I'll start by linking to logs, partly for my own convenience.
- The part where we discuss what there is to do: I cut out some unrelated stuff about disciplinary things 'cause nobody needs to see that.
- The part where Clef rewrites things: http://pastebin.com/xVpavAqw
First off, thanks for posting something in the way of an explanation. As for the explanation itself, though:
Djoric simply posted his article in a new slot, after raging in off channels about Clef and how sick he was of the whole thing. I'm not stupid; it was incredibly clear that it was now a moot point, at which time I updated my post. What would have been the point of trying to get him to wait for O5 consensus, especially after reading his reactions to what was currently happening? And the fact that he didn't give us a chance to stop him, just straight-up posted it.
[2013-08-07 18:27:30] <Wogglebug> Would you be opposed to him posting the article at all, or just as the only thing allowed to be posted in that slot?
[2013-08-07 18:27:47] <Clef> Woggle: I'd be perfectly fine with him putting up the article under a new number.
(time passes in which Djoric does not participate in the conversation)
[2013-08-07 18:38:37] <Djoric> Can I say something
[2013-08-07 18:38:51] <Djoric> And that something is this
[2013-08-07 18:39:17] <Djoric> will you stop arguing if I post this as 1465
[2013-08-07 18:39:29] <Clef> Djoric: I'm perfectly okay with that.
[2013-08-07 18:39:34] <Djoric> I feel like I'm about to have an aneurism over all this drama
[2013-08-07 18:39:39] <Clef> I said that, like, ten or fifteen minutes ago.
Djoric didn't post for another ten minutes. There was an opportunity to tell Djoric not to do so, to ask him to take a break and wait for a verdict from O5. If him not liking Clef was a problem, note that this would mean that people who aren't Clef would get to weigh in. Admittedly, he might have not cared and posted it anyways, but I guess we don't get to find out. But, I can also see how you might be discouraged/tired from the argument to try and get him to stick around longer, and I can excuse that action in particular. Regardless, the defeatist attitude is not in retrospect justified.
If this had not occurred, I would have preferred that we wait to get more input. At least from a third admin.
See, I could have gotten behind that. Or, maybe a discussion in which we made a good faith attempt at reaching consensus in which many people would have the time to consider their responses and weigh in on it.
Though, not to put too fine a point on it, in this case I valued Clef's opinion more than the rest of those active at the time in ** (except Dex who didn't weigh in at first) because Clef is:
(A) A user who's been around on the site since the dark ages and actually gave a shit about SCP-105, unlike everyone else present, to a large extent including me
(B) there is no B, C, D, E, or F, because that's all that's necessary.
That is such a fucking crock of bullshit that I'm honestly sort of embarrassed to be in the same thread as it. Let me break it down:
(A) A user who's been around on the site since the dark ages
- How exactly does being a member for that long give Clef any insight to how actions taken WRT 105 will affect the site today? Anyone could have seen that 105's had a big influence on the site and made arguments from there, and Clef did exactly that and not a whole lot more. He discussed how the change was done with the Alice and 191, which I don't think any of us would have brought up, but from what I can tell, that particular situation wasn't deemed relevant.
- He's not the only active staff member who was around back then. Gears was around before Clef. Bright joined not long after Clef did. Light and Piffy joined in early 2009. I don't think any of them got the chance to weigh in on it. No matter how much weight you give to Clef's tenure, there are other older staffers who might have had a valuable opinion on it, were they given the opportunity to weigh in.
- So if we're weighing value by duration of membership now, should we do deletion votes by giving three to anyone who wasn't a member when the article was reasonably new and half a vote to anyone who wasn't? Clef (frikken old) & you (not old) vs. me (not old), Woggle (not old), Nusquam (not old), Dmatix (not old), Jekeled (not old), Roget (not old), & Djoric (not old). Tenure is the only measurable factor that you've deemed relevant to the situation, so Clef seems to have the weight of six people who think otherwise. What if CryogenChaos had something to say about the situation? What about Roget, someone who has actually gone to an incredible amount of work to study and learn about the site's history?
actually gave a shit about SCP-105, unlike everyone else present, to a large extent including me
- Everybody in that argument gave a shit about SCP-105, as evidenced by the fact that they were willing to argue for so damn long about it. No, they didn't have an emotional attachment to the article in its current state, but they all cared about what happened to that article and what got put in its slot, insofar as it affects the site, which is what the issue here is.
- EVEN DISREGARDING THAT, you and I both know that giving weight to an argument just because the arguer cares a lot is really bad practice. I'm sure there are people who are incredibly passionate about how much they dislike vaccines, that doesn't mean we have to give their claims undue attention.
(B) there is no B, C, D, E, or F, because that's all that's necessary.
Huh, okay. Should I just shut up when we're talking about anything before my time, then? Could we get everybody's join date on the official staff list, so I can figure out who I should give my opinion to? How exactly did I get away with editing the Chat Guide and Site Rules, both of which were in place well before I got here? Or maybe length of membership is not the key to judging the value of someone's insights, and we should weigh opinions based on someone's present-tense capability and willingness to act wisely, use authority wisely and make accurate insights?
Incidentally, here is what I saw happening in staff chat. A specific small circle of staff, who generally communicate well and work together, made a unilateral decision about replacing an old article that that specific group dislikes (or doesn't care about) in favor of a rewrite…
Which is why we should have opened it up to a larger discussion, even after Djoric posted elsewhere! I find myself agreeing that the group should have been expanded to a larger circle of commentators.
…a rewrite that most people who liked the old article (in fact, everyone who liked the old article who's weighed in so far, though I am sure there are exceptions) feel wasn't a rewrite that kept the core concept and therefore shouldn't qualify to replace it.
I dug around for a while, cross-checking old/new comments and ratings on both of the articles in question, but then I realized that I don't feel like disproving your statement. Find your own evidence to back up this assertion, then maybe I'll give it weight.
Once people not so closely involved in that specific small group weighed in, suddenly there was no longer any consensus. Which to be frank, is exactly what I thought would happen.
And then you allowed Clef to go ahead with his rewrite, still in lieu of any sort of consensus or participation outside of a relatively small number of users.
When I pointed out that this small group was making this decision, and that was a bad thing, I did so poorly (calling them "Djoric's friends", a group which technically includes me anyway and also unintentionally implied that they were only making the decision to benefit Djoric, which I did not think was the case), and for that I apologized.
However, I'm disappointed that you still do not see that this particular group was the wrong group to specifically make that decision, especially since most of you … made it explicit that you hated the original article and wanted to see it go.
Whoa whoa whoa. You misunderstand — my main point of contention isn't that you wanted Djoric to go through committee, it's that you didn't make Clef do it. You're preaching to the choir (on this point).
(especially yourself, Scantron)
lolwut? I was far from the most vocal detractor. I would assert that I probably dislike Iris less than other people there. Like, hell, I barely participated in that conversation. Look for yourself.
I feel this is an incredibly inappropriate attitude to take when making a decision about something other people like and feel has value.
So, is four still a good number of staff to vote on the deletion of a page? Even if it has upvotes, and they dislike it?
ESPECIALLY if you disagree, and if a friend of yours benefits in the bargain.
You're right, people shouldn't overvalue their own feelings and opinions or the feelings and opinions of their friends. OH WAIT. If me being friends with Djoric counts as a strike against me even if that didn't have much to do with it, then (correct me if I'm getting shit wrong here) you liking/admiring Clef which might not have had much to do with it counts as a strike against you. And you still haven't satisfactorily addressed why you didn't wait for O5 to take a look. You sent tells to a bunch of admins about it, which was good, but went ahead without their input once you got Clef.
Instead, the main reaction to me pointing the existence of this group has been "OMG!!!! ACCUSATIONS OF NEPOTISM! OUR OPINIONS ARE WORTHWHILE!!!!" I understand that reaction to a certain extent, and I recognize that this can quickly err on the side of unfairness, especially since we all form groups, and many of us are friends, yet we're all still supposed to respect and trust each others' opinions. PLUS, I don't always phrase things well, so this is partly my fault that it's coming off that way, innit? But denial that groups like this exist and can influence decision-making is pretty harmful.
Hey, none of those people were me. I won't deny that the group existed and possibly influenced decision-making ('cause my lack of telepathy and/or distance sort of precludes me from doing so), but are you sure that your action (or rather, notable lack thereof) wasn't influenced similarly? If your answer isn't "yes", then the wise decision would have been to get input from people you don't have attachment to or feel obliged to defer to.
That marks the last time you mention anything strictly relevant to my question, and it is frankly too late at night for me to feel like addressing the rest of your post. Plus, I wanna cool down by finishing up an article I've been working on. So yeah. I hope this didn't get too repetitive.