Autumn Promotions, 2018.
These are votes of confidence. If you are unfamiliar or on the fence about someone, vote NO. Only vote yes if the candidate has your confidence and genuinely feels ready for promotion in your mind.
Please post even if you are abstaining from voting.
(I do not know exactly what our abstention thing is, so please, if there is an issue with this, tell me and I'll edit it.)
We have a new bit of policy: Staff may abstain from voting if it is in regards to a Junior Staff member moving to Operational Staff. If more than one third of staff abstain on a user, and/or less than 60 per cent of voters say yes, this is treated as a no.
However, staff may still not abstain from voting from Operational Staff to Moderator, or Moderator to Administrator. This change only affects from Junior to Operational.
For OS to Mod and Md to Admin, you may not abstain selectively. If you want to say YES for some and abstain from others, vote NO for those you are unsure of. If you Abstain, you abstain from this round entirely. You may change your mind once regarding abstaining, either to cast your votes or retract them all.
This promotion vote will end in:
Inactive Staff Removals:
User |
Status |
None Currently |
- |
I’ll update this if I’m informed otherwise, but at this time I do not believe there are any major staff removals or steppings-down.
Operational Staff Voting:
This is an open vote for all staff members.
Below is a group of suggestions regarding JUNIOR STAFF who Team Captains have nominated to be voted upwards to OPERATIONAL STAFF. Please read the commentary provided in order to help your judgement regarding these staff. If you feel they have displayed readiness, vote yes. If they are not ready, vote no; please explain your reasoning.
Junior Staff Member |
Captain Kirby |
Admin/Team: |
Zyn (Forum Crit) |
Why?: |
Captain Kirby has been an indispensable member of the Forum Crit team, especially with regards to helping out in the chat when responding to review calls for unanswered threads and working with newer users to develop their concepts. He’s also been great with addressing problematic or misleading feedback when it arises, and maintaining a good overall site presence as a level-headed, approachable individual. He’s been helping out for long enough and balances IRL commitments well enough that I feel confident nominating him for Operational Staff. Examples of recent work: here and [| here]]. |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
The only thing I can think of is just making sure to keep IRL first! I’ve seen Captain Kirby handle staff responsibilities well in the last few months, while also maintaining a very solid chat presence. Just remember that it’s totally fine to take a break from critting when you need a break! |
Junior Staff Member |
Fingo7 |
Admin/Team |
SoullessSingularity (Site Crit) |
Why? |
They've been religiously messaging me every week for the past 14 months, keeping me updated and abreast of their critting, as I've asked. They've attended every meeting I've ever asked them to attend, privately proposed policy and direction ideas for the site crit team, and I've had the luxury of watching them grow as a person in the meantime. I believe Fingo7 has been ready since the last promotion cycle, and I'm more than pleased to put them in the promotion cycle now. Examples of work can be found in this pastebin. |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
Fingo7 hasn't had the opportunity to publicly express their views on 05. I feel this may make them relatively unknown by the other staff, and I hope that this can be something overcome if they are promoted. |
Junior Staff Member |
Gabriel Jade |
Admin/Team: |
Zyn (Forum Crit) |
Why?: |
I admit I was a little on the fence here because Gabe is still relatively new to the team. That said, given his history as a community member and well-known level-headed writer, I feel that he deserves a chance this promotion round. I’ve also double-checked with him regarding the nomination and he’s comfortable with me putting his name forward a bit earlier than I would normally for newer team members that the rest of the site may not be as familiar with. Anyway, as stated, Gabe is an excellent community member and writer, and extremely level-headed as well. His critique reflects this as it is both straightforward and easily digestible without being abrasive. He’s been a great help to the team and will even jump in to assist if someone happens to run out of time while reviewing. Examples of recent feedback are here: and and |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
I do worry a bit about burnout for Gabe, given that he consistently provides longer wordcount and very thoughtful responses. He’s been good about pacing himself so I’m not particularly concerned, but I also don’t want being on the critique team to negatively affect his own creativity for writing for the mainsite (as was the case with me and a few other longtime Butterflies). |
Junior Staff Member |
LadyKatie |
Admin/Team |
Roget (INT) |
Why? |
LadyKatie has been invaluable in keeping me informed on some of the day-to-day INT functions that I don't always have time to address. The most recent example I can't link to because it's a harassment case, but anyone can approach me individually for a little more detail. I've gotten nothing but positive responses from the other INT representatives who say that LadyKatie is an excellent ambassador who makes them feel as though they are being listened to and that we care about their issues and will work to address them. That alone is worth its weight in gold, and I feel giving full OS authority can only serve to enhance that. |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
Sometimes when given an assignment she can forget or let it fall through the cracks. Recently she had volunteered to write up a press release for giving to official media outlets, however it has not appeared yet even after being reminded a few times. I feel that either having more focus on the assignments she takes on or being able to take more consideration into what she has time for would enhance her ability to serve staff. |
Dexa’s note: Roget also sent me a screengrab of multiple SCP-INT leaders vouching for LadyKatie after she informed them of her candidacy for Operational Staff. I took this as them backing her and supporting his above commentary. |
Junior Staff Member |
not_a_seagull does not match any existing user name |
Why? |
not_a_seagull is honestly one of the top JS that has ever gone through the Wikiwalk Team. I doubt we would have finished List II in anywhere near the same amount of time without them, as you can see by looking at our list HERE. They have always been a good person to bounce crosslink ideas off of, and have a keen eye for what kind of links work without mucking up a narrative. Additionally, they are very active on O5. If there is a topic of discussion I'll usually find a request to post in the thread, with an attached, well-read response. This is the kind of activity level we should seek in our Operational Staff. For these reasons, I feel not_a_seagull is more than ready to take up the OS mantle. |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
- |
Junior Staff Member |
Shaggydredlocks |
Admin/Team: |
ProcyonLotor (CO) |
Why?: |
Shaggydredlocks has been instrumental in putting Site News back on its feet. He took the initiative to work with Croquembouche and Varaxous to not only publish Site News, but develop multiple useful tools to streamline the Site News production and make it painless and easy. Shaggy’s work ethic is second only to his skill in working smarter instead of harder. |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
- |
Junior Staff Member |
Shaggydredlocks |
Admin/Team: |
Roget (IO) |
Why?: |
I'd also like to note that shaggydredlocks has indicated an interest in being added to OS, they've done good solid moderation work on the subreddit in addition to all of the projects like the user curated lists and the tale hubs on the scp series pages that I think are great for content navigation. |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
- |
Junior Staff Member |
taylor_itkin does not match any existing user name |
Admin/Team: |
Zyn (Forum Crit) |
Why?: |
This is a nomination I make in part from a suggestion from another Forum Criticism team member. Taylor has done a lot of work in recent months helping out with the Draft forums, and is very frequently present in #thecritters to help out with reviews or guide writers who may be new to the process. He’s gotten very good at writing straightforward, focused critique, and is particularly good at handling the extremely shaky pieces that are daunting to a lot of reviewers because the immediate instinct tends to be to try and address all of the simple “so obvious, it’s hard to not comment on” errors. Taylor consistently is able to pull direct examples and then address more overarching issues, rather than getting bogged down in the details and overwhelming the author with a super long critique. Examples of recent work: Critiquing a high-error, problematic piece: Critiquing a low-error, well-written piece: Addressing problematic forum behavior in staff post: |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
Aside from the immediate “he’s got a lot of IRL stuff to attend to, like school and work!”, I would like to see a bit more consistency so far as reviewing goes. Taylor does have a slight tendency to try to review a lot of articles at once. While this helps out a lot with addressing backlog, the quality of the reviews sometimes isn’t up to his usual standard when he does a lot in a single day, so some self-pacing would be good for those cases. |
Junior Staff Member |
Varaxous |
Admin/Team |
ProcyonLotor (CO) |
Why?: |
Varaxous is a diligent and tireless worker who consistently delivers on time and above expectations. She took the initiative to work with shaggydredlocks and others to bring the Site News up to date and keep it updated regularly. She has a strong work ethic and drive that would benefit the site greatly. |
Optional Areas of Improvement: |
- |
Candidate |
NO |
Captain Kirby |
Fingo7 |
Gabriel Jade |
LadyKatie |
not_a_seagull does not match any existing user name |
Shaggydredlocks |
taylor_itkin does not match any existing user name |
Varaxous |
||~ **Candidate** ||~ YES ||~ NO ||
|| [[*user Captain Kirby]] || || ||
|| [[*user Fingo7]] || || ||
|| [[*user GabrielJade]] || || ||
|| [[*user LadyKatie]] || || ||
|| [[*user not_a_seagull]] || || ||
|| [[*user shaggydredlocks]] || || ||
|| [[*user taylor_itkin]] || || ||
|| [[*user Varaxous]] || || ||
To Moderator:
This is a closed vote, only open to Moderators and Administrators.
Below is a group of suggestions regarding OPERATIONAL STAFF who Team Captains have nominated to be voted upwards to MODERATOR. Please read the commentary provided by Team Captains in order to help your judgement regarding these staff. If you feel they have displayed readiness, vote yes. If they are not ready, vote no; please explain your reasoning.
Operational Staff Member: |
pxdnbluesoul |
Team: |
Internet Outreach (Roget) |
Contributions to the Wiki and teams: |
Set up and ran it until the robot overlords came and took over. Set up officialscpwiki youtube/G+ pages (which have largely not been used). Co-moderated the /r/scp subreddit with Kens for around 4 years, and returned to head the moderation in June. /r/scp is our largest audience with over 133,000 subscribers (more than all other outlets combined) and around 2,000,000 views per month. Have occasionally acted as IO head during captain absences. |
Review and Feedback: |
A good and competent leader who also has high capacity to create and manage things, I think everyone knows that bluesoul is an excellent moderative candidate. As long as he can assure us he's here to stay I see no reason not to promote him. |
Operational Staff Member |
Modern_Erasmus |
Team: |
WikiWalk (Jacob Conwell) |
Contributions to the Wiki and teams: |
Active operational Staff for Wikiwalk, Forum Crit, Rewrite, Internet Outreach. |
Review and Feedback: |
M_E is, in my opinion, a fantastic member of the staff. As a Wikiwalk member, they have been a great second in command, both helping with a great chunk of List I and List II, and keeping on top of our current GoI Hub project. Additionally, as a member of the Rewrite staff, I feel they have helped to make a team that was basically just WrongJohnSilver run much smoother and expedited the maintenance of such pages as the MTF listing. Recently, their activity on the subreddit as a member of IO has provided a very positive example of our staff to the large fandom, especially in the wake of the June chaos. M_E is someone I fully endorse for moderator, for I feel they will excel there, and with them help to further improve the site. |
Operational Staff Member: |
tretter does not match any existing user name |
Team: |
Community Outreach (ProcyonLotor) |
Contributions to the Wiki and teams: |
Within Community Outreach's purview, Tretter has handled updating our staff listing, the guide rewrite, provided significant and necessary aid during the 4000 contest, as well as played a significant role in bringing about the semi-automation of Site News. He also performs duties for Internet Outreach and Technical. |
Review and Feedback: |
For all intents and purposes, tretter operates at the level I expect from a mod already. He has a vision for the site, and is a self-directed worker on projects that he is assigned. His admirable work on his many projects for our team, often handled largely alone, is above and beyond both the quality and time commitment I expect from any hypothetical moderator. Tretter continually makes good suggestions for the direction of the Community Outreach Team, and shows both great knowledge and critical thinking when it comes to policy discussions. His calm temperament is admirable, and I am confident he has the self-awareness and maturity to handle the power that would come with this promotion. I have no reservations about forwarding him for moderator. |
Operational Staff Member: |
tretter does not match any existing user name |
Team: |
Internet Outreach (Roget) |
Contributions to the Wiki and teams: |
Tretter leaps into any tasks given to him, and is currently assisting in managing multiple social media pages in addition to getting the Official Instagram page off the ground. He's also provided extremely level-headed and valuable input. |
Review and Feedback: |
Tretter has been one of the most amazing success stories for our community and I think he should serve as an example of how even the most seemingly hopeless newbie can grow and mature into being a paragon of the community. I think he's going to make an excellent Mod. |
Candidate |
NO |
pxdnbluesoul |
Modern_Erasmus |
tretter does not match any existing user name |
Vote YES or NO. Someone who you are ambivalent to should not receive your vote of confidence for staff. If you don't know who someone is, then I invite you to educate yourself and get to know their work before voting.
||~ **Candidate** ||~ YES ||~ NO ||
||~ **Candidate** ||~ YES ||~ NO ||
|| [[*user Captain Kirby]] || || ||
|| [[*user Fingo7]] || || ||
|| [[*user Gabriel Jade]] || || ||
|| [[*user LadyKatie]] || || ||
|| [[*user not_a_seagull]] || || ||
|| [[*user shaggydredlocks]] || || ||
|| [[*user taylor_itkin]] || || ||
|| [[*user Varaxous]] || || ||
||~ **Candidate** ||~ YES ||~ NO ||
|| [[*user pxdnbluesoul]] || || ||
|| [[*user Modern_Erasmus]] || || ||
|| [[*user tretter]] || || ||