New user DrGatsby has recently been making some posts that are verging on spam (some might actually be spam), most notably on his first introduction thread, which ininitially had the first post of:
i like this guy.anyway, other than the fact that bright just won my award for most insane staff EVER, I'm doctor gatsby.
I'm here to terminate you allcontribute.
i am with the chaos insurgencyMoorGames.
if you don't know what that is, its a community. i pwnown it.
im addicted to using strikethrough
It's since been edited, and now he has another intro thread. Noting here that moose stepped in to ask the guy to calm down, the post is here.
Also, this morning he made a post on a thread where a member was asking about where Dr. King/apple seeds references came from:
SCP-173 came from your mom mel gibson's basement
The post is here. I've stepped in with a Mod Post asking him to stop making spammy posts; if he doesn't stop, officially warn the guy.