I should have immediately requested that someone specific issue a warning, or ensured that someone specific would do so once X agreement was reached, or immediately done it myself.
However, I did not. Therefore, this is my responsibility.
So we all get stuck with this guy for an extra incident.
I am inclined to think this is bullshit. I am also inclined to think that "five days" is kind of bullshit as statues of limitations go. So I am going to deliver the warning myself.
I have sent DrNietzsche the following PM.
Hi there,
I'm messaging you about your reply to a now-deleted SCP article, in which you essentially asked "where's the rape?" and then when someone replied indicating they were freaked out, you responded with "I do what I can" and then PMed them basically saying "I'm sorry you were offended".
The first comment demonstrates excessive cluelessness: you are an active poster, and you know that the subject of rape, badly handled, is both upsetting to many people and not considered kosher in the community. You should be able to infer that if you don't.
However, how you reacted afterwards is the real problem. You could have simply not said anything, or expressed confusion; instead you indicated pride that you'd messed with another member's head in an extra-fictional way.
As you were told in the thread, this is not the type of behavior we find acceptable in this community.
This is an official warning. We apologize for not getting this notice to you sooner. (If we did send the notice to you, it was not recorded, and therefore we are assuming it was not.)
Also, a note. Pretty much everyone thinks you're going to repeat this kind of behavior, and we will have to ban you after dealing with the fallout. We don't want to do either of these things. Please see that you do not fulfill those expectations.
~ thedeadlymoose, SCP Foundation administrator
If you disagree with anything I wrote here, please let me know, and why. If you want to retract the warning, please also let me know, and why.
EDIT: Heh. The SCP is actually not deleted, and likely is not going to be. C'est la vie.