Lord above. From the facebook page, it's clear they know about the website, but, still.
Admin, SCP Wiki
Lord above. From the facebook page, it's clear they know about the website, but, still.
Admin, SCP Wiki
Well, they do list an email (moc.liamg|oiduts.gnimag.rebyc#moc.liamg|oiduts.gnimag.rebyc) to contact them with, and there's always the "Report this project to Kickstarter" button.
I can't believe they're going to get anything at all like 20,000 pounds when they can't even spell "a lot" correctly.
I sing of arms and the man
Storm-tossed by Hera's jealousy
In a secret location in the UK, a maxim security compound called the SCP Foundation, researches and learns about things that are not from this world.
a maxim security compound called the SCP Foundation
maxim security compound
son you better keep that softcore porn on lock god damn down, amonalies be wantin all up in it
I have a dear sweat spot for this game
son that's my maxim, you better not be abusin it
(from the facebook)
To give us the best feel for the movie and how to write it…. There is only one thing…. Playing the game… Please don't make me play it~! DX Scares the shit out of me!!!
son are you making a movie out of a video game you haven't played, i wish you would just stick to the maxim
So today, user "Agent" came into 17 and announced that they had contacted the people behind the movie. Upon request, he posted their communication:
Dec 22, 2013
Are you actually affiliated with
I really hope you are.
Adam Luke Reynolds
Adam Luke Reynolds
Dec 22, 2013
Report Spam
Sorry to say, we're not. However! We have been working with the resources from there and the creators info on all the SCP's. But we are looking to create different things and looking for any contacts to will help us make the film more realistic.
Dec 22, 2013
They know of this campaign, don't seem to be happy about it either. I would try harder at those attempts to contact them, or cancel this campaign. I do hope they greenlight it for you; a SCP movie would be sweet.
Adam Luke Reynolds
Adam Luke Reynolds
Dec 22, 2013
Report Spam
Oh? Please may you explain the reason why? Both me and my team would like to know why they are not happy about this?
I would like to know more about the reason why they are not happy about this?
Thank you for telling us and please reply asap as we are all here right now.
You need to contact them directly. Everything on that site is protected and owned by the members of the site.
My guess would be 1) no contact was made prior to asking people to give you money to make a movie based off of their property
2) the games were barely supposed to be made
As this is obviously incorrect in many ways, I stepped into 17 and had this conversation with him:
[16:49] Jekeled Agent: Hello. I'm Jekeled, Senior Staff on the wiki.
[16:50] Agent HI
[16:50] Agent his last reply: Adam Luke Reynolds says: Ah I see, well I can strongly respect that, however we are not using anything on that site to be put into this film. We have been running by the "original" creators guide lines of the use of his game. We've been using the default SCP's that are in the game, we've been checking to make sure no copy right laws are broken
[16:50] Agent as we are staying within the guidelines of the "creative commons". Thank you for informing us about this dilemma. If there was anything we wish to use for the film, we will ask about right s for the use of the content.
[16:51] Jekeled Agent: I'll cut right to the chase: your communications with the people making this movie were wrong. Badly wrong. You didn't mention CC, you spoke with a presumed position of authority, and you have in no way illustrated to him any issues that the actual staff of the SCP wiki have with his project.
[16:51] Wogglebug (We actually don't care about all but, like, one easily correctable thing.)
[16:51] Jekeled Please do not contact him any more and presume to speak for the site administration.
[16:52] Jekeled The /only/ issue we would have with this is the issue of the Creative Commons license, and I have not examined their project or site to see if they are compliant with that.
[16:52] Reject They aren't
[16:52] Tox Jekeled: The KS isn't.
[16:52] Jekeled That'll have to be taken care of, then.
[16:52] Jekeled But you are /not/ the person to take care of this
[16:53] Jekeled While I understand your reasoning and motivation, your assistance is not necessary and has only been detrimental.
[16:53] Jekeled Please do not do this again.
[16:53] Agent I understand that, and i never meant to make it sound like i am an admin, making sure to say things like they and their, but ill leave it to you guys. It started with me seeing the campaign and decided id only contribute if they were working with you.
[16:54] Tox That's the thing, though. May I PM you so I don't clog up 17?
[16:54] -->| ihp (~moc.rr.ser.oen.4467D5B7-CRInys|alliztahc#moc.rr.ser.oen.4467D5B7-CRInys|alliztahc) has joined #site17
[16:54] Agent sure PM away, either way im not talking to him anymore. just wanted to see what the backstory on the KS campaign was, and let you know.
[16:55] Jekeled Tox: Could you keep it in 17, please?
[16:55] Jekeled Tox: I'd prefer that no more misinformation or misunderstandings are spread/created
[16:56] Soulless ^
[16:56] Tox Right, of course
[16:56] Jekeled Thanks
[16:56] Tox
[16:57] Tox I think a brief explanation of CC is warranted, which is the angle I will now let staffly types pursue
[16:57] Jekeled Agent: So the big issue here is this: the only problem the makers of this movie have is CC license compliance. I'll explain what that means.
[16:57] Agent ok
[17:00] Jekeled Agent: We're under a Creative Commons license ( Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0, to be exact.)
[17:01] Jekeled Agent: What that means is that anyone is free to come along and reuse/remix our content AS LONG AS they provide both correct attribution back to the site and are also licensed under CC.
[17:02] |<-- Nusquam has left (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 26.0/20131205075310])
[17:02] Jekeled Agent: Right now, the project is not covered because they have not provided attribution or announced themselves as licensed under CC A-SA 3.0.
[17:02] Jekeled However, if they became compliant, we would have no issues with that and they would be free to do with it as they may.
[17:03] Tox *by-sa actually
[17:03] Jekeled (WITH the understanding that, since it's licensed under CC, others could use their work for the same use.)
[17:03] Jekeled Tox: Whoops, you're right
[17:03] Agent Ok, makes sense. And again, I didn't mean to sound like an admin or to cause any trouble, I tried to come at it as a concerned fan of the site. My apologies if any issues were created. Now i know, and knowing is half the battle.
[17:03] Jekeled I'll be back in 1 second
[17:04] Jekeled back.
[17:05] Jekeled Agent: Like I said, I understand. Just…don't continue doing it.
[17:05] -->| Roget (suruas.eht|esohw#suruas.eht|esohw) has joined #site17
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[17:06] Agent Well like you said it's not my place, so I'm no longer discussing it with him.
[17:06] |<-- Warscribe has left (Quit: German Translators needed |
[17:06] Jekeled Alright, thanks.
[17:08] Agent Well, thank you for taking the time to talk to me, keep up the good work! One of my favorite sites
[17:08] Jekeled Thanks, hope you continue to enjoy us!
[17:09] Agent Everyday, hope to one day make my own SCP entry one day. Cheers!
[16:21] Agent Anyone aware of this?
[16:22] Wogglebug Yeah.
[16:22] Agent someone is trying to fund a movie about the SCP foundation
[16:23] Agent ok, i saw it and was like, i dont think they can do this. i asked the guy if he was affiliated with you guys, he said no, but is trying to make contact
[16:23] Wogglebug Yeah, we've got a forum thing on it up on our admin site.
[16:23] |<-- Agent has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[16:24] -->| Agent (||tibbiM) has joined #site17
[16:24] |<-- Agent has left (Quit: Agent)
[16:24] Scanworks oddly enough, I like the name "Agent"
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[16:35] =-= nerdscribe is now known as Warscribe
[16:41] -->| Agent (||tibbiM) has joined #site17
[16:42] Agent for whoever cares, talked with the guy running the kickstarter campaign. heres the log
[16:42] Agent me: Are you actually affiliated with I really hope you are.
[16:42] Agent him: Sorry to say, we're not. However! We have been working with the resources from there and the creators info on all the SCP's. But we are looking to create different things and looking for any contacts to will help us make the film more realistic.
[16:42] ProcyonLotor you may want to put that in a pastebin
[16:42] Agent me: They know of this campaign, don't seem to be happy about it either. I would try harder at those attempts to contact them, or cancel this campaign.
[16:42] ProcyonLotor easier to read
[16:44] -->| Nusquam (stluser.etaidemmi.EERF.llew.desusid|seispoib#stluser.etaidemmi.EERF.llew.desusid|seispoib) has joined #site17
[16:44] =-= Mode #site17 +h Nusquam by ChanServ
[16:44] Agent <script src=""></script>
[16:44] Agent there
[16:45] Reject
[16:45] Reject This is what you meant, I assume
[16:46] Agent yeah, pastebin new to me
So Agent's been sorted out. Soulless should be currently emailing the movie guys about correct CC attribution and to clear up any misunderstandings; post will probably be forthcoming.
I emailed them at their "moc.liamg|oiduts.gnimag.rebyc#moc.liamg|oiduts.gnimag.rebyc" e-mail provided on their kickstarter because I don't have a kickstarter account.
I'm SoullessSingularity, moderator of the SCP Foundation. I'm here to contact you personally concerning licensing. It appears that a person unaffiliated with the SCP Foundation have provided you misinformation concerning what you may or may not derive from the SCP Foundation. I am here to hopefully clear things up. On the SCP Foundation, one of our admins (DrClef) has written up a guide for anyone interested in making derivatives. This can be found here:
The SCP Foundation operates under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. This means that you are free to make any derivatives you would like, including your current "SCP Containment Breach - The Film" project. The only thing that is required of those making derivative projects to also be under the same license and attribute back to the source, in this case being the SCP Foundation itself.
The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License is not a non-commercial license and you are free to sell copies of your film for profit. However, please note that other people are also free to create and share derivatives of your project as long as they also attribute appropriately.
I hope this cleared things up. If you have any questions or concerns I can be contacted on the wikidot site or you can also e-mail me back here.
EDIT: He has since edited the kickstarter to include the licensing guide and has e-mailed me back with this:
Dear SoullessSingularity,
Thank you for sending an email as we where looking for some contacts about this this.
I also apologize for making this waste some of your time, I am ashamed for doing so and really sorry to have this small drama accrue.
We will be following the guides you have given us and make sure we'll keep within the guidelines. Please also send my deep apologize to DrClef and anyone else whom may have been upset about this.
On another note, we are lacking in making this film happen, if your team wish to be part of it and make it happen we will happily accept you onto this project. Our original goal of making this film was for fun, experience and for a portfolio work. Nothing more, nothing less so profit isn't really a big thing for us, however we are happy to put 100% credit towards you for any SCP sources or content under your name.Again I'm sorry on behave of my team and myself for this mess, thank you for reading this email and hope you have a nice day.
Adam - CEO of Cyber gaming & Studios / Project manager of "SCP: containment Breach the film"
EDIT EDIT: Just to be sure, he has also added the link to Containment Breach. So we're like 150% cool.
Living the dream, or dreaming the life?