So, we know Licensing has been in a really bad situation. Admins have discussed this, and we've decided to suspend the Licensing Team's functions except its core function:
Be available & knowledgeable enough to answer questions on Creative Commons licensing, both to other staff and ordinary users.
This suspension is temporary, but it does not currently have an end date. Either admins or the Captain of the Licensing Team may choose at their discretion to lift this suspension, once they feel that the team is able to handle the job.
In other words: if someone brings a licensing violation to you, record it. If you feel it's hugely pressing and are able to take care of it, you may do so, at your discretion, or if asked to by an administrator. There is no need to consider typical violations "pressing", however, and no need to seek out violations elsewhere.
Licensing should still prioritize answering user questions about the Creative Commons License.