e: PM sent, kindly written by Clef because I have a migraine and can't make words good. Officially warned, hopefully that's enough.
e: PM sent, kindly written by Clef because I have a migraine and can't make words good. Officially warned, hopefully that's enough.
Replied to my PM:
So should I avoid giving critique at all? I fully agree with your statement and would like to know does this crime of mine persisted in all my critique or in certain ones? I just like to get a clearer picture of my severe and careless acts so as to insure that such acts of misconduct is not committed by me. I personally take usually a cautious approach which here I have clearly failed to do. I formally apologize for any harm and misconduct I have done and will definitely take your advice with all seriousness. I thank you for informing me and I am sincerely sorrowful for my wrongs.
Despite the hyperbolic and near self-flagellant tone of the message, I believe he's being earnest here due to previous comments. I'll reply in the morning unless somebody beats me to it.
One more reply from him:
Dear ProcyonLotor:
I have searched and found the list pertaining to what I did wrong on O5 Command therefore I wanted to inform you that I will suspend all attempts to critique other people's drafts until I establish more proper grammar praising and the like. I have decided upon this as clearly from what I have noted I am not yet ready nor experienced enough for that privilege and be more mindful of my actions on other areas of the forums. I will be more mindful of my actions in the future.
Humbly stating, EdAWACSdenyY
Hopefully that's it, then.
I will suspend all attempts to critique other people's drafts until I establish more proper grammar praising and the like.
I kiiiinda get the feeling that he's missing the point here, seeing as the issue with his feedback wasn't just that he was praising the wrong things, but also that he was giving misleading information.
He seems sincere though, so I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt.
Aaaaand plagiarism.
The following article1 was posted to the CI Wiki by EdAWACSdenyY today.
Users pointed out that it was quite similar to the Ethics Committee Orientation. 'Similar' meaning the exact same premise, plot, and dialogue, only written worse. Several staff (myself included) had told him, repeatedly and explicitly, that this draft was more or less plagiarized when he shopped it around chat.
He popped into 17 very shortly afterwards, where the following happened:
- EdAWACS (ten.sulet.aishcb.E092764D-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.sulet.aishcb.E092764D-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
<+ProcyonLotor> EdAWACS, we need to talk.
<EdAWACS> Yes?
<EdAWACS> What is it?
<+ProcyonLotor> You recently posted this to your site: http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/human-resources
- Echo (siht.rofdeks|reveni#siht.rofdeks|reveni) has joined #site17
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to Echo
<+ProcyonLotor> Upon the most basic of investigation, it was determined to be plagiarized from this:
<+ProcyonLotor> http://www.scp-wiki.net/ethics-committee-orientation
<Nala> ProcyonLotor: Ethics Committee Orientation [Tale] (rating: +387, 12 revisions, 47 comments) - tags: orientation, tale
<+ProcyonLotor> Just because you switched the wording around does not mean it is not entirely the same content and premise.
<+ProcyonLotor> That is plagiarism.
<+ProcyonLotor> And that is bad.
<+ProcyonLotor> Like, death serious.
<EdAWACS> I didn't mean to plagirize
<EdAWACS> But I will remove it
<%Echo> You were told this by a number of people.
<+ProcyonLotor> ^
<+ProcyonLotor> You were warned.
<+ProcyonLotor> Repeatedly.
<+ProcyonLotor> By staff and user alike.
<%Echo> That on top of the poor writing, it was incredibly similar in tone, content, and intent to the previously mentioned story.
<%Echo> Also
<%Echo> Random aside, EdAWACS
<%Echo> If you and the other admins focused on getting actual members, vetting them, and promoting quality control
- Zyn (PI.39BA640C.4E9D6CE8.CC4D9E3|tibbiM#PI.39BA640C.4E9D6CE8.CC4D9E3|tibbiM) has joined #site17
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Zyn
<%Echo> And spent less time jacking each other off on the admin site
<%Echo> http://falchionvalley.wikidot.com/noted-members
<%Echo> And writing shit like this
<%Echo> You might actually get a wiki going
<EdAWACS> I'm sorry I never meant to plagirize
<EdAWACS> I apologize
<EdAWACS> I'll remove it
- EdAWACS has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Article has been removed as of writing, but I do not buy the "I didn't know" excuse as he was outright told, very clearly that it was plagiarism.
He might have changed the text, but this is still plagiarism. Something should be done.
I'm very nearly 100% sure that this is not at all plagiarism. It's derivative, and I don't even think it's derivative of that orientation (just derivative of other material, of which the EC Orientation is also derivative, though executed much better).
Though if someone like Troy, who has to deal with this professionally, wants to weigh in here, I'd welcome that quite a lot.
I'd actually posted on CI earlier… noting that it was pretty darn similar, down to the conversation progression (e.g. "you've heard the jokes" vs. "you've heard the rumors")
Given that Ed once wrote a song parody that essentially had half the original song still in there verbatim, I'm thinking this is non-malicious and more of an attempt to replicate style than outright plagiarism. I would've liked to see acknowledgment of the article he used as inspiration/format help, but I don't think it was necessary to take it down completely.
Heck the CI has a CI-version of the "message from the Administrator", incorporated into their equivalent of a site "about" page: http://ci-wiki.wikidot.com/about
Given that I don't know that much about plagiarism, yeah, I'd like TroyL's opinion on this.
If he were a student, I'd have failed him for the project, but not for the class. I have no idea if that clarifies anything or not for people, though. Effectively, it's like this:
If you're toeing the line so incredibly hard that you're extremely careful not to commit plagiarism, you're probably aware that what you're doing is wrong. As my father used to say, "If you have to make sure no one is looking before you do something, there's a good chance you're sinning."
Also, noting that there's probably been some misunderstanding. I don't know when Ed went to 19 to ask about feedback, but here's a #site17 conversation:
22:45 EdAWACS um just for clarification
22:45 EdAWACS I didn't post that tale today
22:45 EdAWACS it was 3 days ago
22:45 Bright That's one of those big gray things with a long nose and tusks
22:46 EdAWACS And I'm not sure about something
22:46 EdAWACS I don't have any records
22:46 Bright Then post it all in one go, stop posting little snippets.
22:47 EdAWACS did someone say it was plagirized ? I only remember Proycon mentioning that but I never got the implication on that day from people that it was a rip-off
22:47 EdAWACS It could be me or I may have misunderstood what people were saying
22:47 Zyn Someone mentioned that people in chat told you it sounded familiar
22:49 EdAWACS That I remember that but I don't remember others condenming it
22:49 Zyn I wasn't there
22:49 Zyn which channel was this?
22:49 Zyn Someone should be able to pull logs.
22:49 EdAWACS Did I tell them I was going to post it on the CI? I remember I did say
22:50 EdAWACS site19
22:50 EdAWACS the deadly moose was there as well as tumoney
22:50 EdAWACS I asked people there to look it over
22:51 *** salvagebar joined #site17
22:51 EdAWACS the thing I did remember people saying was that it was badly written and super villain cliche
22:52 EdAWACS an one mention of "thematic plagirism" from procyonlotor was that my warning back than?
I told him to let the people on the CI wiki know and to wait until staff has reached a consensus. I personally think this was blown out of proportion.
Doesn't read as plagiarism to me. Not saying I don't see where the accusation is coming from; it's very definitely a spiritual ripoff, and could not and would not have been written without the existence of the Ethics Committee Orientation. I would definitely recommend a warning for the general "liberties" that the CI wiki has taken with regards to borrowing concepts and structures from the SCP wiki, but a general friendly-advice "you're basically just doing our shit and tweaking it to make it your shit" rather than a disciplinary warning. Regardless of where Ed got the ideas from, it isn't a copy-paste job; he literally wrote all the words in the page. for better or worse.
I feel this is, at most, a Licensing Team issue as an uncredited derivative. Not having taken place on the wiki, I can't see it as a violation of Site Rules and therefore a disciplinary offense. I am open to alternate suggestions for future policies or precedent, however.
I feel this is, at most, a Licensing Team issue as an uncredited derivative. Not having taken place on the wiki, I can't see it as a violation of Site Rules and therefore a disciplinary offense.
This sums up my views.
Living the dream, or dreaming the life?