srgtmclennan is ~PI.2C8A878E.C3622C6.EF357DE3|nannelcm#PI.2C8A878E.C3622C6.EF357DE3|nannelcm * mclennan
srgtmclennan is identified for this nick
srgtmclennan on #site19
srgtmclennan using naamio.fi.eu.synirc.net Gateway to another dimension…
srgtmclennan End of /WHOIS list.
I was asked to log these:
[12:26] <Tecnicolor> http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/tecnicolor
[12:26] <ProcyonLotor> is it still racist? maybe, maybe not, I dunno enough to say.
[12:26] <Father_Matthew> That's true, Procyon
[12:26] <Aelanna> I have no clue what this conversation is about
[12:26] <srgtmclennan> nice
[12:26] <Aelanna> also, there appears to be a draft
[12:26] <srgtmclennan> I actually served
[12:26] <Aelanna> so hush all
[12:26] <srgtmclennan> I'm exmilitary
[12:26] <Killane> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Japanese_subcultures
[12:26] <ProcyonLotor> draft
[12:26] <Tecnicolor> Have in mind that I'll make an Addendum with a transcript of the infomercial as soon as I'm done with the rest
[12:26] <srgtmclennan> I served my fuckin country
[12:27] <Aelanna> srgt: Then how come you can't abbreviate "sergeant" properly? :p
[12:27] <SinGed> srgtmclennan: Thank your for serving
[12:27] <Joreth> Sgt
[12:27] <Joreth> santa giving toenails
[12:27] <srgtmclennan> Aelanna : hey i didn't defend my fuckin country so you could mock my spelling
[12:27] <Silber> srgtmclennan: not /that/ kind of draft
[12:27] <ProcyonLotor> Aelanna: he's not his military rank, he's Senor G. T. McLennan
[12:27] <Father_Matthew> here wego…
[12:27] <srgtmclennan> Aelanna : take it back
[12:27] <srgtmclennan> TAKE IT FUCKIGN BACK
[12:27] <Silber> Hey Echo
[12:27] <srgtmclennan> how many tours did u do, btw?
[12:28] <Aelanna> Echo, are you awake?
[12:28] <ProcyonLotor> echo, we got somebody you'll love to meet
[12:28] <Aelanna> There's a mil-wannabe in the channel.
[12:28] <SinGed> hmm
[12:28] <SinGed> Echo:
[12:28] <Killane> lol "wanging"
[12:28] <Aelanna> That aside
[12:28] <Aelanna> There's a draft.
[12:28] <srgtmclennan> Aelanna : so you're just going to offend someone
[12:28] <Aelanna> If you wanna milwank, do it somewhere else.
[12:28] <srgtmclennan> and _not_ take it back?
[12:29] <srgtmclennan> i fought so you could sit here, on ur arse and chat
[12:29] <srgtmclennan> and u're goign to disrespect me like that?
[12:29] <srgtmclennan> IM EX MILITARY MOTHER FUCKER
[12:29] <bluesoul> dude.
[12:29] <Aelanna> Yes, because I don't believe you.
[12:29] <Aelanna> OPS.
[12:29] <Father_Matthew> veteran or not, you're obnoxious, and you should just chill out
[12:29] <Tecnicolor> Let me guess
[12:29] <Killane> read the draft, was unimpressed, no hook
[12:29] <srgtmclennan> 'chill out'
[12:29] <srgtmclennan> my rage helped defend this nation
[12:29] <Tecnicolor> You saw your friends die face down in the mud so we could enjoy friendly chat?
[12:29] * srgtmclennan was kicked by Roget (Come back when you read the rules)
[12:30] * srgtmclennan (~PI.2C8A878E.C3622C6.EF357DE3|nannelcm#PI.2C8A878E.C3622C6.EF357DE3|nannelcm) has joined #site19
[12:30] <bluesoul> thanks Roget
[12:30] <PilotK> Reminds me of that copypasta volgun recorded.
[12:30] <srgtmclennan> … so serving your country is against the _rules_?
[12:30] <Killane> He's a silly little man
[12:30] <@Roget> srgtmclennan, if you don't stop being a shouty spaz, I'm going to give you a tempban
[12:30] <Tecnicolor> Is it just me or we're talking with Walter from The Big Lebowski?
[12:30] <srgtmclennan> Roget : seriously dont ban me, i'll try to calm down, sorry
[12:35] <srgtmclennan> I would like to report aelanna
[12:35] <srgtmclennan> how do i do so?
[12:35] <Killane> So when she styles her hair it looks like she's got a bald spot
[12:35] <bluesoul> srgtmclennan what
[12:35] <@Xiao> What's happening.
[12:35] <fizzymcbon> lol
[12:35] * @Xiao is disturbed from Minecrafting.
[12:36] <srgtmclennan> This person aelanna insulted my service
[12:36] <Tecnicolor> bluesoul I'll do it at #are14, then, ok? So it won`t disrupt the conversations here.
[12:36] <Tecnicolor> *#area14
Of note here is that Tecnicolor, the guy trying to get his draft looked at, was forced to retreat to #14 at this point due to the ongoing disruptive behavior in #19.
[12:31] <srgtmclennan> not so tough now huh
[12:31] <srgtmclennan> the fuck is ur problem anyway
[12:32] <srgtmclennan> i hate fuckers like u who disrespect members of their armed forces
[12:32] <srgtmclennan> who BUST their ASS
[12:32] <srgtmclennan> you can appologize at any point in time now
[12:32] <srgtmclennan> i'm waiting…
[12:32] * srgtmclennan waits
[12:33] <Aelanna> I'm only going to say this once: I don't believe you. None of the veterans I've ever known who are worth the oxygen they breathe slap people in the faces with their service. If you think your 'service', if it's even true, entitles you to belittle others online, then you are a shame upon the uniform.
[12:33] <Aelanna> If you keep harassing me, I will report it to the authorities.
[12:33] <srgtmclennan> dont spin this around on me
[12:33] <srgtmclennan> u said a rude comment to me before i started getting rude to u
At this point, he spoke to Xiao, of which the PM logs I don't have for obvious reasons. A few moments after that, Echo came back to his computer and summarily banned him from #site19.
[13:01] * srgtmclennan (~PI.2C8A878E.C3622C6.EF357DE3|nannelcm#PI.2C8A878E.C3622C6.EF357DE3|nannelcm) has joined #site17
[13:01] <srgtmclennan> Excuse me
[13:01] <srgtmclennan> I want my ban rescinded
[13:01] <srgtmclennan> and I want to put a grievence against echo
[13:01] <srgtmclennan> for oper abuse
[13:01] <%Wogglebug> Just so you know, an oper is somethign else.
[13:01] <%FlameShirt> pffffffft
[13:01] <%Wogglebug> He's an op.
[13:02] <%Aelanna> >.>
[13:02] <srgtmclennan> Thanks for clarifying that
[13:02] * Echo (cisum.nikkarf|htffonrut#cisum.nikkarf|htffonrut) has joined #site17
[13:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +h Echo
[13:02] <srgtmclennan> Is that an op order btw?
[13:02] <%Wogglebug> What.
[13:04] * Scantron is now known as Scanvisitsgrandparents
[13:04] <srgtmclennan> i'm filing a grievance against you echo
[13:04] <srgtmclennan> and i want my ban rescinded asap
[13:04] <srgtmclennan> this needs to be expidited
[13:04] <%FlameShirt> srgtmclennan: To who exactly?
[13:04] <%FlameShirt> And no.
[13:08] <srgtmclennan> HELLO
[13:08] <srgtmclennan> is there anyone here to take my grievance?
[13:08] <%Wogglebug> How would that be done?
[13:09] <%Wogglebug> What do you wish to happen?
[13:09] <%Wogglebug> For it to have been received.
[13:09] <%Silber> You're talking to a room full of chatops and site staff.
[13:09] <&Waxx> srgtmclennan I will hear your grievance, if you can kindly put it forth in explicit and clear terms
[13:09] <srgtmclennan> oh you guys are just chatops?
[13:10] <%Wogglebug> Everyone with a rank, excluding Nala, is a shat op or site staff.
[13:10] <&Waxx> Please be as concise and clear as possible
[13:10] <%Wogglebug> You should know who is who, if you've read the chat guide.
[13:10] <srgtmclennan> Okay, Wax : I am a bit pissed off, so sorry if this isn't super clear, but basically
[13:11] <&Waxx> Please be as concise and clear as possible
[13:11] <srgtmclennan> I had already talked to an op and straighten the situation out, then echo comes and immediately bans me without any warning
[13:11] <%Aelanna> (To be precise, Xiao handed it off because he was too busy with family holiday stuff to deal with it.)
[13:11] * DrMann (moc.rr.ser.cd.784749CB-CRInys|nnaMrD#moc.rr.ser.cd.784749CB-CRInys|nnaMrD) has joined #site17
[13:11] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao DrMann DrMann
[13:11] * Vince (ten.muiropmoc.nyd.mc.1ky.6BA5BC73-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.muiropmoc.nyd.mc.1ky.6BA5BC73-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[13:11] <srgtmclennan> and now he is just debating me in PM over why it's ok for a civilian like aelanna to just insult a military member like myself
[13:12] <%Aelanna> Permission to respond?
[13:12] <&Waxx> And exactly what outcome is desirable to resolve this for you
[13:12] <srgtmclennan> actually Aelanna, Xiao did not HAND IT OFF, he ended it, I have logs to prove it
[13:12] <%Wogglebug> Ael, hold for a moment.
[13:12] <&Waxx> Please stick to the topic at hand
[13:12] <%Echo> http://mibpaste.com/tihKr1 Here's the log, for anyone who cares, from the time it was executed, to this moment.
[13:12] <%Echo> Anyways, I'm off to work.
[13:12] <%Echo> Deuces~
[13:12] * %Echo (cisum.nikkarf|htffonrut#cisum.nikkarf|htffonrut) has left #site17
[13:12] <&Waxx> Thank you echo
[13:13] <srgtmclennan> Wow way to avoid the situation.
[13:13] <srgtmclennan> 'off to work'? yeah right, sure
[13:13] <&Waxx> Kindly answer my question if you would, srgtmclennan
[13:13] <&Waxx> The more you remain on topic, the faster we can resolve this
[13:14] <srgtmclennan> Waxx : the outcome i want is my ban rescinded, and for Echo to go on a probationary period where he is demoted to chatop
[13:14] <srgtmclennan> Thank you wax
[13:14] <&Waxx> Give me just a moment, if you please
[13:14] <%FlameShirt> You want him demoted to chat op?
[13:14] <&DrMann> Yes, McLennan, some people have jobs.
[13:14] <&DrMann> It's a thing.
[13:14] <%FlameShirt> I think we can do that.
[13:14] <&DrMann> You do work in exchange for money.
[13:15] <&DrMann> If you check your LES, you might be familiar with the concept.
[13:15] <srgtmclennan> DrMann : WHO THE F IS WORKING ON CHRISTMAS EVE
[13:15] <&Waxx> srgtmclennan
[13:15] <&Waxx> Two things
[13:15] <srgtmclennan> it was obviously an excuse to avoid the situation
[13:15] <&Waxx> I just got back from speaking with the high council and I am authorized to tell you two things
[13:16] <&Waxx> Number one, I just came home from working at my business on Christmas Eve
[13:16] <&DrMann> Lots of people. I'm only off today because I took leave. Christmas Eve is not a federal holiday.
[13:16] <&Waxx> And number two, in light of your animal rudeness, I'm afraid there's no room for us to grant either of your requests
[13:16] <srgtmclennan> My 'rudeness'?
[13:16] <srgtmclennan> I didn't start it.
[13:16] <&Waxx> Regardless of who started it, it is finished now
[13:16] <srgtmclennan> aelanna was overtly rude to me
[13:17] <&Waxx> Well I am sorry that your delicate sensibilities were offended
[13:17] <srgtmclennan> So can I atleast be unbanned? As a compromise?
[13:17] <&Waxx> No
[13:17] <srgtmclennan> WHAT?
[13:17] <srgtmclennan> Are u srs?
[13:17] <&Waxx> You're welcome to participate on the wiki if you like
[13:17] <&Waxx> But you are not welcome in the chat
[13:18] <&DrMann> I gotta say, if someone in my shop was this thin-skinned, they'd get torn apart.
[13:18] <%Aelanna> @Admins: Would you like me to provide a lot of #site19 from the beginning of the incident?
[13:18] <srgtmclennan> DrMann : not a suprise that u work retail, LOL
[13:18] <%Aelanna> …
[13:18] <&Waxx> srgtmclennan now that we've resolved that, I must say I do have one matter of personal curiosity to attend to
[13:18] <srgtmclennan> Waxx : nice charade of government
[13:18] <&Waxx> What branch of the military did you say you were in again?
[13:19] <srgtmclennan> this entire wiki and chatroom is not a democracy
[13:19] <&Waxx> That is correct
[13:19] <srgtmclennan> it's just you guys doing whatever the f you want, banning whoever you want, doing whatever
[13:19] <%Aelanna> The Internet is not a democracy.
[13:19] <&DrMann> …
[13:19] <&Waxx> And the chat is the least democratic of all, thanks to me
[13:19] <&Waxx> And I intend to see that it remains that way
[13:19] <%Aelanna> You are on our turf. You will play by our rules, or you can see yourself out.
[13:19] <srgtmclennan> You're power tripping
[13:19] <srgtmclennan> I believe WIKI
[13:19] <srgtmclennan> the terms of service
[13:19] <srgtmclennan> of wiki
[13:20] <srgtmclennan> is that it must be a democracy
[13:20] <%Aelanna> You're delusional if you think that you're so important that we are saddened by your departure.
[13:20] <&DrMann> You really don't have much military experience, do you? Shop is an informal way of referring to one's office. Y'know. In the military.
[13:20] <%Aelanna> And no, you're wrong.
[13:20] <%Aelanna> Absolutely nothing within the terms of service mentions anything about how each individual Wikidot community must be run.
[13:20] <srgtmclennan> DrMann : I served my fucking country
[13:20] <srgtmclennan> i'm ex military mother fucker
[13:20] <srgtmclennan> i'm tired of people saying that i am not
[13:20] <srgtmclennan> you kno whow fucking disrespectful that is
[13:21] <srgtmclennan> say that to my face
[13:21] <&Waxx> I'm just asking what branch you were in
[13:21] <srgtmclennan> special forces
[13:21] <&Waxx> oh, a REMF
[13:21] <srgtmclennan> army
[13:21] <&Waxx> Thank you for clarifying
[13:21] <&DrMann> "Say that to my face." Over the internet. Jesus Christ. If you're telling the truth, I am embarrassed by you.
[13:22] <&Waxx> Are you sure you weren't in the USO, srgtmclennan
[13:22] <%FlameShirt> srgtmclennan: You said you were in the Marines earlier.
[13:22] <%FlameShirt> Try keeping your story internally consistent.
[13:22] <srgtmclennan> flameshirt : no i didn't
[13:22] <srgtmclennan> paste me logs
[13:22] <srgtmclennan> you liar
[13:22] <srgtmclennan> don't try to discredit me
[13:22] <srgtmclennan> with lies
[13:22] <%Aelanna> He actually didn't, but that's irrelevant.
[13:23] <%Aelanna> I believe this conversation has stepped outside of the scope of this channel, as it is no longer regarding disciplinary action.
[13:23] <%Aelanna> Do you have any further issues to bring up with staff?
[13:23] <&Waxx> Agreed
[13:23] <&Waxx> Thank you for returning our focus Aelanna
[13:23] <srgtmclennan> yeah
[13:23] <srgtmclennan> how about the pervasive corruption
[13:23] <srgtmclennan> of all the chatops
[13:23] <&Waxx> I take it as a compliment
[13:24] <%Wogglebug> Hmm
[13:24] <%Wogglebug> What element of their actions do you feel is corrupt?
[13:24] <srgtmclennan> They're all just waxx's little puppets, that will do whatever waxx wants
[13:24] <%Wogglebug> (Waxx isn't in charge.)
[13:24] * Heiden (~ten.labolgcbs.nthpmm.deepsthgil.625EF9C-CRInys|nedieH#ten.labolgcbs.nthpmm.deepsthgil.625EF9C-CRInys|nedieH) has joined #site17
[13:24] <&Waxx> I'm not
[13:25] <%Aelanna> Admins: permission to speak freely?
[13:25] <srgtmclennan> coulda fooled me
[13:25] <Vince> That would be Thedeadlymoose, who isn't even online right now, as far as I can tell, srgtmclennan
[13:25] <srgtmclennan> whats his email
[13:25] <srgtmclennan> I am going to write him an email, and tell him exactly what's going on while he is gone
[13:25] <&Waxx> Let me find it for you
[13:25] <%Aelanna> We don't give out personal information, especially not to that of staff.
[13:25] <%Wogglebug> It's the dreadlords one, yeah?
[13:25] <&DrMann> Permission granted, Aelanna.
[13:25] <srgtmclennan> people trying to run things posing like they are in charge of everything
[13:25] <%Aelanna> You have the means to contact him if you wish.
[13:25] <%Aelanna> But let me make something clear here.
[13:25] <&DrMann> You can message him through the wiki, McLennan.
[13:26] <%Aelanna> Even if I did insult you, which I don't think any of the administration present here would agree with
[13:26] <ProcyonLotor> Sorry to interrupt, but kind of out of nowhere:
[13:26] <%Aelanna> I stick to my prior sentiment
[13:26] <ProcyonLotor> (02:25:53 PM) SinGed: Tecnicolor: I hate both Christmas and Christmas Eve
[13:26] <ProcyonLotor> (02:25:58 PM) SinGed: I hate christianity
[13:26] <srgtmclennan> aelanna : if it's not an appology (all i asked for in the first place) then i dont want to hear it
[13:26] <%Aelanna> Either you are lying out your ass about your supposed service, or you are a stain upon the honor of the United States armed forces through your behavior by expecting special treatment because of it.
[13:26] * bluesoul|away is now known as bluesoul
[13:26] <Heiden> ^
[13:26] <%Aelanna> All of that aside, you have shown a blatant disregard for the rules of IRC.
[13:27] <%Aelanna> You clearly did not read them, you have no idea who's in charge, who has authority here, and what rules you broke and when you broke them.
[13:27] <srgtmclennan> Special Treatment?
[13:27] <srgtmclennan> All i asked for was respect
[13:27] <srgtmclennan> and an appology
[13:27] <%Aelanna> You do not respect us, and we do not respect you.
[13:27] <srgtmclennan> what's so special about that
[13:27] <%Aelanna> Now, I'm going to ask you one more time: Do you have any real grievances you'd like to bring up, or are you going to continue spilling shit out of your mouth about supposed 'corruption' that doesn't exist?
[13:28] <srgtmclennan> It's self admited corruption
[13:28] * Aelanna sets mode: +b *!*@3ED753FE.6C2263C.E878A8C2.IP
- Timer 1 activated
- Timer 1 halted
[13:28] * srgtmclennan was kicked by Aelanna (You are no longer welcome here. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.)
[13:28] <Heiden> "special forces"
[13:28] <Heiden> hilarious
[13:29] <%Aelanna> Apologies if I'm over the line, but there's literally no good that can come out of entertaining this troll any further.
[13:33] <srgtmclennan> i hope u r happy
[13:33] <srgtmclennan> congratulations u ruined my christmas
I'm sure there are other relevant logs as well, but that's all I have. Not being an op, I have no recommendation for disciplinary action as a result of this incident.
Edit: Whoops, accidentally clipped off a line that was right before he was banned from #site17.