Got a reply. Got two in fact.
From Bane Aloe:
Greetings, Dr Mann. (Kinda cool how a lot of SCP admins are named Dr, it's like a secret society naming scheme)
First thing I can say is that I am very much flattered and intimidated by this message. My friend and I just started using Wikidot a week ago. (I invited him) I feel very honored that an admin from SCP, a site which inspires me, took notice of this new site we just made. At first, I was fearful about issues regarding attributions and plagiarism, and also about the possibility that SCP members won't like our site. I was discussing the same thing about attributions with Dr Bright for four days now, and he also gave me some tips. The link you provided was really helpful, thanks. I am also intimidated by you taking notice of us, it just means that we can't screw around anymore (haha), and that we need to write something of almost the same level as SCP articles.
That said, I'll try to do what I can about the hyperlinks. I'm still new to Wikidot. It was a funny experience, actually. I got rejected joining SCP for three times, then I found GOC and didn't get a reply from Dr Clef, then I got impatient and made this site. I would also like to hear more comments about our site, if that's okay with you.
Thank you very much.
PS I'm not being too ambitious if I ask you this favor, am I? Maybe you could update the GRU Division-P status in your page "Groups of Interest" and place the Psychotronics Division to something like "monitor them closely" or "might be a future threat".
PSS We'll try to take back the Artifacts and Experiments you took from us. No Special Containment Procedure is impenetrable for us. Watch out.
I replied as follows:
Your best bet to get more comments on your wiki is to join our chatroom on IRC. The Chat Room Guide should help you there.
We're probably not going to officially recognize you anytime soon, at least until your wiki shows a strong, growing community producing good content. We almost certainly won't reference Psychotronics Division in the Groups of Interest page until or unless someone on our site references it in tales or SCP articles.
Best of luck!
Here's one from Trinity_Elish:
Greetings, Dr. Mann. This is Operator Elish of the Psychotronics Division(formerly the GEAR Freagment). We received your message, and would like to thank you for your understanding regarding our site.
First off, as you might have already been aware of, a person whose affiliation to I am not cleared to disclose created the site because he was a fan of your site for a while now, and had this idea of an organization that would, in a way, rival yours(in terms of fictional objectives…we are aware of the difference in sheer accomplishments, Dr. Mann..XD). However, since the site is new, and we haven't much experience in creating links to the works that we based ours on, you might have to assist us in pointing out works that you believe we might have overlooked linking to yours. That said, on behalf of the Psychotronics Division, I congratulate you on the success of your site, and thank you for your giving notice of what details we have missed.
On a parting note, I saw to it that I made links to the original SCP articles that we mentioned when we made the site. We might have based our site on yours, but you can rest assured that we will not lean on the SCP's in your site in a way that is too close for comfort. After all, be it SCP's, KTE's or Artifacts, the writer's imagination is the limit, right?
Thank you for you consideration, Dr. Mann.
My reply:
Hello. Bane Aloe already replied to me, and I've messaged him back. I assume you're the friend he mentioned.
It's ultimately up to your userbase to attribute properly. Generally, the issue is when an article directly references content from our site or uses direct quotes from our text. Just do the best you can, and if we see any that require further attribution, we'll give you a holler.
Good luck. I hope your site does well.