photos and artwork that get used for the various SCPs, but I also know that some of this material is borderline copy infringement. I believe that it would help the SCP if original artwork (it could be illustration or even image quality artwork) could be developed and then properly owned by the SCP. It would enhance the storytelling and also push the atmosphere of the interactive fictional world even further.
2. Income. Creatively, there is already amazing potential in the SCP universe. I believe that there can also be the real possibility of generating income for not only the SCP organization (to help with future growth and expenses) but to also serve as the springboard for the individuals writing the fiction. Look at what is happening with eBooks and fan fiction; already, several authors have made the leap from writing for online forums to working, full-time professional authors. Besides making fun, scary stories, I would like to help the creative individuals find ways to a) develop their own careers, and b) profit from their creativity. The great thing about this is that nothing has to change about the collaborative world of the SCP; rising talent can still get their entries published, and attract fans, through their display of imagination and creativity. Now they would also get the shot of being able to breakthrough into being a professional paid for their creativity.
3. Growth. If the comic book project works out, this could turn into a viable model for other publishing works. Books, games, even a TV show down the road. But it goes back to the idea that really excites me: proof of concept for a new, 21st century way of creators being able to contribute to a larger, macro world but also get exposure and grow their own budding careers. Why can't the SCP foster the next wave of creative talent that's broken through into the mainstream, like Charles Stross, Stephanie Meyer or Andy Weir? We could show that there can be a new way for this model to be done. Imagine if the artists and writers working on Marvel Comics were allowed to share in the popularity & profit of their creations and not just Stan Lee. That's the kind of vision that I'm thinking of.
That's the majority of my idea. Specific details and protective clauses can be worked out, but there's no point worrying about that unless there's interest and consent from The Powers That Be.
I understand that talk is cheap, and that trust needs to be earned on both sides if this idea can move forward. For that reason I'm going to step out of the shadows and reveal my identity so you can check me out online. My name is [REDACTED], and I'm on Twitter [REMOVED]. I created the movie website called [EXPUNGED], I've written 2 comic books, and I'm also a creative director for a digital agency. I always want to make something cool and fun, and this is my definition of it.
I don't know if there's several people at the decision making level of the SCP that need to be involved with his or if it's only you, but I would really like for us to make something that's beneficial on several levels, and not just for us, but for the next wave of SCP writers that don't even know that the SCP exists yet.
Thanks for agreeing to hear me out, and let me know what sort of questions you have or if you'd like to discuss this via phone or with the other decision makers.
Best Wishes,
For what it's worth, I was able to quickly confirm the credentials he posted, aside from the two comics he'd written. For what it's worth, he's also written for Cinescape and Vanity Fair.
There are two issues I see immediately. One is the age-old question of how we deal with the money. We still haven't gotten that hammered down. The second is whether or not he could find a publisher interested in making comics that were under our CC license. At least it's better thought-out than most of the proposals we get.