Hello friends!
Over the years, *super secret staff chat* has gone through many evolutions, from just a place for the cool kids to hang out, to the official Senior Staff chat, and, well, now it's going through one again. As many of you know, we're working on a whole lot of shake up for the site, the staff, and such, and one of those involves what we use the SSSC for.
As of January first, 2014, we're going to ask that the only people in *SSSC* are either Staff, ops, or staff-in-waiting. If you do not know if you are Staff-In-waiting, please contact Troy, as he is the Admin with the lists.. If you do not fall into these categories, you will not be welcome in chat, no matter how much we've enjoyed your presence over the years. If you have any questions, please PM Bright, Troy, or Moose, as those three have been working on this.
People may be re-invited at Admin discretion. We hope everyone continues to enjoy the site, and all the new stuff we're doing!
-Bright, using the royal we.
Admin, SCP Wiki