15:23 | Quikngruvn | Go back to innuendo. We have plausible deniability there. |
15:24 | Postmo | https://www.branson-reese.com/archive/2017/2/27/baltimore-oriole |
15:24 | Keiya | I played through Shantae: HAlf Genie Hero recently and I gotta say. Spider and Mermaid and Harpy Shantae? Kinda cute |
15:24 | Postmo | Keiya: would a harpy have the problem illustrated in that comic |
15:24 | Quikngruvn | Postmo, there's a reason the Orioles are the worst team in baseball this year. |
15:25 | Swaghetti | ok gtg bye |
15:25 | stormfallen | Baseball team names are weird |
15:25 | Ventunya | getting penetrated by a futa with a massive piercing dong |
15:25 | Ventunya | imeanwut |
15:25 | Postmo | Dr. Scranton gets a friend: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/591cfb33ebbd1acf37f5a469/t/5a88c0a39140b7effccb37cd/1518911655633/0084+lightsout2.jpg?format=1500w |
15:26 | Quikngruvn | Vent, careful, I think "futa" is an offensive word. |
15:26 | Ventunya | spider girls are pretty hot tbh |
15:26 | Ventunya | futanari? |
15:26 | Ventunya | the whole shebang? |
15:26 | stormfallen | Considered by some to be a transphobic term |
15:26 | spookybee | yeah how about |
15:26 | spookybee | dont |
15:26 | Keiya | Quikngruvn: It's… iffy. I'd avoid using it for the most part, *especially* about real people. |
15:26 | Ventunya | but it isn't about real people? |
15:26 | Keiya | Avoid using the tp word completely though |
15:26 | spookybee | nobody cares |
15:26 | spookybee | dont |
15:26 | Ventunya | i love that word though |
15:27 | spookybee | then you're in the wrong place, i'll say that bluntly |
15:27 | Ventunya | but they aren't gay |
15:27 | Quikngruvn | Hoo boy. |
15:27 | spookybee | well, that's where I drop all friendly pretense. |
15:27 | Ventunya | well that's just rude |
15:27 | spookybee | Quikngruvn: I would ping for o p s but you're right here |
15:27 | Postmo | clef liked my idea of rewriting the sexy mermaid scp that wants to bang researchers so that she reproduces like an anglerfish and tries to convince men to bite her and shrivel up |
15:28 | CuteGirl | Tuomey: 👀 |
15:28 | Quikngruvn | Vent, you've been asked to not use a term that a large chunk of chat finds offensive. |
15:28 | Ventunya | i didn't use it after that though |
15:28 | * Azmoeth joined #site19 ~ten.enilnotpo.nyd.F813676A-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.F813676A-CRInys|tibbiM | |
15:28 | Postmo | there were an awful lot of early scp's that were just 'sexy lady that wants to bang researchers' |
15:28 | Ventunya | but i don't really get why it's offensive |
15:28 | Quikngruvn | Vent, that's okay, you don't have to. |
15:28 | Quikngruvn | As long as you don't use the term in here again. |
15:29 | Ventunya | i mean, if you're that adamant about it, i'll comply |
15:29 | Keiya | Ventunya: A lot of people feel it perpetuates the extremely toxic idea that trans women are trying to trick straight men and/or lesbians into having sex with them |
15:29 | spookybee | ^ |
15:29 | spookybee | stole the words from my mouth |
15:29 | trets | So I have a question |
15:29 | Ventunya | i just don't think of it as that bad, i think of it as it's own fetish |
15:29 | Tuomey | Ventunya: no one cares |
15:29 | Tuomey | it's the rules |
15:29 | Ventunya | well that's uncalled for |
15:29 | trets | Is "The Thing" just a giant game of Mafia/Werewolf? |
15:29 | spookybee | No it's not |
15:29 | spookybee | it's called for by all of us |
15:29 | spookybee | except literally you |
15:29 | spookybee | just you |
15:29 | Tuomey | Ventunya: Lotta people seem tobe calling for it |
15:29 | Azmoeth | hi, i recently posted my new SCP, SCP-3507, if you want to and are available y not give it a read 😉 |
15:29 | Tuomey | bee, I've got it |
15:30 | Keiya | I'm mostly annoyed that you have to resort to tp because the first three letters are ambiguous with *other* slurs for us >_> |
15:30 | Ventunya | i've been trying to get a grasp around why it's a big deal, i haven't been actively breaking the ruke |
15:30 | * Shio joined #site19 ~ten.nozirev.soif.jnkrwn.E9FC27C5-CRInys|sumlA#ten.nozirev.soif.jnkrwn.E9FC27C5-CRInys|sumlA | |
15:30 | * SeraDomiCher quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) moc.duolccri.etaghgih.5102A101-CRInys|666882diu#moc.duolccri.etaghgih.5102A101-CRInys|666882diu | |
15:30 | superblobby | mornin |
15:30 | Shio | morning |
15:30 | spookybee | hey Blobbles |
15:30 | CuteGirl | People don't wanna be fetished man |
15:30 | Ventunya | rule* |
15:30 | Tuomey | Ventunya: if you want to find out why slurs are a big deal, hopefully you can connect to the internet somehow |
15:30 | Tuomey | Now drop it |
15:30 | CuteGirl | Especiakly fir simwthing that causes dysphoria |
15:30 | Tuomey | Op order |
15:30 | * Lixerf quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ~PI.5D46F6F3.893565FB.26876214|tibbiM#PI.5D46F6F3.893565FB.26876214|tibbiM | |
15:30 | Tuomey | CuteGirl: chat op handling it |
15:31 | spookybee | ',:| |
15:31 | Ventunya | i mean, sure, if you want. but honestly i'm still not satisfied with your answer. but i'll drop it. |
15:31 | Quikngruvn | We need more things that cause euphoria. |
15:31 | spookybee | Quikngruvn: how about my butt |
15:31 | *** Ventunya was kicked by Quikngruvn (Continuing to talk about it is not dropping it.) |
host: C01D5274.48231687.F9B52BA1.IP
I'm willing to count this as an official warning but do we need to go for short ban to drive it home? Ops, weigh in.
EDIT: Ye can stop weighing in. User put the nail in the coffin themself. 24 hour warning ban for doing a transphobia and failing to stop when asked and being an idiot about it upon rejoining.
15:42 | * Ventunya joined #site19 ~PI.1AB25B9F.78613284.4725D10C|criigc#PI.1AB25B9F.78613284.4725D10C|criigc | |
15:42 | * Klurg joined #site19 ruof.etile.eht|epanrefnI#ruof.etile.eht|epanrefnI | |
15:42 | Cyril | I deleted an old article in this slot and put a better one there, y'all should eyeball it http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2758 |
15:42 | jarvis | cyril: SCP-2758: Self-Containment Process (written 10 hours ago by Cyantreuse; rating: +9) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2758 |
15:43 | Quikngruvn | I am awful guidance. |
15:43 | Ventunya | i have been reformed thanks to the efforts of one kind soul |
15:43 | Swaghetti | yeah ok that doesn't sound ironic |
15:43 | Ventunya | ouch |
15:44 | Postmo | Lily: did you get that .tell i sent you of tactical antifa |
15:44 | Swaghetti | You'll be ok |
15:44 | Lily | Postmo: yeah |
15:44 | Swaghetti | Ok i gtg bye for real |
15:44 | spookybee | oh man |
15:44 | Lily | Ventunya: what part of dropping it do you not understand |
15:44 | spookybee | im looking through my uploads |
15:44 | spookybee | found this pic my friend drew of me uwu |
15:44 | spookybee | https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/AN6zZ18R/HNN |
15:44 | Ventunya | what |
15:44 | spookybee | Lily: for realsies chill |
15:45 | Tuomey | Ventunya: since you're still not getting it, people have agreed on a 24 hour |
15:45 | Ventunya | why are you bringing it up. i'm apologizing |
15:45 | —- Lily has banned *!*@C01D5274.48231687.F9B52BA1.IP | |
15:45 | Lily | come back in a day |
15:45 | Swaghetti | not enough boott |
15:45 | Tuomey | that's not an apology and you know it |
15:45 | *** Ventunya was kicked by Lily (Lily) | |
15:45 | spookybee | I'm genuinely gonna tell you to chill out actually :V |
15:45 | Tuomey | spookybee: ftr this was decided upon by several operators |