As some of you are aware, I have been organizing an e-meeting of the administration teams from the various major SCP communities present on the web. It's been dubbed the "SCP International Congress of Community", or the SCP International for short. The primary purpose is to create an international space for the SCP community to interact with one another, and there are some secondary goals as well, proposed by different delegates to the meeting.
Currently, the communities I have reached out to and heard back from are:
SCP-EN(This is us) - We're being represented by myself, TroyL, Dexanote
SCP-RU is being represented by GeneR and Osobist. The third delegate is pending.
SCP-KR, the korean wiki, is represented by shfoakdls, Salamander724, Kazahn
SCP-CN - They haven't contacted me since I set up the organiztion site, but they are aware of the meeting and are probably going to have representatives in Areyoucrazytom, SunnyParallax
SCP-FR, the french, currently have one of their delegates, DrMarcus.
SCP-ES currently is only represented by Vlank, their master admin
SCP-RE is the SCP subreddit, and will be led by Kens and his two other mod-type guys.
SCP-DA is the deviantArt folks, and they're being represented by ZombieTiny and whoever he picks out on his end
SCP-WL - Vivax and Rumetzen are the current pair of delegates, and I was going to ask Mann to join in as their third when he has the time.
The SCP-PL folks have proven difficult to contact, but I have been getting some assistance from Petit Noir from the Russian wiki, and I should hopefully be able to reach out to them before the weekend is up.
The site being used to set it up is here.
I made this post just to let you guys know this is a thing that's happening. I'm quite excited about it, as I've always been big on having our community be more aware of the communities that exist around the web, and generally creating a more understanding and less snobbish culture. The best way to do this is to just have open channels of communication with each other. Some communities, like dA, are stuck with really unfair raps, and this conference is a big step towards overcoming that. We've also been able to get some extremely valuable ideas and projects from the currently limited communication channels we have with these communities, and hopefully we can build on these relationships through the meeting.
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!