So, I'm going to be out for a few days, and I figured I ought to leave my teams some instructions on what to do in my absence.
Start working on the sourcing model that Accelerando made, and do the image blocks whenever you feel like doing them. Take care of the ones with fewer images. When I get back, we can solicit volunteers under our direction to knock out the big pages. We'll use the small ones as examples.
Since we have the big inactive contributor/staff purview article list done, or at least done to the point that we can work with it, start putting stuff up for review. Make the seperate announcement thread and do them once per week. Start with Cash or Ash or something like that. Try to stick to what we talked to of cleanup vs. redoing.
We seem to be on a pretty good roll here. The only issue I remember is that we had people who didn't get assigned stuff because we had more people than social media outlets. Since other than that we were more or less self-regulating, I leave bluesoul in charge of extinguishing any fires which come up in my absence.
Hopefully my shit gets taken care of by the end of this week, and doesn't drag into the next. But it might, so if anyone needs additional instructions, I'll probably see any WikiDot PMs I get. Or if you just feel I ought to get a word in something, PM me for that as well.
Also tell Vivax he is the boss in Origins while I'm gone. Vivax, have someone send me reports of interesting developments IC.
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!