Annalea "Aside from the above, however, it has also become a quick and lazy means of labelling new subcultures as they emerge. Is something becoming popular which is unfamiliar, and it doesn't seem to have a name? Come up with a one or two syllable prefix, (Steam, cyber, clock, Tesla, note whatever else) throw the word punk on the end so that it appears fashionable to adolescents, and you're golden.
19:05 Annalea Bonus points if the entire portmanteau does not exceed three syllables, which is a big part of the point. "
19:05 gabbz well i mean the aesthetic of Venture Bros and Archer is kind of Spy Punk
19:06 Vince Annalea: yeah, I was looking over that and chuckling a bit
19:06 Vince because that's what this kind of devolved into
19:06 Annalea Yeah, it's kinda silly.
19:06 Silber That sentence is devaluization-of-the-suffix-"punk"-punk
19:06 Annalea Any conversation about establishing a new genre that includes a "-punk" genre term ought to be shot
19:07 Vince Also goddamnit, Netflix get Archer S4 up before 5 starts! I'm way the fuck behind!
19:07 gumbal1 > shooting conversations
19:07 FortuneFavorsBold New rule: SpyPunk isn't a thing
19:07 gabbz Annalea: well
19:07 FortuneFavorsBold it's just Secret Agent Schtick
19:07 tahunu What /does/ the "punk" thing mean, anyway?
19:07 gabbz Annalea: there's gotta be a reason it's popular
19:07 tahunu (originally, that is)
19:07 Annalea There's reasons iPhones are popular too.
19:07 Annalea There's reasons My Little Pony is popular.
19:07 Silber tahunu it comes from "cyberpunk"
19:07 Annalea That doesn't mean they're ubiquitous
19:07 Smapti I like it, Vince. I'm imagining a dystopian New York or Seattle in the near future, where it's always rainy, every wall and surface is covered with hand-mimeo'd posters for indy bands, everyone walks around in torn pants and jackets covered with buttons,
19:07 gabbz my little pony isn't very popular imo…
19:08 Roget|TF2 gabbz lol
19:08 Vince Smapti: yeah, it could be great
19:08 Smapti and all questions of honor are decided in dimly lit nightclubs that reek of Pabst, methamphetamine, and shame.
19:08 tahunu Silber: I'm not askin where it came from, I'm wonderin what it's supposed to mean :I
19:08 Silber .w cyberpunk
19:08 Nala Silber: (Cyberpunk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Cyberpunk is a postmodern science fiction genre noted for its focus on "high tech and low life." It features advanced science, such as information technology and …
19:08 Vince gabbz: have you been living under a rock since about 2010?
19:08 FortuneFavorsBold Normally what it means is that you're talking about a vaugely "utopia gone wrong" setting which exhibits technological capability impossible for the current energy source/time period
19:08 Djoric Punk means the story be about punks
19:08 FortuneFavorsBold and also talking about some force attempting to undermine the society as a whole
19:08 Roget|TF2 we should make an SCP based on late 1800's utopian communities
19:08 Roget|TF2 like the shakers
19:08 Djoric If the story be not about punks
19:08 Djoric It's post-cyberpunk
19:08 Vince Roget|TF2: Unlondon
19:08 tahunu understandles
19:08 Silber cyberpunk gas a certain sociopolitical tone beyond just semi-hard-sci-fi technology
19:09 Vince .sea unlondon
19:09 Nala Vince: UnLondon (rating: +133, 60 revisions) -
19:09 gumbal1 Roget|TF2: !SCP-1678
19:09 Nala gumbal1: UnLondon (rating: +133, 60 revisions) -
19:09 Smapti There was a utopian community not far from where I live. It collapsed due to internal debates over whether to allow nude swimming.
19:09 Roget|TF2 oh yeah
19:09 gabbz i mean how popular is popular
19:09 Silber self-determination, a defiance of authority and tradition
19:09 tahunu Vince: Sounds like it's the
19:09 tahunu puts shades on
19:09 gabbz MLP is like fringe-popular
19:09 tahunu London Underground
19:09 gabbz but i don't know if that really translates to anything notable
19:09 Silber the "punk".aesthetic
19:09 Annalea headdesks repeatedly
19:09 Roget|TF2 gabbz no it's… it's pretty popular these days
19:10 Tuomey hey tahunu
19:10 gabbz popular by what standards?
19:10 Tuomey pokes tahunu
19:10 tahunu hey Tuomey
19:10 gumbal1 Also roget why are you talking on mibbit instead of poosh kart
19:10 gabbz compared to CoD it's not popular
19:10 Vince Annalea: you okay?
19:10 tahunu pokes back
19:10 gabbz compared to american idol it's not popular
19:10 gabbz compared to instagram it's not popular
19:10 FortuneFavorsBold The genre-savvy among you will of course recognize that this is about unconventional aestetic as applied to conventional aestetics.
19:10 Roget|TF2 gabbz that's a dumb comparison
19:10 Tuomey tahunu: how is the london underground like the internet?
19:10 tahunu Compared to american idol eating is unpopular :I
19:10 * Geothermal joined #site19
19:10 FortuneFavorsBold And also ray guns and brass shit
19:10 Tuomey (o_o) (o_o)> ¬■_■ (¬■_■)
19:11 FortuneFavorsBold And weird energy sources.
19:11 Tuomey tahunu: it's a series of tubes
19:11 Dexanote tahunu: have you beaten pokemon xy yet
19:11 tahunu Hah!
19:11 tahunu Dexanote: NO
19:11 tahunu I HAVE EXAMS
19:11 Silber or should I say
19:11 gabbz i mean just what is your criteria for popular Roget|TF2
19:11 Dexanote OK
19:11 gabbz i'm trying to show you that just saying something is popular isn't enough
19:11 Vince gabbz: it's popular enough that we had to get a sidechannel built to divert discussion on MLP there
19:11 gabbz if you don't have some context
19:11 Silber the punk philosophy, without the aesthetic
19:11 tahunu has not been dossing off and playing other games
19:11 gabbz Vince: what is it?
19:11 Roget|TF2 gabbz a significant number of people liking it?
19:11 tahunu at all
19:11 Roget|TF2 Do you like, know what a brony is?
19:11 gabbz i know what a brony is
19:12 Silber .g the hub 2013 ratings
19:12 Nala Silber: (The Hub Ratings Scorecard – Week of Dec. 2, 2013 | TV Media …) The Hub Ratings Scorecard – Week of Dec. 2, 2013. Tweet. December 13, 2013 by Douglas Pucci in TV … The Hub. For the week of December 2-8, 2013.
19:12 gabbz bronys aren't even in the mainstream radar
19:12 DrRobWatson guys
19:12 Vince gabbz: okay, now you're just straight up fucking with us
19:12 DrRobWatson no no nevermind
19:12 Roget|TF2 gabbz lol
19:12 Vince DrRobWatson: no, what's up?
19:12 Roget|TF2 please do your research
19:13 Vince did you have a question or anything?
19:13 DrRobWatson got it already
19:13 Vince oh lol
19:13 Vince okay
19:13 gabbz Roget|TF2: 3 of my 5 roommates had never heard of MLP before
19:13 Tuomey gabbz: your argument is inconsistent to the point that I'm wondering if you're trolling
19:13 gabbz they are very mainstream dudes
19:13 Geothermal Ladies. Gentlemen. Third parties. I apologize for my extent leave of abscence, I spent the weekend getting sloshed
19:13 TheRaven Of course he's trolling
19:13 Roget|TF2 gabbz anecdotal evidence, my friend.
19:13 gabbz all i said was that MLP is not on the mainstream radar
19:13 gumbal1 there's a 50-50
19:13 Vince gabbz: and we said you're flat-out wrong
19:13 Silber That link doesn't work on my phone, but it shows the ratings of the new episode of MLP
19:13 Roget|TF2 "Guys my three mainstream friends totally never heard of it, but they heard of american idol"
19:13 FortuneFavorsBold gabbz: McDonalds has carried toys for it
19:14 FortuneFavorsBold your argument is invalid
19:14 gumbal1 gabbz: What is your definition of mainstream
19:14 Roget|TF2 "Therefrore nobody has heard of MLP"
19:14 Tuomey No, you said something was popular, then started saying "what is popular" when someone else brought up another popular thing, gabbz
19:14 Roget|TF2 gumbal1 if his roommates have heard of it
19:14 Silber Roget what are they, I can't read it
19:14 Roget|TF2 Silber one sec
19:14 gabbz no i was comparing MLP to other 'popular' things
19:14 Tuomey You are either being deliberately obtuse or deliberately disruptive
19:14 Vince FortuneFavorsBold: that is an excellent metric
19:14 gabbz that are popular by any definition of the word
19:14 FortuneFavorsBold Why not both?
19:14 gabbz to show that MLP is not popular in comparison to them
19:14 gabbz my rommmates had literally never heard of it
19:14 Roget|TF2 Silber most popular show on the network
19:15 Roget|TF2 by a lot
19:15 Roget|TF2 gabbz that is called anecdotal evidence
19:15 Roget|TF2 and it is invalid
19:15 FortuneFavorsBold gabbz: McDonalds has carried toys for it
19:15 * Soulless is now known as Soulless|Dreamin
19:15 Soulless|Dreamin Night guis
19:15 tahunu cya, Soulless|Dreamin
19:15 FortuneFavorsBold MC
19:15 Annalea Night Soulless~
19:15 FortuneFavorsBold DONALDS
19:15 salvagebar Roget|TF2 is a brony?
19:15 Vince gabbz: MLP is not popular among the people you know, perhaps
19:15 salvagebar My God
19:15 bluesoul heeey 19
19:15 gabbz what's the MLP channel
19:15 gabbz maybe we should talk about this there
19:16 Roget|TF2 gabbz it was scp-ponies, it's defunct now because people realized we could talk about it without being douchebags
19:16 Vince gabbz: maybe not, since you seem to want to deny all existence of the popularity of the thing
19:16 gabbz i'm not trying to deny that it exists
19:16 gabbz i think it's about as popular as anime or something
19:16 Vince "about as popular as anime" is basically saying "about as popular as books"
19:17 Silber three of my five friends have never heard of anime
19:17 gabbz 'about as popular as the anime subculture in america'
19:17 Smapti Books are for nerds, Vince.
19:17 gumbal1 gabbz: :|
19:17 Silber Vince: anime is way more popular than books
19:17 gabbz dude i mean, i'm not hating on MLP i feel pretty neutral about it
19:17 Roget|TF2 Alright, as an OP, lets stop talking about this. It's obvious gabbz is either willfully ignorant or trolling, and either way, this conversation is going nowhere
19:17 Roget|TF2 so lets move on
19:17 gumbal1 Anime subculture is pretty popular in America
19:17 Roget|TF2 lets talk about something else
19:17 gumbal1 Roget: didn't see stop order, sorry
19:18 Roget|TF2 np
19:18 Vince okedoke, what's next?
19:18 bluesoul let's talk about
19:18 bluesoul …
19:18 bluesoul i got nothin
19:18 Tuomey So
19:18 Vince Roget|TF2: did you give up on the "daily skip review" thing?
19:18 Tuomey how about those skips
19:18 gabbz i mean i wasn't trying to offend anyone about MLP
19:18 Echo I have an idea.
19:18 gabbz i don't have any negative feelings towards it
19:18 FortuneFavorsBold How are we all doing with our Christmas presents? :3
19:18 Roget|TF2 Vince no, it's coming back after the 2000 contest ina new form
19:18 FortuneFavorsBold I got mine done today
19:18 Echo Let's talk about Asian privilege.
19:18 Roget|TF2 FortuneFavorsBold, oh crap I forgot about that
19:18 Tuomey gabbz: you ignored the op order
19:18 bluesoul i should've done the christmas exchange
19:18 * lurkd joined #site19
19:18 - Tuomey has banned *!*
19:18 * gabbz was kicked by Tuomey (Tuomey)