Okay, so Prototype_Toaster is basically always the most disruptive person in the chatroom at any given time. Today he got notably bad and ops finally decided they were sick of it. Also untagged NSFW link, which may be considered an alternative reason for the ban.
7:18:24 PM <Prototype_Toaster> We only talk about funny g+ screens here
7:18:26 PM J<Joreth> until now
7:18:29 PM T<&Tuomey> You legitimately can't claim ignorance in this case
7:18:32 PM L<@Lily> Creepa-Bot: what are you doing
7:18:35 PM T<&Tuomey> Just drop it and move on
7:18:35 PM T<TheEditor> So the splitting was temporary.
7:18:36 PM Neat.
7:18:46 PM But, yea.
7:18:48 PM Let's do that.
7:18:49 PM R<ResearcherBlasko> Tuomey well the term "earrape" has been overused to the point where I gathered the first 10 pages of results would be memes
7:18:52 PM T<TheEditor> How is everyone?
7:18:58 PM C<Creepa-Bot> Waiting for someone to notice I exist.
7:19:00 PM J<Joreth> caro: if only a merger and merge back to scp
7:19:00 PM R<ResearcherBlasko> Tuomey But nonetheless, valid point, I'm sorry
7:19:03 PM C<caro> They split because CFO was acting in ways that weren't supported by the rest of the community.
7:19:10 PM T<TheEditor> You exist.
7:19:11 PM C<caro> SCP doesn't want RPC lol
7:19:11 PM T<TheEditor> Neat.
7:19:14 PM J<Joreth> I know
7:19:16 PM it's funny
7:19:20 PM I mean the opposite
7:19:23 PM L<@Lily> Creepa-Bot: then stop being weird and chat normally
7:19:35 PM <GabrielJade> No, join me up here in the rafters.
7:19:39 PM T<TheEditor> Never.
7:19:42 PM <Prototype_Toaster> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/PmjKDbjQ/Screenshot_20180714-133251_Chrome.jpg
7:19:47 PM C<Creepa-Bot> Alright.
7:19:49 PM D<DrBleep> GabrielJade I brought popcorn
7:19:52 PM J<Joreth> caro: I don't think anyone on SCP really cares if they are on RPC
7:19:53 PM T<TheEditor> Proto please!
7:19:54 PM NSFW!!!
7:19:54 PM ⇐ Sax|Cloud quit (sretaw.peed.gnidih.ksa|m#sretaw.peed.gnidih.ksa|m) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
7:19:56 PM L<@Lily> Prototype_Toaster: stop
7:20:02 PM Prototype_Toaster: seriously wtf
7:20:05 PM <Prototype_Toaster> K sheezh
7:20:11 PM C<Creepa-Bot> Is there a term for messing with memories?
7:20:17 PM T<TheEditor> Again.
7:20:20 PM G<gumbal1> brainwashing?
7:20:20 PM T<TheEditor> Ammestics.
7:20:30 PM C<Creepa-Bot> With an SCP.
7:20:30 PM T<TheEditor> There is all types of them.
7:20:34 PM C<caro> I mean that, neither RPC or SCP has any interest in a merger.
7:20:35 PM T<TheEditor> There's actually a whole guide.
7:20:38 PM L<@Lily> Prototype_Toaster: you're being a goddam idiot and you know it so don't be all "oh no woe is me"
7:20:40 PM T<&Tuomey> TheEditor: that's clearly not what the guy is looking for
7:20:46 PM T<TheEditor> Ah…
7:20:48 PM I didn't know.
7:20:54 PM → @theduckman (opped) joined
7:20:55 PM C<Creepa-Bot> Not the Foundation's doing.
7:21:01 PM T<&Tuomey> "memory affecting" should be fine
7:21:09 PM <Prototype_Toaster> Fine
7:21:13 PM T<&Tuomey> if there's a better term someone will point it out at the crit stage
7:21:20 PM C<Creepa-Bot> The what?
7:21:32 PM You mean #thecritters?
7:21:45 PM T<&Tuomey> No, I mean when you are getting criticism
7:21:52 PM J<Joreth> well best of luck to RPC
7:21:58 PM I can't stop laughing about CFO lol
7:22:04 PM T<&Tuomey> Don't worry too much about specific terms when you are still writing the thing
7:22:06 PM C<Creepa-Bot> Oh, because I was about to say…
7:22:23 PM That chat is dead, I tell you.
7:22:29 PM <GabrielJade> http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/c-50864/help:drafts-and-critiques
7:22:35 PM That place *will* get you crit
7:22:37 PM J<Joreth> I just found it really funny that a supposed splinter site splintered even further
7:22:39 PM <CuteGirl> There's a spider in here :((((
7:22:44 PM <GabrielJade> just, 'ya know, takes time.
7:22:46 PM C<Creepa-Bot> I need to finish my draft first.
7:22:49 PM J<Joreth> CuteGirl: eat it to assert dominance
7:22:50 PM C<Creepa-Bot> Also.
7:22:53 PM <Prototype_Toaster> Can I post cowe
7:22:54 PM @ProcyonLotor banned *!*@synIRC-34B80D23.charlton.irccloud.com (+b)
7:23:12 PM C<Creepa-Bot> CuteGirl FuCkInG kIlL iT!
7:23:21 PM P<@ProcyonLotor> Prototype_Toaster: you continually bring chat down, which is saying a lot. This is a 24 hour ban to sort your shit out.
7:23:29 PM ← Prototype_Toaster (moc.duolccri.notlrahc.32D08B43-CRInys|635303diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.32D08B43-CRInys|635303diu) was kicked by @ProcyonLotor: Now, out.
24 hours.