SCP-1664 emerging from swamp water at Temporary Containment Sector ██████. |
Item #: SCP-1664
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1664 is to be contained in a 3 m x 1.25 m maraging chamber capable of being filled with clathrate-forming gas under an increased hydrostatic pressure and hypothermic temperatures at all times. The chamber is to be connected to an emergency generator outside the containment cell with sufficent power for 24 hours. The front of the chamber is to be constructed of a 5 cm thick bulletproof layer of glass-clad polycarbonate measuring 2.70 m x 90 cm, serving as the only entrance and exit to the chamber, operated through SCP-1664's containment cell's control studio. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes on the glass are mandatory.
Four video surveillances placed within the top of the cell's corners are to be concealed so that only the lenses are visible. Any cracks or dents in the glass are to be answered immediately by a team of eight guard stationed in the facility and equipped with flamethrowers, adhesive-lined grenades, torso & leg kevlar protection and M40 Field Protective Gas Masks accompanying a team of four technicians wearing full hazmat suits who will replace the entire glass sheet.
The chamber is to be stored in a 15 m x 15 m x 5 m cell made of 5 layers of steel, each 10 cm thick and separated by no less than 30 cm from the adjacent layers, each capable of being flooded with no less than 80 liters of petrol and promptly lit with no direct human involvement.
SCP-1664's containment cell is to be kept under a temperature of no more than -10 °C by two industrial-sized air conditioning units, each powered by no less than 2500 watts, concealed above the cell's roof, ventilating the cell through 10 elongated gaps per unit.
No physical interaction with SCP-1664 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than half of the station's onboard LEVEL 3 personnel. Any such interaction must be undertaken in a maximum security environment, preceded by a general evacuation of all non-essential site personnel.
Description: SCP-1664 is a bipedal humanoid-esque lifeform. The organism's height is estimated at 250 cm and weight at 190 kilograms. SCP-1664's form is incorrectly proportioned with an unnaturally wide and burly torso, anomalously long arms and legs with no defined joints and lacking any form of permanent digits.
SCP-1664 exhibits a complete lack of facial features or any otherwise memorable details of the oddly-shaped bulge assumed to be its head. No mouth, nose, eyes or ears have been distinguished as an explanation for the organism's capabilities of [REDACTED].
SCP-1664's form consists of a mass of thick and durable vines, stalks, and leaves entwined together with no clear [REDACTED]. SCP-1664 is speculated to lack organs and a pulse. The organism has demonstrated the capability of altering the physical proportions of the vines which constitute its body, having produced sharpened protrusions at the tips of its arms which it used as digits for hunting prey. SCP-1664's body has been observed to be dripping a green-tinted liquid which stings clothing and flesh, seeping through it and spawning ████ on the damaged tissue.
SCP-1664 appears to subsist on a carnivorous diet, bearing no preference for any specific type of flesh. SCP-1664 will typically rush for its prey and attempt to incapacitate it with its massive arms, occasionally ████ larger prey. All tests so far have yielded that the organism does not pose a sadistic urge to kill, instead ending its prey in swift ways, including but not limited to; crushing the skull and protruding through the chest with its massive fists. It will begin to devour its prey, often whole if the situation allows it, being capable of consuming an adult human in under [REDACTED] minutes.
SCP-1664 has so far proven to be incapable of producing any sort of vocalization whatsoever, suggesting the lack of a voicebox.
SCP-1664's containment procedures suggest it is capable of surviving extreme environments that would kill almost any other animal. The following are extreme states which SCP-1664 has demonstrated to survive:
Temperature – SCP-1664 has survived being frozen for ██ days in an airtight chamber under a temperature of -100 °C.
Pressure – SCP-1664 has survived in an airtight chamber for ██ days under a pressure of 74 bars.
Dehydration – SCP-1664 has survived in an airtight chamber for ██ days in a dry state.
Environmental toxins – SCP-1664 has survived high levels of toxins in its natural inhabitat, presumably through chemobiosis.
[[collapsible show="Audio log from Interview 1664-1:" hide="Audio log from Interview 1664-1:"]]
Interviewer: Dr. ████
Interviewed: Middle-aged African male of the Zogombro tribe
Investigation Case: #1664-1-A
<Begin Log, <1500 hours GMT+1 Time, ████ village in ████,Africa>
Tribesman ███: Good day to ya men!
Dr. █████: To you, too. We would like to ask you and and your elder a few questions. Do you have time?
Tribesman ███: Ask away, and I will do my best to answer if de Gods allow it.
Dr. █████: I'm sure they will. How many years ago did you first "spot" this… creature?
Tribesman ███: [Pauses to question the Chieftain in their native language. They converse for a few seconds] He saw it de day he had become a true memba of de tribe.
Tribesman ███: [Makes odd gestures with his hand, motioning for the sky] Many years ago.
Dr. █████: Please describe the creature.
Tribesman ███: [Addresses the Chieftain again for roughly two minutes] It was as big as two of awa strongest men standin' atop each oda! It was like a big lump of swampgrass and lianas, twirlin' like dey be alive snakes! It had huge arms wida than any man, and its legs were just as big, man. He says he could not see de monsta's eyes. Chieftain says it had no mouf eida.
Dr. █████: Under what circumstances have men of your tribe encountered the creature? Where has it been encountered the most? Has it been sought?
Tribesman ███: Chieftain be de only man to have seen de beast and lived. He met it in de big swamp ova dere <He points to the right> Where de sun lies down to sleep. Many of awa men have gone missin' in de swamp. We no longa go dere. Nobody be brave enough to go dea, man.
Dr. █████: Please describe the encounter.
Tribesman ███: [Looks at the Chieftain and addresses him momentarily. The Chieftain speaks after a few moments of recalling the encounter. He speaks in small bits which ███ promptly translates] It was on a very sunny day. De sun had already climbed de tip of de sky and was descendin' down. My Chieftain went to de swamp to prove his worf to de tribe. He brought his spear and coated its tip wif frog venom. He tells me he encountered a tiga and struck it wif his spear, but it fought back, man! He went to finish de animal wif his sharpened stone, but.. [The Chieftain pauses for a minute before continuing, seemingly reluctant to speak of the encounter].. den de wata nearby moved and a huge liana came out of it! It was ficker dan any liana my Chieftain eva saw befoa! It went for de tiga and smalla vines came out of it, coverin' de beast befoa my Chieftain could kill it!He stepped back in awe as de lowa half of de tiga was ripped off in de blink of an eye by de liana! [He motions with his arms to add dramatic effect to the tale] My Chieftain pulled de spear out of what remained of de tiga, which screamed wildly like no animal eva befoa - de old women say dey heard its screeches in de village! Me Chieftain stepped back as de beast came outa da wata - a giant that can strangle an elephant went for de oda half of de tiga and grabbed it, mon! Den de.. [The Chieftain abruptly stops, not wishing to continue]
Dr. █████: [The sound of a pen hastily scratching on paper is heard as the explanation is written down. [Dr. █████ retrieves a map from the group's equipment box] Take this map and this pen, please. Dot the exact area the creature was seen at.
Tribesman ███: [Speaks to the Chieftain] Man, he wants ya to say ya gonna kill dis monsta. Promise ya will rid awa village of dis beast. Will ya do it..? [He does not take the pen, instead waiting for a confirmation to his demand]
Dr. █████: I can assure you this is merely an animal, likely a crocodile, which was covered in mud and some fallen leaves and vines. You'll be the first informed about the confirmation of this animal's true identity. Now, please take the map and the pen.
Tribesman ███: Please kill de beast, man. [He reaches for the pen and map, taking a look around it and showing it to his Chieftain. They talk for a few seconds as ███ points at various areas until the Chieftain finally nods, upon which a marsh east of the village is marked with a circle] Dea.
Dr. █████: [The map and pen are retrieved from the tribesman] Thank you. We have finished. Goodbye.
Dr. █████: [Reaches for his voice recorder] End of initial briefing.
<End Log>
[[collapsible show="Audio log from Interview 1664-2:" hide="Audio log from Interview 1664-2"]]
Interviewer: Asst. Researcher ████
Interviewed: Cpl. ███, member of retrieval team ██-██
Retrieval Incident: #1664-1-B
<Begin Log, <██ hours GMT+1 Time, Temporary Containment Sector ██████>
[Moving of chairs and a cup across a table is heard]
Asst. Researcher ████: Corporal ███, could you describe the mission, please?>
Cpl. ███: News of the mission came suddenly. We weren't told anything too specific, we were given a half-assed description of what the thing's supposed to look like. The initial retrieval team hadn't the time to haul ink, apparently. All we knew was where to go, and how fast to go there. And that this wasn't gonna' be guarding a hole on the roof.
Asst. Researcher ████: Your report says you arrived at the.. [Shuffling of paper is heard] village of ███ and were approached by members of the Zogombro tribe. Yes?
Cpl. ███: Yeah, the mooks. Almost none of them could speak in English so we had us a hard time figuring out where to go from there. Then some freak came running and cheering for us, welcoming "us" back and asking us if we had found out if 'it' is real yet.
Asst. Researcher ████: And this is when you were directed to the swamp ██ clicks eastwards, as per direction by the tribesmen?
Cpl. ███: Yeah, yeah. We also asked the guy if any members of the initial team were at their village, but he said all had moved to the marshes some days ago.
Asst. Researcher ████: Any remarkable events during your trek to the swamp?
Cpl. ███: Place stunk like ass, for one. Crawlies and other animals were rolling around. The trip itself to the swamp didn't have us blasting anything.
Asst. Researcher ████: But that changed once you reached Temporary Containment Sector-1664. Describe the events which led to the recontainment of SCP-1664, please.
Cpl ███: It was, uh, night when we reached the place. We already had our flashlights sparking. Everyone was still mostly fine at that point, 'cept for the smell. But, the containment sector? Most of the lights were off, some walls were scrunched and scratched, others covered in blood and some weird fuckin' mucus. No bodies or bones anywhere, though…
Asst. Researcher ████: No bodies have yet been recovered after a full scan of the area ever since SCP-1664's recontainment.
[Cpl. ███ remains silent, not continuing his explanation]
Asst. Researcher ████: Are you alright, corporal?
Cpl. ███: Yeah… You asked what was happening, well, we entered the building and its containment cell. Place looked like hell. Dents and more of that snot everywhere, some stalks there and there. We went inside the sector's designated studies room, small place. Lieutenant ████ got his hands on a few copies of some photo taken at the sector, wouldn't show it to us. And a few audio recordings, the stuff was put in our equipment case.
Asst. Researcher ████: The images and recordings your team recovered are of great use to the Foundation. Please, continue.
Cpl. ███: Yeah, we took what we could. Everything else was either broken, or missing. We went outside again, and heard some kind of a loud splash, from the water. We were ordered to get our rifles ready and light up the place as much as we could, but there wasn't anything anywhere. A minute passed, and… and that's when… yeah…
Asst. Researcher ████: And that's when Private [REDACTED] was ordered to use the AT4-CS on SCP-1664?
Cpl. ███: It was… rifles didn't do, it was… headshots were administered at first, we had SMGs, assaults, I… don't think it even knew it was being shot at, it just took everything. Only after [REDACTED] members of the team were [REDACTED] by that thing, we took out the AT4. I… it fucking fell in the water from the explosion, couldn't see jack from the smoke, and the water didn't move for some fifteen seconds. Then… it rushed out again, almost unscratched, it…
Asst. Researcher ████: [After silence from Cpl. ███] Corporal?
Cpl. ███: We scattered around… tried to take some cover and hide, no sudden movements, but Pvt. [REDACTED]just dropped his gun and ran inside the building. Then the thing suddenly rushed for him, and… and apparently Private [REDACTED] had gone inside the banged up containment cell where that thing was, since it was the farthest room from the building's entrance. Lieutenant [REDACTED] ordered for three flamethrowers to be up and running, we went to the chamber, lit the place up, and… the thing… almost like it was… it was [REDACTED] what was left of Private [REDACTED]. We didn't wait, we… smoked it with the flames, and…
Asst. Researcher ████: Please continue with describing the event, Corporal [REDACTED].
Cpl. ███: Yeah, we… that was when we… like I said place still had some lamps on, some eletricity was still there… and… flamethrowers didn't damage it much from what I was seeing, though it was crawled up in one of its cell's corners, not moving much. We rushed out of the cell and managed to close the gate from a control panel on the wall, then we just took as much rubble and broken shit as we could, and blocked the gate.
Asst. Researcher ████: So there was significant enough damage to SCP-1664 as a result of the flamethrowers to incapacitate it?
Cpl. ███: The flamethrowers dazed the fucking thing, but it hadn't lost any limbs from what I could see. Its body, still there, not much was missing from it…
Asst. Researcher ████: [Goes through the documents again] And then you called for backup. At approximately [REDACTED] hours, Captain [REDACTED] and his team arrived with [REDACTED] choppers at your location.
Cpl. ███: Yeah, we told them what the soup was about. There were two choppers carrying some kind of an "emergency, highly-resilient" cage, where they put the fucking thing. The entire building and its surroundings were [REDACTED] as per the orders of Captain [REDACTED]. The villagers were given Class-A amnesiacs by Captain [REDACTED]'s team. Then we packed up and left…
Asst. Researcher ████: Alright, I believe we're done here. Thank you, Corporal.
[Chairs are heard moving and footsteps are audible]
<End Log>
[[collapsible show="Performance Review I:" hide="Performance Review I:"]]
Document #1664-I: Performance Review I
D-7881, D-6841, and D-5991 selected. D-7881 is a 34-year old male of Hispanic origin, of average height and above average weight. D-6841 is a 22-year old Caucassian male of above average height and above average weight. D-5991 is a 48-year old Caucassian male of below average height and average weight. The selected Class D Personnel are equipped with a total of 4 kilograms of goat meat.
The containment cell door is opened and Class-D personnel enter. The door is sealed behind them.
Dr. ████: All Class-D personnel are to approach SCP-1664's cage and place the bits of meat in front of it.
The three Class-D personnel approach the large cage in the center of the cell, stopping a roughly five meters infront of it with D-7881 moving closer.
D-7881: Too pussy, esses?
D-6841: Not going near that.. 'thing'.
D-5991: Same.
D-7881: What a load of crap, it's caged.
D-7881 approaches the cage and bends down, placing the 4 kilograms of meat he is carrying on the ground. At this moment, SCP-1664 leaves its dormant state and bangs on its cage, creating a sizeable dent. More hits follow, resulting in the cage being shattered. D-7881 steps back, yelling profanities and looking at the easternmost camera of the containment cell. At this point, SCP-1664 leaps through the large hole of the cage, completely ignoring the meat infront of its cage and lunging for D-7881 and tackling him to the ground. SCP-1664 sends his fist at an estimated velocity of over 17 m/s for the subject, rupturing his chest. Subject screams in pain before swiftly dying from a mix of bloodloss, shock, and [REDACTED].
Remaining Class-D personnel bang on the door, begging to be released.
SCP-1664, having neutralized D-7881, picks up the subject's body and digests it through an opening created by spreading roughly 80% of the vines which constitute its head into a hole that leads to its presumed digestive system.
SCP-1664 digests D-7881's body under 110 seconds. Remaining Class-D personnel are assaulted by SCP-1664 shortly after.
SCP-1664 crushes the skull of D-6841 and beheads D-5991, afterwards digesting both of them in the same manner as D-7881 in under ███ seconds.
SCP-1664 begins roaming the cell and spots the cameras, dashing for the southernmost camera and jumping up to reach and wrap its hands around it, ripping it off the wall, removing all cameras in the same way in under ████ seconds.
Dr. ████: Send in the containment squad. Paralyzation of SCP-1664 is top priority.
SCP-1664 Containment Breach 1, ██-██-████: Handled by Cpt. ███ (KIA), Cpl. ████, Cpl. ████, Pvt. ███, Agent ██████ (KIA), Pvt. █████ (KIA), Pvt. ████ (KIA)
<End log>