Guy called TDLZ popped into the chat today. He'd been coming in and out all day, popping in for a few seconds, saying "nobody is here" and immediately leaving. He came in today and acted like a twatbasked. Wogglebug banned.
TDLZ (moc.rr.ser.iw.7660A2B2-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.iw.7660A2B2-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
[22:24:07] * PeppersGhost has quit (Client exited)
[22:24:49] <Sophos> < PIKMIN THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (warning huge image)
[22:25:51] * Berggren has quit (Quit: Bye-diddly-bye!)
[22:25:59] <TDLZ> it appears that, again, nobody is on.
[22:26:02] <TDLZ> pity.
[22:26:24] <salvagebar> Sophos wtf compress that image
[22:26:36] <Wogglebug> He gave a warning.
[22:26:45] <ProcyonLotor> we're all just waiting for that fucking database sized image sophos gave us to load
[22:27:25] <Wogglebug> Yup
[22:27:38] <Wogglebug> It's so fucking high res though
[22:27:48] <salvagebar> I'll finish ME before it finishes downloading
[22:27:48] <ProcyonLotor> yeah, ridiculously so
[22:28:02] <Diction> 1630'S IN THE KITCHEN, IT'S FUCKING MY OMLET
[22:28:04] <salvagebar> Fortunately I can talk at you while playing
[22:28:05] <Wogglebug> I can see the veins on leaves that are mere blurs from a distance
[22:28:21] <salvagebar> !SCP-1630
[22:28:22] <Nala> salvagebar: Human Food Pyramid (rating: +51, 10 revisions) -
[22:28:38] <Wogglebug> Diction.
[22:28:44] <Wogglebug> Serious talk here.
[22:28:55] <Wogglebug> Randomly shouting things into chat isn't alright.
[22:29:04] <TDLZ> indeed, microscopic pastel creatures are seroius business.
[22:29:09] <Wogglebug> It just bothers people.
[22:29:14] <Diction> …but it's an emergency…
[22:29:17] <Diction> jk
[22:29:20] <Wogglebug> Dude.
[22:29:23] <Wogglebug> Just don't.
[22:29:26] <Diction> I'll stop
[22:29:29] <ProcyonLotor> tdlz, if you're going to be a fucking prick, at least spell it correctly
[22:29:35] <Wogglebug> Alright man, good.
[22:29:43] <TDLZ> jeez, calm down.
[22:29:50] <Wogglebug> Man, I wish TRDK was here.
[22:29:56] <Wogglebug> :3
[22:30:14] <Pig_catapult> Is that an albino Pikmin?
[22:30:21] * Dexanote (||etonaxeD) has joined
[22:30:22] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Dexanote
[22:30:24] <ProcyonLotor> where piffy?
[22:30:32] <ProcyonLotor> oh I see it now
[22:30:40] <TDLZ> eh, albino pikmins were in the second game.
[22:31:09] <Sophos> salvagebar: It's a leaked image
[22:31:20] <ProcyonLotor> I'm more excited for the second mirror's edge
[22:31:22] * Magnus (ten.nozirev.soif.apalhp.F489F233-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.apalhp.F489F233-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
[22:31:34] <Sophos> salvagebar: Here's a smaller version I guess:
[22:31:35] <Wogglebug> Can something that large leak :p
[22:31:43] <TDLZ> nice.
[22:31:46] <ProcyonLotor> that's more of a deluge than a leak
[22:31:58] <Sophos> Original filename: WiiU_Pikmin3_illu01_E3_2.png
[22:32:01] <Diction> The Last of Us is fucking awesome
[22:32:08] <Diction> who agrees
[22:32:09] <Sophos> Diction: Viral marketing, pls
[22:32:24] <TheAlly> [video game] is [adjective] I am [adjective] about [video game]
[22:32:28] <ProcyonLotor> oh hello people with whom I share several interests
[22:32:29] * TheAlly participating
[22:32:30] <Diction> Sophos ?
[22:32:33] <TDLZ> well! i was going to ask for an SCP review, but i can tell you all are monstrously busy, so i shall be on my merry way.
[22:33:38] <Wogglebug> No no no
[22:33:38] <Pig_catapult> Noooooo
[22:33:38] <ghostchibi> TDLZ
[22:33:41] <Wogglebug> Wait wait wait
[22:33:41] <Pig_catapult> Give us linnnnks
[22:33:55] <Wogglebug> Provide ze links.
[22:33:55] <Wogglebug> Chat is always open to ze review.
[22:34:38] <Pig_catapult> linky linky
[22:34:38] <TheAlly> We'll read
[22:34:38] <Sophos> Piffy: Which one? The white one?
[22:34:38] <TheAlly> read like badass's
[22:34:38] <Pig_catapult> Sophos: Yeah. The one reclining on the leaf with the big red eyes
[22:34:38] <TDLZ> all right then
[22:34:45] <TDLZ> it's the second one:
[22:34:45] <TDLZ> A.K.A. they come in the dark.
[22:34:46] <Sophos> They're albino in the sense that they're white and they have compound eyes for night vision
[22:34:58] * Anaxagoras has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[22:35:01] * Capacitor (~ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.4B723003-CRInys|roticapaC#ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.4B723003-CRInys|roticapaC) has joined
[22:35:05] <salvagebar> The Last Of Us — I like the name
[22:35:12] <Pig_catapult> O.o That's not how occular albinism wor— oh, who am I kidding. Video game logic. XD
[22:35:19] * Dexanote is now known as Dexaway
[22:35:25] * Freudian has quit (Ping timeout)
[22:35:26] * BiggerJ (~PI.A5800765.AC959DA8.2F239BAE|alliztahc#PI.A5800765.AC959DA8.2F239BAE|alliztahc) has joined
[22:35:27] <Capacitor> o7 Greetings, gentlemen
[22:35:31] <ProcyonLotor> "random rooms of random houses"
[22:35:41] <Wogglebug> Hello, Capacitor
[22:35:42] <ProcyonLotor> and in that random room sat a random cat
[22:35:48] <ProcyonLotor> and on that random cat was a random tick
[22:35:50] <Pig_catapult> you have one too many square brackets to start off the right-align around the rating module
[22:35:54] <TheAlly> if it only appears in rooms with one entrance door, then it isn't random
[22:35:55] <Sophos> Piffy: I don't know if they're meant to be albino pikmin, just white pikmin
[22:35:57] * thedeadlymoose has quit (Ping timeout)
[22:36:02] <TheAlly> at least not totally
[22:36:07] <Pig_catapult> Sophos: They've got red eyes, though.
[22:36:19] <TDLZ> ok fine, almost random
[22:36:25] <ProcyonLotor> I am totally calling going to get a flashlight during a blackout “Protocol XXXX – Operation Light Shine”
[22:36:44] <Capacitor> Could you link the article being discussed, please?
[22:36:48] <ProcyonLotor> "currently known instances are located in sites such as ██, ██, ██ and ██. "
[22:37:06] <TDLZ> lol
[22:37:07] <TheAlly> Capacitor
[22:37:10] <Pig_catapult> Well, it COULD still be random.
[22:37:10] <ProcyonLotor> "oh hey guys, you know how we usually put instances of the same skip together? fuck that!"
[22:37:10] <TheAlly> the second one
[22:37:12] <TDLZ>
[22:37:22] <TDLZ> well read on, and you'll see why they aren't all together
[22:37:42] <Pig_catapult> There's a set of rooms that it could happen in, but which one it picks out of that set could still be random.
[22:38:07] <Pig_catapult> Like how when you roll a die, there's only six numbers you can get, but which one you get is random.
[22:38:17] <TheAlly> I was cpmplainng about how he keeps the two facts seperate
[22:38:19] <ProcyonLotor> it's kind of hard to block out EVERY light source
[22:38:29] <TheAlly> I guess I didn't phrase it wel
[22:38:33] <TheAlly> *well
[22:38:40] <Pig_catapult> Photons love to get places
[22:38:42] <ProcyonLotor> like, to get complete darkness for scientific research, they drill half a mile down into the antartic ice shelf
[22:38:54] <ProcyonLotor> I don't think there are any random rooms down there
[22:39:01] <TheAlly> I meant it should say it occurs in a random room that has nly one entrance door
[22:39:01] <TDLZ> i can edit that
[22:39:11] <TDLZ> right. noted.
[22:39:25] <Capacitor> Hm. Right off the bat "no amount of cleansing can remove said fade marks." might be a little unnecessary.
[22:39:32] <Sudiption> so a quantum computer can only exist 3 miles under Antarctica?
[22:39:41] <Wogglebug> Nah
[22:39:48] <ProcyonLotor> can quantum computers only exist without light?
[22:39:54] <ProcyonLotor> kind of hard to use a computer without any light
[22:39:56] <Wogglebug> Different things to insulate from, different methods
[22:40:00] <Sudiption> Light can break entanglement I think
[22:40:05] <TDLZ> capacitor, we're reviewing the second one
[22:40:15] <TDLZ> they come in the dark
[22:40:25] <ghostchibi> man I love Rooster Teeth's Let's Play GTA IV videos
[22:40:37] <Pig_catapult> TDLZ: Your "scientists" are not being creative enough in their imaging attempts.
[22:40:42] <ProcyonLotor> arbitrarily scrambling recording devices is incredibly cliche
[22:40:42] <salvagebar> Do Turians have sexes?
[22:40:48] <Capacitor> Ah, my mistake.
[22:40:50] <TDLZ> elaborate?
[22:40:55] <ProcyonLotor> like, cliche enough to earn a downvote from me without a good explanation
[22:41:02] <ghostchibi> salvagebar: yes
[22:41:14] <Pig_catapult> "scientists are currently unable to fully determine the appearance of SCP-XXXX-1. Regular cameras do not pick up light, and digital night-vision cameras are scrambled by an unknown force."
[22:41:14] <ghostchibi> females don't show up until 3 in the Omega DLC and multiplayer
[22:41:27] <TDLZ> explanations make things less scary. if you had an explanation of 173, it wouldn't be as scary
[22:41:38] <ProcyonLotor> yes
[22:41:42] <ghostchibi> salvagebar: female turians don't have the fringe
[22:41:42] <Wogglebug> Says you
[22:41:47] <ProcyonLotor> but in some cases, not providing an explanation is lazy writing
[22:41:50] <Pig_catapult> First of all, using "scientists" like that makes you sound like you're a newspaper journalist or something.
[22:41:54] <ProcyonLotor> I'll let you guess which one is the case
[22:41:58] <Pig_catapult> A bad one.
[22:42:02] <TDLZ> what else should i use?
[22:42:07] <TDLZ> rather then scientists
[22:42:09] <Sudiption> technicians
[22:42:14] <Pig_catapult> "researchers", perhaps
[22:42:19] <TDLZ> …ooh, that's good. i'll put a pin in that.
[22:42:22] <Sudiption> staff
[22:42:26] <Sudiption> personal
[22:42:42] <Capacitor> What does 121% efficient audio devices mean? They record more sound than is actually there?
[22:42:45] <Capacitor> Heheh
[22:42:47] <salvagebar> I se
[22:42:48] <salvagebar> e
[22:43:04] <Pig_catapult> Secondly, there's non-light methods of figuring out what something looks like. For example, echolocation (which I happen to be using in an SCP I'm working on atm).
[22:43:11] <Mr_Wilt> who pinged me
[22:43:12] * Gargus (moc.ishcm.tneilc.ECAFABB2-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.ishcm.tneilc.ECAFABB2-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
[22:43:13] <ProcyonLotor> "SCP-XXX-1 resembles a white [redacted]"
[22:43:14] <Mr_Wilt> I was pinged
[22:43:15] <Gargus> ghostchibi
[22:43:20] <Gargus> Those commision things you are doing.
[22:43:23] <ProcyonLotor> tell us what it is at least
[22:43:27] <Gargus> If I can find a way to pay you for it
[22:43:31] <Gargus> I will give you so much money
[22:43:33] <TDLZ> its scarier for you to imagine it
[22:43:37] <ghostchibi> Gargus: paypal
[22:43:39] <TDLZ> right?
[22:43:41] <ProcyonLotor> I'm imagining a puppy right now
[22:43:44] <Capacitor> I agree with PRocyonLoctor
[22:43:49] <Gargus> To have you draw an image of Ghost checking out Cass' fine ass.
[22:43:51] <Gargus> So much money.
[22:43:58] <TDLZ> a puppy with elongated limbs and sharp objects on its limbs
[22:43:58] * Dexaway is now known as Dexanote
[22:43:59] <ProcyonLotor> it's a white puppy which is a spooky ghost and punches things
[22:44:07] <Gargus> But yeah.
[22:44:07] <TDLZ> not punches. slices.
[22:44:10] <Gargus> I'm willing to pay.
[22:44:13] <Gargus> Perhaps not for that.
[22:44:16] <Pig_catapult> *punches things with knives
[22:44:16] <Gargus> But I'm willing.
[22:44:26] <Gargus> How do I get money into a PayPal account?
[22:44:29] <Capacitor> So, the SCP is essentially "a spooky ghost what kills you in the dark"?
[22:44:33] <ProcyonLotor> trust me, you're redacting too much
[22:44:41] <ProcyonLotor> .sea redaction and you
[22:44:41] <Nala> ProcyonLotor: And So On And So Forth, "And Then I Died" Archive, "Sometimes You Get the Bear…", SCP-1456 ("You've Won!"), … the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known., plus 161 more.
[22:44:46] <ProcyonLotor> DAMN YOU NALA
[22:44:47] <TDLZ> those are for losers.
[22:44:53] <ghostchibi> Gargus: connect your bank account to your paypal account
[22:44:58] <TDLZ> i would like the previous comment stricken from the record.
[22:44:59] <ghostchibi> it'll draw money directly out of it
[22:45:03] <ghostchibi> that, or a credit card
[22:45:08] <Gargus> Ah.
[22:45:11] <Gargus> And it's safe?
[22:45:18] <Pig_catapult> Yeah.
[22:45:27] <Gargus> Hurm.
[22:45:32] <ghostchibi> Gargus: yes
[22:45:34] <Pig_catapult> Paypal is pretty <3
[22:45:36] <ProcyonLotor> tdlz:
[22:45:36] <Nala> ProcyonLotor: Zen And The Art Of [DATA EXPUNGED] [Guide] (rating: +44, 13 revisions, 32 comments) - tags: guide
[22:45:36] <TheAlly> Do gift credit cards work ghostchibi?
[22:45:44] <ghostchibi> they should
[22:46:00] <TDLZ> i might check it out if it didn't have such a stupid title
[22:46:06] <TheAlly> Cool
[22:46:10] * Xiao (ecnaegnev.naisa|ajnin#ecnaegnev.naisa|ajnin) has joined
[22:46:10] * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Xiao
[22:46:12] <TDLZ> yes, im materialistic. sue me.
[22:46:29] <ProcyonLotor> since it's an essay written by a Senior staff member which would improve your shitty draft, I'd suggest you read it
[22:46:31] * TheAlly takes TDLZ to court
[22:46:56] <TDLZ> hey, watch the swears.
[22:47:01] <ProcyonLotor> cuntfuck
[22:47:07] <ghostchibi> TDLZ
[22:47:15] <ghostchibi> stop being so antagonistic
[22:47:17] <Wogglebug> :|
[22:47:17] <rumetzen> TDLZ, I think the word you're looking for is "superficial" :p
[22:47:19] <ghostchibi> they're trying to help you
[22:47:20] <TheAlly> Fuckkazoo
[22:47:24] <Wogglebug> YES TDLZ
[22:47:26] * gumbal1 (ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.8E0C6F87-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.xt.1dsh.8E0C6F87-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
[22:47:33] <Wogglebug> Stop being so antagonistic.
[22:47:41] <Wogglebug> /Especially you gumball/
[22:47:46] <gumbal1> :(
[22:47:50] <ProcyonLotor> seriously gumbal1
[22:47:53] <TDLZ> i'm just trying to get commentary on my SCP. is that too much to ask.
[22:47:53] <ProcyonLotor> you come right into 19
[22:48:02] <ProcyonLotor> tdlz: and you are not listening to ANY OF IT
[22:48:07] <gumbal1> SCP-278
[22:48:07] <Nala> gumbal1: A Large Mechanical Spider (rating: +37, 17 revisions) -
[22:48:17] <TheAlly> …
[22:48:25] <gumbal1> Would a D-Class be part of an SCPS crew?
[22:48:30] <TDLZ> actually. i am. i'm incorperating everything you say into my draft in microsoft word.
[22:48:47] <ProcyonLotor> "i might check it out if it didn't have such a stupid title"
[22:48:53] <TDLZ> just because you can't see me editing, doesn't mean i'm not editing.
[22:48:55] <ghostchibi> salvagebar: did you send that ask
[22:49:12] <ghostchibi> TDLZ: they didn't say you weren't editing
[22:49:17] <Wogglebug> no, like, as in, don't be an asshole
[22:49:17] <TheAlly> here you go TDLZ minus the "stupid" title
[22:49:18] <ghostchibi> it's kind of impossible to know whether you are or not
[22:49:25] <TDLZ> they said i wasn't listening to them.
[22:49:27] <ghostchibi> they were talking about your "stupid title" comment
[22:49:32] <TDLZ> which was basically the same thing.
[22:49:39] <ghostchibi> "I won't read it because the title is stupid"
[22:49:42] <ProcyonLotor> alright, you want commentary on your skip?
[22:49:43] <ghostchibi> yeah I think that counts as not listening
[22:50:00] <TDLZ> and because its BORING AS HELL.
[22:50:07] <TheAlly> I mean we're all listening to you and you're called "the dark lord z"
[22:50:08] <TDLZ> there. i said it. happy.
[22:50:12] <Wogglebug> Who are you insulting now?
[22:50:13] <ProcyonLotor> my commentary is that your redaction is terrible and you should read this
[22:50:14] <Nala> ProcyonLotor: Zen And The Art Of [DATA EXPUNGED] [Guide] (rating: +44, 13 revisions, 32 comments) - tags: guide
[22:50:29] <Wogglebug> Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez guys
[22:50:30] <TheAlly> which is a far stupider title
[22:50:32] <ProcyonLotor> …your reason for not reading the thing that will help you is that it is boring as hell
[22:50:36] <Wogglebug> Hey
[22:50:39] <Wogglebug> Hey fellas
[22:50:41] <Diction> TDLZ: Just because it's boring doesn't mean it isn't helpful
[22:50:42] <TDLZ> well now you're just being an asshole.
[22:50:43] <Wogglebug> Quite for a minute
[22:50:53] * Roget sets mode +m on #site19
[22:51:07] <Wogglebug> Already all.
[22:51:09] <Wogglebug> So then.
[22:51:22] <Wogglebug> There seems to be a lot of hostility floating about here.
[22:51:37] <Wogglebug> People are insulting others, and everyone's starting to seem insulted in general.
[22:52:00] <Wogglebug> Let's all just take a few breathes, calm down, and approach things /civilly/
[22:52:10] <Wogglebug> We can all read and type without getting angry.
[22:52:21] <Wogglebug> If someone's causing a disturbance, bring it up to an op.
[22:52:30] <Wogglebug> Otherwise, just try and be polite as ya can.
[22:52:31] <Wogglebug> Thanks.
[22:52:34] * Wogglebug sets mode -m on #site19
[22:52:40] <TDLZ> all in favor of raping wogglebug, say aye.
[22:52:40] <Sophos> Wogglebug: "Quiet"
[22:52:45] <rumetzen> ……
[22:52:48] <ProcyonLotor> …kick that fucker
[22:52:50] <ProcyonLotor> please
[22:52:52] <TDLZ> sorry. couldn't resist..
[22:52:58] <Sophos> I vote for kicking TDLZ
[22:53:00] <ghostchibi> I'm just gonna
[22:53:01] <Diction> Wogglebug: how do you do bold text in chat?
[22:53:03] <ProcyonLotor> you know tdlz?
[22:53:04] <ghostchibi> sit over here
[22:53:10] * Wogglebug sets ban on TLDZ!*@*
[22:53:13] <TDLZ> all right all right.
[22:53:14] <ProcyonLotor> thank fuck
[22:53:15] <ProcyonLotor> bye
[22:53:20] <ghostchibi> bye asshole
[22:53:21] <TDLZ> still here
[22:53:25] <Wogglebug> Yeah
[22:53:26] <ProcyonLotor> the kick's coming
[22:53:30] <ProcyonLotor> hopefully
[22:53:35] <Wogglebug> I'll PM you the duration.
[22:53:39] * Wogglebug has kicked TDLZ from #site19 (Wogglebug)
[22:53:41] * TheRaven (~ten.tnailalleb.ln.poerbif.cimanyd-pchd.6EB7C9A4-CRInys|ffonivaR#ten.tnailalleb.ln.poerbif.cimanyd-pchd.6EB7C9A4-CRInys|ffonivaR) has joined
[22:53:46] <ghostchibi> nice timing Raven
[22:53:51] <Roget> Wogglebug why not an ip ban
[22:53:53] * Wogglebug sets ban on *!*
[22:53:55] <Roget> ah
[22:53:58] <Roget> there we are
[22:53:59] <Wogglebug> (I typed the wrong name)
[22:54:02] * Wogglebug removes ban on TLDZ!*@*
I personally think he ought to be permabanned, or at least given an very extended ban. This guy is toxic.
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!