So, not sure how many staff are aware, but there was a sudden influx of new members today and the forums got slammed. We had, at one point, 35+ unanswered draft threads. Granted, I've generally been able to alleviate this a bit by accepting apps on a bit of a delay and screening for people who have sandboxes and sending them a special message advising them to use the I&B forum if the content was problematic, but… it's no secret that the forums are hilariously understaffed and crazy thankless to the point of being an active drain on the reviewers.
Plenty of drafts the Forum Crit/butterfly squad team goes through end with "get the base concept checked in the ideas and brainstorming forum before you try to fix the full draft". I'm wondering if now is the time to implement a step for newer authors with heavily problematic drafts necessitating that they get their ideas checked before writing anything new, and before receiving detailed feedback that ultimately might go to waste if they just fix up the small details draft while ignoring the conceptual issues.
I brought up the proposal before the summer: but since there were some comments against it (granted, from staff who don't regularly post in the help forums), I didn't push for implementation.
All that said… I'm going to be increasing my IRL work hours in January. I won't be able to keep an eye on the forums and jump in several times a week to pick up slack, and I don't want any staff to feel guilty for not contributing to what's pretty much the most thankless and ill-appreciated task on the entire site.
As a general note of the average experience… today I picked up five threads to critique at my own pace while I did chores. When I was 2/5 done, three more threads were posted, one of which that had two drafts.
This is on top of going through apps and keeping the forums clean and commenting on all the responses I get on threads I've already left a review on. We need something to make the forums more efficient, because soon I won't be around as much to help turn the tides.