So, Oculism is another example of the running low-level user who tends to bring the tone down consistently without going far enough to get kicked or banned. Until, of course, they do.
Just irritated everybody today, got kicked for making a shitty gender joke, was generally intolerable, and then got so bad people were just screaming for ops in side channels. Logs are pretty long and unsorted, but believe me when I say this is a typical example of the user's general behavior, their claim that it was their cousin and they were in the shower aside.
Also, they claimed they were in the shower and it was their cousin. I know, right? Been a while since I've seen that one.
8:15:33 PM → Oculism joined (~ten.labolgcbs.ntlvsn.deepsthgil.3BB199D7-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.ntlvsn.deepsthgil.3BB199D7-CRInys|tibbiM)
8:15:34 PM B<borderpatrol> did u call me a woman
8:15:43 PM → monorail joined (ac.lleb.lsd.6F96793C-CRInys|CRIiwiK#ac.lleb.lsd.6F96793C-CRInys|CRIiwiK)
8:15:44 PM S<spookybee> im a woman
8:15:48 PM A<Avocadonut> also borderpatrol: don't tell my girlfriend to stop anything
8:15:48 PM M<monorail> what's up heteros
8:15:50 PM N<+neutralmanners> it's 2k18 when are men gonna stop assuming that there's a default gender
8:15:52 PM B<borderpatrol> omg relatable
8:15:53 PM A<Avocadonut> :>
8:15:54 PM M<mlister> Hi monorail
8:15:59 PM A<Avocadonut> monorail, i beg to differ
8:16:00 PM S<spookybee> monorail: most of us are gay
8:16:05 PM A<AndarielHalo> i invented the monorail
8:16:05 PM B<borderpatrol> i will tell ur girlfriend whatever reeee
8:16:06 PM N<+neutralmanners> 100% true
8:16:07 PM O<Oculism> what
8:16:12 PM S<spookybee> ops
8:16:13 PM M<mlister> monorail: How did you know I was in a straight mood
8:16:15 PM S<spookybee> kill this fool
8:16:19 PM C<CuteGirl> borderpatrol: don't ree
8:16:23 PM M<monorail> B)
8:16:24 PM B<borderpatrol> im not gay
8:16:26 PM S<spookybee> feed him to the spider
8:16:29 PM B<borderpatrol> im just fake straight
8:16:31 PM O<Oculism> dID yOu jUSt AsSuMe mY sEXuAl oRIenTAtiON?
8:16:41 PM ← Oculism (~ten.labolgcbs.ntlvsn.deepsthgil.3BB199D7-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.ntlvsn.deepsthgil.3BB199D7-CRInys|tibbiM) was kicked by &Dexanote
8:16:42 PM N<+neutralmanners> "im not gay!!!! im not gay!!!!!" i say as i slowly shrink to the size of a corncob
8:16:45 PM B<borderpatrol> watch out you'll get yelled at for jokes like that
8:16:49 PM → Oculism joined (~ten.labolgcbs.ntlvsn.deepsthgil.3BB199D7-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.ntlvsn.deepsthgil.3BB199D7-CRInys|tibbiM)
8:16:50 PM B<borderpatrol> yeaaaa like that
8:16:51 PM A<AnaPara> ok but like
8:16:53 PM A<Avocadonut> h
8:16:56 PM B<borderpatrol> a kick works too i guess
8:16:57 PM C<CuteGirl> Dexanote: wrong fool
8:17:00 PM A<AnaPara> maybe they were on two levels of satire
8:17:02 PM D<&Dexanote> i am aware
8:17:02 PM B<Burning_M> So what are the newest SCP submissions that din't get downvoted into deletion
8:17:04 PM O<Oculism> a
8:17:07 PM B<borderpatrol> hey dexanote hi
8:17:10 PM M<MobileMagnus> .lc
8:17:10 PM J<%jarvis> mobilemagnus: SCP-4223: [Shard of Xaos] (written 2 hours ago by Zekos) -
8:17:10 PM mobilemagnus: SCP-4472 (written 6 hours ago by Researcher Huntston) -
8:17:10 PM mobilemagnus: SCP-4170: Fallen Mystery (written 6 hours ago by Karem) -
8:17:11 PM B<Burning_M> Or how could I pull that up?
8:17:11 PM B<borderpatrol> how's ur life been
8:17:13 PM M<MobileMagnus> ^
8:17:23 PM D<&Dexanote> borderpatrol, avoid the reeee thing, it's making fun of autistic people and thats not cool
8:17:24 PM O<Oculism> wait
8:17:25 PM C<CuteGirl> Dexanote: not actually questioning u tho
8:17:30 PM B<borderpatrol> wait it is
8:17:31 PM D<&Dexanote> CuteGirl, am aware
8:17:33 PM yeah it is
8:17:34 PM B<borderpatrol> oh ok then i guess
8:17:43 PM D<&Dexanote> Ye
8:17:44 PM B<borderpatrol> that's odd
8:17:49 PM O<Oculism> was that just a misclick or was i purposely kicked
8:17:49 PM B<borderpatrol> lemme search this up im curious now
8:17:51 PM O<Oculism> cute just confused me
8:17:56 PM C<CuteGirl> Dexanote: cool just wanted to be sure. Hadn't seen that person's message before I said
8:18:08 PM A<AnaPara> i should write that scp some time hm
8:18:14 PM D<&Dexanote> Oculism, lets not do the DID YOU JUST ASSUME dipshittery here, its dumb
8:18:16 PM M<monorail> Oculism probably it was on purpose considering the message from immediately before it happened ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8:18:16 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: no you were also an idiot it was deliberate
8:18:18 PM D<&Dexanote> AnaPara, do it or else
8:18:23 PM CuteGirl, don't call people idiots
8:18:25 PM kay?
8:18:26 PM B<borderpatrol> apparently it is
8:18:38 PM D<&Dexanote> we all gonna be friendly now okay thankx
8:18:42 PM B<borderpatrol> what if i called my friend an idiot in jest are jokes okay here
8:18:46 PM M<mlister> Oculism: Cute things confuse me
8:18:50 PM too.
8:18:58 PM It's horrible
8:19:05 PM O<Oculism> dexanote no no no its fine getting called an idiot doesnt even faze me lol
8:19:06 PM D<&Dexanote> borderpatrol, thats fine, nvm
8:19:14 PM M<mlister> Everytime I come across a kitty, I stand there trying to come to terms with reality
8:19:20 PM C<CaptaiOSnKirby> SCP-4321
8:19:20 PM B<Burning_M> Oculism, seems that it was treated poorly, because one it was in bad taste, and two it was a shitty joke
8:19:20 PM J<%jarvis> captaiosnkirby: SCP-4321: Sometimes I Look At The Sky So I Can Feel Small (written 2 months ago by Captain Kirby; rating: +190) -
8:19:26 PM C— CaptaiOSnKirby almost at that 200
8:19:38 PM B<Burning_M> Oculism You can have one or the other but not both
8:20:04 PM C<CuteGirl> Dexanote: my b. I'll be good to the new ppl
8:20:14 PM D<&Dexanote> ye please
8:20:17 PM A<AnaPara> i haven't actually changed my password or logged into my account since i last mentioned that
8:20:19 PM hm
8:20:19 PM D<&Dexanote> we are all aspiring to be friends here friends
8:20:25 PM B<borderpatrol> i've been here for a while and want to actually post something good lol
8:20:39 PM L<Levi> Dexanote: hello fellow friend
8:20:45 PM how do u do
8:20:46 PM D<&Dexanote> f u leiv
8:20:48 PM P<Postmo> #italiano
8:20:52 PM M<monorail> has there been anything super good posted recently? i haven't been around for a while
8:20:52 PM D— &Dexanote dabs aggrassively
8:20:53 PM L<Levi> :(
8:20:59 PM M<monorail> like "i had to re-register with nickserv" a while
8:21:05 PM N<+neutralmanners> oh dear.
8:21:06 PM B<borderpatrol> all my ideas are too bizarre to execute correctly
8:21:06 PM L<Levi> hi monorail
8:21:11 PM M<monorail> hello
8:21:21 PM .pronouns
8:21:21 PM S<+Secretary_Helen> monorail: monorail uses the following pronouns: she, her; I have no record of accepted pronouns.
8:21:27 PM O<Oculism> "dabs aggrassively"
8:21:29 PM ive lost your trust
8:21:30 PM M<monorail> ahh, helen remembers me <3
8:21:44 PM S<spookybee> we all dab here
8:21:46 PM B<borderpatrol> one morning im looking out the window of my car and i thought i saw something in my front house window, so i squinted and stepped out to see a better view
8:21:49 PM S<spookybee> 'tis the secret handshake
8:21:51 PM S— spookybee dabs at Dexanote
8:21:53 PM <Jazstar> spookybee: You can't make me dab
8:21:57 PM ⇐ subtletea quit (||eh) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
8:21:59 PM B<borderpatrol> there was nothing, but then i looked out the window again and swear i saw a figure
8:22:09 PM and i was like "extradimensional car window scp pls"
8:22:30 PM → VinylS joined ⇐ &soulonphone quit • CaptaiOSnKirby → CaptainKirby, taylor_iOStkin → taylor_itkin
8:22:45 PM M<mlister> .sea suicidal
8:22:46 PM J<%jarvis> mlister: SCP-3854: Self-Objectification via Suicidal Ideation (written 15 days ago by mlister; rating: -9) -
8:22:48 PM M<mlister> monorail: Check that out^
8:22:57 PM B<borderpatrol> wait there's pronouns in this chat
8:22:59 PM .pronouns
8:23:00 PM S<+Secretary_Helen> borderpatrol: I'm sorry, I don't have any record of pronouns for borderpatrol
8:23:02 PM B<borderpatrol> nani
8:23:11 PM A<AndarielHalo> scp-002
8:23:11 PM J<%jarvis> andarielhalo: SCP-002: The "Living" Room (written 10 years ago by Unknown Author; rating: +882) -
8:23:15 PM N<+neutralmanners> -9?
8:23:20 PM A<AndarielHalo> none of the links are working for me
8:23:22 PM i'm scared
8:23:23 PM B<borderpatrol> thats it im gonna do it
8:23:28 PM M<mlister> .helenhelp
8:23:29 PM S<+Secretary_Helen> mlister: You can find a list of my job responsibilities here:
8:23:30 PM B<borderpatrol> how do u guys feel about an extradimensional car window
8:23:34 PM M<mlister> borderpatrol ^
8:23:40 PM O<Oculism> ….-9?
8:23:52 PM i thought that skip had more than that
8:23:55 PM M<mlister> Oculism: People have NO taste nowadays
8:24:00 PM M— mlister hmph
8:24:18 PM B<borderpatrol> did you just hmph in the chat
8:24:22 PM — Jazstar chucks a chocolate bar at mlister
8:24:22 PM B<borderpatrol> banned for harassment
8:24:35 PM M<monorail> on the surface an extradimensional car window doesn't mean anything to me
8:24:35 PM B<borderpatrol> no bullying allowed on this wholesome chat
8:24:37 PM O<Oculism> hmph
8:24:39 PM M<mlister> Jazstar: I'm allergic to chocolate
8:24:42 PM <Jazstar> borderpatrol: Calm it
8:24:49 PM M<monorail> and we already have a lot of stuff that's like "here's a window to another universe" or whatever
8:24:49 PM BUT
8:24:50 PM O<Oculism> borderpatrol you just got hmphed
8:24:51 PM B<borderpatrol> im kiddin but alright
8:24:52 PM M<mlister> Are you finally trying to get rid of me
8:24:54 PM B<borderpatrol> oh no
8:24:58 PM M<monorail> good enough execution could make it work
8:24:59 PM <Jazstar> mlister: Exactly. I get to feel good /and/ get chocolate back!
8:24:59 PM M<monorail> absolutely
8:25:02 PM B<borderpatrol> i've gotten hmphed my soul it's tainted
8:25:13 PM i don't feel so good
8:25:22 PM O<Oculism> monorail its a car window so its automatically better
8:25:24 PM N— +neutralmanners rolls eyes
8:25:28 PM N<+neutralmanners> anyways
8:25:29 PM M<mlister> Jazstar: My spirit will cross the Pacific just to haunt you
8:25:37 PM C<CuteGirl> .pronouns
8:25:37 PM B<borderpatrol> extradimensional car window
8:25:38 PM S<+Secretary_Helen> CuteGirl: CuteGirl uses the following pronouns: she, her, they, them; CuteGirl accepts the following pronouns: they, them.
8:25:39 PM A<AnaPara> also like, regarding the eldrite human hater scip what number is that again?
8:25:47 PM Cy|AFK → Cyril
8:25:48 PM M<mlister> I'll damage your books, and make sure each piece of furniture smells like the day you bought it
8:25:52 PM A<AndarielHalo> elder itch
8:25:57 PM <Jazstar> D:D:D:D:D:D: NOOOOOO
8:25:57 PM D<&Dexanote>
8:25:58 PM J<%jarvis> dexanote: Mobile Fighter G Gundam - Mind is Clear and Serene - Though My Palm is as a Raging Fire Extended - length 6m29s - 1997↑27↓ - 403,151 views - Jesus ql Yamato on 2012-08-21
8:25:58 PM W<%weryllium> AnaPara: !SCP-1171
8:25:58 PM J<%jarvis> weryllium: SCP-1171: Humans Go Home (written 6 years ago by DrEverettMann; rating: +1246) -
8:26:03 PM B<borderpatrol> mlister i'll steal ur umbrellas on a rainy day
8:26:18 PM M<mlister> borderpatrol: Jokes on you that's everyday.
8:26:23 PM You'll never stop.
8:26:30 PM B<Burning_M> What's the best joke SCP?
8:26:32 PM B<borderpatrol> smacks roof of car
8:26:34 PM A<AnaPara> ok so detail i noticedd
8:26:38 PM about 1171
8:26:44 PM B<borderpatrol> this baby right here /has an extradimensional window/
8:26:49 PM C<CuteGirl> Burning_M: 420J
8:27:01 PM A<AnaPara> so, if they're writing messages on they're window to begin with
8:27:14 PM B<Burning_M> !SCP-420J
8:27:14 PM J<%jarvis> burning_m: Page not found.
8:27:17 PM B<Burning_M> Fuck
8:27:22 PM I don't know what I'm doing
8:27:23 PM A<AnaPara> they must be intending for someone to see them, right?
8:27:46 PM T<taylor_itkin> !scp-420-j
8:27:47 PM J<%jarvis> taylor_itkin: SCP-420-J: The Best ████ in the World (written 8 years ago by Quikngruvn; rating: +617) -
8:27:54 PM A<AnaPara> but they're inside the living room, which means they forgot how writing things works because it gets mirrored
8:27:59 PM on the outside
8:28:06 PM B<Burning_M> Thanks taylor_itkin.
8:28:11 PM taylor_itkin → taylor_critkin
8:28:12 PM T<taylor_critkin> np
8:28:15 PM B<borderpatrol> yknow what'd be scary what if like ur life was played out but out of order
8:28:29 PM like you wake up at the age of 45 "what the hell"
8:28:36 PM then the next day ur 13
8:28:37 PM <Jazstar> taylor_critkin: Nobody thanked /you/. Burning_M thanked taylor_itkin. God, get it right.
8:28:53 PM T<taylor_critkin> oh
8:29:12 PM B<borderpatrol> oh
8:29:26 PM C<CuteGirl> Jazstar: but who was phone
8:29:29 PM B<borderpatrol> fortnite scp
8:29:47 PM → Conwell joined (ten.tsacmoc.ap.1dsh.1790BAC6-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.ap.1dsh.1790BAC6-CRInys|tibbiM)
8:29:55 PM A<AnaPara> fork knife amirite hahahahahahahah
8:29:57 PM <Jazstar> CuteGirl: Trick question. The phone was you all along.
8:30:22 PM B<borderpatrol> anapara if u ever say anything like that again i will ensure you receive a 30 minute lecture from my mom
8:30:23 PM C<CuteGirl> Can we make fortnite a bannavle offence
8:30:33 PM ⇐ Bleepandroid quit (~PI.75544BD2.530504FE.67E673D5|criordna#PI.75544BD2.530504FE.67E673D5|criordna) Broken pipe
8:30:54 PM O<Oculism> fortnite is gonna die any day so i wouldnt think so
8:30:54 PM B<borderpatrol> scp chat rules: no fortnite
8:31:02 PM O<Oculism> we can just uh
8:31:14 PM A<AnaPara> does anyone have any tips for oppressing gamers
8:31:18 PM T<taylor_critkin> .s bus
8:31:19 PM J<%jarvis> taylor_critkin: SCP-4166: (Former) Teenage Succubus, SCP-4444: Bush v. Gore, SCP-3803: Custom-Made Business Cards, On the Go!, SCP-3911: Erebus, SCP-3149: Monkey Business and 21 more…
8:31:24 PM B<Bennings> We need Ben Shapiro and Sans in Fortnite asap
8:31:25 PM O<Oculism> tell them their favorite game sucks
8:31:26 PM C<CuteGirl> Jazstar: pls don't leave me with them on my own
8:31:29 PM T<taylor_critkin> .s bus -s 4
8:31:30 PM B<borderpatrol> ok im gonna go bye
8:31:30 PM J<%jarvis> taylor_critkin: Page not found.
8:31:31 PM A<AndarielHalo> sen bhapiro
8:31:31 PM ⇐ borderpatrol quit (~moc.rr.zib.tsew.12E79A4D-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.zib.tsew.12E79A4D-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
8:31:31 PM O<Oculism> tell them if theyre a console peasant that PC is better
8:31:35 PM T<taylor_critkin> fuck
8:31:38 PM — Jazstar pat pats CuteGirl
8:31:39 PM O<Oculism> and tell them if they're a pc man that console is better
8:31:47 PM tell them that gaming sucks
8:31:48 PM <Jazstar> CuteGirl: It's too late. Look behind you.
8:31:49 PM O<Oculism> etc.
8:31:49 PM B<Burning_M> That was an amazing article. Maybe one day I can write half as good
8:31:56 PM O<Oculism> and you will properly oppress a gamer
8:32:01 PM T<taylor_critkin> hey what's the article about the bus that talks
8:32:04 PM with the lights and stuff
8:32:10 PM C<CuteGirl> Jazstar: I spend too much time around teens as it is
8:32:16 PM B<Bennings> take a picture of them and put it in your cringe compilation
8:32:25 PM C<CuteGirl> taylor_critkin: do the wheels go round and round
8:32:26 PM N<No0n3Left> Fortnite is a bad game
8:32:26 PM A<AnaPara>
8:32:27 PM J<%jarvis> anapara: youve been gnomed.wmv - length 16s - 28926↑763↓ - 1,043,438 views - angie8051 on 2010-03-07
8:32:35 PM O<Oculism> no shit
8:32:44 PM C<CuteGirl> .y wheels on the bus
8:32:44 PM J<%jarvis> cutegirl: [1/10] Wheels on the Bus | Cocomelon (ABCkidTV) Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - length 3m49s - 787839↑428597↓ - 325,985,563 views - Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes on 2018-05-24 -
8:32:58 PM ⇐ Dr0Shadow quit (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.716E32A8-CRInys|495362diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.716E32A8-CRInys|495362diu)
8:33:01 PM A<AnaPara> ok but seriously i really hate hearing about how their teammates are <ableist slur>
8:33:04 PM N<No0n3Left> Found this worms-like game called hedgewars recently, its great
8:33:05 PM <Jazstar> When did this turn into a chat room for young teens? lolrandom humour isn't actually funny :/
8:33:23 PM A<AnaPara> your mom hahah
8:33:28 PM C<CuteGirl> Jazstar: about 2 days after it was made
8:33:29 PM M<monorail> got 'em
8:33:33 PM ⇐ Tesseract quit (~PI.2F5B155D.35B598A7.B87F1DAB|opiuqE#PI.2F5B155D.35B598A7.B87F1DAB|opiuqE) Ping timeout: 186 seconds
8:33:37 PM <Jazstar> CuteGirl: D:
8:33:39 PM M<mlister> Jazstar: I'm not even being ironic here
8:33:43 PM O<Oculism> yeah im 10 10 inches deep in ur mom haha goteem
8:33:46 PM M<mlister> That's kinda 19's shtick
8:33:58 PM <Jazstar> mlister: Yeah, but normally it's not /this/ bad. o.o
8:34:08 PM M<mlister> Like, all joking aside it's not *that* much of a dumpster fire
8:34:11 PM C<CuteGirl> Can we not just repeat the bad jokes from games pls thx k
8:34:22 PM ⇐ AnaPara quit (~PI.34882197.C2DD4073.9E6B8A4|tibbiM#PI.34882197.C2DD4073.9E6B8A4|tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
8:34:37 PM M<mlister> But at the same time it's huge and there's no filtering beyond "can you figure out how IRC works"
8:34:41 PM C<CuteGirl> I mean you didn't gave to leave
8:34:45 PM <Jazstar> lol
8:35:00 PM C<CuteGirl> I just meant stop beating the poor dea s horaes
8:35:28 PM → AnaPara joined (~PI.34882197.C2DD4073.9E6B8A4|tibbiM#PI.34882197.C2DD4073.9E6B8A4|tibbiM)
8:35:41 PM O<Oculism> im still trying to figure out what i could do for april fools
8:35:42 PM C<CuteGirl> A drunk woman spent like an hour talking random shit to me tonight and drastically improved my mood
8:35:45 PM A<AnaPara> disconnected because backspace makes the go back one page
8:35:54 PM O<Oculism> you see at my school im known for getting suspended yearly on april fools for doing crazy shit
8:36:14 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: not to be mean but that sounds annoying
8:36:19 PM <Jazstar> Oculism: So maybe this year pull the biggest prank of all and /don't/ do crazy shit and get suspended.
8:37:03 PM C<CuteGirl> It's not even Christmas let's not wish the year away
8:37:13 PM O<Oculism> april 1 tho
8:37:15 PM C<CuteGirl> .gis puppy
8:37:16 PM J<%jarvis> cutegirl: [1/10] Puppy - Wikipedia -
8:37:22 PM O<Oculism> you see
8:37:39 PM i was thinking about finding an empty room
8:37:41 PM getting on the intercom
8:37:42 PM C<CuteGirl> Gud dog makes happy
8:37:52 PM O<Oculism> and give a big speech about the chaos insurgency
8:38:01 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: idea
8:38:05 PM O<Oculism> for 15 minutes
8:38:20 PM N<No0n3Left> Oculism: Dont see how thats going to go undetected for 15 minutes, but ok
8:38:20 PM C<CuteGirl> Don't fucking disturb your schoolmates and their education for the lolz
8:38:24 PM <Jazstar> ^
8:38:27 PM O<Oculism> you see
8:38:28 PM i can time it
8:38:30 PM at a time
8:38:33 PM when nobody is learning
8:38:40 PM N<No0n3Left> Oculism: So anytime?
8:38:44 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: yeah and every one else will suffer
8:38:46 PM O<Oculism> yeah see he gets it
8:38:47 PM A<AnaPara> thats usign the ol noggin
8:38:57 PM O<Oculism> No0n3Left gets it
8:39:02 PM C<CuteGirl> Jazstar: is this like an 18+ thing
8:39:31 PM Can ypu guys genuinely not understand people go to school to learn sometimes or
8:39:40 PM <Jazstar> CuteGirl: I guess it must be.
8:40:02 PM O<Oculism> CuteGirl not at my school
8:40:30 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: someone does
8:40:34 PM O<Oculism> idk where you go to school but where i go nobody goes there to learn
8:40:36 PM well then
8:40:38 PM ill find that person
8:40:43 PM C<CuteGirl> You do not have the right to disturb their education
8:40:47 PM O<Oculism> and time the intercom speech maybe during their lunch time
8:40:47 PM <Jazstar> Oculism: If you genuinely don't understand that school is about education, you are too young to be in this chat.
8:40:56 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: I'm 21. I go to college.
8:41:14 PM A<AnaPara> ok but like
8:41:28 PM oculism…. how do you make a speech about the chaos insurgency
8:41:29 PM O<Oculism> …
8:41:30 PM N<No0n3Left> CuteGirl: No I get it, I mean, I wouldnt do it but depending on the situation I think stuff like thats kinda harmless. Also was joking
8:42:02 PM C<CuteGirl> No0n3Left: 15 minutes of interrupting education isn't great
8:42:13 PM S<spookybee> man you're just troublesome
8:42:16 PM M<mlister> Man, the last thing the site needs to be is on the news because some kid's april fools prank got mistaken for a terrorist plot
8:42:21 PM <Jazstar> ^
8:42:28 PM A<AnaPara> yeah that's probably a good point
8:42:50 PM O<Oculism> well the visitors per month rate would go up
8:42:53 PM jk
8:43:22 PM A<AnaPara> yeah like it'd be funny if everyone knew what the chaos insurgency was but they probably won't
8:43:37 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: it's like you want me to be mean to you
8:43:58 PM O<Oculism> shit you're learning
8:43:59 PM uhhhhhh
8:44:03 PM i gotta be somewhere else now
8:44:04 PM bye
8:44:04 PM <Jazstar> As an aside, there'll be a main switch to turn off the intercom, so you'd have probably 15 seconds, not minutes
8:44:13 PM A<AnaPara> owned
8:44:17 PM wait
8:44:25 PM play the you've been gnomed video
8:44:35 PM → coconutcream joined (PI.5C63408A.7537105C.C7EF679|tibbiM#PI.5C63408A.7537105C.C7EF679|tibbiM)
8:44:39 PM A<AnaPara> either that or the rick roll i guess
8:44:52 PM C<CuteGirl> Can we like. Pls not resort to "pwned xD"
8:44:53 PM N<No0n3Left> Jazstar: And usually the intercom system tells you what room is broadcasting, and usually a classroom only sends audio to the office not the whole school
8:46:00 PM M<monorail> i was too busy getting my ass kicked in splatoon to say this earlier but like
8:46:11 PM on top of all the other reasons this is a bad idea
8:46:15 PM it's also not like
8:46:16 PM funny
8:46:17 PM or a good prank
8:46:33 PM it's just someone talking for a while
8:46:41 PM A<Avocadonut> however if you can successfully infiltrate the office/communications room and somehow lock yourself in there and are okay with having a felony on your record, i'd say go for it
8:46:48 PM C<coconutcream> i just joined, what's the context of this convo
8:46:58 PM C<CuteGirl> coconutcream: pls no
8:46:58 PM O<Oculism> Avocadonut yeah they get it too
8:47:04 PM <Jazstar> coconutcream: You don't want to know. It's not worth the brain cells.
8:47:15 PM O<Oculism> please
8:47:16 PM C<coconutcream> aight
8:47:23 PM O<Oculism> you cant join this chat and not lose half of your brain cells
8:47:27 PM it just doenst work like that
8:47:29 PM A<AnaPara> well
8:47:31 PM O<Oculism> doesn't*
8:47:35 PM A<AnaPara> everyone loses them eventually
8:47:35 PM S<spookybee> you totally can
8:47:42 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: you can
8:47:47 PM It was grand at 12
8:47:50 PM C<coconutcream> i cant believe my brain was just replaced with a pool of water
8:47:53 PM O<Oculism> spookybee please tell me who this person is so i may congratulate them.
8:47:55 PM S<spookybee> y'all just need to not talk about enjoying being obstructive members of society for more than a day
8:47:56 PM C<Conwell> scp-4560
8:47:57 PM J<%jarvis> conwell: SCP-4560: Everything is Fine (written 3 days ago by Jacob Conwell; rating: +41) -
8:48:01 PM S<spookybee> like you are
8:48:17 PM C<CuteGirl> spookybee: but it's funny lol and edgy xD
8:48:25 PM <Jazstar> e d g y
8:48:36 PM O<Oculism> _
8:48:37 PM |
8:48:45 PM → Jish joined (~PI.0DBF4BF.3C49CCC1.6D12476E|tibbiM#PI.0DBF4BF.3C49CCC1.6D12476E|tibbiM)
8:48:59 PM P<Postmo> so the snake in harry potter was an asian woman this whole time?
8:49:11 PM N<No0n3Left> Wait what…???
8:49:14 PM C<CuteGirl> Postmo: no. Do not do this to me
8:49:15 PM <Jazstar> Postmo: … Wow did you just spoil that?
8:49:15 PM O<Oculism> what
8:49:24 PM C<coconutcream> sounds like something rowling would do
8:49:26 PM O<Oculism> guys
8:49:31 PM C<CuteGirl> I cannot take anything else tonight
8:49:35 PM P<Postmo> Is The Tweeting Song
jk rowling retconned a big snake into a lady so now at the end of the harry potter books a teenager hacks off a woman's head with a good boy sword
3:31 PM - Sep 25, 2018
363 people are talking about this
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8:49:37 PM J<%jarvis> postmo: This Is The Tweeting Song - 2018-09-25 - 1524 likes - jk rowling retconned a big snake into a lady so now at the end of the harry potter books a teenager hacks off a wom…
8:49:51 PM J<Jish> I just joined and I'm immediately elated to be able to take that out of context
8:49:51 PM O<Oculism> and we thought i was bad
8:49:59 PM P<Postmo> jk rowling retconned a big snake into a lady so now at the end of the harry potter books a teenager hacks off a woman's head with a good boy sword
8:49:59 PM <Jazstar> Oculism: You are bad.
8:50:08 PM O<Oculism> Jazstar yeah no shit
8:50:11 PM A<AnaPara> i thought that was a shitty "forced diversity" joke
8:50:28 PM P<Postmo> good boy sword is a very apt description of that sword that he pulls out of a hat for being a good boy
8:50:29 PM M<mlister> Wasn't the snake always female?
8:50:49 PM O<Oculism> okay uh
8:50:52 PM <Jazstar> As in, please either grow up or leave this chat so that the rest of us are spared your inane ramblings bad.
8:50:58 PM P<Postmo> AnaPara: apparently it's in the new trailer
8:51:09 PM C<CuteGirl> Oculism: don't take joy on annoying people
8:51:09 PM A<Avocadonut> …what the hell is happening here
8:51:25 PM T<taylor_critkin> Jesus Christ Jazzy
8:51:28 PM O<Oculism> Jazstar okay ill drop the act. You're taking this way too serious, lad.
8:51:31 PM taylor_critkin → taylor_itkin
8:51:35 PM J<Jish> I don't know and I'm thankful not to
8:51:35 PM C<CuteGirl> Avocadonut: bullying probably
8:51:37 PM O<Oculism> Much to serious.
8:51:38 PM A<AnaPara> why are people fighting
8:51:40 PM O<Oculism> too*
8:51:44 PM T<taylor_itkin> Ok, could I get some help
8:51:45 PM Ops?
8:51:45 PM A<Avocadonut> :V
8:51:49 PM T<taylor_itkin> this is getting out of hand dudes
8:51:56 PM A<AnaPara> didn't you people listen to imagine
8:51:59 PM P<Postmo> the guy who tweeted that is the guy who made Night in the Woods, so he isnt the sort of dude to make a 'forced diversity' joke
8:52:17 PM A<AnaPara> idk out of context it seemed like the sort of thing that would be an edgy joke
8:52:17 PM D<&Dexanote> okay what did i miss
8:52:24 PM D— &Dexanote looks at the names
8:52:29 PM D<&Dexanote> mlister, explain whats going on here
8:52:31 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> Ugh
8:52:41 PM O<Oculism> asjif
8:52:42 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> I'll get it Dexanote
8:52:45 PM → Metaphysician joined (~PI.49A4D373.B7A41E23.078E1423|tibbiM#PI.49A4D373.B7A41E23.078E1423|tibbiM)
8:52:46 PM P<Postmo> Night in the Woods is a very woke game
8:52:47 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> So, Oculism
8:52:47 PM D<&Dexanote> okay
8:52:53 PM O<Oculism> wait what the fuck is happening
8:53:04 PM D<&Dexanote> If you need anything procy summon me in the usual manner
8:53:12 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> I've just had your actions for the past, say, 15 minutes summarized for me
8:53:16 PM J<Jish> isn't that the game with all the rape symbolism?
8:53:25 PM C<CuteGirl> Dexanote: pentagram with stuff in It?
8:53:32 PM A<Avocadonut> ffs
8:53:45 PM C<CuteGirl> Jish: 😐
8:53:58 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> School shootings, gender shittery, and bringing the tone down
8:53:59 PM O<Oculism> FUCK
8:54:04 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> And you're not like
8:54:04 PM O<Oculism> God damn it.
8:54:09 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> A good user at the best of times
8:54:12 PM → jacrld joined (~jacrld@CCA4AE93:B9F44AE:F3E7F185:IP)
8:54:16 PM O<Oculism> Guys I'm sorry.
8:54:19 PM I was in the shower.
8:54:22 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> So is there any reason for me not to ban you right now and go about my evening?
8:54:25 PM O<Oculism> my cousin was talking
8:54:31 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> Okay bullshit.
8:54:32 PM S<spookybee> Aaaand there you have it
8:54:33 PM J<jacrld> that's a common excuse
8:54:37 PM S<spookybee> It's raining now
8:54:37 PM M<monorail> incredible all the shit you posted in the shower
8:54:38 PM J<jacrld> also it's in the rules
8:54:41 PM M<monorail> didn't your phone get wetn
8:54:47 PM S<spookybee> I'm gonna wake up with a runny nose
8:54:48 PM J<jacrld> your username your responsibility
8:54:54 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> I'm banning you and I'm skipping straight to a long ban for you trying to pull that lie over on us
8:54:54 PM S— spookybee crawls under Avocadonut for warmpth
8:55:00 PM O<Oculism> jacrld Well shit. A common excuse instantly rules out it's possibility.
8:55:06 PM Yeaaahhhhh
8:55:07 PM J<jacrld> no matter who is on your account, it's your responsiblity
8:55:11 PM it was in the rules
8:55:13 PM O<Oculism> I know that.
8:55:13 PM @ProcyonLotor banned *!* (+b)
8:55:15 PM B<Bennings> spookybee: Appreciate having a clear nose while you still can
8:55:16 PM J<Jish> get less shitty relatives
8:55:20 PM P<Postmo> Jish: Night in the Woods is the game about life in a Rust Belt town
8:55:28 PM A<Avocadonut> bennings: >:l
8:55:32 PM J<jacrld> .lc
8:55:32 PM P<Postmo> i have no idea what you're thinking of, Silent Hill maybe?
8:55:33 PM J<%jarvis> jacrld: SCP-4223: [Shard of Xaos] (written 2 hours ago by Zekos) -
8:55:33 PM jacrld: SCP-4170: Fallen Mystery (written 6 hours ago by Karem) -
8:55:33 PM jacrld: An Explosive Shout Cracks the Great Empty Sky (written 7 hours ago by Gabriel Jade) -
8:55:34 PM ← Oculism (~ten.labolgcbs.ntlvsn.deepsthgil.3BB199D7-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.ntlvsn.deepsthgil.3BB199D7-CRInys|tibbiM) was kicked by @ProcyonLotor: I'd say nice try but it wasn't a nice try. Month ban.
Sitting here right now I believe I let frustration get the better of me (I was called in very suddenly by a number of people from something I would have much rather been doing, and did not exactly appreciate seeing the cousin line trotted out), and that a month is, while perhaps supportable, not what I now personally believe to have been the ideal response. As such, I am moving it back down to a week.