This is the Dec/Jan Junior Staff Promotion Thread:
Note: This thread is not for recommendations. If you feel that someone should be up for promotion, please PM me so I can add them to my list. This list is based off of the most popular suggestions for promotions among current staff members and site members. Team captains will be given special consideration for anyone they request for promotion.
This is still not a perfect process. It probably won't ever be. Promotion requires a solid majority, and in the case of close votes, the Team Captain's voice and Go-To administrator will be the deciding factor. This does not mean they will overrule someone that a large group of site members thinks is a bad idea. This is merely for very close votes.
Currently, we are staring down the barrel of the following promotions:
To Junior Staff: Accelerando, Anborough, Azzleflux, Bluesoul, Break, Crayne, CryogenChaos, FaminePulse, FlameShirt, FortuneFavorsBold, Gaffset, Nioki, ProcyonLotor, Rumetzen, ThatTallFellow, Tuomey, and Vivax.
Below is a list of the users and the teams we are planning to promote them to. Please consider the specific value that these people can bring to the teams they are being suggested for. If you feel they can make a strong, positive contribution to this team, please vote YES.
User Name | Team/s | Yes | No |
Accelerando | Images/Technical | Yes | No |
Doctor Anborough does not match any existing user name1 | Rewrite | Yes | No |
Azzleflux does not match any existing user name | Forum Criticism | Yes | No |
pxdnbluesoul2 | Technical/Internet Outreach/Images | Yes | No |
Break_Eternal does not match any existing user name3 | Reserve | Yes | No |
Crayne | Technical/Community Outreach | Yes | No |
CryogenChaos | Site Criticism/Rewrite | Yes | No |
faminepulse | Images | Yes | No |
FlameShirt | Community Outreach/License | Yes | No |
FortuneFavorsBold does not match any existing user name | Site Crit/Forum Crit | Yes | No |
Gaffney does not match any existing user name4 | Internet Outreach/License | Yes | No |
Nioki | Reserve | Yes | No |
ProcyonLotor | Community Outreach/Site Criticism | Yes | No |
rumetzen | Internet Outreach/License | Yes | No |
thattallfellow | Reserve | Yes | No |
Tuomey Tombstone does not match any existing user name5 | Internet Outreach | Yes | No |
Vivax | Site Crit/Rewrite | Yes | No |
Please reply using the following form for ease of tallying votes:
For each user you vote NO for, team leaders and administration request that you explain your reasons why. These people are popular choices, or they wouldn't be here. Explaining your objections is the surest way to help them overcome the problems you see them having and aid them in becoming a choice you would support.
PLEASE LOOK HERE BECAUSE THIS BIT HAS CHANGED: If you would "neutral vote" someone, please research them, at least slightly, before deciding. Links have been added to each person's profile for ease of research. If after researching them, you still have reservations, concerns, or are simply unimpressed, you should then vote "No." People who insist on Neutral Voting will have their votes counted as Negatives.
One small note: For future cases, we have no plans to promote anyone to "Reserve Staff." These three instances are special cases of people who have made major, significant contributions to the site, site culture, or site policy. They are being promoted to Reserve Staff because they rarely have time for the site now, but their previous achievements and opinons are still strongly valued. We look forward to the day when they can, again, be major, productive members of the site.
Thank for your help, all. This is an open election, so all Operational Staff, Moderators (both types), and Administrators should weigh in.