And the rollout is largely in place.
Current Issues:
- We haven't finished the reporting system for the Harassment Team, and I've yet to see the final draft of the Harassment Policy.
- Teams are currently undermanned and some people are stretched a bit to thin.
- Team Captains need to get with their Admins, or if they're unavailable for some reason, Moose or myself to talk about their Team's Structure. This is mostly just a "touching base" sort of situation.
Next Steps:
- The December Promotions are being carried out in the next few days, once we have the last few things in place. I would like to warn some of you up front: there are a lot of promotions. I will attempt to mention what team people are being pointed at as well, but there's a good chance that people will end up on several teams, to bolster our ranks.
- I will be getting together will Aelanna soon to talk about the site CSS that she's working on, which will also mean changes in the sidebars, top bars, and a few other things. Expect this soonish.
- We are still working on some of the projects from December. Sorry, but some of our administration had some things they had to take care of and personal issues to attend to. We thank you for being patient.
- Team Captains: Get in touch with me concerning your template. (If you don't know what a template is, then get in touch with me, concerning your template.)
Other things:
You'll notice that O5 looks a bit different. The Staff Structure is in a fairly prominent place, and some things have vanished from the side/top bars.
At the top right, in the topbar, you'll see the team pages. Please, review the pages you're a member of and make sure the information there is correct. Get together with your team captain and discuss things with them. The captain might even want to make an IRC chat or establish a method of communication. You are responsible for talking to your captain. Your captain isn't responsible for tracking you down.
On the left, you'll see that the archived pages now have their own little slot. These are mostly older pages which no longer serve a purpose or are outdated in some way. They're only here for record keeping purposes.
Additionally, the O5 wiki has been tagged. This is because all the reports you write will be automatically tagged, so long as you're using the system built into your pages. I went ahead and tagged just about everything while I was at it, to keep stuff organized.
I would like to note the following things, though, which team captains and members should keep in mind:
- How often you write a report,
- When you write a report,
- and What information that report contains,
…are things that should be worked out between you and your Go-To admin/admins. Disciplinary might update once a week with a list of issues, but technical staff is more likely to update once a month or two on projects, status of projects, etc. These are things to work out with your people, and they should be integrated into the tabbed documents which your page hosts, with the structure.
If there are any questions, feel free to ask away.